Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 76
BSMancntor Finning, Saturday, NovamDar 13,1M3 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. o t each week’s publication SAT. NOV. 13-10 AM Roly Door Sales, 31 Taylor Drive, Bradford, Pa. Pallet & Woodworking Machin ery. J V Trageser Auct. SAT. NOV. 13 -10 AM Cattle, machinery, milking equip., real estate. At the farm on the comer of Hoff man Hollow Rd. & Hogback Rd.. Lowman - Town of Baldwin, 5 mites N. of Rte. 17 via County Rd. 2 & Hoff man Hollow. Mr. & Mrs Les ter Turner, owners. Howard W. Visscher, auct. SAT. NOV. 13-10 AM, Val uable Real Estate, Anti ques, Household Goods, Snow Blower, Nice Selec tion Of Hand & Garden Tools, Riding Mower. Located 2566 Golden Drive, East Petersburg, Pa. Dir.: From Lane. Take Rt. 72 North Approx. 2 'A Miles, Turn Right On Miller Rd. At Uni-Mart Across From Hodecker Celery Farm. Continue 'A Mile. Sale On Comer Of Miller Rd. And Golden Drive. Sale By, Verna M. Kauffman & The Late Elmer H. Kauff man. Miller & Siegrist, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 13 -10 AM, Farm Machinery, Few Hand Tools. 2 Inter. Trac tors, Cub Cadet, 32 Milk Bottles, Few Antiques, Guns. Located At On South Sandy Hill Road, Chester Co., Pa 2 Miles East Of Compass. Follow Route 340 East To Old Wilming ton Road, East To Sandy Hill Road Left From Busi ness Route 30. Go West On Old Wilmington Road At Sadsburyville, To South Sandy Hill Road Owners, Paul & Lena Lapp Peter sheim Aucts. SAT. NOV. 13 -10 AM, Baseball Cards. Located Brickerville Fire Hall. List Will Be Available Week Of Auction Only Stop In Or Give Me A Call! Auction Is A Single Consignment All From One Party. E M Mur ry Assoc Auct. SAT. NOV. 13 -10 AM, Farm Machinery. Located Between Berlin & Garrett Off Old Rte 219 Near The Village Of Fine Hill, Some rset Co. Owners, Mr. 4 Mrs. Harold Hay Luce Aucts. SAT. NOV. 13- 11AM 14+ Acre Farm, 3200+ Ft. All Brick Colonial Home. Two Barns, Stieam, Fenced Pastures, 2611 Thomas Run Rd., Bel Air, Harford Co., Md. Rigdon, aucts. SAT. NOV. 13-11 AM Real Estate Auction. On the pre mises. 7103 Hynson Rd., Dorchester Co., Md. From the Bay Bridge follow Rt. 50 E. to Easton, Md. Turn S. onto Rt. 331 towards Pre ston, Md., follow Rt. 331 thru Preston to Rt. 318. Fol low Rt. 318 E. approx. 1.8 miles to Hynson Rd., turn right onto Hynson Rd. and go approx 1.4 miles to farm on left Jose Alberto Goncalves, owner. A. Cur tis Andrew Auction, Inc. SAT. NOV. 13 - IPM P.T. Mclntire & Sons Production Sale, Farmers Livestock Exchange, Inc. Winches ter, Va. Spring and Fall Calving Cows, bred and open heifers, Vance Auction. SAT. NOV. 13 - 2PM, Real Estate. Loc: Take Rt 472 So. Of Oxford Pa At Traffic Light Turn Left, Turn Left Again At Fire House, Go East On Old Rt 1 App. 3 Mi. To Property On Left. Terms By, Willard Roland. Kreider, Kline & Good, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 1310 AM, SUN. NOV. 14 IPM; MON., NOV. 15 - IPM Wilson’s Auction Sales, Inc. Special Fall Carriage Auction Weekend. Route 113, approx. 