luck /now MIXER WAGON ] I 1 I sags || il 4*» "asKSBr Ml 737 Husking Unit High Quality Of U**d John Daara Firm FAX: 215-367-6715 mi 735 3R Equipment Recently Purchased From Local rnA * «*«#-««« ''■ ni 710 In QEn v «n r Nl 713 Cutting Platform harrow - JD 425 offset disk used less than 100 acres 1 1 1 II I I gang attach. 1 I 1350-1450 5 plow I I baler JD 246 3 row planter TRACTORS JD 2030 dsl., nice Coming In IHC 966, cab, heat, air, engine & torque rebuilt less than 2 years ago Coming In JD 4020 Gas, NF $ 4.750 JD 5400 MFWD w/540 loader, 208 hrs., like new JD 5200 MFWD w/turf tires, 86 hours, liko now JD 2950 MFWD, cab, heat, air JD 4040 4 post, power shift JD 4430, 1977 model, cab & air, QR, new engine JD 2640 w/146 loader, reverser, excellent IHC 1466 Cab & Air, black stripe JD 3020 Dsl w/WF & Cab Deutz OXI3O, 4 Post, w/3000 Original Hours Case 930 Gas W.F JD 1600 12' 3 pL chisel. IHC 700 4X spring reset JD 970 Roller Harrow, 12', Like New Coming In JD 110 Disc. 11’5" $ 1,950 (2) JD 5X Model 1350-1450 Plows, Like New Your Choice $ 1,800 JD F 145 5 Bt. Plow w/Coulters $ 1,000 While 21‘ Wing Fold Field Cult. Spike Attach.S 2,450 JD 3 Btm. 3 Pt. Box Beam Plow $ 450 JD 5 Btm. Trip Plow $ 700 JD 6 Btm. Trip Plow $ 1,100 Pittsburgh 6 Spring Reset $ 6,000 Power Harrow $ 350 JD 2 Row Mounted Cultivator $ 100 JD 16' Drag Harrow $ 800 JD 12'Disk $ 400 IHC 710 4BT Safety Trip $ 1.850 JD 4420 w/23.1x26 tires, 1600 hrs., very nice Coming In JD 215 flex, black reel, very nice $ 5,450 JD 443 Com Head $ 5,250 JD 4400 dsl. 1976 model 1366 hrs., rotary screen cab heat & air, 23.1x26 tires, very nice ..$11,900 JD 4400 dsl. 1975 model 2965 hrs., rotary screen cab, heat & air, nice $ 9,750 JD 4400 dsl. 1974 model 2968 hrs., cab, heat & air, good $ 8,250 JD 4400 gas, 1972 model 2618 hrs., cab & heat $ 6,950 JD 6600 dsl. 1976 model 2901 hrs., cab, heat & air, rotary screen, very nice $14,900 JD 215 flex head w/side hill adapters Ml #lO 1R picker JD 215 flex head, yellow reel, excellent. JD 4400 Gas Combine JD 6600 Combine (Parts) MP 510 w/Comhead & 13’ Platform JD 213 Fiexhead, Yellow Reel JD 450 2446 w/Press Wheels, 1 Year Old I, Sturdty, Ptctmbir 4,1993 $26,500 ....$19,500 Coming In ....$16,900 $18,900 Coming In Coming In Coming In $10,900 $ 4,950 $ 1,750 $ 1,650 7,750 Brand Naw JD 12' Dlracl Cut Haad for Salt-Propallad Foraga Harveatara List Price $12,860 Special $8,500 JD 7000 6R & no-till JD 7200 6R liquid w/no-till, excellent JD 7000 6R Conservation Planter w/Diy Fertilizer & Auger Fill JD 1240 4R Shoe, No Markers JD 7000 4R Conservation Planter w/Liquid & Frame Mounted No-Till HAY EQUIPMENT Nl 272 Cutditioner, Excellent JD 327 baler w/30 ejector, very nice Nl 486 Round Baler, excellent JD 1219 Haybine JD 1209 Haybine NH 38 Flail Chopper NH 851 Round Baler JD 336 Baler w/Ejector NH 488 Haybine, 9' NH 68 Baler w/Thrower NH 495 Haybine NH 273 Baler w/Ejector Weavertine feed cart model 430 (30 bushel), low hours $ 3,500 JO 260 loader $ 4,950 20.8x38 Snap On Duals $ 850 Dual Wheels 18.4x34 Snap On, w/Tires Case Rotary Mower FORAGE EQUIPMENT JD 3940 Harv. w/elect. controls, 1000 PTO w/2R & 5Vi Pickup $ 8,950 JD 2RN Forage Head (Green, 2 Years Old), Like New $ 3,250 JD 3RN Forage head, nice $ 4,650 JD 2RW w/slip clutch $ 1,350 NH 782 harvester w/metal alert, 2RN and grass head, excellent JD 3940 Harvester w/Electric Controls, 540 PTO, w/2 Row & 5V4' Pickup .