Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1993, Image 152
028-Lsncnttr Farming, Saturday. December 4.1993 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 ■SH Phone:7l7-263-0705 tSm HUAI Salaa - Part* - Sarvica KS BEST BUYS IN USED TRACTORS Ford 8N Ford 600, 5 Spd. Ford 3230, Bx 2, 195 Hrs. Ford 4000, 1964 Diasel Ford 4000 Ford 6610 w/DP Ford 66405, 2WD Ford TW3O, 2WD, Cab & Air Ford 8730, Powar Shift, 4WD w/Cab & Air, 1,200 Hrs. Approx. JD 675 Skid Loader New 6 Row White Cultivator 10’ Ford Field Cultivator 10’ Brillion Culti mulcher Hour*: 8:30-5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. 8:30-12:00 Saturday USED EQUIPMENT Special Of Month Demo JD 7800 4WD Tractor, 100 Hours TRACTORS JD 2755 Demo, 16 Spd., Cab, Loaded. New Warranty 7610 Ford, Loaded, Nice Condition, Low Hours DIESEL COMPACTS Ford 1720 MFWD, 110 Hrs., w/Loader & Backhoe $16,900 JD 955, MFWD, Backhoe & 72” Mower, Low Hours, Nice Condition $22,500 We Have An Anortment Of Used Lawn & Garden Tractor* COMBINES 9500 Combine, 1900 Hour* 915 Hex Head 643 Com Head (2) 6S3A Row Crop Headi JD 444 Com Head JD 244 Head JD 915 Rigid JD 3 Section Drag Harrow, New Condition .$ 1,650 MF Model 129 Pull Type 12-Tooth Chiiel Plow $ 2,500 Int. 45 18’ Hyd. Wing Field Harrow $ 2,750 JD 1710 Mulch Tiller $ 2,000 JD 845 A 3-16 2 Way Plow $ 2,900 IH 315 12’ Roller Harrow $ 2,900 JD 610 25’ Chiiel Plow $11,500 JD 2500 6/18 Spring Reiet Plow $ 3,500 HAY & HARVESTING NH 489 Haybine, Fair Condition.... 32' Zimmeiman Elevator, Nice JD 530 Round Baler NH Super 717 w/Headi, 9 Knivei, Good Condition MISCELLANEOUS JD 430 Lawn Tractor, 60” Mower, Low < Houn, Very Nice *. $ 7,500 Used JD 403 Rotary Mower, Good Condition 1993 Premier Trailer, 2 Axle, 10,000 Lb., New Condition $ 1,700 Ontario 13 Hoe Drill, On Steel, Nice $ 275 10* Tye no-till drill $5,500 Herd Fertilizer Spreader, Model 750 $ 475 Dynavent Straw Chopper $ 3,000 Or Will Rent Gem Top, Topper For Pickup, 8’ Box $ 200 NEW EQUIPMENT JD Wagon Gear* 720, 740, 770 (Tandem*) 550 Mulch Matter 19* TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Halifax, PA 17032 Phone: 717-362-3132 Grove 14* Forage Wagon NH 479 Haybine NH 489 Haybine NH 488 Haybine NH 492 Haybine, 1 Yr. Old NH 495 Haybine, 12' NH 770 Chopper w/Hay Head & 2 Row Corn NH 770 Chopper & Grass Head NH 1496 Haybine, 1,000 Hrs. Tye No-Till Drill. Grass & Broom New Tye Drill, 10' NH 278 Baler w/Thrower NH 499 Swing Tongue Conditioner .$32,500 .$23,900 .$68,500 .$ 8,500 slo,ooo .$ 4,500/Each $ 4,400 $ 2,800 $ 6,600 TILLAGE .$ 2,200 .$ 1,200 .$12,500 .