JWED TOCUTTm mb MX? NEW DAIRY BLEND CONCENTRATES pennfleld NEW DAIRY BLEND COMPLETE FEEDS ■ ._ • *< * i |V* V J * Feed prices for Week of November 29 and Subject to Change Weekly with Grain Market Includes 8 ton volume discount and cash discount of 2'/>% due 15th following month. Deduct additional $3.00 per ton if paid in 10 days. 24 22 ONE TON MINIMUM ' 20 jj *> mxM ,16 * Pa. 1-800-732-0467 \ jT Ontalde Pa. 1-800-233-0202 A SKj4 i oysi SE PENNFIELD DELIVERS l 12 A „•*“ f » ’iMfs?'. '-4 s ;' O^** Tf> * y rv