25 milea S. of Dov er, Delaware. Wilson’s Auction Sales, Inc. SUN. NOV. 14 & MON. NOV. 15 • IPM, Wilson's Auction Sales, Inc., Horse Drawn Vehicles. Located Wilson’s Carriage Museum. Royal Acres Haftingers- Dave Wilson, Sponsor. SPECIAL AUCTION DELMARVA DEERE DEALERS Q AUCTION g Tractors, Combines, Tillage Equipment, Lawn & Garden Saturday, Nov. 27, 1993 9:30 a.m. Location: Taylor & Messlck, Inc. Walt Messlck Road, Harrington, DE 19952 (302) 398*3729. TRACTORS: Antique D Tractor (Case), Super M Farmall, IH 656, J.D. 630, J.D. 730, J.D. 620, J.D. 1020 Gas, IH 1206, J.D. 2640, J.D. 4020. J.D. 4440, J.D. 4240, J.D. 2950 (No Cab), J.D. 4230, J.D. 4250 w/Roll Card, J.D. 4250 w/Cab 2WD, J.D. 4850 2 WD, Cab, PS w/New Rubber, JD 8560, J.D. 4020, IH 826, J.D. 4650 FWD, J.D. 4430 w/Cab. IMPLEMENTS: IH DRILL, 2-8300 J.D. Drills, 2-6 Row J.D. 7000 Planters w/Dry Pert., Schurtz Loader to Fit MF Tractor, J.D. 4 WD Front Blade 12 Ft, J.D. 630 Disk 21’9” (Like New), 13*9” Brillion Pulvermulchcr (Brand New w/Ductile Wheels, J.D. 750 No- Till Drill 15 Ft., New Holland Silage Blower, 2 Sets of J.D. 6 Btm. 13-1450 Plows. J.D. Cul timulcher 12 Ft., 12 Ft. Brillion Flail Mower, 15 Ft. Brillion Hail Mower, MFBBO 6-16 On Land Plow, J .D. 709 Gyramor, J.D. 707 Cut ter, AC 11 Ft. Disk, 3 Btm. J.D. Plow, Brillion Pull Type Chisel Plow, 16 Ft White Disk, 26 Ft. Field Cultivator, New J.D. 15 Ft Field Cul tivator, 30 Ft. Crowfoot Brillion X-Fold Pack er, 16 ft. BWA J.D. Disk, 15 ft Unvcrferth Field Cultivator, 18 Ft. Spike Drag, 18 Ft. Chattanooga Crawfoot-Packer, Anco 3 Pt. Ditcher, Hardee Ditch Bank Cutter, J.D. 115 Blade 9 Ft, Brent Grain Cart, 8 Row 7000 Planter 30” Rows Dry Pert. IH Drill, J.D. 9300 Grain Drill, J.D. 216 Platform, J.D. 400-30 Ft End Transport Rotary Hoe, J.D. 922 Flex Platform (Like New), J.D. 444 Corn head, J.D. 4400 Combine w/Platform, Hobart Welder on Trailer, 4 Push Carts, 9 Ft. Hardee Pull Type Mower, 12 Ft MJ 7 . Pull Type Rot ary Cutter. 14 Ft J.D. Flail Mower, 5 Section 12 Ft Pull Type Springtooth Harrow, Mid West Planter Harrow AtL, IH 4 Section 3 Pt, Rotary Hoe, J.D. #3O 2 Row Level Bed Potato Digger, Front Snow Blade for Truck, 5 Ft Pull Type Soil Pan. LAWN & GARDEN; Dynamark 11 HP Mower, 2-Craftsman 11 HP Mowers, J.D. 210 Tractor, J.D. STX3B, Gravely 816 S Tractor, Gravely Walk Behind w/Sulky, New RMSOO Mower, J.D. 272 3 Pt. Grooming Mower, Woods RM-59 Mower, Century Grooming Mower, Many Misc. Antique Parts for Trac tors & Equipment, Dual’s for tractors. Antique Wagons, Shop Motor Crane, Electric Hack Saw, Many New parts for L&G & Older Equip., Front Sprayer Tanks Saddle Type. Chaff Spreader for Combine. Complete Saw Mill. TERMS; Cash, certified check, cashiers check or check with current letter of credit from your bank. ALL Equipment sold “AS IS AND WHERE IS” with no expressed or implied warran ties unless announced otherwise by auction eer day of sale. This auction is one of the largest of this kind ever held in this area and is being sponsored by Delmarva John Deere Dealers. Don’t miss this auction! Make plans to attend today! For further information contact Jimmy Messick at 398-3729. WILSON’S AUCTION SALES. INC. Dave Wilson, Auctlonssr & Sales Manager (302)422-3454 Fax (302) 422-0462 ★ Lunch Served By Bumville Ruritan Club * Subject to prior sale as trade-ins are coming in daily. SUN. NOV. 14 - IPM At Little Haps Auction, located baaido Ollies East. approx. 