Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 27, 1993, Image 125
CAPACITY KING Smooth Productivity A New Holland skid-steer loader gets more work done on steep slopes. The low center of gravity and long wheelbase make for a smoother ride, so you can run up a slope empty and come down with a full bucket. And the bucket stays full because there’s less bouncing. Don't try that with an ordinary skid-steer loader.) Stop in and find out just how good a skid-steer loader can be. Schedule Your Winter Repairs NOW For Special Discounts QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • NH-1495 Diesel Engine, Hydro, cab, AC. Haybine • Hesston 1130 Mower Conditioner • IH 1086 Tractor • NH 791 Spreader • (4) NH 489 Haybines • NI 3125 Slurry • NH 851 Round Baler • NH L 553 Skid Loader • NH 1034 Bale Wagon • Gehl 960 Forage Box •NH 144 Windrow Inverter • Gehl 99 Blower ;v I : □ 7720, 4x4, sheddsd, (laid ready. owner died, trade 8 finance, $29,400. Larry Stqlter, Combine Man* 1-800-249-2151 ‘BO 7720; very good, chopper, EHC, $23,160. Can ba 4x4. Trad# $ Finance. Larry Stalter The Combine Man* 1-800-246-2161 660 MF combine, 2,100 hr*., shad kept, 1880 flax and 1164 com heads, ex caDeni condition. Bast of fer. (301)804-8624. 8N Ford tractor, good tires, mechanically good, high and low range 4-speed transmission, $l5OO. 717-253-7809. Alls Chalmer 8030 diesel, 4WD, powershHl, cab, air, stereo, 140 HP, excellent condition, $21,500. 315-393-3435. Antique JD LA tractor, nice, $2,000. 1-800-248-2151 Athens *B4 disc, 14’, $1800; JD 3pt chisel plow, wide frame, good points, $450 w/gauge wheels; JO eultimuleher, 14* $lOOO. 717-589-7481. Nl 323 1R piotor, sharp, <2,900. (717)763-3197. BACKHOE FORD 4500, gas, ready to work, $5,800. 410-833-9Q91 BACKHOE JD 300, w/3 pt. (PTO avails! $5,500. 410-533-9091 BATWING MOWER WOODS B-320, dsmo, new, $7,500. 410-833-9091 Badger bedding chopper and shredder, good condi tion, $650. 215/287-8349. Bobcat 720 skid loader, like new $6BOO. Machine shop equipment, lathe, miing machine, etc. Come see, make offer! 717-692-5380. BUSH HOG 10- pull type mowers, complete, set up and ready to go, $3795. Taneytown Farm & Hard ware, 410/751-1500. CAN-SPRAY Pressure Washers. SHP Honda En gine, 40' Hose, Soap Tank, 2-Wheel Cart, Adjustable Nozzle. $875 Delivered. Only 10 Units at this Price. 1(800)346-2334. Case 1840 Loader, 282 HRS. 1992, Like New, $11,000; New Holland 555 Deluxe, 1100 HRS, Very Good Condition, Tracks, $11,500; Bobcat 825, Hours Unkn., Good Condi tion, $6500. Call (302)697-3200 or (302)674-3200 After SPM Ask for Glen. Case 580 Loader Backhoe, $7500. (717)375-2637. CRAWLER DOZER CAT 076, no. 92V4125, nice condition, $32,000. 410-833-9091 David Brown 9908 tractor (S2hp) with Warn-roy loader/ backhoe, 16* reach, rebuilt engine, overall (air condition, asking $4,250. Berks County. (215)987-6674. Deere 5830, 2,250 hours, metal detector, super sharp. $71,500. Trade & fi nance. Larry Stalter The Chopper Man" 1-800-248-2151. DISC HARROW JO 8' offset, -KiPater, like new, $6OO. 410-833-9091 DISK OLIVER 253,12‘, ex cellent, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 Dismantling for Parts' Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS; D 1402 and V 1902 Kubota engines; 85D333 or 201 CID, Ford 3-cyl. diesel engines; VH4 Wis consin engine; LSS3 NH skid loader. Complete re pairs on skid loaders in cluding hydrostatics. GD EQUIPMENT 717-859-3533. LAWN 81 GARDEN DISK ATHENS 10‘, $1,200. 410-838-9091 Dual Wheel Rims for com bine, like new; JD 4RW com head, JO 6RN corn head, both for JD 96 or 105 combine, reasonable. 