FRANCONIA (Montgomery Co.) F.M. Brown's Sons, Inc. recently held a beef production and management seminar and tour for their customers and sales staff. The seminar, which was held at Doug Kogel, chief cattle buyer at Moyer Packing Company, discusses the future of raising finished beef steers in the East to F.M. Brown’s Beef Seminar participants. IF YOU VALUE YOUR ___ _ _ _ __ For pure value in a 41 hp* utility tractor, the lYll MF 240 has no equals. YOU) TRACTOR. See Dealers Below For Details... ARNETT’S GARAGE N.H. FUCKER & S.G. LEWIS AND SON TRIPLE H EQUIPMENT Rt. 9 Box 125 SONS, INC. West Grave. PA 19390 Peach Bottom, PA 17563 Hagerstown, MD 21740 Maxatawny, PA 19538 (215) 869*9440 (717) 548*3775 (301) 733-0515 (215) 683-7252 869-2214 LEBANON VALLEY '“mlS??' SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT PE OPLE r SSALES Comly'sTurfFarmJnc. R m7)*BW^7'slB 7 (717) n 648-11M OaWand MdISjPA 17078 lB9BO (717) 866-7518 (717) 463-2735 (215) 598-7157 M M WEAVER A SON ' n. Groffdaie Rd R.W. KELLER SALES LAWN CARE OF PA GUS FARM EQUIPMENT Leola, PA 17540 Perkasie, PA 18944 Martindala, PA 17549 Seven Valleys, PA 17360-0085 (717) 656-2321 (216) 257-0101 (215) 445-4541 (717) 428-1967 Brown ? s Sponsors Beef Seminar, Tour the Family Heritage Restaurant in Franconia, was attended by 85 participants. It was the culmina tion of several months of training in beef nutrition for the Brown’s sales staff, and provided Brown's To start with, you get a proven Perkins diesel engine. Outstanding fuel efficiency. Ferguson hydraulics. And great resale value. And we make the MF 240 Incredibly easy to own with a great price, high trade-in beef customers with some insight into new and old techniques involved in raising and marketing beef cattle. Doug Kogel, cattle procure ment director for Moyer Packing MONEY... allowance, and low-rate MF financing. So if a new tractor could make your life easier and more productive, stop in and test drive an MF 240 today. • Manufacturers rated PTO horsepouvr MaaSEV FENGUSOM Company, spoke about the impor tance of the beef industry in this area of the country. He stressed the opportunity beef producers had to raise and market their ani mals. He also discussed the impor tance of producing a quality ani mal. and of taking advantage of the nutritional information avail able from Brown’s to turn animals over rapidly and in an economical manna-. He pointed out that it did not make much sense to export our started feeder calves to the Mid west and turn around 12 to IS months lata and bring them back to kill them. He indicated that in many areas of the country, beef producos have to ship long dis tances to reach the final market, but here in Pennsylvania and New Jersey markets such as Mopac are very close. He finished off his talk with a brief question and answer period. Dr. Walter Kennett, Brown’s director of nutrition, followed with a discussion of the various .types of beef operations which Brown’s deals with, and how each needs a different nutritional prog ram to optimize economical growth. He stressed that know ledge of input costs, ration ingre dient quality, and knowledge of what the buyer is looking for are all critical in planning a successful beef raising program. Kennett placed special emphasis on the need for the correct balance of nutrients at each stage of growth to take full advantage of today’s nutritional knowledge. He also discussed how the type of nutrient requirements vary, especially rumen degradable and undegrad- Discover America's Alfalfa The brand ol ooportumtv. Discover a land filled with lush, green alfalfa that stands and yields like no other. Discover America's Alfalfa. ARROW -- known for its long stand life and high quality. Arrow is a proven yield and quality trial winner, bred to resist leafhopper yellowing for higher leaf protein and Relative Feed Value. APOLLO SUPPREME -- unique winterhardiness and high yield make this variety a full-season yield champion that survives. It’s specially selected to resist leafhopper yellowing for higher forage quality. Buv 6 Bags Of Arrow Alfalfa or 6 Bags Apollo Supreme Or A Combination Of Arrow & Supreme And Receive ONE FREE BAG! This Offer Applies To These Two Varieties Only! P. L ROHRER & PRO., INC. Smoketown, PA uncmir rinnMi 9Ni THE CLASSIFIED LIVESTOCK SECTION HAS BEASTLY SELECTNMS! r, December 4, HW-D3 able protein, at various stages of growth. He concluded his talk by challenging those in attendance to do a better job of grouping on both weight and frame size and to fin ish animals on feedlots Caster and thus more efficiently. The final program speaker and co-host of the seminar was Mark Anderson with Hoffman- Laßochc, the manufacturer of Bovatec. Anderson spent some time discussing how coccidiosis can affect profit in a beef opera tion. and on reviewing the various stages of cocci growth and deve lopment He stressed the impor tance of using Bovatec, which is an lonophore, and is Coccidiocid al in a balanced program of raising beef cattle. Bovatec kills cocci organisms in early stages of the life cycle where other types of compounds are coccidiostatic and only arrest development of the organism. He showed how an out break of coccidiosis can reduce a beef steer’s disease resistance, and impact its health for the animal’s entire life. Bovatec is also a growth promotant which im proves feed efficiency and aver age daily gain. At Brown’s, there are six beef and dairy feeds which contain Bovatec, with one right for every situation from the creep feeder to the finial finisher supplement. Following the meal and prog ram, the group adjourned to Mopac, where they were given a tour showing how animals were handled and processed into the final cuts of meat sent to the stores. The importance of quality control at every step of the opera tion was stressed. I'M NOT L10N... PH. 717-299-2571
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