Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1993, Image 160
oag-UncwHf Filming, Saturday, Dtctmbw 4, 1993 JOHN DEERE | | | 1 SINCE 1955 * 1 1 Full Line Of JOHN DEERE Farm & Lawn Equipment Plus Many Other Lines Of Farm Equipment New 3 Pt. Blades, Tillers, Sprayers, Wagons, 3 Pt. Track Eli minator. Rotary Cutters, Brush Cutters, Side Mowers, 3 Pt. PTO Wood Saws, Etc. Special Price On Demo McKissick 12 HP Trailer Mounted Chipper/Sh redder List Sale $q QQA *3,399 Price SPECIAL PRICES ON ORDERS For Next Year! SPECIAL SAVINGS ON New John Deere 2755 75 HP Tractor FWD, TSS, W/-HM.O 540-1000 (Not A Demo) USED EQUIPMENT • Farmall B Tractor w/Cultivator • Int. Cub w/New Woods Underneath Mower • Ford 821 w/5’ Ind. Hyd. Mower • JD 3020 Gas, PS, Tri, 1 Valve, Good Cond. • JD 755 w/New Mid-Mount Mower • Guaranteed Pressure Washers, 600-2400 psi Gas Or Electric, Prices Start At $390 • Ford 9N Tractor • Used Bobcat 610 Skid Steer Loader • Myers Front Mount Snow Plow For 55 Series JD Tractors • Mack Truck w/lmplement Trailer John Deere “BEST BUY SALE” On LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT NOW IN PROGRESS Also Good Assortment Of Used L&G Tractors At Special Cash & Carry Prices All Sizes - New Aluminum & Steel Trailers Including Snowmobile Trailers ON SALE Good Selection Of Used Trailers In Stock Ford TW2O, factory cab, air, dual ramotas, dual ahafta, waighta alt around, vary niea Ford TWIS, cab, air, 1985 modal, 4x4, trtpla out lata, radial tiraa. waighta all around, axeallant Ford TWIS, cab, air, daluxa hydraullea, 20.8x38 tiraa, vary nlca Ford 7700, cab luatmblua powar apaclal, 18x38 tiraa, MCvulaan tractor Ford 7700 daL 8 apaad, HOPS, dual ramotaa, waighta, dual PTO’a, 1800 houra, axeallant Ford 7600, 4WD, front waighta, dual powar, dual ramotaa, axeallant Ford 7000 diaaal flat daek, w/roll bar & canopy, dual ramotaa, front waighta, vary elaan & nlca Ford 5610 w/dual powar, dual ramotaa, Ford loadar and Sima all waathar cab Ford 5000 dal, 8 apaad w/dual ramotaa, 38” tiraa 8 waighta Ford 4600 dal, SU, w/haavy duty Ford loadar, powar ataarlng 4 dual ramotaa JO 4620, factory cab, powar ahlft, 20.8x38 tiraa w/dlraet axla duala, 2 valvaa, front waighta, axtra nlca JD 4430, cab, air, powar ahlft, 2 ramotaa, 18x38 tiraa, 3600 houra JD 4240, cab, air, quad, waighta, Ml 802 Unlsyatsm, cab, air, 4WD, Duala, Walghta, 868 chopper, 4 RN corn, 8' pickup w/dolly whaela, 666 Houra, axcatlant NH 36 Flail Choppar NH 782, alaetrle eontrola, heavy duty 540 PTO, new paint, ready to go Gehl 1260, fully equipped with all the options, choice of heads, vary nice Gahl 970 wagon, 3 beater tandem, no roof, like new Gehl CBBOO, electric controls, 2 RN, hay pickup FNH 790, electric controls, lata model IH 510 18x7 DD, Mad 8 grass saad, vary nles Brllllon SSIO Sura MSdar w/transport whsels & acra meter JD 7000 4R conMrvation, monitor, dry fert. & Insecticide boxes JD 1240, 4R platalSM, disc openers, monitor, must be seen to be appreciated JD 7000, 