Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 27, 1993, Image 49
School CHAMBERSBURO - About 4,000 Chambenburg elementary ichool children competed in an “I Love Milk” contest recently as Fallings Springs Elsmsntary School students samsd books about nutrition and tha dairy Industry for thalr library as winners in the "I Love Milk” contest conducted recently by tha Middle Atlantic Milk Marketing Association and Dairy Council, Inc. Rebecca Sonnen, MAMMA program director presented the awards to (from left) Ann Zlobrowskl, Food Service Director; Linda Zeger, Head Teacher and Sharon Sheffler, Librarian (sitting). Your Feedroom Expert Really Measures Up! To got the most out of your ftodroom sutup, you need the Feedroom Expert, Invite Mm to your firm now, and not only will you got the best advice available, but something else, absolutely free: this Mgh quality Lufkin* Power Tape. Made in the U.S.A., it Matures rad blade in a high KM MINnkvMTAII JjcnSSES ERBft HENRY EQUIPMENT INC. HARRY TROOP New Berllnvllle, PA 19545 Cochranvllla, PA 19335 218-367-2169 215-599-6731 LAPP'S BARN EQUIPMENT SALES Ac SERVICE Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134 DONALD R. NISSLEY JAMES L. HOSTETTER Willow Slraal, PA 17584 McVaytown, PA 17051 717-786-7654 717-890-6386 SOLLENBERGER SOMERSET BARN SILOS CORP. EQUIPMENT Chambaraburg, PA 17201 Somaraaf, PA 15501 717-264-9588 Sl4-445-5885 Milk Sales Increase In Chambersburg part of the school breakfast prom otion sponsored by the Middle Atlantic Milk Marketing Associa tion (MAMMA) and Dairy Coon IdMMtaipof Free AtMoa, a FREE Power Tape set up an your Feed room get more out setup .. Power lapel i Export* One-Stop templet* llm et: • Feeders • Conveyors • Silo Unloaders llectric Forage Carts • Drum Mixers Series Indicators STAR SILOS Myaratown, PA 17067 717-866-570 S cil. Inc. (DCI). Studenu were not the only win ners. Dairy farmers alto were win ners. A half-pint of a YOU'LL NEVER GET OFF THE If you’re after depend- steel paddles feature able replacement chain reinforced wear shoes, a that won’t cost a lot and broad top face and wider you can trust to last a weld for added strength, long time, look no further. It really is a better chain Jamesway* totally foiled ... at a better price. So Hook-Link™ chain stop in soon is reinforced with I before your old extra steel at every I chain finally wear point and | J J gives up at just the thoroughly hard- wrong time or ened. The "-thick fli iiltil/ili did it already? Better chain... At a better price. See One Of These Dealers For Details... PRINGLES PEED STORE. INC. Greenville, PA 1612 S 412-888-7950 ROVENDALE AG A BARN EQUIPMENT Watsonlown, PA 17777 717-838-9864 OR 717-742-4226 GNEGT SURGE SERVICE Washington, PA 15301 412-222-0444 HOOVER EQUIPMENT Tyrona, PA 16686 814-684-1777 requirement of each school break fast. Consequently, as student school breakfast participation increased school milk sales also rase. 1993 is the first year that all 19 Chambersburg elementary schools have offered school breakfast to their students. The School Breakfast Program is a federally subsidized feeding prog ram to make nutritional meals available to all children. At Dufifidd Elementary School breakfast milk sales rose by 340% during the contest week above the previous week’s milk sales. Other schools saw similar increases: Failing Springs. 236 percent; Scotland, 178 percent; Letterken ny, 168 percent and Coldbrook, 156 percent. Those schools post ing the greatest increases in school milk sales received a set of eight Telling Tales About Milton Hershey HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) “It Didn’t Start With Chocolate” is a storytelling event at The Her shey Museum on Sunday, Decem ber 5 at 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. Janice Henry will weave together seldom heard stories of Milton Hershey and the town that was his name. MARYLAND GLAD HILL TRACTOR MART Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-6060 MD A VA MILK PRODUCERS ASSOC. Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-6582 GEORGE COLEMAN Elmer, NJ 06318 609-388-8528 VALLEY IMPLEMENT SALES Harrisonburg, VA 22801 703-434-9961 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, November 27,1993-S9 books about dairy fanning and nutrition. Hw books were donated by MAMMA and DCI. Students received an *1 Love Milk” sticker each time he or she bought breakfast Cards will all five stickers were entered into the prize drawing. Franklin County Dairy Princess Jessica Royer pre sented backpacks and T-shirts bearing the milk message and also coupons good for meals at Cham bersburg area Pizza Hut restaurants. The Middle Atlantic Milk Marketing Association advertises and promotes milk and dairy pro ducts for its 5,000 dairy farm fam ily members throughout Pennsyl vania. Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia and Vir ginia. Davy Council, Inc. con ducts nutrition education. District Since 1987 Janice Henry has been heard telling stories at Arts’ Festivals, libraries, museums, and hospitals. She is a member of the National Association for the Pre servation and Perpetuation of Storytelling and has performed at Tellebradon, a nationwide even ing of storytelling for adults, in Philadelphia and Lancaster. With a master’s degree in education from the University of Pittsburgh, she feels that storytelling is another way of teaching. The Hershey Museum is a non profit organization, .administered by the M.S. Hershey Foundation and is located at the west end of the Hersheypark Arena. For more information contact The Hershey Museum at (717) 534-3439.