Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 73
PUBLIC SALS OF NEW INTERIOR DESIGN ITEMS (RESIDENTIAL ft COMMERCIAL) FURNITURE - ORIENTAL RUGS MIRRORS - FRAMED PAINTINGS ft PICTURES LAMPS - DECORATIVE ITEMS ARTIFICIAL PLANTS ft ARRANGEMENTS WED., NOV. 17,1993 at 9:00 AJL Located: 302 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA Food Served. Howard Shaub, Inc. Sale by (717)464-3541 Town House Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) Interiors. Inc. “Washington Twp” ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDRM CAPE COD REAL ESTATE MACHINE SHOP/ ELECTRONIC EQUIP . HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, ORGAN, FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, LGE. ASST. OF BOOKS, SHOP EQUIP ■ METAL LATHEIDRILL PRESSfTABLE SAWIARC WELDERISHAPERILGE. ASST. OF MACHINE/HAND TOOLS, GARDEN EQUIP.-8 HP RIDING MOWER/SPRAYER/ROTARY MOWERS/ CHIPPERISNOWBLOWER ETC. AND CHEVY A BUICK CARS 9 A.M. SAT., NOV. 20, 1993 Location: 7 miles N. of Schnecksvllle via Route 873, Vi Ml. S. of Slatlngton (Turn at VICTORY PARK - Just S. of Sla tlngton) to 7315 W. Hlllcrest Lane, Sla tlngton, Pa. MACHINE/ASST. TOOLS ETC. Adas quick change metal lathe (34’ bed-6” swing), Potable 200 amp arc welder. South Bend 7” Shaper, Value Refacer, Comm. Craftsman hack saw w/bench. Walker Turner Drill Press/ stand, Miter saw/stand. Bench grinders, port able presses, shafting w/pulleys, LGE. ASST. STARRETT dial testers-indicators micrometers- clappiers etc., LGE. ASST, of hand tools/socket sets etc., asst. Lathe cutting tools/end mills/tap & dies/ easy-outs etc., drills/bits, jig saws. Craftsman 10” Table Saw, Router bit sharpner, precision screw driver, sodder irons. 2 CRAFTSMAN 2 PC. HOME TOOL STORAGE CABINETS (like new), 8 drawer oak tool cabinet, 133 drawer metal cabinet, metal storage shelving/tool boxes, bench vise, circular saw. portable kiln, lad ders. nuts/bolt organizers, asst meters/gauges/ ristars/ lenses/ condcnsors/capacitor testers for electronic equip., clamps, 3 M Photo Copier, Ige. asst nuts/bolts/screws, etc., torch outfit, asst testing scopes & Ige. amount of electron ic equipysupplies for TV, Telephones etc. GARDEN EQUIP. Craftsman 8 HP 30” riding mower (like new) w/grass catcher, D.B. Garden sprayer w/motor, Craftsman chipper/ rotary mowers/20” snow blower/vacuum shredder, Ige. amt. of garden tools etc. CARS: 1983 Plymouth Station Wagon- Auto. (good cond)., 1973 Buick Century 2-Dr., Auto, (good cond.) NOTE: ITEMS ARE IN “LIKE NEW” CONDITION - COME EARLY, 2 AUC TIONEERS WILL BE SELLING - LARGE AMOUNT OF MACHINE & HAND TOOLS. Sal* by: Constantin* Wlslocky POA VLADIMIR WISLOCKY Doug/Tlm Houser Aucts. AU-000446L 215-799-2396 or 717-386-2191 Houser Aucts. AU-000446L 215-799-2396 or 717-386-2191 ABSOMJTi: AUCTION '''mii'iiim Opt mu,; ( r uj ( f s; .< »i i|) I'i I \ [ 1 >U'd (os .'OIiDO Immediate Sale Ordered by Out-of-SUU Owner 86,000 Sq. Ft.* Multi Use Building On 2 4/10 Acres*. Millersbuig Borough, Dauphin County, PA Between Harrisburg & Sunbury 453 E. Pine St. thru to Chestnut & Church Sts. Just east of Rt. 147 It south of Union St. (Rt. 209) Masonry, secbonalized construction . Ideal for a diversity of tenants & uses . Spnnklered . Freight elevator • Public water 4c sewer . Tax parcel #45-016-018 DEPOSIT; 15%, of which $lO,OOO n certified funds Prrview:Momdaf, November 22 pom 12 to 3 PM FARM EQUIPMENT "THANKSGIVING DAY" THURS., NOV. 25, 1993 8:30 AM 2185 Brandywine Lane, York, PA LOCATED; Off Rt. 30 turn north on Roosevelt Avenue to Greenbrlar Road, Turn right to Brandywine Lane and turn right. Watch for Signs. FARM EQUIPMENT International 966 w/wide front, 2 pt. hitch & Dual hydraulics; Farmall 560 Diesel, Farmall 340 w/2 pt. hitch, bit. front weights, Int. hydraulic cylinders, Massey Ferguson 510 Combine with diesel motor, 4 row com head Sc 13’ grain head. Cub Cadet 782 hydro with mower, 1972 Int 1800 Load Star truck w/18’ grain body. 2 speed rear, hoist, air brakes, 33,000 GVW; Int. 700 - 5x16 auto reset plow, Int. 370 - 12* Transport disk, Glenco 9 tooth Soil Sava, McCormick & Coby cultipackers, J.D. transport spring harrow - fold-up, Int 56 - 4 row com planter w/Disc openers and dry fer tilizer, 9A & 10A Int drag disc. Int. 16’ spring harrow, Int. semi Mtd. Sickle Bar mower, Int. 440 baler with thrower. New Idea side deliv ery rake on low rubber, farm wagons with sides & dumps, self unloading wagons. Speedy Stalk shreader, Int 14’ Vibro Shank harrow, Int. 155 PTO 2 beater manure spread er, Gravity Bin wagon; M.M. 1200 com shelt er - PTO driven. 