ft Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorn Breeders Join VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff REYNOLDSBURG. Ohio — Starting February, the appraisals, or classifications as they are com monly called, of registered Guern seys, Brown Swiss and Milking Shonhom cattle are to be shared efforts among the three national breed organizations, according to spokespeople with the American Guernsey Association (AGA). In an effort to reduce operating costs and increase field efficiency, appraisers for each of the national organizations are to classify not only cattle within their own orga niztaion’s breed, but the other two as well. In other words, current Guem Meat Production HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Com mercial red meat production in the state dur ing October 1993 totaled 95.3 million pounds, dressed weight basis, down 2 percent from October 1992, according to the Pennsylvania Agricultural Statistics Service (PASS). Beef slaughter at 108.0 million pounds liveweight was 4 percent less than October 1992. Total head slaughtered was 87,000, down S percent from last year. Liveweight averaged 1,241 pounds, an increase of 14 pounds from last year. Veal slaughter was 6 million pounds live weight, 7 percent more than a year ago. Calf slaughter of 14,700 head was up 7 percent; average liveweight decreased 1 pound to 407 pounds. Hog slaughter was 47.2 million pounds liveweight, up 2 percent from October 1992. Total head slaughtered was 187,500, down 5 percent from last year. Average liveweight increased 19 pounds to 252 pounds. Lamb and mutton slaughter was 597,000 pounds liveweight, down 30 percent, the number slaughtered was 5,800, down 27 per cent from October of last year. The average liveweight decreased 4 pounds to 103 pounds. < Nationally, commercial red meat produc tion for October totaled 3.5 billion pounds, dressed weight basis, down 4 percent from last year. Beef production, dressed weight basis, at 1.98 billion pounds was down 2 percent from a year ago. Veal production at 22.0 million pounds was down 8 percent Pork production totaled 1.47 billion pound s, down 7 percent from a year earlier. LEACOCK SHOE STORE 64 Old tMCoek Rd. (Between Rt. 340 & Rt. 30) (.717) 768-7440 ALL ROCKPORT SHOES. SNEAKERS & SANDALS 50% OFF RETAIL WESTERN BOOTS .25% OFF RETAIL Includes Justin, Texas, H&H I MAYTAG WRINGER WASHERS | Round or Square Tub • Good Cond. Hours; M.W.Th 8-5; Tu.. F 8-8; Sat. 8-4 KEN CLUGSTON (717) 665-6775 CRAFTBILT CONSTRUCTION INC. FARM-HOME BUILDING 1242 Breneman Road MANHEIM, PA 17545 PH: (717) 665-4372 BUILDING & REMODELING FOR DAIRY RESIDENTIAL SWINE POLE BUILDINGS BEEF STORAGE sey classifications will be con ducted by AGA, Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorn classifiers. The same is true for the other breeds. In a news release, Becky Good win, spokesperson for AGA, said, “The combining of appraisal prog rams is the first of several steps that may lead to all three organiza tions joining their entire operations under one roof.” However, in a Monday tele phone interview, she said, “It is not a merger or a takeover. We want to make that clear.” According to Goodwin, “The Guernsey Association and the Brown Swiss Association have been talking about doing things Down You got more room in our top cago tor oxtra bii Note tha extra wlra In partitions, backs and tops fi added strength ULTRAFLO* go*i 80 teal per mlnut has a 5 year wan Special wire on a floors Is welded I being galvanized, gives strongsr wel and battar coatlnf one more reasot why Chore-Time outlasts other systems agri systems Northeast together, that would financially help both organizations. We’re going to try the appraisal joint effort on a trial basis. In the future, we hope to help each other with things like record keeping. This is kind of an initial starting point, to see how it goes.” Goodwin said the AGA Board of Directors approved the joint effort during its June meeting. However, she said that before the joint appraisal were to go into effect, the ‘Type Committees” of each respective breed got together to discuss the differences and some areas with which they wanted the three-breed apraisers to become familiar. This fall, according to Goodwin. when Guernsey appraisers went into the field for classification, they look with them Brown Swiss Gain capacity without sacrificing bird comfort or aisle width Chore-Time Duratrlm Cage Systems are designed to be perfect for remodeling! ismmm duratrim-cb duratrim- dbs Curtain Back mmugm*® Q ro pp| n g Board and Scraper SIMPLE OPERATION. EAST AUGER CONNEC “Push-PulT Power Units TOR. Allows fast and with low HP motor are simple installation, also located along the feeder quick and easy repair of line as needed. auger if ever necessaiy. Pennsylvania's authorized master distributor Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Utltz, PA 17543 Ph: (717) 569-2702 C » facts why utparformt report Vito 2 far per 100 bkdv doy— <*«r 110,000 am-war •Mdoiu lOO.OOO&jtfhoUas. Year aftery**?* STORE HOURS; Mon.-Frl. 7:30 to 4:30 Sat. 8:00 to Noon 24 Hr. 7 Day Repair Service I MV' I gj 1-800-673-2580 * ■▼W’vr rTr and Milking Shorthorn appraisers, and vice versa, in order to familiar ize each other with the work. While a specific date hasn’t been set for a review of the success of the trial program, she said the program would definetly be reviewed by the June AGA board meeting. “Both boards and execu tive secretaries will be very active to keep an eye on things and to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.” Financially, Mike Ousley, AG A controller, said the savings to the 2,000-member AGA national organization is estimated at between $7,000 to $8,700. “1 think the Brown Swiss (breeders) would realize about the same (savings). Ousley said that while the sav ings from combining appraisal work doesn’t seem like much, con- Remodel with Chore-Time and you can have more birds, better per formance and less maintenance. Chore- Time's 4 tier, 20 Inch deep Duratrlms are the same width as 3 tier dropping board systems and 4 tier reverse cages. Go from 60,000 birds to 80,000 birds. Over 80% of the nation’s top egg producers* have already switched to Chore-Time cages with ULTRAFLO® Feeders!* Egg producers have been putting up with obsolete chain feeders far too long. Now there's a better way: Chore-Time’s proven ULTRAFLO Cage Feeding System Since introduction, more than 80% of the top 54 egg producers* have gone to ULTRAFLO. A lot of smaller ones have too. They’ve all looked at the advantages and chosen ULTRAFLO. That's because it makes them more profitable Total egg production and egg size—these are the best benefits of our complete feeding system. Why not check out the facts for yourself? Contact us now—or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO. Because the only negative comments about our feeding system come from our competition—not from our customers *Tfic fop 54 U S tfjg Producers as listed M NovfDee 1991 EGG INDUSTRY Call or send for the list of over 80% top egg producers who have switched to Chore-Time! Call or send for the list of over 200 Ultraflo® houses in the Northeast. sidering an annua) budget of about $500,000, it is just the start of work to cut costs. According to recent news release, “The combining of apprai sal programs is the first of several steps that may lead to all three organizations joining their entire operations under one roof. Poten tial sites for a joint location are now being examined by the boards of these associations. At this time, no time table has been set for when such a joint occupancy might occur.” Ousley said that if die organiza tions could combine all operations, it is estimated that total annual sav ings to the AGA would be from $35,000 to $50,000 per year. Any cattle breeders who have questions should contact their respective breed organizations. Goodwin said. Contracts Take advantage tf this ideal income opportunity for family forme. Call for information on production contracts for new and remodeled layer houeee. 1-800-673-2580 * -*r ytir warranty cage*. Call or sand for a copy Egg tray Is out lhar to prsvsnt agg Jam-ups 'his sxtra high lip on ths sgg ■»y s»v»s eggs - Available with 24”x20” cages 16"x20” cages Get 33% more Irds because it i only 73” wide
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