Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1993, Image 139

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(1) tmm M CauHUaa tom Halted Madal I4K 12 FM DM Saif Fropallad Hayhlaa Wilk Chb ft Air
Wift Waivflr To May 1,1M4 With Approvtd Qoftl ft Dapodt, Water Muni No Plyiaaoli No bun*
Charfu If Too Mab Your Dul Now)
(2) UM2364 MftW SH In. Orala Cart
(3) UM2130 Lib No* Cau IR MN Bawd lab With Oathartaa Wbali With 47U(T lo SI" Dia. Boat*
■ala Ujy To 1000 Uw. Price $9,750
BigiUa hr 37 Monthly Faya. At 7.9* W/Ayyacarad Cndit
(4) UM22M Oahl ISM hraaa Blowar 1000 RFM, Latga Dram $1,975
(5) UM2290 Saha Dura Modal 31S Tranaport IS Fool Dirk Harrow , $2,950
(6) UM2279 Cau IH Modal MU 3 Pt Rniah. 60T' Tarf Mowar, 3 Blada With 4 Otu|a Whoala, MBwaßUaa
Than 30 Aooe.
(7) UM2206 No"TUI Hnvy Duty Drill 11x7 With Double Hopper, Double Diik Opemnt, w/Hyd», Rear Hitch,
Acre Couttr
(8) UM2198 New Manl 325 2 Row Narrow Pull Type Cora Picker With 12 Roll Husking Bed In Good
Condition (Mala Offer)
(9) UM2339 Heavy Duty Dutch Brea I’xll* Isle Body Wagon On t Ton Wagon, Almost New $1,895
(10) UM2360 John Deere 6 Row x 3(T 3 ft. S Hue Row Crop Cultivator With Depth Wheels, Good Condition
(11) UM2310 John Deere ON Grata Drill 11x7 Only $2,200
(12) UM2379 10,4x30 Firestone Asia Mount Duals Per 3K ” Axle Off 916 Tractor, Nioe.~. Only $795
(13) UM2336 Owetonna Model 229 9* Mower Conditioner
(14) UM2292 New Holland Model 30 Blower, 1000 RPM.u. «..$X,395
(15) UM2291 Hearten Modal 1070 Mower Conditioner 7* Cut, In Good Corrilticn.......——
(16) UM2203 JD 7000 6 Row Platter. 30" Spacing w/Uquid fotiliaer. Reconditioned k Tested >
(17) UM2131 JD 1540 12> Disk Harrow, with 11 N Blade, Spacing, New 24" Notched Blades On Pratt
* 3(T Bltdoe On Roar
(18) UM2267 JD 7000 Planter 6x90 Liquid Planter, Reconditioned
(19) UM2265 JO Modal 315 Dura Cuahion 13' wAiyd. Cylinder.....
(20) UM2263 Gobi 3170 Mower Conditioner 9\ Said Now
(31) UM2260 JD 210 Dlik Harrow 14'
(22) UM22SI HaesCra IMS Mower Conditioner 9* New Guards, Knife and Slip Gulch, Nice!
(23) UM2251 XH 13x7 Single Disc Grain Drill w/Onu Seed * FubUnr. Model MF
(24) UM2250 12' Oliver Transport Field Cullvlalor w/27 Shovels, Pair,
(25) UM2336 A JC. U* Hfi PaM PteM Cultivator, No CytinJor
(26) UM2234 Com 7 Shank Cauktr CUmI Sod Contrail*
(27) UM2232 Badftr fM Format Box On 13 Ton Tantfam Oaar
(2i> UM2323 Cut IH 510 Utter m/U" Butet To Fit Mann 3130 * 3140 Modal Tnclon $4,980 tmt
(29) UM2222 JO Crate Drill Motel FB-1,13x7 Sinflo Dito */F.rtiUitr * Onai Sotter. —TfliiWL.
(30) UM2211 White Motel 153 13* DUk Hoiov —51,050
(31) UMZ2O3 White IN 4>16 Aolo Ram Flo* Now MoUhotrdi
(32) UM2190 Now Holteod 314 I quart Baltr «/Thnnn>
(33) UM2393 Ford 3 Boson 16“ Spring Amo Ream Row With Hyd. Slide Hi lob.. Only $1,750
(34) Cue 111 Model 51* Grain Drill 16n7 With Staggered Due Opemn, On» Seeder, Uft Cylinder A Hoot.
Pmilinar Attachment But No Uod, 7.50K20 Dual Rib Tine ... Only $2,950
(33) UM2393 Sunßewer 21 Pool Hyd. Fold Wing Dirt Ifaftow, Model 1232, Ready To Wort
(36) UM2396 Meaacy Ferguaen Modal 43 22x7 Orain Drill With Staggeied Single Diac Openera, With
Llrt Cylinder. Only $1,750
(37) UM23» 3 Aale Tag-A-Long Trailer 16,100 OVW With Safety Brake Away For Pa. hapection.