2 pt. to 3 pt adaptor, 2 pt. blade. Circle saw, bit 4 row front mtd. culti., thrower wagon w/20’ body. 2 pt. sprayer, trail er sprayer, 5 ton PTO fertilizer spreader, seed cleaner, small grain auger, tractor chain & tow chains, Homelite Super n chain saw, gas motor with, pump, hog trough, IHC Hillside hitch, blacksmith forge, butcher furnace, push culti., block & fall, rope, electric cords, Myers hay hook, single trees, wheelbarrow, bag truck, platform scales, screw jack, power hacksaw, hinges, wooden pulleys. Floor model drill press, portable air tank, electric welder, acetylene torch, welding table, wrenches, box end & adjustable wrenches. Craftsman socket set, pipe, etc., hammers, vis es. 2 gas lamps, Kimco portable heater, anvil, I'A hp air compressor, air greaser, floor jack, creeper, H & D York Co. straw cutter. Easy Seed PIG seeder, tool boxes, barrel pump, battery charger, acreage counter, grease guns, old Dodge fender lights and car light, metal shelf, York Mfg. IS ton jack, threader. Hand yman & hydraulic jacks, bolt cutter. % drive socket set, electric drills, clamps, bolts & hard ware, culti., shovels, straw knife, shovel plow, 1 row com planter, farm gates, high pressure washer, Parker lawn sweeper, 38” tractor tires, steel wheels, electric poles, oak planks and other misc. lumber & etc. NOTE: This equipment is clean & field ready, owner is retiring. Household items will be sold on Friday, November 26, 8:30 AM. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Seller: BRANDYWINE FARM Paul & Florence Sprenkle 2185 Brandywine Lane York, PA 764-2704 Auction Conducted By: Rentzei’s Auction Service Emlgsville, PA 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 ON CT Sale Reports HESS SALE A Public Auction of real estate and farm equipment was held November 6 by Mildred W. Hess. 41 Deck Drive, Myerstowq, Berks Co., Pa. A large crowd attended the sate. The 20 acre farm with a brick house, gar age, bank bam and com barn was sold for $122,000. Other prices were: Farmall C tractor $BOO, cultivators $7O, sickle bar mower $7O, 925 bales of mixed hay $l.lO per bale, oak PUBLIC AUCTION FRACTURS, BAUM PAINTING, FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, H.H. ITEMS, TRACTORS WED., NOV. 17 4:00 P.M. Rte. 563, Tyiersport Fire Co., Tylers port, Montg. Co., Pa. Directions: From Rte. 309, take Perkasle exit to Rte. 563 (Ridge Rd.) go Rte. 563 S. 3 miles to firehouse. FURNITURE: Cherry comer cupboard, Windsor chr., org. finish plank hot. chr. & childs potty chr., marb. top bureau & washs tand, pine nightstand, walnut cane seat rock ers, blanket chests, wall minors, ladder bck. chr., hoop bck chrs. including childrens, wdn. bench, parlor tables, nursing rockers, cane seat chrs., Dep. BR set, ornate DR suite (nice), oak pcs. including; mission desk, chest drawers, plant stands; mahg. tables, maple pcs. includ ing: tables, beds, stools, kitchen table w/chrs.; pine sofa bed, sofas, BR suites, school desk, telephone stands, tea cart, wrought iron patio fum., table & floorlamps, rockers, chrs., (2) doll cradles. ANTIQUES: WR. BAUM painting, (5) FRACTURS (dated 1812 to 1829), early Ger man songbooks w/Fractur drawings, maps incl. 1859 Plumstead twp. w/Farm families, other local maps. Baptismal cert, from 1849-1876 (local),c at. of merit, sketchs, Mennonite history of Deep Run (1912), Wis mer history 1893, early childrens books-some on linen. Civil War books, prints by: Daumier, Washburn, Hcndron, Cox, Offner ft Lalanm; (5) quilts, linens, homespun, maize, stone, slipware ft