Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 27, 1993, Image 67
CONSIGNMENT SALE Jan. 8, 1994, Saturday At 10 A.M. Located at Highstown Produce Auc tion, Rt. 33, approx. 2 miles east of turnpike exchange *B. Consignments Welcome For information contact Alfred’s Auction Inc. (609) 448-SOLD (7653) PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT, 59.5 Acre Farm and Building Lot Ml Dr. Millar Road, North East, Maryland SAT., DEC. 4th At 10:30 AM. John Deere Equipment: 3020 W.F. Tractor (1300 hn.), 1990 John Deere BSS Compact Utility Tractor 4WD and 72” Belly Mower (120 hn.), John Deere 620 Cm Tractor (excellent condition), John Deere “OM” Gu Tractor (1945 tutored), John Deere 7700 Dieiel Com bine Tiirbo-Hydro (low hn.) and John Deem 216 Flex Head (Block Reel), John Deere 550 50” Roto Tiller, John Deere “3(T Combine (working condition), John Deere 6' Scraper Blade, John Deere Running Gear, John Deere 42" Snow Blade, 12" Port Hole Digger, 3 John Deere Model 110 Lawn-Garden Tracton LGT with Snow Blade and 38” Decfci. (The equipment it in excellent condition and tome tutored)... International 504 Gat Tractor (1600 hn)., 1990 Dodge D3SO Pickup Cummins “D” Engine 4WD (12,000 miles), 1993 Veimeer-No-Till 10’ Drill DRII (like new). Pace Amer. enclosed Trailer 14’ long, 16* Flat Tandem Trailer with Ramps, phis small Motors, Workshop Tools, Welder, Air Compressor, Ladders and much more. All Equipment under cover. REAL ESTATE: at 12:00 Noon, 59.5 acre Farm with 2 Houses and 3 Farm Buildings and 1.8 acre Building Lot in the Village of Westbranch. Call for brochure. LOCATION: From US4O and Rt. 272 (North East, MD) go North on Rt. 272 over 195 to Dr. Millar Road, turn right, go ovar small brldga, 2nd farm on tha left (about 2 milaa oft of Rt. 272). Look for algn. From Nawark, OE taka Rt. 273 Waat to Dr. Millar Road, turn left, V, mile on right, about 12 mllea Waat of Nawark, Da. Harry Rudnlek A Sona, Inc. Salaa Manager, Auctioneers, Real Estate Broker Galana, MD 21635 Phone: 410-648-5601 FARM ! EQUIPMENT ' AUCTION DECEMBER 10, 1993 9:00 A.M. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! TRACTORS- JD 2555 4WD w/175 Ldr.; Ford 3000 Gas; JD 2010 Gas; Ford 8N; JD 300 TLB; IH 966; JD B; IH 560 w/Ldr. Gas; 1972 10 Ton Dodge Dump Truck w/Grain Sides; Oliver 1355 D 4x4 C & H w/1514 Ldr. - 2800 Hrs.; Sno-Lander 8’ Snowblower w/3 Stage. E IH 357 Grinder Mixer, NH 679 Spreader, NI 323 Picker; NH 853 Baler, Grain Chief Grain Dryer- 500 Bu.; 8* Brillion Seeder; IH 540 4 Bt Plow; Glenco 8 R Cult.; JD 1450 5 Bt. Plow; 12* Brady Chopper; IH 3x16 Plow; 3 Sect. Harogater; JD 325 3 Bt Mow; Oliver 5 Bt Plow; JD 7 Tooth Chisel Plow; WFE Transp. Disc; Hay Wagon W NH Gear; NH 455 Mower; JD 3 Pt 4R Cult EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TC\ PQTnn CAT 13 RECEIVING DAYS- MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 THRU DECEMBER 9 - 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. SALE ORDER: 9:00 A.M.- SALE STARTS 9:30 A.M.- LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON-FARM TRACTORS 12 NOON- LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. 1:00 P.M.- SHRUBBERY 2:00 P.M.- LAWN FURNITURE A & C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W. JACKSON ST.. PO BOX 186 NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 (717) 355-7253 : FAX# 355-9547 ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT.- AU22SS-L Sale Reports GINGERICH dance was estimated ESTATE SALE between 600 and 700 A Large Public Auc- people. Buyers were don was held Novem- from several states, ber 12 for die estate of The 29 acre farm Mabel *S. Gingerich, with a 2'A story house 314 Accomac Road, and a frame bulk bam York, Pa. The atten- was sold for $225,000. AUCTION TOWLESVILLE FARM Tumplka Road • Bath, Stauban County, NY wt have boon commlMlonad to soli at tho farm on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th @ 10 A.M. tha farm Is on Tumplka Road, Town of Howard - Bath, Stauban Co., N.Y. 6 miles from Kanona Exit 39 off Rt. 17 Expressway - taka Rta. 53 West to 415 - by Family Life Network Canter taka Campbell Creak to Chamberlain Road to Robinson Road to farm • OR County Rd. 69 to Tumplka Road. 140 HI GRADE & REGISTERED DAIRY CATTLE 140 140 mature cows • year round daily in good flow of milk mostly all Ist and 2nd heifers. Good group strictly fresh cows, group of 30 springers and handling cows balance all stages. You’ll like the udders, cows with size, frees tall and parlor trained. DHIA information for 9 months averaging 3.8 BFT 3.3 Protein Somatic Cell 340,000. 