$ 4,250 .$ 950 .$ 4,250 .$ 4,995 .$ 1,500 WINELAND EQUIP. INC. $ 3,000 $ 1.500 RD 2 Rte. 164 East Martinsburg, PA 16662 Phone 814-793-2109 mm farm WMeoUIPMENT CALL FOR DETAILS h PRICES ON THE NEW EQUIPMENT YOU NEED! Case IH 2250 Loader w/Mounts For 85 & 95 Series Tractors Case IH 415 Packer Mulcher, 10T Demo $4,950! Case IH 395, 495, and 695 Tractors - 2WD - call for details!^ Case IH 1140 Compact Diesel, 2WD, Gear, Turf Tires > clearance J DEAL! Case IH 1845 C Skid Loader. Demo MAXXUM TRACTOR... 5130, 4WD,.Cab OLD PRICEI Case IH 1063 6 Row Narrow Corn Head Case IH 3900 187 Disk Harrow, 7V4" Spacing OLD PRICEI Case IH 3800 12' Disk Harrow, 9" Spacing Case IH 3800 11 Vi' Disk Harrow, 7V4 * Spacing Case IH 496 Disk Harrow, 24' 10*. 9” Demol Must Sellll Case IH 181 Min. Till Rotary Hoe Case IH 900 6-Row Planter, Liq. or Dry Case IH 183 4 & 6 Row Cultivator New Haying Equipment Case IH 8309 Disc Mower Conditioner Case IH 8340 Mower Conditioner Case IH 8520 Baler Case IH 8530 Baler Case IH 600 Blower TRACTORS: Fwmall Cub Lowboy w/Woodo LSO Rotary Mowar, Lata Modal 12V 154 Low Boy w/C3 Mowar IH 460 Oiaaal Trleyela • Nlca Shapal IH 284 Gaa 2WD w/GB Loadar IH 140 w/6 Ft Bally Mowar Int 34140 Loadar w/Cab, Twp. Tractor IH 2500 A w/Loadar Shuttla Shift Ford 2110 Gm w/Turf Tiraa Caaa 2590, 2WD, Cab, Air, 180 HP JO 3010 Utility with Mid Mounted Hyd. Siekla Bar Mowar • Raal nlca... Low Hra. $ 3,995 Coming In .$ 7,950 $ 400 $ 7,850 ....$ 1,950 Coming In ....$12,000 ....$ 4,850 $ 950 $ 3,950 $ 4,950 $ 4,850 ....$ 2,950 $ 1,250 $ 4,000 $ 1,200 JO 2040 w/Trtumph Siekla Bar Mowar, Hyd. Drhra, 1100 Hra., Lika Maw Kubota M4OSO, 2WD, 45 PTO Hp. Farmall M Farmall H w/Buekaaw And Wooda 5 Ft. Bally Mowar H 440 Balar w/Throwar IH 990, 9 PL Mowar Condttlonar Badgar Foraga Box w/Tandam Axla Haaaton 4500 Wlta Bclar w/Throwar Ford 530 Balar w/Throwar OUTDOOR POWER EQUIP,- Good SalaeUon Of Omar Cub Cad at Lawn A Garden Tract ora All Makac And Modalal .$ 750 .$ 100 JD 214 1967 Cub Cadet, Modal 1872 18HP, w/50 a Deck Cub Cadal 1450 6 1650 With Daedal Toro 7 Gang Pull-Type Golf Couraa Mower (1) National 6-Gang Triplex, 1967 Modal, 66" Cut- Was $2,000 - Now 61,600 716 K Grasshopper w/52* Deck Hours: Dally 7:30 to 5; Sat 7:30 to 3 $ 8,250 $ 8,950 TILLAGE: JD 12 Ft. Transport Disk Cm* IN 475 Cushion Gang Disk Harrow, 13'5, 9* Spacing CONIINES: MF1144 4-Row WM* CH, El. Cond. 744 WM* Comhaad lor 715, Ex. Cond. IN 11015’ Grain Hsad w/H*rt Cartar Float ing Cutlar Bar 243x34 Rio* Tina t Rhn* For IN 1420 Or 1920 FMCtki-MSOOGiL w/Gun l> Hot* Rael, Trailing Modal, 2 Cyl. Kohlar Englna, Lika Haw Cantuty 250 Gal. Trailing Spraysr National 3-Gang Triplax 94” Cut, Kohlar Englna, Elae. Start Damnsr 2 PL Fast Hitch Post Hols Dlggsr, Nlc* Shapal HSIOS Woods Hyd. 3pL Hheh Ditch Bamli ILyIU DSnK RNQWVi Herbert Buy Beaver DM Chipper Trill ing Model WMi Engine, S' Capacity, Nice Shipal FMC 500 Gal. Trallng Sprayer w/Boom Platon Pump 4-Ton Tandem Axle Hydraulic Dump Trader M»W nv*n ( — We Ship UPS ' Dailyl BsHlnvll
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