Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 61
SADDLE UP/ TO BETTER EQUIPMENT FImI If la laMMfM 1 imtaf'i CtoufflM ftfti. Horae- Young tall pinto trainer galled sound willing athletic incredibly coordi nated no vices loads trail- an classy beauty untapped GEM Walk-in refrigerator 2?iS2^ij, 7 !? arlord . 6'xfl' display front low vel- ocity condenser, remote got) bales clean wheat compressor, $l5OO. Hunt straw 80s a bale. You haul. Co. N.J. 609-397-4825. Balt. Co. Md. 410-357-4214. MAIi-EJ' )X MARKf-11 FOR SALE NH hay elevator, akeleton type for parts or repair $5O 080. Fulton Co. 717-987-3935. 15 feeder steers 700-750 lbs. 80p per lb. excel, qual ity, well acclimated. Leb. CO. 717-949-3443. Volvo, road tractor, 1982, conv. cab, sleeper, twin screw, 265, 8 spd. 75,000 orig. miles, $6OOO. North Jersey. 201-327-2762. Strafford coal wood stove $325, excel, cond. Jonathan Fisher, Beech dale Rd., Bird-In-Hand, Pa. 17505. Lane. Co. 717-656-4625 let ring. Farmall F2O elect, start nar row tread good running cond., paint, tires, 1935 model $1075. York Co. 717-244-3415. NH 402 crimper w/mounted Kawasaki engine, new) $2325, 2 cyt. Wise, baler engine $425. Lane. Co. 717-656-0824 leave mes sage or call 8 a.m. Another Kubota Reproduction .» G5200H w/44" Mower at 3 cyl. Diesel • A Reed Value Market Limited Supply - Promotional Model * Purchase any *T* or “G" Series Ttactor and receive a 30 Dollar Certificate * Purchase any “B" or “L* Series Tractor and receive a 73 Dollar Certificate yvVVVV\— IBffffßrilrilflß < FINANCING S P*—> 5 ££% 1 K U B 0 T B* \ AVAILABLE LEBANON LANCASTER (u. «7, ■« 4M, UkMWK, PA irou TRACTORS 1 EQUIPMENT I 19S0 FruilvtHt PUs, UfttaMw. RA iTBOI I •* Alt 1 mUe am * •ckMHMMN 1 I I At Rout* M A FrUitvillo Mia 717-949-2000 '■ Serving Central PA Since 1921 717-569-2500 ■ HOURS: MONDAY-FRIOAY 7:30-«.-00 SATURDAY 7:30-12:00 y . m —J Angus heifer 8 bull calves from Al Sires. Carroll Co. 410-374-6423. ‘65 Chev. C3O 4x4 6.2 diesel 4 spd. w/00w22,000 miles, $5OOO, 'BB ESSO Ford dub wagon $4500, *77 Ford 750 dump for parts $7OO, HDI6 dozer hyd. Made $6400. Cedi Co. Md. 410-378-2785. Nl 729 A com shelter, $4OO or best offer. Lane. Co. 717-684-8780. Reg. Simmental herd reduction brad cows, brad heifers, bull calf 3/9/93 by highwayman. Berks Co. 215-926-2446. 2 boats, 1 young Du roc & 1 Blackline. Lane. Co. Samuel F. Stdtzfus, 451 Nottingham Rd., Notting ham, Pa. 19362. 8‘ (lourescent bulbs white single contact some new most used asking $lO a doz. Berks Co. 215-323-2677. Kuboha Keller Bros. Celebrates 20 Years Selling & Servicing Kubota 72 Years Selling & Servicing Cars, Trucks & Tractors 87100 HSD D. 16 H.P. w/ 3pt. & Std.PT.O. 54" - 60" Mower Certificates good for any parts or service at Keller Bros. * Oiler Good thru November 1993 School deeka $ chaira elementary type wood $ metal $5 aa., also single hole oom shelter. Berks Co. 215-682-2011. Guernsey bull service age for heller* approx. 