PutWfl,> BilMr*y,- PMiwbtr4, <998 REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio The 41st All American Jersey Sale averaged $4,275 on 56 lots mak ing it the seventh highest average in the history of the sale. During the sale, held Nov. 7 in Louisville, Kentucky, it was obvi ous that the demand for genetics with superior production and functional type continues to be in demand. Commanding the top price of $23,000 (2nd high price of all- ST. LOUIS -The National Soybean Check off, directed by the 63-farmer members of the United Soybean Board (USB), has been up and running for more than two yean. On Feb. 9.1994, soybean growers will have the oppor tunity to vote on its continuation in a national referendum. “Growers will be able to cast their vote at county extension offices, or cast an absentee ballot by mail,” according to Harold Phillips, USB chairman and a soybean grower from Stevenson. Ate. 'The way it looks now. seven out of 10 soybean growers approve of how the USB goes about its business of planning and evaluating programs, making sure every checkoff dollar is invested wisely. We encourage every grower to participate in the vote,” he said. USB Operations Every soybean fanner contributes equally in proportion to the value of their crop when sold: one-half of one percent. Half of the checkoff money collected stays in the state where the farmer controlled state soybean board decides how itshould be spent These dollars are used to fund programs that are unqiue to the needs of the state or region, such as production research, or they can be used to support a USB program the state feels warrants additional support The USB uses its half of the checkoff money to fund hundreds of research, promo tion and market development programs that need a national focus to be effective. This funding split among the states and USB is an important part of the system of checks and balances that underlies the checkoff program. A DDPMIPD SCHMDEBLISTIHO 853 ACRE SHOWPLACE FARM With 3 sets of buildings, excellent homes, history of dairy cattle and adaptable to other livestock, 3 silos, complete feed system, 96 free stalls, double six parlor. 310 tillable acres, very productive soils, entire farm is adjoining. Rare opportunity in Central Indiana located in Grant County near I-69. Call Schrader Real Estate (219) 244-7606. Breathe Clean, Cool Powered Air Combined respira toiy, head, eye and face protection Hr creates a personal r mini-environment of dean air for you to \ work. You can do ' more work in less time because you take fewer breaks. By increasing productivity you increase profit - not to mention comfort! Use it for: • Ragweed and other • Combining pollens in field mowing • Handling poultry •Making hay-especially "Cleaning chicken round bales houeee Similar products available to protect you in your orchard spraying and to control odor problems. —Call 1-800-234-7417 for more information S.EJL ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY 21815 Peachtree Row), PO Box 384, Bartlesville, MO 20434 301-972-7417 • FAX 301-916-3517 •Toll Free 1-400-234-7417 VISA/Maatercard Accepted All American Jersey Sale Averages $4,275 time for Jersey heifer) was a six month old heifer calf, A U Berret ta Duncan Tina, consigned by Kent and Carol Alberti of Wen dell, Idaho. She was purchased by Max and Steve Bachelor and Fam ily. Angola, Ind. ‘Tina" is tied for number one in the breed for Parent Average (PA) for Protein at +7BP, She is a daughter of Mason Boomer Sooner Berretta, Top PTI bull of the breed (7-93) and out of A U Duncan Legend Tipsy. Excel Soybean Referendum Set . The USB checkoff operates through a farmer-run committee system. Each of the 63 soybean farmers on the board is appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture after nomination by their respective state soybean board. The First Compact Sprayer Truly Built For Today’s Spraying Applications F-350 Fold 4WD 11,000 GVW SSpaed TniwnMon 7.3 Diaial IHC Engkio 33x12.5x16.5 Him Mr CondMoning AM-FM Stmo wClock Dull Rancho Shocki Rancho Snaring Stafallzar StaMH SMI Running Boarda PTO mounM Direct Oriv* Hydraulic Syitam 500 Gallon Stalnlou Sinl Tank Ryder supp lent - 90% and number one on the 7/93 PTI list for females with a record of 3-00 305 24.950 M, 1.186 F and 995 P. Rebob Berretta Hondo-ET sold for $20,000 the second highest price of the sale. Consigned by Rebob Farm Inc., Tillamook. Ore gon, “Hondo” was purchased by Select Sires. Plain City, Ohio and syndicate of Jersey breeders. He, too, was sired by “Berret ta”. His dam was the Excellent -91 Specifications 45 *. Cantor PIM Boom Hydnullc Oriva Hypra Ccnkrttigal Pump • Hydnullc Boom Haltft Adjudmant 25“ lo 53" Hydraulic Boom Fold Hydnullc Boom Wing Til (IndMdual) Cab mounted Electric over Hydmule Contrail Dkkey-jahn CCS and CMS 100 Spray Central Fraah Water Ruth Syatam Stalnlm Sm) Chamicil Inductor Stainim Steal Boom Pipai w/20" Spacing Imran Paint (Frame and Liquid Syatim) Foam Maikar Rebob Duncan Hattie with 20.990 M, 973 F and 7SBP in 305 days at 4-5. Second high selling bull at $15,500 was Key of Greenwood consigned by Greenwood Jersey Farm, Ninety Six, SC. This young son of Highland Duncan Dexter sold to Tri-State Breeders, Bam boo. WI and a syndicate of Jersey breeders. His Rocky Hill Sky Line dam has a projected M.E. of 17.300 M and 918 F at 1-09. Second high selling female was R Sooner Quite Contrary con signed by Cottonwood Farm, Che halis. Wash. She sold for $lO,lOO and also went to the Bachelor Family. Angola. Ind. At 1-10 she The FB5OO mines with more added value features) Patented center pivot No-Bounce Benson Boom which hydraulically adjusts, runs level and stands up to abuse. Standard Dickay-John and radar liquid control for improved accuracy. Tough off-road Rancho quad shocks soften the ride in the field. So, Before you buy a compact sprayer check out the added value of the FSSOO - All backed by the best service nqfwork in the Industry. a Serving The Farming Industry For Over 30 Yean. 11U Enterprise M. East Petersburg, PA 17520 ag'chem cau for more information: equipment co. we. ] -800-326-3009 produced 21.980 M, 779 F and 760 P and scored Excellent - 90 percent Also reaching four figures was Dutch Hollow Premium - ET at $12,000. Consigned by Paul Chit tenden. Schodack Landing. NY, this son of D&E Duncans Bell sold to NOBA, Inc. and a syndi cate of Jersey breeders. His VG “Silver Saint” dam has 21.000 M, 1027 F and 837 P. The All American Jersey Sale is held each November in conjunc tion with the North American International* Livestock Exposi tion and was managed by Jersey Marketing Service, which is asso ciated with The American Jersey Catde Club. ALSO AVAILABLE ffitchiv SbMe WI€R THAT WOHT OUT. V THE CHEAPEST THING TO GIVE TOUR COWS... WATER FOR MORE unjcm Otoe your cow* Jffi l ot* qf water «-**— from Ritchie Fountain* Water I* Cheaper Than Feed! Recapping TfourßhchJe Fountains Makes Sense- And Saves Money! • 3 Cattle Fountain DW»a< fcr H) unto n an! pn WtuniußltOlMKl. Ann* 1095 iriwroruai BmMc (S39W CM Ifpraaui •! Ca J 2AC UuU-PuipoM m Founfcbi Vfcfan ofa». afcM? and |om. MM far tat Mfe. ml IM «r fanofata Vtanup «o 40 cMfa/100 ofeat faitifa am 10*x24*i lf*Noi hcttOMKCMippmiA
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