BWW#. ********* Northeast Chicken Parts Wednmday, December 1,1993 Tracklot buying interest was about ai expected for mid-week. Mott of the early week pipeline* were filled yeiterday and thi* morning the trade wai aliening their fint of the month need*. Suppliei of bone* leu ikinlen bream were in good lhape at I.BS and the undertone wai fully iteady for late week but uniettled going into next week. Line run bream were in better balance than early week. Product wai Mill available M tone location* and iclleri asked higher prices but buyers resitted. Legs and leg quarters were in a strong market position and trading was reported at higher prices and the trade sentiment was firm. PRICES PAID PER POUND. ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS. DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGO TIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S (W &W/0 TENDERS) 185 BREAST-WITH RIBS (0-81 BREAST - LINE RUN 79 LEGS 39.40 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 30-31 DRUMSTICKS 31-32 THIGHS 35-36 WINGS (WHOLE) 45-46 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIV ERS (5 POUND TUBS) 35-40 GIZ ZARDS (HEARTS) 40-45 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY METROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT. RHODE ISLAND. AND PENNSYLVA NIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). * TODAY’S NEGOTIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. National Egg Market Wednesday, December X, 1993 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged to lower in the Northeast and Midwest, unchanged on the West Coast. The trade sentiment was generally unsettled and ranged steady to weak. Movement of cartoned eggs into retail channels was in the full range of light to good with the best call for product where features were in progress. Supplies were adequate or available in most reporting areas; adequate to ample on the West Coast. In the Central States region, prices for breaking stocks were unchanged from the prior day. Trading and demand was fair. Offerings were adequate. The under tone was steady. In the Southeast, trading in light type hens was too thin to report prices. Offerings were adequate. The undertone was at least steady. | CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR I HOLIDAY SALES LAMBS & GOATS We Recommend You Bring Them In Monday, December 20 And 27 Sale Time 9 AM North Jersey Market HarkeMatown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tucoday, November 30, 1993 Hay—Straw ft Grata Report ALFALFA; 3 LOTS. 2.25-2.60 BALE. MIXED HAY: 7 LOTS, 2.00-2.70 BALE. TIMOTHY HAY: 7 LOADS, 1.60-2.50 BALE. GRASS HAY: 5 LOTS, 2.20-3.40 BALE. STRAW: 1 LOT AT 1.70 BALE CORN SCREENINGS: 4.25 BAG. SHELLED CORN: 2 BAGS AT 4.50 AND 7.50. GROUND SHELLED CORN; 1 LOT AT 6.75 BAG. OATS: 2 BAGS AT 5.50 AND 6.55. FIREWOOD: 1 LOAD AT 32.50. TOTAL: 30 LOTS.' Greencastle Livestock Market Report Supplied by Auc- tion Hay & Straw November 25 and 29, 1993 16 LOADS. ALFALFA; GOOD 95.00-110.00, FAIR 76.00-81.00. ALFALFA MOCED: 97.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 65.00-87.50. ' MIXED HAY; 83.00-106.00. BROME GRASS: 97.00-97.50. CLOVER MIX: 68.00. FIREWOOD: 45.00 LOAD. New York Egg Market WedneMlay, December 1,1993 Prices trended lower on all sizes. The trade sentiment was barely steadyto weak. Movement of cartoned eggs into retail channels was light but about as expected Supplies of ell sizes tanged adequate to instances fully adequate. PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A. WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE EXTRA LARGE .67-.69, LARGE .64-.67, MEDIUM .55-. SB. Kutztown Produce Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Hay aad Straw Auction Sat, Nor. 27, 1993 Report Supplied by Auction 22 LOADS. WHEAT STRAW: 95.00-IQS.OO. ALFALFA HAY: 75.00-ISO.OO. MIXED HAY: 90.00-ISO.OO. FIREWOOD: 25.00-90.00 LOAD. NO HAY AND STRAW AUCTION DEC. 2S AND JAN. 1. WHAT’S AHEAD FOR . CORN & SOYBEAN • We Deal In Futures And Options • Our Only Business Is Commodity Futures And Options • Same Location And Principals For Over 20 Years • When Buying options, your risk is limited to the loss of the premium paid plus all transaction cost. Buying futures and options have inherent risk and should be done only with risk capital. FOR INFORMATION-LITERATURE.. CHARTS... PLEASE CALL 215-821-8111 800-543-8939 LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. Suite LL6,2200 Hamilton St., Allentown, PA 18104 The riak of kwi In tredlng future* and option* on future* can b* substantial. Future* and option* trading may not be suitable for •veryon*. You should oerefuly comldar the rbk* In light of your financial condition in deciding whether to trad*. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC: THE ACTION AUCTION MONDAY SLAUGHTER HOGS EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7;30 A.M. Sail Your Hogs Al Now HoiUnd Salat SMMtt, Inc. So* thorn wolghod, told and pickup your chock. KIOIfIOAM. SL HORSES MULES It3o P.M. BEEF SALE £ TJi CALVES . HEIFER SALE 11:00 A.M. COW SALEI2 ;00NQ0N <****? c?** Wo hovo tho utual run ol SO to 100 HoKort, «ll ago. Load* ol froth cow* and tpringat* from our rogulkr tWpport, Alto *om* local froth cow* and tpringat*. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna. MANAGERS Norman A David Kolb - 717*397-68M t Luka Ebarly • 218-267-6600 736-1665 Komar Ebarly - 218-267-3047 Ron Ranek • 717-6864646 " ' i ( 'V n ry.-TV'T"7 T, f Belleville Hay Wadneaday, December I Belleville, PA Report Supplied by Auction 37 LOADS OF HAY. _ ALFALFA: 62.50-115.00. LIVESTOCK IS OUI WEDNESDAY MIXED HAY: 60.00-130.00. STRAW: 2 LOADS, 67.50-127.50. BAR CORN: 4 LOADS. 80.00-94.00. OATS: 1 LOAD AT 23S BU. CORN FODDER: 1 LOAD AT 15.00 BALE. POUL See Us Your Pat And Repai Needs. • Augers • Bins ROTORS •PVC • Fill Pipe Direct Tubing • Fill Drive • Boots Elbows Belt Drive • Hopper Switches W* Ship UPS 1 1 i*tn# ft Poultry Syilomi Spoeiatalt "• FARMER BOYAQ. 410 E. LINCOLN AVE. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 Hour*: Man.-FrL ___ _____ _ PH 717-866-7865 ONLY BUSINESS THURSDAY J A Auction BULLS, STEERS. VQHHfIV BEEF cows MWIJL STOCKERS ft FEEDERS JT If. Beef Auction 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. SHEEP GOATS ITTI CALVES 1:30 P.M. FEEDER PIG SALE Pig* aw aocaptad altar 8:30 A.M. Slata gradad from I to 12. Dairy Bam and Ptadar Pig Bam aw daanad and dltlnfactad waakly tor your protactlon. Sala Bam OHIoa llanaoar Rogar Floyd - 717-354-4341 FAX #717-358-0706 Paul Good*- Check Our Warehouw Prica 24 Hoar Service