This Is Your nnpmrtnfittY Tn Piiwhw Good Hay Tour Roof With 2 Special Financing Options tf You Blahe To *CHBap#*TAv wnrMtJkWNnewurt* 9rtS%JUUf mTJUM jiwkewsj- wm-'aLmm Jlinil M.&kWk- MiM* V NISW (m&jpul* CKAwjrCJWPtwfc Equipment Covered: AH New and Unueed Sertal Nurrtwed GeN Equipment Soeeiltedl lleta# - Moat VlrWW»'WI* ThKHJflh Decembers!. 1993 For a timfted time only, a “Special FfttiWcNT program ts available for the Qehf « mttL Th»»-r» |(||||| Mu Umum V " hotv ■vwv> yku (.uj - iwbuMMk*MlllMMlfrMUaAdAfMAß HW WllllMW IM M MMWIW _» ---■ -._■ -. . _. . ,_ MM. ■ »-—«- • m jj, a„. MM VMmIM MW MN> tl "W^"" i, ‘ -.-— . Mni I* at «w *it Mn an* rtvvuM ar* far rim *w* Hn« **”■*?"” W . 1 L I * ”■ aaafcr. 7)» Wt atfa laia raHiianiwt (Wafa- Wi au—t ihaif yaulnaiptiiWowarwMhauilaaaan* mm ta apart* unM fta p» la «a inf an* a#Nto«tMrkii*aal Simply aonna— fraw tv »a«M mi N "•• , !*L Vi “ *•? 5* 1 ■ arWwnwilyMifal ttovar *m h« *m* Hn**) y *y ***** ttM fflatMng aioa to yaw plpa GEHL 2175 Mower Conditioner 9’3” Cut With New Ticor Long Lasting Intermsshing Rolls For Faster Drying Cam# and See! Just Arrived! New Gehl 3 Pt. Disc Mower With 6 Spinners In Stock With Cutting Width of 7’10” RJNKLEMURST “ Tars as* 1,1 BROS. INC. -V (717) 626-4705 §»Ub Alter n«VI iMlfncr CIU: (717) Ut-OUB (717) (Zt-SISS (717) (98-T7U l(icUa«l7 Ultv M-7 7UI »»t7UlliSo (n. CUttA ■ Ur4'( Diy r. j*. w m a Come A Seel . Hyd. Lift Cylinder & Hoses \ > Choose the Gehl blower that’s right for you. Wlh ttirM modab «'»'aaay to mtoh a hlgh capaoty Oahl btaaar to your eparadon. InaMaby alda laata at a 100* alio. Qahl blowan out padocmad tha boat tha oompattlon had to altar, wtth tha Modal ISM) darning out an It' aal unloading box lul of haytago 1(K taatar than tha dot Ml ccmpaHUva Wowaf and 25% faatar than one ol the so called "Madera". (v . - Qohl't oaeral I* the twin oplnnar daivoiy ayolom and the Mn-eldad (an. Too 24-lnoh spinners rIM orour crap Into the blower lan at nearly 35 mph. 1' *• Thera, the twfci-eldsd lan, with paddlee on each •Ida, blowe tha malarial up the pipe with oass-lfs almoel Hka getting the potlormanoo ol two blowere In one. Qahl blowata aia alao loadad urtth oonvanlanoa laaturaa you'ta aura to appradata. lad*, faetor fltlidi ylpa Onaa you hew toe rt|M angle between yaur Mewer eufel anl yourylpe, K e eeay to aNa toe Meaeaya pipe into paaMan. Thia The OmK. n* We iwrt fn#wn lia ri|hl Mam Pa ahanyaifta dean big vpanundtha Mam alii adMga lartL maamma aakpaianl aw Ma IMO an« IM| apianal an Ma IMO SssmisiS' O' A mKfWm 9MPnWM^| 9wKRRWQPMwiJ9f ■MReWBEI /» itau ot tha awflteW# “Special Financing” Features. Model MC2240 Hyd. Swing Frame In Stock. Special Financing & Waiver Of Finance Charge Depends On Pending Credit Approval GEHL Gehl Forage Harvesters are leading the way Gehl forage harvesters have been at the leading edge of engineering design for years. With innovations that speed material flow and reduce downtime, for top capacity harvesting. Innovations like Qehl's in-head hydraulic knife and cutterbar sharpening system; exclusive spinner delivery system; patented single-station cutterbar adjust ment system; and haylage water tank. Electronic Control Cantor A single tractor-mounted control box handles all electric (unctions of the harvester, including cap and deflector controls, electric clutch controls and manual override, forward-reverse-neutral transmission shifting, and watertank switch (if watertank attachment is used). Circuit breakers are also integrated into the control box. With a simplified electrical harness, you have fewer wires running from the tractor to the harvester • Three-point flotation support protects the cutlsrfaar from rocks and other field obstructions. • Easily adjustable for full-width swaths or high-standing windrows.