Lancaster Livestock Auction Lancaster, Pa. Monday, December 13,1993 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goals Monday’s Auction 100 339 1X73 699 Last Monday 730 79 448 1119 571 Last Year 841 118 130 1620 673 CAtilE; Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower; slaughter heifers weak to 1.00 lower; cows 1.00-1.40 higher, bullocks scarce; bulls 1.00-3.00 higher. Supply included 45% slaughter steers, 25% slaughter heifers, 20% cows, with the balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1125-1470 lb 67.75-70.50; around 25 head Choice mostly 3 1295-1390 lb 71.00- few Choice 2 1200-1325 lb 71.75- 73.00; one lot High Choice and Prime 3-4 1250 lb 70.50; Select and low Choice 2-3 1075-1450 lb 64.50-69.00. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1300-1450 lb 60.00- 1500-1585 lb 58.75-60.50, couple 1600-2060 lb 55.75-58.00; Select 1-3 1250-1450 lb 57.00-58.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-1250 lb 63.75-68.00 p; few Choice 2 1150- 1490 lb 68.00-69.25; couple Choice 3-4 1100-1225 lb 59.75-61.25; Select 1-3 950-1150 lb 59.50-63.25. COWS: LO DRESSING BULK HI DRESSING Breaking Utility & Commer cial 2-3 45=00-46.50 46.75-48.75 Commer cial 3-4 38.00-42.00 Cutter & Boning Util ity 1-3 43.00-45.00 45.00-47.00 Canner & low Cutter 10. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1300-1900 lb 62.25-68.00, few 1300-1625 lb 71.00- eight head 1420-2190 lb 76.75- Yield grade 2 1150-1400 lb 57.00- couple 2115-2135 lb 56.75- couple Yield grade 3 2090-2315 lb 53.75. CALVES: Slaughter calves steady to 5.00 lower. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 300-450 lb 60.00-80.00. HOGS: Barrowt and gilu firm to 50 higher; tows fully steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 215-240 lb 42.00-43.50. US 1-3 215-255 lb 39.50-40.50, 190-210 lb 39.00-40.00, 255-265 lb 38.50-39.00. SOWS: US 1-3 300-600 lb 31.00-33.00. BOARS: All Weights 25.00-28.00. SHEEP: Wooled lambs firm to 5.00 higher; new crop lambs not fully compar able, slaughter ewes steady. Supply included 65% wooled lambs, 10% new crop lambs, with the balance slaughter ewes. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 2-3 80-110 lb 70.00-80.00. 60-80 lb 75.00-85.00; 1 B&R CATTLE CO. J • RD I, Marietta, PA • • 17547 ' I 2 Office Phone: • • (717) 653-8164 I • Specializing In S • Stockers & S • Feeders ! :JOHN BOWMAN • I Ph. (717) 653-5728 • : RON RANCK I • Ph. (717) 656-9849 J %•••••••••••••••• KAY, STRAW ft CORN SALE Please Kate New Sale Time! Starting Jan. 3 Ww# Sale Starts 10 AM Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET I AUCTION RD No. 4 Ephrata, Pa. 717-738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyart • Cash or Cor«lflad Chock Only Lancaster Co, Livestock Market Auctions Vintage Livestock Auction Paradise, Pa. Tuesday, December 14, 1993 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today Last Tuesday Last Year CATTLE..USDA.. Supply included 23% si. steers and 10% si. heifers, 57% si. cows, 8% replacement cows with the balance bolls ..Compared with Tuesday's market: si. steers steady; si. heifers fully steady: cows .50 to 1.50 higher, bulls not fully tested. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 1075/1400 lbs. 67.75-70.50, few 70.50-71.00, Choice and Prime 2-3 1125/1425 lbs. 72.25-74.00, couple 74.50- Choice 3-4 1150/1450 lbs. 66.00- Select and Low Choice 2-3 1100/1450 lbs. 65.50-68.25. HOLSTEINS: few Choice 1300/1525 lbs. 61.00-62.00. Select 1-3 1200/1600 lbs. 56.00-60.00. HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1025/1250 lbs. 64.00- few Choice 2 1040/1225 lbs. 68.50- COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-3 bulk 44.75-48.00. high dressing 48.00-48.