Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 20, 1993, Image 1
m ~— m Vol. 39 NO. 2 PFA Changes Name To Pennsylvania Farm Bbreau, Recognizes Berks Couple For Distinguished Service LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Farming Staff HERS HEY (Dauphin Co.) Change punctuated the 43rd annu al meeting of the Pennsylvania Fanners’ Association (PFA). It changed its name to Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and for the first time named a husband and wife team as the recipients of the Distinguished Service Award. Keith Eckel, president of the Time to pick out a favorite turkey. From left, Mark and Sarah Grayblll, Lindsey Grub er, and Rebecca Grayblll are checking out the turkeys on the Grayblll’s farm. Turn to page 810 tor story. Ag Agents Give Editor Honorary Title STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.)—The Pennsylvania Associa tion of County Agricultural Agents (PACAA) met for their hospitality and awards banquet in conjunction with the annual meeting Tuesday evening at the Nittany Lion Inn. Everett Newswanger, editor, Lan caster Farming, was the speaker and received the 1993 Honorary County Agent Award, also known in Penn State circles as the “Bull Skin” award. This commendation is given for excellence in commu nication and education that exem plifies the work of a county agent Newswanger is a member of the Penn State University agricultural advisory council and earlier this year received the award for excel lence from the Northeast Farm Communicators Association for the best photojournalism farm story. In the keynote address, entitled "Prom Agriculture to Society: A Pew Thoughts on the Future of Panning.” Newswanger said he Probably gets to work with more extension personnel in the county offices across the state than anyone outside the extension system. (Turn to Pogo AM) 60t Per Copy organization, assured hundreds of farm leaders gathered at the Hcr shey Lodge and Convention Cen ter for the three-day meeting, “One thing won’t change and that’s the people. This organization is the product of the people who partici pate. work, and built together for the betterment of agriculture.” Distinguished Service Award recipients William and Gertrude Moore are two of these people who This photo taken at the Pennsylvania agricultural agent’s annual meeting this week includes, from left, Everett News* wanger, managing editor, Lancaster Faming, named the 1993 Honorary County Agent; Bill Kelly, Westmoreland County agent, honored for his service as national and state president; and Jim Weishans, Dauphin County agent and stale president. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Novambar 20,1993 for more than 40 years have been active in PFA leadership. The annual award is given to the person who through unselfish dedication has made a major con tribution to the betterment of agriculture. Described as the “Dynamic Duo,” by Keith Eckel, president of the association, the Moores have an extensive resume of agricultural involvements. Life for the couple started out on opposite sides of the world. Bill was bon in South Africa, Gertrude in Oklahoma. After Bill graduated from Cornell University and Ger trude from Oklahoma City Univer sity, both settled in New York. Bill was a county extension agent and Farm Bureau manager and Ger trude, a school teacher. The couple married in 1935. In 1946, the Moores moved from New York to begin farming in Berks County, where they imme diately became active in tie county Farmers Association. Both Bill and Gertrude worked tirelessly for the organization by serving on Atlantic Dairy Shows $5.4 Million Net Margin EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) More than 900 members arET guests filled the Lancaster Host Resort Showroom for the 76th annual banquet of the Atlantic Dairy Cooperative Thursday even ing. The banquet provides the Deadlines Change For Thanksgiving The Lancaster Farming office will be closed Thursday, Novem ber 25 in observance of Thanks giving. Deadlines for the week of Thanksgiving are as follows; • Public Sale Ads Noon, Mon., 11/22 • General News Noon, Wed., 11/24 • Classified Section C Ads 5 P.M., Tue., 11/23 • All Other Classified Ads 9 A.M., wed., 11/24 Reassessment Could Have Dramatic Effect On Farm Taxes ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff EPHRATA (Lancaster Co.) Tough decisions lie ahead for many Lancaster County farmers as countywide reassessment begins. And, for many farmers, it could mean a final assessment that could dramatically increase their 1996 taxes, according to Terry Kauff man, county commissioner, who spoke at a meeting of the Ephrata Area Young Fanners Tuesday night. Last year’s county court deci- Four Socflom committees and holding office. For 13 years. Bill was president of the Association and his wife was secretary-treasurer for 17 years and editor of the county newsletter for 39 years. Bill was elected to the PFA state board for five years. From the beginning. Bill was interested in the political impact that PFA could have on legislature. He represented PFA as a political consultant to the Philadelphia con gressional delegation for 10 years. He was treasurer of the Penn-Ag Democrats for 12 years, and served as a democratic committee man for 23 years in Tulpehocken (Turn to Pago A 22) social point of the two-day busi ness and annual meeting of the cooperative. ' Rice 111, a comedian, pro vided a room-full of laughs as he presented his fictional character Phychologist Dr. Ronald Willouh by, who offered the audience his slightly wacky thoughts on dealing with stress in today’s world. The business of the evening was a formal recognition of Dr. Paul E. Hand, retired general manager. Hand retired from Atlantic on July 31, and a check for $20,000 was presented to go toward a scholar ship to be established in Hand’s name at Penn State University. The money for the scholarship was donated by the cooperative’s members, directors and employ ees. A number of dairy industry organizations also contributed to the scholarship fund. “We are proud to present this check to Pual Hand,” general man ager Robert M. Dever told the audience. “It is a token of our appreciation for his 36 years of ser vice to Atlantic and the dairy (Turn to Pag* A 36) sion laid in place a countywide reassessment process that will account for every residential, com mercial, and farm operation. The decision, according to Kauffman, was the result of the city’s need for more revenue. They were legally bound to stay within the limit of 25 mills, but couldn’g go any higher without going to court. As a result, the city, at 25 mills, wanted more revenue. The ruling, which came in January of 1992, paves the way for reassessment and limits the tot- $19.75 Ptr Yaar (Tum to Pago AST)