Impact]on Good TUI 2-94, With BeaveitaU and Rampa, Big Enough To Haul
Cam 310 Backhoa
(31) UM2399 Brlllten 11 Shank 32“ K-dearanca Chlael Row, Good Shovel a
Best Buys In Manure Handling Equipment
(1) UM22M lON Oil Ta* Fill Mamin Tankar w/Hyd. Endfaia.. $1,600
(2) UM232* Calumet 275# GaL Top Fill W/1U22.3 Rubber Only $3,900
(3) UM2297 Belter 1111 pro Praaeura Pump 3 Pt Hitch, 900 OPM (Aik for Men) $1,200
(4) UM2320 ■•tier Bill 2400 Gallon Top FID w/New Tank 1 Year Ago, 16.5x16.1 Flotation Tiiu, Front
bjacton Only $3,900
(5) UM2339 2H Year OU Htuhp 34' Ugoan Pump r Dia. 6000 OPM, w/Vaniul Deflector, 1000 RPM,
Ail Hy 4. Codroli.... ....
(6) Calumet 225# Top Fill Mima Tanker k) Excellent Cndmon
best Biiy» In Used Sldd Loaders, Forklifts, Backhoes, Etc.
(1) 111 9000 4 Wheel Drive Dieeel Forklift, 34' Lift, 4000 Lbe. $4,900
(2) UT2912 1 Owner Cue IMS Dlcwl Uniloeder With Dl3O Beckhoe Anachmcnl And Ripper .$10,200
(3) UT2909 Cm lilt Dltael Uniloeder It HP Only 110 Kn. $7,250
(4) UT2I7S Gthl 33 HP Skid Under 33 HP DM, Low Height For Eery durance. 34” Width $6,900
(3) UT29Q2 Gchl 4410 bwel, Sold New By U», 1411 Hn, Big Rotation 10:00x163 Tim, 63“ Lerge Capacity
Bucket, 44 HP $9,250
(6) UT2132 Cm 30 HP DM Trencher 4 Wheel Drive Model 3CH4 Articulated With DlOO
tackhoe, trencher Attachment, And Doner Blade All In Ota Compact Machine Buy Thi, 1916 Model
*12,000 Maehlne Now For Only - ...$6,900
(7) UM2377 73” Dirt Type Low IhoSle Bucket To At Cue IM3C Uniloeder, Almoet New $4OO
(t) man Cm IMS Untender I Owner. 19t2 Model, Nice!
(9) UT2lt3 Cm IMSB DM UeHeeder With 10" Bucket
(10) UT2K7 Can IMS! DM With 72“ Dirt iuckat $8,500 Nice!
(11) man cut un Vniindcr a« so hp with «o~ unu* lucUi with 4 n.* Tua._ $4,950
(12) UM22O* lackhaa AlUckaunt To Hi Cw HOC Or StOB Tranon. EMandahn Typo >7 Pool Reach
And 24“ lynching DodM $3,900 080
(13) UT2914 Can IS3SR DM UcOoadcr. Liaho, Good Rubin. Nlca $7,800
(14) UT2912 Can IMS DM Uoiloadcr, 1 Omar With Dl3O Backhca 130" Reach And Rear
Best Buys In Used Tractors
(1) IH 574 DM Tractor With Loader sB^so
(2) UT2907 DatM Brain 99* Salac-O-Muic DM Tnctoi $3,650
(3) UT2908 Mum] nr(HiM *705 Tractor With Ob, Air, h Vary Goal Cmdidon, Nice dean
Trader „ ... $15,600
(4) UT29OS IH SW MFD Cab ft Air, IC2 HP, II Spaa4 Tiaaa.. Vaty dean Tiactcr
(5) UT2906 Jaka Dean 295* 4a4 With Raya * Roof, ItAaN Rubber, Nical
(<) UT2900 Caaa 1070 Dlaaal Mar Tractor Ratal UN HP With Power Shift, 20.1 a3l Rubber
(7) Penn Track IH Mabel 17XIA With It Foot Slaal Ra4y, No Rut, Aik Per Dean
(I) UT2194 IH 574 DM Tractor Widt KJa3O Rara Tfaaa $5,650
(9) UTlttS While l-lii 2WD Cab. $7,850
(10) UT2S79 Mcaay Pcr|uaaa Hit Cab Treater $7,900
(II) UT2H4 Vary Ooat Vn Roly Dlaaal tot LaaMDa, LNtOOO Track With J+2 Trara, 26 Pool Van Body
WiA Hydraulic Lift Platftno Per Eaay Load and -Ualoadiui
(12) UTIMI Caaa IH 1*94131* DM Treat*. Uaa Tbao 2100 Hra., 114x34 Kara Thai.