30 day Blood & T.B. tested for Interstate, Pregnancy Examined Shot with Horizon 9. TRACTORS: Parmall 1586 Cab dual remotes: Farmall 1086 cab 20.8x38 dual remotes dual shaft; John Deere 4320 Cab 38” rubber dual remotes; John Deere 4020 34” rubber hydraulic assist, front end; Olivo* 1855 Cab 38” rubber; Case 183 SC diesel Skid Steer; MACHINERY: NH 770 Forage Harv. elec, controls 2 row corn & P.U. head; Dion S.U. wagon 3 beater & roof; Dion S.U. wagon; NH S.U. wagon; Papec S.U. wagon; NH 276 baler w/thrower; Gehl 1500 round baler, NH 489 haybine; NH 256 rake; 2 metal kicker wagons w/gear 1 like new; Vermeer Rake Tedder; Badger Blower, NH 28 Whirlafeed blower. MF 880 5x hydra set plow; IH 4x plow; JD 215 transport disc; Brillion Field Cultivator; JD 494 A 4 row com planter; JD FBB grain drill; Lely fert. spreader, NH 679 tandem spreader; Kewanee 40’ elevator, Clark crop sprayer; 3 pth. bale spear, JD 8’ 3 pth. blade; Quick hitch; Two Storage Van Trailers; 40’ & 45’; •* NEW LUCKNOW TMR MIX ER W/SCALES **; fence posts wood & steel; fuel tanks & pumps; Winpower 45 KW gener ator; circulating fans; control panel. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Double 5 Parlor with DeLaval lowlinc system, 10 units, auto take offs weigh jars - DeLaval 78 vacuum pump w/10 hp motor. Automatic Parlor Doors; Mueller 2000 Gallon tank w/2 twin fan compressors; Booster Pump. BARN EQUIPMENT: Vcntomatic Fans; Zimmerman Gates; 5 head lock up freestall dividers; 10 ton feed bin, 4 Rissler wood silage conveyors; 100’ - 60’ - 40’ - 20’; Watcrers; Water tubs. SILOS & UNLOADERS: 20x80 Harves tore SAO6 with Goliath unloader; 20x50 Harvestore grain unit with auger unload Harvestore roller mill; Silo unloaders 18’ Packmaster by Jamesway like new motor; 20’ Jamesway Valuematic n TA hp; Concrete Stave Silos: 18x60 & 20x60. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Mr. D’Antoni is closing down this dairy operation. You will find a top dairy and quality machinery plus all bam equipment here. Come join us for die day, you’ll be glad you did! TERMS: Cash or Good Check, Every thing Settled Sale Day. Lunch Available MR. VINCENZO D'ANTONI Owner Paul Stewart: Herd Manager 607-776-5014 Howard W. Visscher Salea Manager and Auctioneer ’Nichole, N.Y. 607-699-7250 Other prices were: 1983 Dodge 400 car $l5OO, oak withstand $2lO, dry sinks $4OO, $4lO & $BOO, round oak üble $475, table $335, oak bow-front china cabinet $1250, 2 piece mahogany bed room suite $475, drop leaf table $lB5, piano stool $6O, high chair $l3O, china cabinet $250, small Victrola $lO5, hanging kerosene light $2lO, oak minor $l7O and Halls tea pot $l5O. Also sold were: old Massey Harris tractor $935, mower $225, old buggy $l5O. buggy wheels $3O, $35 & $42.50. sleigh $330, Wapak iron skillet $42.50, New Haven shelf clock $9O, small wind-up train $9O, 4 glass horses $l5O, building blocks $6O, postcards $5O, pocket knives $4 to $lO, tin chicken $65, Popeye pencil sharpener $5O, Zepelin tin bank $lOO, Mickey Mouse train car $lBO, cast iron frogs each $l4O, carnival bowl $lO5, small glass butler chum $BO, and carnival compote $125. All collectibles sold very well. Brian L. and Jacob Gilbert conducted the sale. FRYMYER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate and household goods was held Novem ber 20 for the estate of Mary A. Frymyer, 614 Fivepointville Road, Brecknock Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. There were 215 PUBLIC AUCTION MON. NOV. 29. 