A3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 27, 1993 FFA Convention Builds Leadership For America and guests attended the conven- i ous farm accident, spoke on the were awarded to businesses and ajtowing nomination of national don. importance of farm safety. individuals who support the or- oflucers from the floor as well as During the opening reflections FFA members participated in ganization. The American FFA Ul ® establishment of a new agri program, singer Lee Greenwood the multitude of convention activi- Degree was conferred upon 1,276 communications contest, inspired the crowd with his words ties including competing in con- members. Othw distmguiflied speakers and music, including his tut song. tests receiving awards, attending moteflea Mias America Kimberly “God Bless the USA.” During leadership workshops, and honor- Clarice Aiken. CNN reporter John other sessions. Secretary of Agri- ing spo nsors who make possible ™“" nan * “ wb °y PR 61 culture Mike Espy and Senator the extensive offering of FFA pro- naUonal Larry Craig addressed the audi- grams, T h e Honorary American 01 ™ er y<»y Shortef ence and former FFA member Degree, Distinguished Ser- ” vc tormcr members were in- John Thompson, survivor of a ser- vice Award, and VIP citations stalled as FFA Achievers for out (Turn to Pago A3l) KANSAS CITY, Mo. true to its chosen theme, the 66th Nation al FFA Convention celebrated “Leadership for America.” The Municipal Auditorium served as the hub of activities Nov. 11-13, when FFA members from across the country flocked to Kansas City to experience the world’s largest annual student gathering and en hance their leadership skills. A re cord 31,583 members, teachers. Lil\ \i mu M.usmllc \okonm Circemille I'meiille Mesa si lawrence Asluirv Lreston M ipk ton Mori oil Brunoau Arlington Adams Mavsvilk Phoenix Inn Ril/\ die Walla Walla Manor Manor Wells Wells I odi I 011 l Urbana Uibana I crox i erox I aUli I iki I: >lh .(hum Ml I li 1 li/ab il C >n \ c C oiiiii 1993 National FFA Winners lIONOR NA riONAL FFA OFFICERS NAtlon.il President Ntitmn.il Sccret.iry National Ccntr.ll Region Vice President Ntilion.il Eastern Region Vice President National Southern Region Vice President N.ilion.il Western Region Vice President American Star Former American Star in Agribusiness National BOAC Chapter KJK Nabisco I'omulation, Inc The chapter initialed "Project Parlh Alert" to promote the care and conservation of the earth's natural resources Monies to support their work came from a school dance, a raflle and a grant oi $-1,000 to plant 118 trees on school property BOAC Achievement in Vnluntccnsm KJU Nabisco IVumdation, Inc liomhir was involved in operating a teen leadership camp Prepared Public Speaking Winner 1 MC. I emulation Specs h 11 Lielo I s|a Cayemlo Lxlcmpnraneus Speaking Winner American Harm Bureau Federation Speech The Kole of Secondary Agriculture Programs m Developing an Awareness of International Agriculture Relations Computer* in Agriculture National Winner Lee Computer* in Agriculture Runner-Up Shiloh roumlalion Clencral Tumi Agriscience Student of the Year Julie Agriscicncc Student Runner-Up Jill The Agricultural Croup of Monsanto Company Agriscience Teacher of the Year I oril Motor Company Kind anil PCS Sales Parliamentary Procedure Contest National Winner Parliamentary Procedure Contest Runner-Up Cibn ami the United Soybean Board Marketing Plan Project Rhone Poulenc Ag Company I lorsc Judging Contest (Pilot) NATIONAL FFA CONTEST WINNERS AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS I iresiono Ag Tire Di\ ision ami Bridgesionc/I irestone Trust Fund Team liuliMdual AGRICULTURAL SALES Asgrow Seed Company Team Individual DAIRY Associated Milk Producers, Incorporated Babson Bros Co /SURGi: Team Imlividual DAIRY FOODS Mid-America Dairymen, Inc National Dairy Promotion and Research Board Pal/ ‘sales, Inc loam liulix ulual FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT John Deere Team liulixuhial FLORICULTURE American 1 loral I ncloxvmenl C»eo j ball, Inc (.r.uo Sierra Sun Company Team 1 1 u1 1 \ ulual FORESTRY Champion Inlernalional Corporation liuiix ulual I IVI STOCK Purina MilN liu. film NAME Curtis C Childers Andrew McCrca Raqucl Lncoy Liam Brody Steven Mitchell Tyler Grandil Daniel Jeffrey Keek Cole FFA Chapter Crcslon Boucher Scott LaSalle Amy Neely Young Mernck Jennings Berry McCrea Mecey*Smlth Christy Troy FFA Chapter Rilzville FFA Chapter Walla Walla FPA Chapter Jay ITA Chapter Jacob Tanner, Jay FPA Chapter Manor ITA Chapter Brae) Diennger, Manor PPA Chapter Wells PFA Chapter Jennifer Gn&woUl, Wells FFA Chapter Clover Leaf FFA Chapter I ylo Ruprecht, Clover I oaf FFA Chapter Skyline T 1 A Chapter Jason Dnskill, Skyline 1 FA Chapter I eßoy-Oslrandcr FFA Chapter James Sutherland, Loßoy-Oslrandor IT'A diaper 1 loron I akc-Okahena-Lakehcld I FA Chapter Anne i lartnun I loron I ake Okahona-I akefield FI A Chapter Mt I lolly 11 A Chapter Cary Bowers C oiinul C.rme I I A Chapter In transacting the official busi ness of the organization, delegates voted against a proposal for re gional realignment of states, and they moved to revoke the charter of the District of Columbia FFA Association. The delegates also suggested a review of the policy STATE CJIY I lanlord k Clovis Team 1 lanlord Individual Bear Creek Bear Creek Springdale Springdale 1993 NATIONAL FFA PROFICIENCY AWARD WINNERS X r ATE rrrv Ncwhoni Spring Valley Lincsvillc Momcilo Arthur Middletown Baltic Lake Cardmglon Newman Grove Wokottville Oiinii Church Mill Rccdshurg Lincville Momcilo Rcciisburg Alla Vista Wayneunvii Burlington 11 il! man M.mson MEATS TECHNOLOGY It EVALUATION Excel Corporation I lormel Poods Company • Oscar Mayer Poods Corporation NURSERY/LANDSCAPE American Association of Nurserymen The Cl HPCO®/Specialty Products Group of Khone-l’oulenc Ag Company Kubota Tractor Corporation Team; Individual. POULTRY American Proteins, litc, Sanofi Animal I leallh, Inc. Tyson Foods, Inc. Team Individual National Food & Energy Council; Incorporated and National FFA Foundation General Fund CaselH Ag Processing Inc.: Archer Dttnicls Midland Company and Supcrswcet Feed (AGP. L.P.) SKRVICK CHEVY TRUCKS; Zeneca Ag Pruduels; Nonhrup King Ctanpiiny and Vigononc Ag Products, Inc. Niisco Division/Nasco International, Incorporated and Pitman-Moore, Inc. Kellogg Company and Unocal 7f> Alfa Laval Agn Inc.; American Breeders Service rani Manna Pro Corporation 1)1 VKRS Cargill Livestock Markeling Association ami Wayne Peed Dmsion/Continenlal Grain Coinpany Pioneer Hi-Bred Inlemalional. Ira'. Sando/ Agro. Inc FLORICULTURE American Floral limhrwincnl; The Paul Ecke Poinseltia Ranch; Professional Plain Growers Association and Tire Lerki Corporation Geld Coinpany and Nonhnip King Company Homelile Division of Textron Incorporated; Slone Container Corporation and The National FFA Foundation General Fund Briggs A Stratton Corporation Foundation, Incorporated Tlic National FFA Foundation General Fund HOKSK Equicarc Division of Zoccun Coqioratioii luid Justin 800 l Company Chrysler Corporation - Dodge Tracks and Merck AgVcl Division Oil. CROP PRODUCTION Chicago Board of Trade laid FMC Foundation <>UTIH>< Chew Trucks. O F. Mossberg A Sons, Inc. and Schrade Cutlery Mnjcmi DEKALB Genetics Corporation and Pilinan-Moore, Red Brand fencc/Made by Keystone Steel A Wire Company, Chore-Time Equipment Division ol CTB I lanford it Clovis PPA Chapters Lino Mendcs, Hanford PPA Chapter Chatham Central FFA Chapter Eugene Kidd, Chatham Central FFA Chapter Springdale FFA Chapter Brian Lloyd NAME Jason Howard Kyle Merkel Mark Konmum Craig Daniels Robert L. Peonnan Justin Day Dennis Fronning Stephanie Gompf Barry A. Benson Glenn R. Noll Cale Lee Donald S. Hutson Joe Spcich Wesley McCollum Paul McDowell Ryan K. Engel Tyson J. Buchinan Cherise Vance Eric L. Miller Amy 11, Major Ktcscy G. Kash David S Moline