Rqpt wifc Root $13,800 Nice!
(13) umn IH at DM Tnkr Wide An Wl* Pan Hitch, 13.3x31 Rur Him, Jot Oveihanlad
(14) UT2170 CcUccUra Item IH Inal Track 4 Whnl Drive with 4 Cylinder Endue. New Sheet Metal end
Prim. Low Mlaaga, Make HemauMe Offer
(13) UT2460 A lie Chetaaen M W DM Model MM With 4 Poet Rope end Roof With Like New 114x34
Rediel Rear Tliee In flood CeodUea .$11,900
(Id) UT2J4* John Deere SMI Leader Treater, Min TO HP Rad* $14,800
(17) Demo Mamma Can IH Medal 71M 4e4 Widi II Spaed Power Shift, ISO* HP, 5.9 Flnenrint
(II) UT2S3J HI Md 4 PM Rope, 114x31, Deal Ramona, 340 and 1000 PTO. Rabnllt Rear .$ll,BOO
(19) UT2S22 IH ltd Hydro Cab dl Air, Min 340-1000 PTO, At Reduced Price
(20) UT2793 IH 43d On Tractor Wide Heat With 133x31 Rear Him, 3 PL Huh, Beat RaaacoabU Oder
01) UT2911 IH dSd DM H-Crap Special With I PI Utah, HOPS With Roof, 1d.9x31 Rear Him 90ft.
New Palm, Deal RanariM
02) UT2919 Hi 140 Offaat Tractor With H-Ckcp Paetmei, 93x34" Die. Rear Tina, With Cultivttoia With
Side Dmaaaia Per loth SidM
133 Rothsville Station Rd., Li tit z, PA 17543
Located % Mile North of Rothsville
(717) 626-4705 1-800-IT PATS U
PrkMl T> Sell
Only $1,950
r. $1,250
Only $3,900
Only $10,200
Backhoe Attachment To Fit
Case 580 C Loader Tractor
Super Deal
On New
Holland 316
Come and Gel
A Special Year
End Deal Now!
Come And Drive And Make Your Deal Now!
•K- V t
kit* .
IH 16x7 5100
Grain Drill Nice!
umtm li i
Come and Tow Away
A Special Year
End Deal Now!
UM2386 With
Staggered Double Disk
Openers, Fertilizer
Attachment But Not
Used Grass Seeder,
Hyd. Lift Cylinder &
Hoses, 7.50x20 Dual
Rib Tires
Only *2,950
IH 656 Diesel
Hi-Crop With 2 Post
Rops & Canopy
( *f s
3 PL Hitch, 16.9x38
Rear Tires 90% Tread,
Dual Remotes
This Unit Is
An Extendahoe
That Can Reach
Approx. 17 Ft.
With 24”
Trenching Bucket
Tight - Used
Very Little, Paint
900 080
w/Cab & Air
In Very Good
Approx. 2600
His., 24 Speed
w/Power Shift,
John Deere
6 Row Planter
Come & See,
Make A Super
Year End Deal!
Ford 5 Bottom 16"
Plow (Built By White)
With Spring
Auto Reset
Hyd. Slide On Hitch
Don't Miss This
Only *1,780
IH 140 Offset
9.5x36 Rear Tires,
Cultivator With
Side Dressers
Used Eager Heaver
20 Ton Tag Along
Tilt Top Trailer
Air Brakes
325 New Idea 2 Row 30” Corn Picker
Case IH Maxxum 5120 Demo *
Rate 74 HP Syncro-
Shift, 16 Speed
With Automatic
Reverse 18.4x38
$ 25,900
Lots Of Good Used Manure Tankers
Now And
Tow Away '
•it X /
a; / r^
■ *_ -i'-';«:**>■ ■'’-*■ ■»■
UM2234 Case 7 Shank Coulter Chisel
With Curved
Shovels And
Disc Slices To
Cut The Trash
And Give’ You
A Good Soil
With Residue Coverage For Winter Soil
Management Tow Away Now *3,650
White 2-155
Runs OK, May Need
Engine Overhaul,
Buy Now And Get
Ready This Winter In
Your Own Farm Shop
Pay Only *7,850
With 12 Row
Husking Bed
Was $4,650
Deduct -$l,OOO
Only *3,650
Super Deal
On A Used-
Like New
1232 Disk
Harrow 21”
Cut With Wing
Gauge Wheels
♦ Ready To
W Work!
Buy The Complete
Rig! 1845 Diesel
With Backhoe
1 Owner, Sold New
Buy Our Co. Backhoe
With Rear Mounted
Ripper. Come And
Get A Super
Deal Now!
IH 4 Wheel
4000 Lb. With
Crab Steering
34’ Lift
$ 4,900