$ 1,975 $ 1,500 $ 499 FARM EQUIPMENT Also Available In 4'xs* and s'xB’ 4> x7 > jut 0399 w/Gate $498 . UTILITY (TILT OR GATE MODEL) Sizes: 5 xB', s'xlO', 6'4-xiO’, S'd-xia*, 3000# GVW 16' Starting At $1,895 w/Gate $1,695 UTILITY WITH GATE -SIZES: 12'x76’, 14'x76". 16'x76‘ 18'x76". 18'xer. 7,000# GVW. 20x81' 12,000# GVW Alto Available In Car Haulere 16’, 11' 7,0001 GVW FLAT BED: Sizes; 16'x76‘, 18 x7B-, 18'x81‘, GVW, self storing 80" long ramps. Wood or Steal Floor STARTING AT $698.00 Cw Dollto International Farm Equipment • 112 Bottom Plows • Discs 4" - 8’ • Blades s’-8’ • Box Blades 4’-8’ • Stone Rakes s ’-8’ • Post Hole Diggers • 1 Row Cultivators • Dirt Scoops • Boom Poles • Rear Carriers • Chlpper-Mulcher • Fertilizer Spreaders • Concrete Mixers • Field Cultivators • Potato Plows • Hay Rakes & Tedders • Rotary Mowers • 4-7% ’ Finish Mowers • Bale Carriers • Sickle Mowers • Rototlllers • Log Splitters • Truck Beds - 8’ to 12’ Over 300 Trailers In Stock Starting At $399.00 50 Different Models T-Pletes DEALERS WANTED mm HESTON eiKMum WWrHM Nothing like it on earth?* 76 2050 A Int. Track, 33,000 GVW, 466DT Engine. Air Brakes, 130,000 Miles NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Kubota MB5BO DT. Hyd. Shuttle, 80 HP Kubou 7580 DT, Hyd. Shuttle w/Loader Kubou 81750 DT. 20 HP NEW HESSTON EQUIPMENT 4750 Mid Size Big Square Baler 4570 Baler w/Thrower 1340 12' Center Pivot Diic Conditioner 1120 9* Windrower, Stub Ouard USED EQUIPMENT (2) Dion, 3 Beater A Roof Wagons (2) KM 321 Vicon Dim Mowen Ford 6610 Tractor NI 621 Blower Haben S' Sickle Bar, New Demo IH 84 Hydro w/2250 Loader MMU Henton 4800 Big Square Baler 489 NH Haybine, Good Conditicn NH 462 8* Oik Mower, Rebuilt NH 307 Slurry Spreader Donahue Windtower Trailer Her non PTIO Windtower 3 Pt 7’ Cultivator 3 Pt 12’ Weeder 3 Pt 214 Plow 3 Pt 2 Bottom Dire Plow 3 Pt S' Dire Harrow Bush Hog 2615, IS Ft, 1000 RPM Wing Mower LAWN & GARDEI JD 212 Cub Cadet 1860 46” w/Catcher JD 17S Hydro w/Catcher Steiner 220 w/72" Mower Steiner 220 60” Mower w/Catcher Grasshopper 725 61", 25 HP Grasshopper 721 Gas, 61” w/Catcher Grasshopper 721 D, Dsl., 61” Cub Cadet 109 Cub Cadet 682, 17 HP, SO” STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, PA HIGHWAY HYDRAULIC DUMP 6’jtl O’, 7,000# B’xlo’, 10,000# ALSO AVAILABLE IN DROP AXLE IN 1? TO 16’ _ 1 CONSTRUCTION (LOW DECK) 16'x76', IS’xar, 20'x81* B,ooo* or 12,000# QVW Starting At $3696 w/4‘ AdJ. Tall GOOSENECK SIZES: 2ffxß\ 12,000# GVW, 24'x8' 18,000# QVW. Alao: 18'x8' 8 Ton, 20' to 24'xS' 8 A 10 Ton DECK-OVER CONSTRUCTION 18**8’ w/Tail 10,000# GVW $3,885 24'x8‘ 10 Ton Dually w/Etoc. Brakaa $8,985 215-593-2407