Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1993, Image 19
Morrison Cove Livestock Martinaburg, Pa. Notwb bar 29, 1999 Raport supplied bjr auction CATTLE 172. STEERS CHOICE 71.50- GOOD 69.50-71.25. HEIFERS; CHOICE 71.00-73.25; GOOD 68.00-70.73. COWS: UTTUTY * COMMERCIAL 43.50- CANNER A LOW CUTTER 37.50- BULLOCKS: NO MARKET TEST. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 58.50-64.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 67.00- BULLS SB.OO-77.00; HEIF ERS 45.00-69.00. CALVES 211. PRIME, NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 93.00-101.00; GOOD 80.00- STANDARD 35.00-70.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 120.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 120100-175.00. HOGS: 89. US NO. 1-2 39.5041.00; US NO. 1-3 37.00-39.25. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 30.00-33.75. BOARS: 26.50-31.00. FEEDER PIGS: 7 HEAD. US#IA3 20-50 LBS. NO MARKET TEST. SHEEP: 12 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS I f^SWS^sWsWS9SWSWSWS9S!WS!9B9s9S9SWs9S9S9SS9SJSWSS9B9s9S9s9S!WS* fgggl Agriculture - Residential - Commercial Virginia Style Heifer Barn With 8’ Deep, 180' Long, 12’ Wide Slatted SCS Approved Concrete Manure Pit iitti wiirtaat CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE CONCRETE WALLS CAN BE PRECISE 601 Overly Grove Road, New Holland, PA 17557 NO MARKET TEST; GOOD LAMBS 37.00- SLAUGHTER EWES 18.00- GOATS: 7.00-59.00. 16 LOADS OP HAY. ALFALFA 65.00-82.00; TIMOTHY 67.00-15.00; 2 LOADS OP STRAW 91.00-97.00. Belleville Livestock Auction Ballerina, Pa. Wadncadaj, December 1,1993 Raport Supplied by PDA CATTLE 91.. Supplied by the auction. STEERS: one Select at 61.50. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 46.50-49.75, Cutter and Boning Utility 44.75-47.50, Canner and low Cutter 40.00- Shells down to 36.00. BULLS: one Yield Grade No. 2 55.10. CALVES 106..VEALERS; Standard and Good 60/80 lb*. 60,00-71.00, Utility 40/60 Ibi. 50.00-58.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holatein bulls 95/105 lbs. 145.00- No. 2 105/115 lbs. *122.50-147.50; No. 1 Holstein heifers 95/105 lbs. 175.00-190.00. HOGS 73.. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 230/260 lbs. 40.50-41.75, US No. 1-3 210/270 lbs. 38.00-40.25. SOWS: US No. 1-3 300/500 lbs. 29.00-32.00. 500 lbs •nd up 31.00-34.00, US No. 2-3 300/300 lb». 27.23-28.75. FEEDER PIGS 116... US No. 1-3 13/23 lb«. 18.00-24.00, 23/35 Ibi. 22.00-31.00. -- all per head. SHEEP 39..Ch0i0e 60/80 Iba. Wooled •1. lambi 70.00-90.00, 30/30 lbs. 90.00-105.00. one 33 lbs. 130.00. Slauth ter iheep: 28.00-43.00. GOATS 13.. Large 40.00-63.00, Medium 30.00-38.30, SmaU 25.00-32.50. Large Kids 20.00-30.00.- per head. Indiana Livestock Homer City, PA Thursday, Dec. 2, 1993 Report supplied by Auction BEEP: HEIFERS GOOD 70.00, MEDIUM COMMON 61.00-64.00. STEERS; GOOD 73.00, MEDIUM 68.00-72.30, COMMON 64.30-67.30. COWS: GOOD 32.00, MEDIUM 46.00-49.30, COMMON 44.00 DOWN. BULLS: BUTCHER62.OO, BOLOGNA 38.00-61.00. FEEDERS: GOOD 330 LBS. STEERS 73.00, MEDIUM 70.00-74.00, COMMON 69.00-DOWN. ForAl I Your Concrete Walls And Construction Needs CONTACT STEVE PETERSHEIM 717-355-0726 CONCRETE WALLS, INC. Plant them for the Performance Promise was one of only two alfalfa vaneties to produce 6 T/A yields in Cornell trials. And its two-year average of 8.49 T/A in Penn State trials was tops among 49 vanities. Attainer is unmatched in milk production per acre. It produced 16,200 lbs. of milk/acre in 1992 field trials. Find out how you can improve your forage program using Promise or Attamer. Talk to your local Hoffman Seeds sales representative. Or call; 1-800-776-7929 Promise ♦ Produced 1,800 lbs./A yield advantage in its third production year compared to check vanettes in N.Y. state trials. ♦ Produced a 3-year yield advantage of 2.5 T/A in Penn State trials when compared to the mean. ♦ Exceptional persistence even under intensive cutting management for maximum forage production. ♦ High resistance to all alfalfa diseases common to the Northeast. ♦ Stand durations from 4-3 years minimize your reseeding expenses. 1 Attainer ♦ Produced 16,200 lbs. of milk/acre in 1992 field trials. ♦ Highly resistant to all alfalfa diseases. ♦ Unmatched stem quality, plus an increase in leaf-to-stem ratio for greater protein content ♦ Larger harvest window than most alfalfas for im proved field management. For maximum feed value from your alfalfa crop, it’s hard to beat the performance of Promise or Attainer. ® h i s«fi Ciba Seeds Hoffman Seeds, Inc. Landisville, PA 17538 Call toll free: 1-800-776-7929 Adding Value To Your Seed Investment