650 lbs. Berks Co. 215-488-9122 if no answer leave message. Farmall C w/cults. & plow, very good cond., $lBOO 080. Dau. Co. 717-469-0834 eves. 1 horse lull’ cutter sleigh for use or display repainted red/black fold colors) $5OO. Balto. Co. 410-377-5965. House trailer/mobite home 12' wide, 70' long, needs some work. North Balt. Co. 410-343-0667. Wagons for sate used for haunted hayride good cond. Bucks Co. 215-968-5090. Suffolk ram 3 yrs. old, large, fast growing lamb great bloodlines & confor mation. Monroe Co. 215-381-3780 before 9 p.m. 1981 Big Valley 2 horse gooseneck trailer- very good to excel, cond. 717-756-4335 eves. Dodge Monica 1975 62,500 mi. shed kept 360 V 8 $l9OO, 401 New Hd land crimper like new $550. Cambria Co. 814-472-9328 after 6 p.m. Eastern wild turkeys Seats tables aw cast iron base *A horse motor driven belt stainless tank 36 in. L, 18 in. D. 29 W. York Co. 717-252-3589. Round bale feeder 8‘ dia. all steel const., $5OO or best offer. York Co. 717-993-3350 after 7 p.m. Hampshire ram lambs. Armstrong Co 412-354-3206. JD 5020 short block & cyl. head completely rebuilt. Sch. Co. 717-622-2170 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Kubota Cuts bestselle: GF-1800E 3 cyl. Diesel Hyst. Trans. Hyd. Lift fc Compact U 48" - 54" - 60" Mowers Available T Y L-3650 GST 40 H.P. , Spaed Queen washer wrin ger type vary good oond., $75, tractor tlra siza 14-9-24 50% traad, $75. Barks Co. 215-367-7426. #2l McCormick manors spreader ground driven like new, $l,OOO. Berks Co. 215-645-2918. Shop Craft 10’ band saw 1138 tractor tire 3 pt. tractor scoop pony cart & harness, bean cleaner motor. Mon roe Co. 215-287-7027. Gehl Bu. 640 silage box needs auger $250, fnt. 120 silage wagon excel, eond., $2500. Wanted small feed bin. Fred. Co. 301-293-2577. Limousin bull for sale, 1 yr. old sired by polled power good disposition halter broke. St. Marys Co. Md. 301-862-2411. Buckwheat coal about 2 tons- you haul. Chester Co. 215-688-5757. Small herd of Jerseys out of top bulls ready to breed in the new year. Adams Co. 717-334-7060. Wood coal range new cond., $3OO, Parmall 350 good cond., $1950. York >o. 717-382-4392. Continental Y-112 engine w/Roddord PTO. Orange Co. N.Y. 914-651-7457 after 6 p.m. Standard breed carriage horse 6 yrs. old traffic safe, sound tame, anybody can drive. Lane. Co. 717-738-2985. New spring wagon on rub ber w/12 volt Tights, also 354 Perkins engine. Lane. Co. 717-859-3833. Truck body 26' long refrigerated w/KOI ther moking unit, lift gate. Lane. Co. 717-665-3905. Such Goethe album Von Ludwig Richter 1853-1656 79 Seiten. Unbeschadigt. W.T. Tillman, 20734 Slab bridge Rd., Freeland, Md. 21053. lother Aluminum single axle trailer 7'xlo’ with Tights fits 2 snowmobiles $5OO. Berks Co. 215-678-2350. Vac Case with workers $lO5O 080. 65 F 750 Ford 3 bin feedc truck 5 speed & 2 speed rear $6OO 080. York Co. 717-229-2720. 1993 Hurst 10,000 QVW trailer, dual axles, brakes, ramps, ex. cond. $1350 080. Also 1953 Chryslere chassis. Cumberland Co. 717-776-5730. Pride of the ranch 1£ hole cattle feeder holds one ton good cond. $3OO. Bucks o. 215-536-7964 after 4. Mallards, hens, drakes, spring hatched $6.00 each. Chester Co. 215-932-6499. 1969 1800 Int. dump truck $l5OO. Storage truck box B'xl2’ $3OO, Ford 555 TLB cab $12,500. Northumber land Co. 717-425-2039. 1984 Ford Ranger pickup truck, 4 wheel drive, 5 speed, matching cap, also black tarp, ex. cond. $4,500. or best offer. Lane. Co. 717-548-2743. AC 333 4 row no-till com planter with monitor, dry iert. Harford Co. Met. 410-836-7371 after 6 p.m. Stake body, 12 ft. off F-350, good cond. $3OO. 609-585-4356. Gondola shelving, large amount, various size shelves and accessories, Dauphin Co. 717-896-3569. Welsh cross geld gray 2-9-91 11.3 broke to drive, starded under saddle, very fancy, sound, no vices $l2OO. 717-469-0173 or 717-682-3438. Gleaner M combine, 4 row wide 13 ft. grain table, York Co. 717-862-3955. Snowplow for dump truck 10'. $4OO 080, MF 3 btm. trip plow $350 080. Berke ley Co. 304-754-7615 532 Ford baler shed kept looks & woik like new bale thrower, 1400 80. new, Idea easy flow lime spread er, excel. Fr. Co 717-375-2375. 