1993 - 2:00 PJ SALE TO BE HELD AT DIFFENBACH’S NEW HOLLAND AUCTION CENTER. 100 W. JACKSON ST.. NEW HOLLAND. PA. FORKLIFTS, AIR COMPRESSORS, WELDERS WOOD & METAL WORKING EQUIPMENT AIR COMPRESSORS; 1 -Joy DlOO QP Diesel Powered Jack Ham mer Air Compressor- Ex. .Cond.; 1-Quincy 10 HP HP w/80 Gal. Tank- Good Cond.; Quincy Model 5120 25 HP; Quincy Model 390- 20 HP; Quincy Model 37015 HP; 1 Kelloggs SHP w/120 Gal. Tank Single Phase: 1-Quincy 2 HP w/120 Gal Tank; 2-1 1/2 HP Quincy w/80 Gal. Tank; New Quincy 3 & 5 HP 2 Stage. WELDERS PLASMA CUTTERS ETC. : Lincoln 200 Amp Portable Welder: 3 Mig Attach; Scaffolding; Plasma Cutting Torch; Air & Hyd. Jack Hammers; 2 Good Metal Cutting Mitre Saws; Radial Arm Saw; 3 Good 10" Table Saws; 14” Upart Wood Chop Saw w/Lone Table; Shop Tables; Steel Plate Lift Hook Space Heaters; Phoenex Elec trode Oven; New & Used Air Motors; Air Drills; Air Grinders; San ders; Air Paint Spray Guns; Air Nailers & Staplers; Drill Press & Bench Vises; Lots Of Hinges & Cabinet Hardware; Tons Of New Pipe Nipples & Fittings; Parts Cabinets; New & Used Pulleys; Lin coln 180 Amp Portable Welder; 400 Amp Hobart Truck Welder; 4 Warehouse Rolling Ladder Steps; Concrete Trowler; 4 Concrete Vibrator Levelers; Pallet Jacks. FORKLIFTS: 1 MY4Q White 4000 Lb. 3 Stage Mast Large Tires- Total Rebuild. 1 AC SOPS Allis Chalmers 1981 Model w/3 Stage Mast; 1 Clark 6000 Lb 2 Stage Mast Large Dual Tires; 1 Battery Operated Pallet Lift 1 Portable Bx3o Office Trailer, Exc. Cond. File Cabinets; Office Chairs; And Etc. Truck Load Of Lumber Out Of Millwork Inc. SALE BY: A. & C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W. JACKSON ST., BOX 186 NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 PHONE: (717) 355-7253 FOOD AVAILABLE Lancaster Panrtng SatewteK Nowantter 27, mug registered bidders attending die sale. The one-story Per mastone house with an attached two-car garage was sold for $72,100 to Brenda Whitaker of Denver. Pa. Other prices included: 1980 two door Cutlass Supreme Oldsmobile $825, Case garden tractor $420, blue decorated crock $125, blanket chest $l4O, marble-top dress er $285, modem grand father clock $3OO, oak washstand $9O and oak buffet $290. T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. NEWSWANGER SALE A Public Sale of Gum equipment was held November 20 by Phares and Vera Newswanger, 1636 E. Main St., Goodville, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 219 registered bidders attending the sale. Some prices received were: new spring wagon $1440, manure spreader $420, disc har row $145, J.D. 3-bot tom plow $285, 5 tooth chisel plow $7OO, tram poline $l5O, wooden wheelbarrow $2OO, South Bend cook stove $2lO, Maytag wringer washer $l4O, washs land $l4O, 2 bedroom suites $550 each, another bedroom suite $335, leaf blower $4OO, air compressor $7O, jel ly cupboard $l6O, 4 plank-bottom chairs $6O each, 20 quilts $6O (b $230 each, crock $9O, Elgin pocket watch STOLTZFUS HARDWARE KIRKWOOD ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT. - AU2258-L *l3O, pnsstte teaiiMr $250,5 pole Jacks $lOO and tobacco laths $B5O per 100. Aaron E. Martin and Paul Horst were the auctioneers. ANTIQUE CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Auction of collectibles was brtH November 10 ten miles north of Myentown in Bethel, Pa. Some prices were; large oil painting $5OO, Victrola $l7O, washs tand $llO, twig rocker $llO, small wooden wagon $l6O, plank-seat chain $32.50 each and jelly cupboard $275. Dwight D. Miller was the auctioneer. ZIMMERMAN SALE A Public Auction of Holsteins and machin ery was held November 20 by Ralph and Wilma Zimmerman, 2 miles west of Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa. There were 155 registered bid ders at the sale. Some prices were: J.D. 2140 uactor 57250. J.D. 3-bottom plow $550, 36 ft. bale eleva tor $1375, J.D. scraper blade $lO3O. N.I. 3626 manure spreader $3150 and Badger silage blow er $450. The 34 Holstein cows averaged $ll9O with the top cow bringing $1725. Ken E. Smith, Ray Miller and Dennis Has singer were the auctioneers.