Farm Calendar ' (Continued from Pag* AID) I Inn sil.t\. I>ncm lu i I(> Mid-Atlantic Conservation Til lage Conference, Ramada Inn, Hagerstown, Md. Pa. Holstein board of directors meeting, State College, 10:30 a.m. Pa. Seedman’s Association annual meeting, Eden Resort Inn, Lancaster. Dairy-MAP, Washington County Extension Office, Washington, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. National Satellite Videoconfer ence, Worker Protection Stan dard for Agricultural Pesti cides. Penn State Great Valley. Malvern; Berks Campus, Read ing; and Allentown Campus, HERE'S WHAT YOUR LANCASTER COUNTY NEIGHBORS MAY KNOW ALREADY ! Asgrow & Eastland Dominate Solanco Young Farmers Silage TVial Quarryville, PA In '93 115% of MeanPerf Yifcffl 14% of i.>. >'. pliance School, Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, 8:45 a.m. Dairy-MAP winter meeting. Somerset Area Vo-Tech \nmil.n . IH i t mlivi ’(I I m sd,i\. I )»’<,< min i ? 1 Breeding Priorities for the Com mercial Dairyman, Franklin Co. Human Services Building, 10 a.m.-noon. Swine meeting. Country Table Restaurant, Mount Joy, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Alternative Field Crops Seminar, Hegins Fire Company Hall. Kerins. 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. * ‘iSih: lote: Put these superior varieties to work on your farm! ."■- 1 *' i 'j*iX-'‘ v-v . *' i ' tressed as tons Isexi Poultry Biosecurity Meeting Set COLLEGE PARK, Md. —"Understanding Emergency Poultry Diseases and Flock Profil ing Reports” is the theme for this year’s eighth annual regional meeting on Practical Biosecurity for Poultry. The daylong educational event is scheduled Dec. 7 in the same lo cation as past years Clayton Hall on the University of Dela ware campus at Newark, Del. Re gistration gets under way at 8 a.m., and the program will run from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Presenting information on avian influenza and other emer gency poultry disease topics will be four speakers from the Veterin ary Services staff of the U.S. De partment of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Ser vice, as well as a prominent acting deputy administrator for the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspec tion Service. Suite department of agriculture veterinary officials from Pennsyl- ter acre • 65% moisture e UncMtr Fuming, Sunday, Dacawbar I, IW-ASI vania, Delaware, and Maryland will speak on legal and practical biosecurity aspects of infectious poultry diseases. Flock profiling will be address ed by Dr. Edward T. Mallinson, extension poultry veterinarian at the University of Maryland cam pus. Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, and Leslie H. Kirkegaard, Jr., diagriostic technical service repre sentative of Kirkegaard & Perry Laboratories. Inc., in Gaithers burg, Md. The poultry biosecurity confer ence is organized each year by the Boyd Named To National Banking Post LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Darvin E. Boyd, senior vice president and director of agrifi nance at Core States Hamilton Bank, has been named to the 130% alent) Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Exten sion Poultry Health and Manage ment Unit (MACE), with financial support from interested trade and agribusiness organizations. A registration fee includes lunch and a copy of the conference proceedings. The fee is $3O if re gistration is made by Nov. 30. The late registration fee ,is $4O, and lunch cannot be guaranteed. For more information, contact Dr. John H. Schwartz at (717) 394-6851 (Penn State Extension) in Lancaster, Pa., or Dan Palmer at (302) 856-7303 (University of Delaware) near Georgetown, Del. executive committee of the American Bankers Association (ABA) National Agricultural Bankers Division. The ABA division works to meet bankers’ needs through vari ous products and programs, including texts and manuals, a journal of agricultural lending, and a national conference. The division also seeks methods to simplify and stream line the lending process for federally-guaranteed loans for far mers and works to develop legis lation to encourage banks to help new farmers. An Ephrata resident. Boyd joined the Bank in 1976, and under his direction its agrifinance portfolio has grown to more than $lOO million. He is a graduate of Ephrata High School, Delaware Valley College, and The Pennsyl vania State University. He serves as president of the Lancaster Farmland Trust, a mem ber of the Lancaster City/County Human Relations Commission, a director of Brethren Village, and a moderator of the Ephrata Church of the'Brethren. Natchez Animal Supply Low Prices Eqvalan Hors* Wormer (Ivermectin pasta 1.87%) $S.lf per Tube • VACCINE • ANTIMOTICt • WOKMCM PRODUCTS FOR CATTLE.,.DOe...CAT...HORSE...SmE Request ★ —New Cstslog P O. Box 1521 V • NMChu, MS Mill 140044747 M 2nd Day and next day air avaOable Authorized Parts ft Service Kuboki. Industrial Dleatl Engines Check Our Prices on New and Used Parts ymmmmh Dlsaal Engines. Mitsubishi - Satoh Compact Dlaael Tractors Specializing In Complete Service For Skid Loaders and Most Typss Of Small nessl Powered Equipment. demanding For Parts JIH LSS3 Skid Loader Vanmar 155 Tractor GD Equipment it. > \'J rVtd.T Hd f-[,! I’A 1 717-859-3533 * VITAMINS
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