8 milat E. of Harrisburg along Rt 22 (Exit 26E on 1-81) Antiquas and Collecti bles, rare and valuable Hama, quality furnishings. John and Tom Golde, aucta. SUN. NOV. 14- 2PM Pen nsylvania Acreage, 2550-3000 acres located in Clinton Co. surrounded by 280,000 acres of Sproul State Forest Bob, Chuck & Rich Roan, Inc. Aucta. fAPPRI MON. NOV. 15 - 9AM Dump trucks, truck crainss. Pick up truck*, skid *to*r baiter, contractor* tools A equip., concrat* forms, scaffolding, building equip. For Lloyd F. Karshner Con struction Inc. 932 Haws Ave., Norristown, Pa Richard J. Moyer, auct. MOI 'N. NOV. 15 -10 AM ntiquee, household PUBLIC SALE OP REAL ESTATE (Brick Ranch House w/Cement Block Barn w/6.6 Acres of Land) ALSO: SEPARATE MOBILE HOME, TRACTOR - VANS, RIDING MOWER, LOTS Of SCRAP IRON, HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., DEC. 11, 1993 AT 11:00 A.M. Loc. 1109 Millwood Road, Pequea Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. (South of West Wil low, near B.S. Fisher Steel Corp.). Real Estate open for Inspection: Sat’s, Nov. 20,27 & Dec. 4 from 1:00 P.M. until 3:00 P.M. Or phone (717) 464-3541. Real Estate to be sold at 1:00 P.M. Food Served Sale By: GEORGE E. GRAYBILL ESTATE Andrew Hooker Appel, Esquire Howard Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) PUBLIC AUCTION NEW HOLLAND TR 70 ROTOR COMBINE w/4 WHEEL DRIVE, FARM EQUIPMENT & SMALL FARM ITEMS SAT., NOV. 20, 1993 At 11:00 AM LOCATED: Turn off Rt. 61 at Shoe makersville Traffic Light onto Noble Ave. for ’/« mi. & right at Meridian Bank onto Main St. for approx. 2 ml. Turn onto Zweizlg Rd. for approx. 2V4 ml. across Iron bridge to stop sign & left onto Beme Rd. for 3/10 ml., next right onto Bachmoll Rd. for V 4 mi. to farm. Tllden Twp., Berks Co., PA. Watch signs. TRACTORS: J.D. 4010 Diesel tricycle (good rubber), Int Farmall BS6. TILLAGE: Int 7 tooth chisel plow, Oliver #565 5x16” semi mtd. plow, J.D. 3 pt. 4x16” plow, Int 3 pt 12* field cultivator, J.D. 12’ transport disk, Brillion 12’ cultimulcher. HAY: N.H. #256 Rolabar Rake (nice). Pequea #7lO PTO hay tedder (like new); J.D. #346 baler w/Gandy applicator ft quarter chute. N.H. #lOO2 stack wagon, Hesston #ll2O 9’ haybine (4 yrs) old. Smoker 28’ bale elevator. COMBINE: N.H. T.R. #7O Rotor Combine (Cat engine) 4-wheel drive, hydrostat IS’ flex grain head ft 6-tow com head. MISCELLANEOUS: Int #5lO 20 disk grain drill, Int 400 cyclo 6-row narrow com planter, Gehl #72 B flail chopper, Hesston 2000-100 Forage Harvester v/2-tow narrow com ft hay attach, (hyd. ft elec, controls), Int S’ Rotary mower, Int #5l forage wagon, (2) forage boxes for parts, (2) 215 bu. Gravity bin wagons w/8 ft 10 ton gears (like new). Harvester Rolletmill (parts). 400 bu. grain dryer (needs work), 1 wagon of small farm items. Int. 200 IH ground drive manure spreader (new floor chain) great for horses. TERMS: Cash or PA check day of Auction. REASON FOR SALE; Selling due to health problems. Approx.,3 Hour Auction Sala for: RANDY & SHARON REPPERT > R.D. #2, Box 2674 z Hamburg, Pa. 19526 U i' i.lw 215-562-3929 LEI BY < da I# AU00541-L AUCTIONEER 3 AUUUO4I-L SERVICE goods, took, gun*. Located 127 A 28th Division High way (it 822, near Rt SOI), Briekerville, Lana CO., Pa. » Harold R. MoWar, Ada Mohlar. Horst aucts. MON. NOV 15- 10AM Fir*- arm Auction. At Alderfar Auction Center, SOI Fair grounds