Warren DHIA Recognizes Achievements WARREN (Warren Co.) point!. for the next 50 uAan The Warren County Dairy Herd Ludwick received award tOT cw aimed Ludwick Improvement Association recog- plaque** sponsored by Integra trouble* snonsored bv Aewav Inc nized the outstanding county dairy S “S 1 UCL J^S OUgh ’ Two herds shared the most The top herd was Maple Place West Farm Credit. iinnroved honor* thii veer Ren. Farm in Sugar Grove. The Gum is The highest producing cow in jJJJ 0 F owned bv^Ransom owned and operated by AlLud- Warren County is also a member wick and his son Brad. of the Maple Place herd. A 4-year . Ple^ oW cow called “Candy" duction K w^selin.TM herd in milk production, a 22,868 produced 33,299 pounds of milk, pound| milk dth pounds of milk average; high herd 1.305 pound of butterfat. and J^proved in nrote i n whha in butterfat, 850 pound average; 1.051 pounds of protein. Candy SSSltnd "ncreare I high herd in protein. 706 pound produced enough milk to supply a DlaQues |D0 ’ ore d bv average; and winner of the herd family of four with cheater, Weftam Sf aJd management award with 92 ice cream, and other milk products Northwest Savings Bank. Chuck Suloff Keystone Farm Credit, ACA ...serves the 15 county southeastern > million in loans outstanding farmers and rural residents. d. and adjustable rate •gages, revolving credit is, operating loans, ible repayment fnY Open Mouse (December 8, 9 & 10, 1993 Stop in and visit us! BVRMCREDnfc Nobody knows the Mi better. Dean Shollenberger , TTie most improved herd iitbut ' terfat production was owned by James Leofsky of Garland. Leofs ky’s herd had an increase of 59 pounds of flu over last year. He received a plaque sponsored by Mosher Mobile Milling and Nut rena Feeds. Glenn Wismer ...provides financially services such as credit life insurance, and equipment leasing. Our Financial Management Services department provides 3 types of record keeping with tax preparation services. Our Silverdale team serves Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. Route 113, Silverdale (215) 257-1175 £ainatfHi <«««■*«« Producing the highest quality milk with the lowest somatic cell count, John Woodin of Bear Lake won a plaque sponsored by Con neaut Lake Veterinary Clinic. The Woodin herd had a 78,000 soma tic cell count average for the year. No Change For October Milk HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Milk production in Pennsyl vania during October 1993 totaled 838 million pounds, virtually unchanged from last year, according to the Pennsylvania Agricul tural Statistics Service (PASS). The number of milk cows in the state during the month averaged 652.000 head, up 1,000 from September and 2.000 more than Octob er 1992. Production per cow averaged 1,285 pounds in October, 60 pounds more than September but down 5 pounds from October 1992. Milk production in the 21 states surveyed during October 1993 totaled 10.4 billion pounds, 1 percent below production in these same states in October 1992. The number of milk cows averaged 8.10 million head, down 143,000 head from a year earlier, while pro duction pa cow aver aged 1,283 pounds, five pounds above October of last year. During the July-' September period, the 21 major states pro duced 84.4 percent of the nation’s production. If producers in the remaining 29 states not surveyed monthly fol lowed the trend shown by the 21 reporting states, U.S. milk pro duction for October would be 12.3 billion pounds. FOR SALE AIR COMPRESSORS Quincy Model 5120, 2 stage, 25 HP, Completely Rebuilt $2800.00 Quincy Model 350, 2 stage, 10 HP, Rebuilt $1665.00 Quincy Model 340, 2 stage, TA HP, Rebuilt $1095.00 Ingersoll-Rand Type 30 2 stage-gjjj& Rebuilt $305.00 Rebuilt Quincy 3 A 5 HP Single stage and 2Vi & 5 HP 2 Stage compressor In slock "W» Intltll Compmton " For Service Call Blevins (717) 529-6456 STAUFFER PUMP WORKS 501 Coopers Drive Kirkwood, PA 17536 Samuel S. King, owner
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