earthen pie plates, G. Dutch tea pot (chipped), mochaware (damaged), handleless cups w/saucers, mixing bowls, stoneware pitcher, turkshead, copperlustre, childs ABC plates, cut log glass including: cake dish, open compotes, tankard, butterdish, relish, celery, sugar ft creamer, mugs; Roseville, Stall pot tery, Carnival glass including: Grape, Rose. Butterfly, Pansy ft quilt, star ft file; ironstone pcs. fluted' pcs. Ruby glass, T. Haviland Limoges china (ser. 12), dep. glass, pressed glass, spittoon, kero lamps, Rayo lamps, Rockingham teapot, milk glass, stemware, Seth Thomas, E.N. Welsh plus other mantle clocks, silverware. F.F. sled, grain cradle, HR. lanterns, toy sewing mach., local adv. memor abilia, marbles, scales, pig troughs, deer heads, animal traps, wdn pumps, reverse painting, over 20 early Tonics ft Strucko toys, Hubley truck, Ford Apache toy, cap juns, J.D. tractor ft equip., toy sweeper. TOOLS: Kubo ta 14 hp diesel ft Snapper 8 tip tractors. Zenith Col. TV, Microwave, queen size bed, G.E. chest freezer, Bosch router, workbench, kero heater, grill, brass fire ext., blow torch, copper wash boiler, shelving, chains, ladders. Many hand ft garden tools, guns, plus lots of kitchen utensils. COINS: 64 uncir. Vi dollars, 30 uncir. quarters, mint sets, paper money. ** DON’T MISS THIS SALE. •• Preview: day of sale after 1:00. Lunch For various consigners. TERMS: CASH OR Approved PA Check. (215) 287-8901 (215) 822-2826 RALPH D. FREED, AUCTIONEER AU000294-L Lancntar Finning, Saturday, Novambar 13,1N3-B2* bureau $2lO, round oak table $270, oak washs tand $2OO, two washs tands $205 each, 4 gal. sauerkraut crock $3O, Hershey milk can $27.50 and Hershey “Desert Storm” Win ross truck $4O. Nelson L. Ebersole was the auctioneer. NITCHMAN SALE A Public Sale of SOO milk bottles was held November 6 by Levere C. Nitchman, at Brick erville Fire Hall off Route 322 west of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices recieved were: Art Wenger of Strasburg quart $270, Greenfield of Lancaster quart, $6O. Philips of Lebanon quart $lOO, Westwood of Aber deen, Md. quarts $22 to $5O each, Simpson Bros, of Wakefield quart $9O, Chevy Chase, Washington D.C. quart $BO, Brion Bryncold of Harrisburg, quart $l5O, Jule Rickey of Lancaster $lOO, Hunters of Ashland. Pa. quart $5O, Aaron Stauf fer of Ronks one-half pint $75, small cream ers $2O to $ll5, baby bottles $2O to $22, Uni versal 50 bottle V* pint $6l, milk crates $9 to $22, Cream Top crates $l9 to $3O, Queen Dair ies $l5 to $5O, New York bottles $l2 to $55, Lauxmont Farms of Wrightsville $75 to $205,1.H. Herr of Wil low Street $22 to $7O, Spicklers of Elizabeteh town $5O to $llO, White Oak of Terre Hill $lB to $55, Penn Dair ies $8 to $35 and Brookmead of Stras burg $lOO to $l7O, also C.R. Neff of Lancaster pint $4O to $ll5. MILLER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held Novem ber 6 by the estate of Helen M. Miller. 5 miles east of Klinger stown. Pa. The 9.29 acres with a house in the Mahantan go Valley, Schuylkill County, Pa. was sold for $82,000. Mark J. Jones Auc tioneering Service con ducted the sale. NAGLE SALE A Public Auciton of real estate was held November 3 for Herbert Nagle, north of Annvil le, Lebanon Co.. Pa. on Route 934. The 170 acre farm with a brick house, stone and frame bam and machinery shed was sold for $370,000. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. LODIGIANI U.S.A. LTD. SALE A Job Completion Auction was held November 5 and November 6 by Lodi giani U.S.A. Ltd., west of Pine Grove on Old Forge Road, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Some prices received , were: Cat #416 backhoe I $20,000, Cat #D-4 .dozere $15,000, Benati loader backhoe $12,000, several Sea Vans $llOO each. 1988 Chev. SlO pickup $2100,1988 Chevy van truck $l4OO, office trailer $l2OO, 4” irriga tion pipe $l2OO, 16 ton Zimmerman wagon $l4OO, concrete saw $llOO, assorted piles of lumber $6OO to $BOO, ‘Burco general $2lOO, j Lincoln welder $2300 and Miller welder $3700. Dwight D. Miller i was the auctioneer.