Rd., Hatfield, Pa. Sanford Aktorfer, auct GOODRIDGE FARM SUPPLY USED EQUIPMENT LIQUIDATION AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 @ 10:00 A.M. ALEXANDER, N.Y. LOCATION: Auction will be held at the dealership, Railroad Ave* Alexander, N.Y. Just off Rt 20,10 miles South of Batavia. NOTICE: One of New York State’s finest John Deere Dealers wifi sell at public auc tion without reserve (except only 4 items with the •) thbAttractive line of equipment all to the highest bidder. Great quality here and attractive financing terms! TRACTORS & INDUSTRIAL: Ford 4040 Syncro Ford 4110 turf IH 1486 w/cab low hn.- 1700 Ford 1310 compact wAnower dock NH 555 ikid loader - no engine JD 2550 roll bar - 3846 hn. clean JD 4630 w/S.G. cab JD 4440 w/cab - new engine TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: Caie 18* wing diik Ford 5B ipring reiel plow 3 pL hitch 4* rototiller Brillion 20’ folding drag JD 14S SB plow JD 950 roller harrow HAY & FORAGE: JD 2700 SB plow IH 700 7B trailer Case IH 4600 24* field cultivator Brillicn 11 (hank chiiel plow NH 1495 SJ>. haybine (2) JD 716 A tandem forage wagons (2) NH 8 tandem forage wagons ♦JD 435 round baler (like new) NH 851 round baler Pequea tedder (new) T flail mower Ford 501 mower JD pan ejector (2) NH 489 haybines NH 114 hydroswing haybine SPREADERS: JD 780 hydra puih undent NH 519 COMBINES & HEADS: JD 6600 2000 hn. JD 643 comhead (low tin) JD 216 platfonn JD 7700 3041 hn. •JD 4420 2850 hn. JD 443 com head (high tin) Cane ft Rice tirei - 23.1x26 DRILL & PLANTERS: m n £b .• .. JD 7000 4R liquid wide ro7MO 6Rhqujd J D 8350 drill w/gr... Fen. boxea for 7000 planter feeder 30 LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS INCLUDING: JD 214 JD 210 Boleni 160 JDR72 JD 112 JD 212 AC 914 Fold 17LT Cub 128 JD ijo Ant. fit mid. mow blowen ALSO: New weather cab for JD tractor, 1 pr. new 14.9x28 tires; straw chopper for combine; bedding chopper; feed cart; (35) new free stall dividers & hardware; Gross auger for 7000 planter, several sets of dual wheels; IH 2350 Idr.; (2) tandem tilt beck trailers; Moritz 16* gooseneck stock trailer. Shaver post driver, 1986 Chevy Silverado 1/2T P.U.; hydraulic cylinders ft many other items. Some items may be added or deleted due to daily business. There will be no retail sales of auction items after Nov. 16, @ 5:00 P.M. TERMS: Full payment auction day with cash or good check. Financing is available with 30% down. Many items qualify for an interest waiver until next Spring! Prior approval necessary by November 18th. DISCOUNTS on farm toys and new parts auc tion day. OWNERS: GOODRIDGE FARM SUPPLY 716-591-1670 I ...| RoyTeitsworth, Inc. Auctioneers ft Sales Managers 6502 Barber HU Rd., Geneseo, N.Y. 14454 716-243-1563 JD 2010 ACSQ2O 1915 JD 3QPB tractor backboe JD S3O 2 cyl. D, pony tuit- nice! Gehl 4610 ikid steer JD L •JD 2SSS 4WD w/245 Idr. •JD 8430 w/3 pt A PTO (2) NH undent rake hitches (2) NH 890 harvester NH 892 harvester Approx. IS beads for various choppers Fox 3310 harvester Badger S.U. wagon NH 316 baler wAhrower - excellent JD 347 wire baler • excellent (2) NH 36 flail choppers JD 3940 harvester JD 224 T baler NH 244 tandem w/gate Gehl 315 V type Bolens 1700 JD 180 JD 316 sharp JD 216 sharp JD 111 w/ttMW blower Yamaha golf cart