215/5388624. FARMALL M, power steer ing, hydraulic outlet, good tin, runs excellent, $1,250. FARMALL M road grader, needs tire, $l,OOO. WOODS 10’ pull-type rot ary mower, needs gears in 1 box, $650. (215)343-0156. Farmall 460 G, WF, fast hitch, 2 remotes, TA, tires 95%, nice shape; 6660, WF, TA. 3 pt hitch, ROPS w/roof, less than 1600 hours. 410/721-2897. Farmall H, 12 Volt. 40HP, Hyd. outlet, belt puNy, runs excellent, $l,OOO. 301/8987426. Farmers - Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise yopr equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-6281164. FORKLIFT, CLARK GAS, 2000 lbs., 10-. old but runs well. $l,OOO. 410-833-9091. FOR SALE: JD 337 baler w/ejector $4,500. Case 675 self-propelled hay bvina $1,500. JD 71 com shelter, $4OO. Phone (717)444-3068. FOR SALE: Surdiac model MCK-616-D coal stove, $400; King model 99018 combination wood/ coal stove, $2OO. ELAM LAPP, 90E Strack Dr., Myer stown, PA 17067. Ford 1620 HST diesel, 390 hours, 1992 4x4, hydraul ics, nice. 717/949-3286. Ford 8N rebuilt motor, new paint, $2,000. (717)993-3413 evenings. For JD 720 or 730 diesel, belt pulley assembly, mani fold, left and right housing, complete brake drums; (4) BouMatic milk claws w/ turn-offs. 717-328-5748. For most any combine, grain and/or com header, or self propelled choppers. Call Larry Stalter, The Combine Man* 1-800-248-2151 Gas powered golf cart, Harley Davidson, good for on the farm, $5OO. (301)898-7426 Gleaner F gas, 13' & black 4 row wide header, good, $6,950. Larry Stalter The Combine Man* 1-800-248-2151 Gravity bin wagon, almost new, $1750. Call week days 717-626-2360 . Greenhouse fans and vents, 36* and 48'; Cub sicfclebar mower and disc, $lOO/ea; Int T sicklebar mower $100; Oliver 2R corn planter $75; 3pL me chanical transplanter IR, $75; 3 bottom, 3pt. trip out Case plow, $300; pull be hind disc 4', $75. 609-259-2431. Harsh 240 TMR Mixer, Demo Unit. (717)263-6199. Hesston #lO stacker, good for corn stalks, $950. (301)898-7426. Hesston 4800 big square baler, field ready, $15,500. (215)598-7687. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 IH 340, gas w/front end loader, PS, 3 pL, runs well, $3,500. 410-833-9091 - IH 370 disk; IH 340 4 bot tom plow; 656-0 tractor: Case grain drill; misc. farm machinery. Jamesway comfort stalls; Agway water bowls; Cub Cadet lawn tractor and mower. (215)589-4351 evenings. uncMttf nnmnif smwny.woMwttw \mot Hesston 4600 baler, 10' dump body, Krauae 6R 30* cultivator, BrHNon 14' ouW paokar, 48S Sukup grain cleaner, 80’ belt feeder. 717/386-5606. IH 5088, cab, air, 2740 hrs, 3 remote*, like new, $26,500; IH 1066, TA, 2 re motes, $13,500 717/423-6710. IH 656, gas, tri-cycle, new motor, outlets, TA, excel lent rubber, $3,800. 410-833-0001 IH 658, gas, utility, new rubber i TA, $3,800. 410-833-0001 IH 706, diesel, fast hitch, factory wide front, $2,500. 4108330001 IH 706, diesel, narrow front, 3 pt., $2,500. 4108330001 IH 784, new TA 8 clutch, 2760 hrs, 1083, $10,000; IH 656, TA, good condition, $4050. 717/4236710. IH 806 WF, recent TA, dual PTO, dual hydraulic, $3,600 (717)532-8626., IH 666, CAH, remanufao tured engine, excellent, $6,000. 410-833-6081 IH big front weight*, $35 each. (717)532-8626. IH FarmaH 656 diesel, hy drostatic w/loader. IH 650 2R corn chopper. 1000 RPM. NH 707 3pth chop per w/single raw com and grass head. AN equipment in very good condition. Or iginal owner. (614)462-4380. IH Model 844 4R Corn Head; Lockwood XL Potato Harvester w/Belted Chain. (717)786-1486. JO 1010 gas industrial loader tractor w/stuck motor, $l,BOO. 410-833-6061 JD 13' Rigid Combine Head, Very Good Condi tion, Shed Kept. (717)844-3500. JD 1836 Model B tractor, running condition, $1850; JD 1638 Model B, running condition, $lB5O. Both are unstyled JDs. 614/876-6351. JO 2010, tricycle, very nice, field ready, $3,000. 