7+ acres Wide views per fect for country home/ horses/solar home, septic permit'avail cleared, subdi vidable. Lane Co. 717-653-7293 leave message. 2.41 acres standard perc permit issued sandy soil no zoning priced to sell beside Route 11 & 15, Snyder Co. 717-374-8060. Used hemlock lumber, 2x4 to 2xlo, 3x4 to 3x12, mcl. 125 pieces 3xloxlB'. Bucks Co. Rt. 202, Lahas ka. 215-598-8857. Maytag square tub washer, elec, or gas 15' travel trailer Krakauer piano like new, kitchen range coal or wood. RRI Box 75, Mt. Pleasant, Pa. 17853. 1150 crawler new under carriage & track & paint exc. cond., building lot 3 mile to 83 exp. mens 40 slim leather coat new, nev er worn. 717-244-9381. 8 acres 45 minutes Balti more 20 run commercial kennel, 3 rentals, working farmette, endless possibili ties no zoning. Adams Co. 717-359-5658. Chop saw Rem. gas, Hilti gun, flooring, verian spec trometer, gc, trocal-s roof ing, metal spray rig, 6' bath tubs. Del. Co. 215-565-6038. Sailboat 15’ sloop w/tilt back trailer, good cond., $975. Bslt. Co. Md. 410-252-3294 after 6:30 o.m. 4- 250 gal. ea. house fuel tanks, excel., $35 ea.. fuel heatrola excel, cond., $125 heat six room capacity. Lacka. Co. 717-282-5080. 1978 Camaro: 350/V6, automatic, looks & runs great $2600,1975 Camaro 350/VB, automatic, runs great, $l2OO. Berks Co. 717-933-4831. Uiwpir Fuming, Saturday, Hovwnber 13, im-ii? Rag. miniature aorral mare, 3 yr. old wh. M/T bred to Komoko stud, Appaloosa colt, both very quiet for children. Franklin Co. 717-328-3291. fenders for 1986 Chevy • Cavalier, Lane. Co 215-445-6841 after 4 pm. Computer feeder; Lac tracker console, 3 indent flers, 150 tags, 1 feeder, needs work. $lBOO 080. Washington Co. Md. 301-797-5123. 1954 Ford F-250 8 cyl. 1952 Ford F-5 dump Mack B-61 duplex Irens, 12 ton equip, trailer. Wk. Days. Del. Co. 215-461-9985. Vi lon 1 ton, 4 ton chain hoists, Ford wrench no. 9N17014 one roll Vi inch banding and crimp tool. Sch. Co. 717-385-0723. 4x4 round bales of hay, sorghum, orchard grass, red clover. 609-423-1141 Gloucester Co. JO 750 4x4 loader. 500 hrs, well maintained $B9OO 080. 3 pth S' equip. Heavy stone rake, Bush Hog aera tor, spreader, Carroll Co. 410-848-0365. Clarinet, ex. cond. cost $340. new - sell for $165. Lane. Co. 717-626-1467. Radio Shack TRBOS com puter large printer, extra drive, text books, 50-60 disc. VEry complete outfit, best offer. 410-398-7680. 30 bushels lye seed, small grain Aroostook $4 pe-bu bag exchange. No Sunday calls. Sch. Co. 717-943-2331. 15 head of springing cow and heifers (Holsteins) $16,000. 717-965-2461 Coal, all sizes, special treated dustless coal, good prices, good coal. Call after 6 p.m. 717-345-8149 Sch. Co. Peafowl Trio black shoul der, spaulding, trio Spauld ing, nine black shoulder spaulding chicks, pair Himalayan Impeyan. Montg. Co. 215-948-3762. Manure loader will fit John Deere 420 crawler. 814-793-4611 Bedford Co. no Sunday calls please. Juniata Co. 3 BR cape cod house IV4 baths, LR, DR, enclosed porch, new vinyl siding on .45 acre. Village of Evendale $6500. 717-436-2744. Chow Chow, AKC red smooth male, 1 ’/> years old, champion bloodlines $250. Could deliver. 