Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1993, Image 17

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    New Wilmington
Livestock Auction
New Wilmington, Pa.
Monday, Hwmhir 29,1999
Report Sapp Had by PDA
CATTLE 150.. PDA .. STEERS: few
Select 60.00-62.00. HOLSTEINS; one
Standard 52.00. 'HEIFERS: couple Choice
1180 A 1220 Ibc. 67J0 A 70.00. COWS:
few Breaking Utility and Commercial
44.50-48.00, Cutter and Bon. Utility
42.75-48.00, Conner and Low Cotter
37.25-42.75. Sheila down to 32.00. BUL
LOCKS; couple Select 53.00 A 57.00.
BULLS: Yield Grade No. 21000/2025 Ibi.
48.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Steen:
few Medium Frame No. 1 285/455 lb«.
67.00- Heifen: few Large Frame
No. 1 715/845 lbs. 54.00-59.00. few
Medium Frame No. 1 425/460 lbs.
58.00- Bulls: few Medium Frame
No. 1 325/565 lbs. 60.00-73.00.
CALVES 141..VEALERS: one Choice
215 lbs. 100.00, Standard and Good 70/105
lbs. 39.00-60.00, one 80.00, Utility 50/65
lbs. 10.00-20.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1
Holstein bolls 110/125 lbs. 125.00-133.00,
95/105 lbs. 147.00-149.00, 80/95 lbs.
80.00- No. 2 90/115 lbs.
80.00- few No. 2 70/80 lbs.
60.00- Few Beef crass 80/115 lbs.
bulls and heifen 95XXM75.00.
US 1-2 240/260 lbs. 41.50-42.00, US No.
1-3 200/260 Ibi. 39.25-40.60. SOWS: US
1-3 350/500 Ibi. 30.00-32.00, one 38.00,
500/600 Ibi. 32.00-33.50. few US No. 2-3
595/720 Ibi. 31.00-31.75.
FEEDER PIGS 32..C0up1e lou US 1-3
50/60 lb*. 30.00 A 38.00, couple lou US
2-3 30/35 Ibi. 21.00-25.00.-r per head. US
No. 1-3 100/115 lbs. 35.00-40.00. per
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As the 1993 tobacco market officially opens Monday,
December 6, 1993, Golden Leaf Tobacco Company
wishes a good marketing season and top prices for each
of you.
For the past several months we have worked very hard
to get prices up from last year. We believe the limited
number of contracts that were written attracted the
attention of other companies and our goal will be
As a major buyer of 609 tobacco in Lancaster County,
we still believe in a two system method in which you can
sell your tobacco. It not only creates competition but also
gives you a choice to sell privately or at auction. We look
forward to working with the auction people this year and
hope that the tobacco will be divided fairly among the buyers.
If you decide to sell privately, we will begin receiving
tobacco on Monday, December 6th. We are located at the
same location as last year, 3 miles East of Route 222 on
Route 322 between Hinkletown and Blue Ball. Watch for
our sign on the North side of Route 322.
Clark Stauffer
(717) 733-8921
(717) 575-0622
SHEEP 1 11...W001ed iL Lambs: Choice
75/120 lbs. 6aoo-70.00, few 60/65 lbs.
75.00, Good end Choice 80/100 lbs.
54.00-60.0 a Slaughter Sheep; 15.00-35.00
mostly 22.00-26.00.
GOATS 2...C0up1e Small 22.00 A
30.00. all per head.
Livestock Auction
Mercer, Pa.
Tuesday, November 30,1993
Report Supplied by PDA
CATTLE 226.. PDA ..Compared to last
Tuesday's market: sL steen steady to 1.00
higher; sL cows steady to 1.00 lower.
STEERS: High Choice and Prime
1100/1400 lbs. 70.50-72.10, Choice
1100/1525 lbs. 68.75-71.60, couple to
73.75, Select 62.35-61.85, one Standard
58.25. HOLSTEINS: Choice 1350/1550
lbs. 64.00-66.85. HEIFERS: few High
Choice and Prime 1080/1255 lbs.
7aoo-70.10, few Choice 1025/1175 lbs.
66.35-69.25, Select 62.00-67.00, couple
Standard 55.00 A 65.00. COWS: Few
Breaking Utility and Commercial
45.00- Cutter and Bon. Utility
43.00- couple 48.75, Canter and
Low Cutter 38.50-44.85. Shells down to
34.00. BULLS; one Yield Grade No. 1
1455 lbs. 65.35, few No. 2 1050/1575 lbs.
50.75-57.35. FEEDER CATTLE: Steen:
few Medium Frame No. 1 285/425 lbs.
67.00- Heifen: Medium Frame No.
1 320/500 lbs. 66.00-70.00. Bulls: few
Medium Frame No. 1 380/600 lbs
CALVES 124..VEALERS: Standard
and Good 70/125 Ibi. 40.00-65.00, one
80.00, Utility 55/85 Ibi. 20.00-40.00.
RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein
Golden Leaf Tobacco Co.
Mac Bailey
(717) 354-8177
Dennis Hess Mac Bailey
(717) 627-0786
faun* 120/130 lb*. 12a00-149.00, 90/115
lb*. 140.00-167.30, No. 2 15/120 lb*.
80,00-137.50; few No. 2 Holstein heifer*
10S/125 lb*. 183.00-190.00, few No. 2
70/93 lb*. 69.00-130.0 a Beef era** 80/103
lb*, bull* end heifer* 60.00-170.0 a
HOGS 103,...8arr0w* and gilt* .90 to
1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; US
No. 1-2 233/260 lb*. 41.23-41.30, US No.
1-3 240/270 lb*. 40.00-41.00. SOWS: one
US No. 1-3 480 lb*. 34.00, one US No. 2-3
720 lbs. 27.00. BOARS: one 335 lbs.
FEEDER PIGS 24... US No. 1-3 25/40
lbs. 18.00-31.00.-per head.
SHEEP 1...N0 market test.
GOATS 0...N0 market test.
Middleburg Auction
Mlddleburg, Pa.
Tuseday, Novesnber 30,1993
Report Supplied by FDA
CATTLE 313.. PDA ..*L steer* uneven,
about steady; cow* mostly 1.30 to 2.00
lower. STEERS: Choice 1000/1400 lb*.
69.00- one 74.30, Select
64.00- HOLSTBINS: Choice
1100/1400 lbs. 63.00-66.00, Select
60.00- HEIFERS: Choice
1000/1400 lb*. 66.00-71.25, one 7430,
few Select 62,00-66.00. COWS: Breaking
Utility and Commercial 43.73-48.00, cou
ple 30.00, Cutter St Bon. Utility
43.73-49.00, Canner and Low Cutter
40.0043.00. Shell* down to 35.00 BUL
LOCKS: one Choice 67.73, two Select
62.00 St 65.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade
No. 1 1640/1730 lb*. 33.30-63.0 a FEED
ER CATTLE: Steer* and Bulls: few Large
Frame No. 2 380/700 lbs. Holstein
49.00- Heifers: few Medium Frame
Need Your
Farm Buildings
Let us give you a price!
Write: Daniel’s. Painting
637-A Georgetown Rd.
Ronke, PA 17572
(or leave message)
(717) 687-8262
Spray on and
Brush in Painting
(717) 354-8177
(717) 575-4229
Aaron Miller
. No 1 3SO/900 VX. 6aoo-69.0a-
CALVES 208...VEALHRS: Standard
and Good 70/100 lbs. SS.OO-60.00.
RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein
bull* 90/130 lb*. 140.00-17230, Na 2
80/123 lb*. 40.00-123.00; Na 1 Holstein
heifer* 90/120 lb*. 130.00-180.00, couple
down to 10a00. Few Beef era** bull* and
heifer* 73/100 lbs. 125.00-195.0 a
HOGS 231..(11/29 *
11/30/93). .Barrows and gilts moidy 30 to
Plant diem for
die Performance
Buy thmm for thm auvingu
If you’re looking for big
soybean performance, it’s
tough to beat Hoffman’s 7353
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each backed by broad scale trials for virtually guaran
teed performance.
Find out how you can get big soybean performance
at big savings. Ask your local Hoffman sales represen
tative today. Or call; 1-800-776-7929
Relative Maturity: Mid 111
♦ Performs exceptionally well in high yield
♦ Widely adapted with good stress tolerance.
♦ Excellent resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot.
♦ Good emergence for rapid canopy development.
Relative Maturity; Early IV
♦ Big yield potential in a full-season performer.
♦ Shattering resistance is exceptional to reduce
field losses.
♦ Good standability for easy harvesting.
♦ Excellent seed quality.
TSSi Ciba Seeds
Hoffman Seeds, Inc.
Landisville, PA 17538
Call toll free; 1-800-776-7929
Adding Value To Your Seed Investment
Unwnr fSHIUng, Saturday, Picmby 4, Iff3-Al7
No. ! 235/230 fix. 41.50-43.00. US 1-2
230/253 lbt< 31.25-40.00. US No. 1-3
24512*b M 9 37.75-39.10, one lot 213 Hm.
32.00. SOWS: US 1-3 300/350 lb*.
29.00-31.90. BOARS: few 21.00-29.00.
FEEDER PIGS 161.. few lots US 1-3
35/50 Km. 30.00-31.00. - aU'per bead.
SHEEP 1 l.. Few Good md Choice 65/85
lb«.Woobdillwnbe 63.00-17.00. Sleogh
ter iheep: few 25.00-361.00.
GOATS 3...C0np1e Large 61.00 A
106.00. ill per head.