6R conservation planter, fully equipped, good condition JD 7000, 4RW planter, Insecticide boxes and monitor, very nice JD 7000 4RN, dry, plateless, InMctlclde boxes USED PLOWS AND CHISELS Whits 508 4xlB cushion trip w/sprlng loaded coulters Whits 598, 4 or 5 botom, variable widths, spring automatic, excellent condition Csm IH 720 5 or 6xlB spring auto, sxeellent Glenco 9 tooth soil Mvsr, vary good condition IH 710 5x16 Auto Rssst, coulters & gauge wheel, very nice USED DISCS AND HARROWS Pittsburgh 20’ transport spring tooth harrow, used very little Oliver 252 10’ finishing disc, dual wheels, very nice ' Brllllon 10* double packer JD 16’ tranaport type aprlng tooth harrow, good condition IH 133 4R cultivator w/rolllng shields, excellent McConnell 16’ transport spring tooth harrow KewanM 12* rock flax finishing disc, very nice White 253 12* finishing disc w/tandem wheels, very nice Brllllon 12’ roller harrow, sxeellent Brllllon 10’ packer w/4” axle, very nice Whit* 265 11‘ heavy frama cutting disc w/tandem wheels & 24" blades NH 258 rake w/rubber teeth NH 258 rake w/dolly wheel NH 316 w/#7O thrower, excellent NH 847 round baler NH 276 baler w/thrower, electric controls, cylinders & hoses, very nice NH 489 hayblne, stub guards, excellent, 2 to choose from JD 2RW w/clutch NH 824 2R corn Gehl 6* pickup w/dolly wheels IH 2350, QT Loader JD 148 loader, fits 3020 t 4020 Ford 727 loader, fits 4000-7000 ssrlss tractors JD 300 w/2RN hssd Ussd 18.4x34 snsp-on dusls TRACTORS USE USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT ITERS AND DRILI ED PI Ford NH 555 skid steer, lata model, low hours, Kubota dsl., boom hyd., very nice Choice of 2 USED HAY E< USED HARVESTER HEADS MISCELLANEOUS radiate, 4x4, vary nlca JD 4020 dal., powar ahlft, aid# eonaote, 1071 modal JD 4020 aid# eonaote ayncro range, 2 ramotaa, front weights, nlca Hlnlkar cab, clean & aharp JD 4020 dlaaal, ayncro range, aide eonaote, no cab, 4700 original hours, excellent JD 2050, non cab, 2 ramotaa, hl-low, 2300 hours, real nice IH 5088, 4WD, 1884 modal, cab, air, duals, weights, triple outlets, 2 shafts, excellent IH 1086,1081, cab, air, fully weighted, dual remotes, digital, western Interior, extra clean IH 886,1081, cab, air, 20.8x38 tlrea, 3300 hours IH 80S, 1901, cab, air, digital, front & raar walghts, dual remotes, sxcallant IH 786 D Fsndsr tractor w/dual rsmotaa and IH 2350 QT loadsr AC 7040, cab, air, walghts, 20.6x38 tlras, 20 spd. powsr dlraetor, vary niea Whlta 2-105, cab A air, 2700 hours, vary nlcs Whlta 2-135, 4WD, cab, air, digital, ' daluxa intarior, 2 PTO’a, 2800 hra. haads, vary nlca JD 716 A, 3 baatar w/roof, tandem axle wagon, axcallant JD 3050, electric controls, hyd. tongue, 2RN com, sxcallant Gehl 1250, tandam axis, electric controls, 2 or 3 RN, T pickup, nlca condition Rax 3 beater w/roof tandam axle wagon, steal sides, vary nlca condition (Lamco) IPMENT FNH 790 hay haad, Ilka naw FNH 900 hay haad, Ilka naw NH 3 RN Augar baaa paekaga w/8* pickup