703-337-7277. Tray for killing poultry with funnels, Dauphin Co. 717-566-0731. Small grain auger 10'x4". MF 410-G combine 12' humo reel, just out of beans, runs well $2OOO. 2-4* augers 11' & 20' Col. Co. 717-799-5425 evenings. New Idea mounted com picker $3OO 080. Cumb. Co. NJ 609-451-5709. Kubota L 225 compact diesat tractor w/turf tiret & 72* Woods belly mower 550 hrs. $4OOO 080. 215-042-9771 Chester Co. Purebred Holstein bulls (10-20 mos), from dams w/ records to 30,000 m and 1 IOOf, priced to sell, deliv ery avail. Franklin Co. 717-597-3770 or 328-5487 or 328-3530. 8 Reg. Holstein Heifers, Union special overlook calf vac from DHIA head sewing machine with safety extra nice due end of Nov., stitch, new motor runs on. early Dec. 600 gal. bulk household current $5OO milk tank SHP comp., real 717-865-2083. 'd. J C* goov - uni at a 717-694-3684. Dodge flatbed 1975 200 ,or P arts -, Make an offer series 4 wh. dr. with Mey- P a uphin Co ers snow plow 7V4' com- 717-362-9218. pletewith lights 4 brackets, Bo | ens wa , k after tractor 5)250, Firm. Bucks Co. i 9lB st y| e $495. Balloon 215-343-9061. bikes, printing press, punch 1200 bushel Speedy wire press, wood wagons, C I corn crib. Schyulkill Co. pig troughs. Montg Co 717-467-2482. 215-256-9925. $lO6. York Co. 717-235-2089. Metal hog scalding trough, 40 memory phone. Juniata Co. 717-436-2878. Who wants to raise para keets, large and small cages, birds all colors $lO each Lane. Co. 717-354-6716. Classic 1974 Dodge Char ger 2 door coupe, auto. AC, 318 V 8 with under 30,000 orig. miles $2OOO. Dauphin Co. 717-367-8723. While face Hereford cows, bred back due in Jan. Two cows with bull calves, Mif flin Co. 717-890-6002. Spin pik poultry picker $l,OOO. Stainless steel counter with 2 sinks 96*x31* $4OO. foe maker $lOO. Steuben Co. NJ 607-566-2438. Bolens 23 HI hydrostatic tractor 54* cut with snowb lower, Bolens 12 HP 38* with snowblower or snowp low ex. cond. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-2224. Pickup truck 1973 will take best offer, call 717-867-5077 for details, leave message on answer ing machine Leb. Co. Mack trucks: 318 & 350 Detroit motors, 13 spd. transmission; log turner; trailers; JD skidder wheels; elec, roto-phase, motors, starters & switches. Clear field Co. 814-672-3196. Carriage with lid on back, 12V lights, hyd brakes $lOOO. Levi King, 133 N. Line St., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Registered Jersey, bull born 4-92 Hermitage Son from 15,000 pound dam. Hun tingdon Co. 814-542-5481. Bengal kittens, TICA regis tered, raised in home as family pets. Nice spots Evenings 717-458-4462 Columbia Co. AQHA grey mare, quarter horse colt, miniature donk ey jennys $1250 and up. 2 horse trailer needs paint $650 080. Leb. Co. 717-949-3259. Loader mounting kit for a White model 2-30 or 2-35 tractor, brand new 814-364-9333 Chain hoists I'A ton sever al to choose from $2OO. 5 ton manual chain hoist $3OO. Monmouth Co. NJ call day 908-536-1390 night 908-566-3457. 1951 JO B with cyclone engine, will trade for JD G, also 1959 VW Karman Ghia. Leb. Co. 717-838-6270. Stihl 084 good runinng cond. 25 in. bar $275. R 1 Box 336-A Belleville, Pa. 17004. One 5 HP 3 PH motor one 20 HP 3 Ph two 3 PH 3 HP motors Fairbanks 2500 lb. scale. 375,000 BTU hot water boiler. Chester Co. 215-444-0141. JD 4520, 85 Ford F3SO dump 6x16 and 8x24 flatbed trailer. Franklin Co. 717-267-1489. New Farm bilt wagon with new plank beds and com sides extension tongue, David King, R 1 Box 273, Lykens, Pa. 17048. °- Two Massey Harris self propelled corn pickers, one