410-833-9091 JO 3010 diesel, WF, new rubber, ready to work, $5,400. After ,spm, (609)451-1167. JO 3010, gas, tn, roll bar, very nice original midwest tractor, $3,800. 410-833-9091 JO 36' com elevator, very nice. $6OO. (301)898-7426. JD 401 diesel tractor w/3 pt, PTO, reverser & outlet, runs well, $4,000. 410-833-9091 JD 4230, 1977. 2550 hrs., super clean w/roll guard and syncrange transmis sion, $13,000 080. 908-234-2043 evenings. JD 430 tricyde, LPTO & steering, nice. $2,500. 410-833-9091 JD 4400 combine, w/13' grain head, or 13' flex available, under 2000 hrs., $9OOO. 717-367-3801. JD 4430, cab, quad, trans.; JD 2010 w/backhoe & loader. 814/643-5163. JD 4508 crawlar/loader, excellent, $ll,OOO 080. ARPS 3pth backhoe, 7', V.good, $2500 080. Nl 14A, 12A, 17A manure spreaders, all good Re built NH 36' & 30' model 155 hay & gram elevators half price of new. Thom Wheary, Lancaster Co. 717/687-0102. JD 55 combine, 1 head, ex cellent condition. (717)653-9175 JD 60, narrow front, $1,900. 410-833-9091 JD #6O Tractor, Runs Good, $1400; IH 4 Bottom Semi-Mount Plow, Nice Condition, $750; JD 1450 5 Bottom 18" Plow, Excellent Condition, $1250 (609)767-0444. JO 830, tricycle, narrow front, $3,200. 4108330001 JD 830 WFE, Straight Tin, Good Motor. Call After 6PM (814)4333252. JD 6R com plantar, dry fer tilizer, monitor, pfatsless, mint condition, $l,OOO. (301)8037426. JD6X 30* front mount culti vator, complete, fils 2510 to 4020, $600; New Land diec $400; 4O' King Wysa conveyor $BOO. 6QO-8831862. JD' 7200 6R no-tilt com planter, well equipped, very excellent condition. 717-6535350. JD 720, diesel, tricycle, $3,200. 410-833-0001 JD 7' 23A flail mower, chopper. Less than 100 A use. VGcond, $1875. 6034532366 after SPM. JD 730, diesel, direct electric, factory wide front, 3 pt., excellent sheet metal, $3,000. 4138330001 JD 830,730,630, and GW. Call evenings 717-222-4432. JD 850,2,000 hrs., 2WD.I owner, nice, $5,400. 410-633-8061 JD High Quality Flex Heads: 220, 216, 213. Shinabery Equipment, 517/523-2883. JD High Quality Corn Heads: 843,643,443,444, 343. Shinabery Equip ment. 517/523-2883. JD High Quality Combines: 7720, 6620, 7700, 6600, 4400, Shinabery Equip ment. 517/523-2883. JD Model 2800 SX on land mold board plow, variable width, spring reset, buster bar, deep chisel plow at tachment. Priced to sell $4OOO. Call Sheaffer even ings 410/778-0185. JD Ml, Good Rubber, Good Tin, 2Btm. Plow Sicklebar Mower Cult. Corn Planter $2500; 78 LN7OOO Ford 22‘ Bed 3208 CAT sSpd. Good Rubber, Good Shape. $3OOO. (717)363-2133 After 7PM. JD's restored, mint; AR 1946 $3,950, 420 W $3,700. (717)872-5007 JD Tractor. 2750, 2WD w/ Factory Cab, A/C, Snow Plow, 1635 Hours, Excel lent Condition, $24,500/offer. (410)781-7330. John Deere, 2510, Gas, N.F., Very Good Condition, New Tires, Asking $4300. York County. (717)432-8225. John Deere #213 grain head, black reel, low acres, excellent condition, $4,000. (609)859-2298. Kinze 6 30" row double frame planter, dry fertilizer hoppers, cross fill auger, monitor, bean brush me ters, corn meter, planted 400 acres, excellent, $14,500. 410/557-8643 Jack. Kubota 4WD Diesel B-8200 with 800 Hours, Quick Detach Hoe and Front Loader with Stand. This is not a 3 Pt Hoe. HB‘ Wood's Groming Mower All For $14,000. Call (717)588-6350 Eve Only. Kubota 88200 hydro 4WO, PS, w/5' belly mount mower, $6500. 301/694-9462 Late Int. 715, German diesel, grain head & corn head, $7,950. Larry Stalter “The Combine Man’ 1-800-248-2151 LOADER TRACTOR IH 3514, rebuilt motor, weight box, 3 pt. & PTO available, $2,800. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 302 A, 3 pt., live PTO, ROPS, reverser, $7,500. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR. MF 40 DIESEL w/cab & 3 pt., auto trans., 2,900 hours, no PTO, $3,000. 410-833-9091.