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 low dressing 42.00-44.00, bulk 44.00- high dressing 46.50-49.00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 low dressing 38.50- bulk 40.50-44.50. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 2 1500/1950 lbs. 56.00- couple Select and Choice 2-3 bullocks 62.50-65.75. REPLACEMENT COWS: 20 head Large bred 3-6 months 685.00- per head and 30 head Medium 575.00-655.00 per head. CALVES...VeaIers steady, although only about 45 sold for slaughter. Supply included 787 in graded sale.. VEALERS: High Good and Low Choice 80/110 lbs. 50.00- 00, Standard and Low Good 65/80 lbs. 30.00- RETURNED TO FARM: 45 head 120/125 lbs. Holstein bulls 150.00- 270 head 95/115 lbs. 167.00- 50 head 90/95 lbs. 155.00- and 40 head 80/85 lbs. 126.00- 25 head small frame Choice 1-3 40-60 lb 85.00-100.00; Good 1-2 70-90 lb 60.00-70.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 1-2 40-60 lb 130.00-150.00, few 150.00-175.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Choice 2-3 45.00-55.00; Good 1-2 30.00-45.00; Utili ty and Good 2-3 25.00-40.00. GOATS: All goats sold by the head. Supply included 30% Billies, 30% Nan nies, 30% Kids, with the balance Year lings. BILLIES: Large 100.00-140.00. sev eral 140.00-175.00; few Small 60.00- NANNIES: All weights 50.00- YEARLINGS: Choice 50.00- Good 40.00-50.00. KIDS; Choice 50.00-60.00; Good 30.00-50.00; Utility 20.00-30.00. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Rt. 22 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Flea Market Auction every Tuesday at 12:30, Toole, Eggs, Produce, etc. Buyers & Sellers Welcome 701 891 6 1 656 1078 3 1 677 854 8 Replace Your Bulbs And Save Electricity WITH FLUORESCENT LIGHTS n* Sava Enargy-Raplaoaa up to 75 watt Incandssoant • Emy Insulation • Economical-Lasts 10 tlmM longer thin standard bulb • Fawar Uuip Changes • Lowir Maintenance Com • Durable Polycarbonate Housing • 45,000+ Hour Ballaat • 10,000+ Hour Lamp Lite * Air Coated • Water Raslttant Balast •120 Vo# • Ratcheted Brass Socks! • Medium Bass • Mads In USA • Starting Temperatures 0" 5-7-9 Watt $5.49 each 13 Watt.,., $5.79 each Nmr Staled Caniar Mount! ”°° 7 40 WATTS 400 *“® 0 00 WATTS 000 3700 1 * 75 WATTS 000 M , | 00 WATTS I*oo 7«M»tM«l.'iA«lKari«4 DUlrllniUr Mu Northeast Agrt Systems, Inc CIS M Fl l M V tuln M .*rt stsmaifcnfm... MM M U«te A BU7&5 >0 ' ll!OOd «».om ~«m«73.25m i mm Offlos ft Counter Cloaad Friday ft Saturday __DwowbOf_24J L 2t / Oapombar 31 ft January 1 Lancaster Livestock Auction Wednesday's market report has beau discontinued until further notice because of insubstantial receipts. Aberdeen Sales Company, Inc. Complete Auction & Appraisal Service Church ville, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, December 15, 1993 SLAUGHTER STEERS: MARKET STEADY. CHOICE 2-4 1100-1400 LBS. 69.50-72.00; SELECT A LOW CHOICE 1000-1500 LBS. 67.00-71.00; HOL. STEERS HI CHOICE A PRIME 1250-1400 LBS. 63.00-65.50; CHOICE 1200-1500 LBS. 62.00-64.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 58.00-61.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: MARKET STEADY. CHOICE A PRIME 950-1300 LBS. 68.00-71.00; SELECT ALL WEIGHTS 900-1400 LBS. 65.00-67.00. COWS: MARKET 2,00 HIGHER. BRK. UT. A COMM. 2-4 8ULK47.00-49.00; HI DRESSING 50.00-53.00; CUTTER A BON. UT. 45.00-48.00; HI DRESSING 49.00- CANNBR A CUTTERS 40.00- LOW DRESSING 40.00 A DOWN. BULLS; MARKET STEADY. ALL WEIGHTS 1100-1900 LBS. 55.00-63.00. VEAL CALVES: MARKET STEADY. CHOICE AND PRIME 200-400 LBS. 78.00- HI GOOD AND LOW CHOICE ALL WEIGHTS 63.00-77.00. FARM CALVES MARKET STEADY. HOL. BULLS 100-125 LBS. 135.00- HOL. BULLS 85-95 LBS. 105.00- HOL. HEIFER CALVES 100-120 LBS. 160.00-190.00; SMALL FRAME 70-105 LBS. 110.00-160.00; SLAUGHTER CALVES ALL WEIGHTS 45.00- FEEDER CATTLE: MARKET 4.00 LOWER. BULLS & STEERS 400-900 LBS. 59.00-83.00; HEIFERS 300-700 LBS. 57.00-69.00. LAMBS: MARKET 5.00 HIGHER. CHOICE A PRIME 90-110 LBS. 68.00- LIGHTER LAMBS 80.00- EWES - HEAVY 25.00- LIGHT 3000-48.00 GOATS; MARKET STEADY. SMALL 15.00- MEDIUM 30.00-50.00; LARGE 75.00-110.00. HOGS; MARKET STEADY. 210-250 LBS. 41.00-42.50; 2SS-300 LBS. 35.00- SOWS - HEAVY 31.00- SOWS - LIGHT27.OO-31.00; BOARS ALL WEIGHTS 27.00-31.00. 110/120 lb*. 140.00,110 head 90/105 lbs. 145.00- 25 head 90/95 lbs. 130.00 and 40 head 80/95 lbs. 110.00-117.00:30 head 100/120 lbs. Holslein heifers 202.00- 25 head 90/95 lbs. 180,00 and 20 head 80/85 lbs. 162.00, 25 head small frame 80/105 lbs. 140.00-152.00 and 20 head 70/75 lbs. 120.00-125.00. SHEEP...lnsufficient volume for a market test. GOATS...lnsufficient volume for a market test New Holland Livestock Auction Lancaster, Pa. Thursday, December 16, 1993 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 1017 544 452 355 Last Friday 1257 614 412 189 Last Year 1223 581 194 288 CATTLE; Average Choice and Prime slaughter steers 50-1.00 higher, other grades steady; slaughter heifers scarce; bullocks not hilly tested; cows LOO-ZOO higher, with some early rales 3.00 higher; bulls weak to 1.00 lower, although Yield grade 1 not fully tested. Supply included 30% slaughter steers and 50% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1100-1425 lb 69.00-72.50, few 72.50- 73.00; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1385 lb 73.35-73.85; couple Choice 2 1250-1375 lb 73.50-74.25; Select and low Choice 2-3 1100-14501 b 66.25-69.25; Select 1-3 1100-1425 lb 62.00-66.25. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1200-1550 lb 60.25-63.25; Select 1-3 1100-1400 lb 56.75-60.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1040-1150 lb 65.60-67.00; Choice 3-4 1150-1265 lb 62.25-64.25. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility A Commercial 2-3 46.50-49.00 49.00-51.00. Commercial 3-4 44.00-47.00. Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 45.00-46.50 46.50- 49.00-51.00. Canner & low Cutter 1-2 40.00-42.50 42.50-45.50. BULLOCKS: Couple Choice 2-3 1100-1300 lb 66.75-69.00, couple 72.50-73.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1400-2100 lb 62.50-66.75, couple 1400-190 lb 69.00- 75.00; Yield grade 2 1100-1500 lb 57.00-59.00. CALVES: Vealers fully steady. Demand good for Holstein bulls and heifers to return to fann. VEALERS: Couple Choice 215-305 lb 85.00- couple 135-195 lb 11 LOO -115.00; high Good and low Choice 235-465 lb 70.00-82.00, 80-110 lb 45.00- 60.00; Standard and low Good 60-85 lb 30.00- RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-120 lb Holstein bulls 145.00-175.00, few 175.00- 180.00; small frame 85-115 lb 110.00- few 90-115 lb Holstein Heifers 170.00-212.00. SHEEP; Wooled lambs weak to 5.00 lower; small supply New Crap Lambs fully steady; slaughter ewes steady. Supply included 70% wooled lambs, 15% New Crop Lambs, with and balance slaughter ewes. WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 2-3 85-105 lb 54.0060.00, 6085 lb 60.0084.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 1-2 35-55 lb 130.00182.00, couple 60-65 lb 80.00- 95.00, few 22-28 lb 177.00-217.00; Good to low Choice 1-2 3045 lb 100.00-125.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Few Choice 2-3 45.0060.00; Utility and Good 1-3 22.00 44.00. mi G T°toP, : AU Goat ‘ sold the Head 70.00105.00. with about 10 head 105.00125.00. NANNIES: All weighs 45.0065.00. YEARLINGS: Good and Choice 45.0070.00. KIDS: Choice SSwm Good 3500 - 4500: Utility 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: L. ROBERT FRAME, SR., PRESIDENT BUS (717) 442-4181 BUS (717) 768-8204 HOME (215) 458-8518 IRWIN MARTIN. FIELD REP. (717) 733-7434 TRUCKING SERVICE KENNETH E. HERSHEY, FIELD REP. AVAIU-LOCAL & (717) 442-4874 LONG DISTANCE (RT. 30, 10 OF LANCASTER IN PARADISE, PA) Lancaster County Weekly Lancaster, Pa. Friday, December 17, 1993 Cattle Calves This Week Last Week Last Year CATTLE; Slaughter ileeri uneven. Average Choice to Prime firm instances LOO higher, other grades steady to 1.00 lower; slaughter heifers weak to LOO low er; cows 2.00-4.00 higher; bullocks steady; bulls 1.00-3.00 higher. Supply included 26% slaughter steers, 10% slaughter heif ers, 40% cows, 5% bulls, with the balance feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 few 4 1075-1425 lb 68.50-72.00, few late 72.00- 73.00; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1385 lb 73.00-73.85; Choice and Prime 2-3 1125-1425 lb 72.50-74.00, cou ple 74.00-75.25; Choice 3-4 1150-1450 lb 66.00- Select and low Choice 2-3 1100-1450 lb 65.50-69.00; Select 1100-1425 lb 62.00-66.25. HOLSTEINS: Choice 2-3 1200-1550 lb 60.00- few 62.00-63.25; Select 1-3 1100-1600 lb 56.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-1250 lb 63.75-68.00; few Choice 2 1150- 1290 lb 68.00-70.00; Choice 3-4 1100-1265 lb 59.75-64.25; Select 1-3 950-1150 lb 59.50-63.25. COWS: LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 46.50-49.00 49.00-51.00 Commercial 3-4 43.00-47.00 Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 44.00-46.00 46.00- 49.00-51.00 Carater and low Cutter 38.00-41.00 41.00-45.50. BULLOCKS; Choice 2-3 1100-1300 lb 66.75-69.00, couple 70.00-73.00; few Select 2 1100-1300 lb 65.75-68.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1300-2100 lb 62.25-68.00, few 1300-1625 lb 71.00- eight head 1420-2190 lb 76.75-79.25; Yield grade 2 1100-1500 lb 57.00- CALVES: Small supply vealers steady; slaughter calves steady to 5.00 lower. Demand good for Holstein bulls and heif ers to return to farm. VEALERS: Couple Choice 215-305 lb 85.00- couple 135-195 lb 111.00- 115.00; high Good ind low Choice 235-465 lb 70.00-82.00, 80-110 lb 45.00- 60.00; Standard and low Good 60-85 lb 30.00- SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 300-450 lb 60.00-80.00. RETURNED TO FARM; Bulk 90-125 lb Holitein bulla 145.00-177.00, few 80-85 lb 126.00-129.00; small frame 85-120 lb 110.00- Bulk 100-120 lb Holstein heifers 170.00-212.00; small frame 80-105 lb 140.00-152.00, around 20 head 70-75 lb 120.00- Dewart Livestock Auction Dewart, Pa. Monday, December 13,1993 Report Supplied by PDA NO SALE REPORTED DECEMBER 13, 1993 DUB TO DEER SEASONI >E T 1 7:30 P.M. CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS * GET CALVES IN EARLY OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 1:00 P.M. 2600 1535 2887 1771 3145 1553 yaw
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