Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 41

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ATGLEN (Chester Co.) —The
Chester County 4-H Dairy and
Dairy Goat awards banquet was
held last week at the West Fallow
field Christian School*A,dinner
was served to !00 4-H’ers and
their famililes andfiiends.
The Oxford and Manor 4-H
daily clubs were in change of the
affair and various 4-H members of
the dubs conducted the meeting
with Michael Tlnoop, Cochranville
4-H dairy goat awards, latt to right, Jaaon Wagner, Malls*
sa Wertz, Tammy Yeager, Ben Hendricks and Becky Hen*
Kasey St. John, Crystal Kolb. Erica Lloyd,' and Kathryn
★ Uniform Warmth
★ Comfortable Heating
★ “Piling” Reduced
★Fiberglass Construction
★Easy Installation
County Holds 4-H Dairy Awards Banquet
j3~a‘irjrsr"" *"*»«*«**>»»•ww
*nt,vc, a **££%to£. ■***■**;I 14 - 11 "”- wm aw«i •*»«
ing. y Krystal St. John, Lincoln ™ “f 1 **J ,Hl ;
d... i 11..;,.i. w . _ butt to die fund with whatever TTnivmitv nf Am nifui naim e he*ET with 33,746 pounds of
•mr-r'mMmd-JS oT! S 2r "^«awmpo«uo(6u.Ho.
on the Chester County 4-H Center. the tCntsdve develop- John hiving the best first year pro- vidcy StlTvSi
Settlement for the 20 seres oflahd plan Jty Joh "St- ject book. In the Manor Dairy ttoWahSi SSX-S
along RL 322 will take place on Toh ? announeedthat therewill be club, Kathryn Young. West
November 24 and the drive to d^^^!T aU / n Grove w « *« winner. Erica K ix iTriJ 4 ??
raise funds for building construe- J®j*** I** 1 * Ll °y d - captured the
nTmOommanty 4-H Dairy esaHob.ffinhSchdtheim n^ ben wide
lIA Qubhad theMttrttjnment ante «^ p “*^ l «>*®iop variety of 4-H activities went to
Yiil end of the meeting which wit a production awards h««*h on ? ob ? rt Bari * Phoen “ viUe for *•»
J pantomine skit with two of the jjb 305 -.—JL rv woe 2®“°' Award ’ * * 5O “ vin **
M, members reading an amusing given to the ton *«-u« in three bbo d, . CMh twwd w*® l
|HV\ narrative. tS «° Erica Lloyd, Pottstown as the
1 1 . \ ®At logs bond and Melissa Wertz won
j jmf cd by Kevm A. Nolan, Cochran- the $25 junior award.
The 4-H Dairy Goat awards
were presented first. Trophies
were presented to the high indivi
dual project book scores in each
club based on the quality and com
pleteness of their book and their
performance at the county round
ups in July. Theresa Hob, Phoe
nixville captured the high
Achievement Award for the Ches
ter County Kids Club, while Me
lissa Wertz, Phoenixville was the
test first year member. In the New
London Club, Laura Anderson,
Landenberg, had the top project
award. Awards were also present
ed to the fitting and showing
champions and foe breed cham
pions from Chester County 4-H
Dairy Goat Roundup this past
summer. Show halters were given
by the Holz family to Becky Hen
dricks, Phoenixville, and Kathleen
Anderson, Landenberg, for being
foe top fitter and showperson, re
spectfully, of foe show.
The lop Achievement Award
for dairy based on foe total project
score was won by Erica Lloyd,
Potts town, with her Jersey cow
nennuramtu HOC-2
★SAVES Energy Costs
★ Optimum Piglet Comfort
★ Mat Temperature Regulated
Automatically Based On
Room Temperature
★Easy To Set
★ 1 Controller Can Control
2 Groups Of Mats
—Jry. Jng .jg. It to light, Amy
Hewitt, Crystal Kolb, Kelly Young, Erin Brobst, Ben Hen
dricks and Tarlk Gaffney.
Chester County 4-H daily production awards, to
right. Kavln Nolan - Ayrshire & Holstein; Vicky Hewitt • Jer
sey (milk); and Ben Hendricks - Jersey (tat).
10” Sediment filters for grit,
sand, particles, dirt, etc.
Micron Sizes
1. 5, 10, 20. 30. 50, 100
128 qty. - $1.99 ea. case lot BB
80 qty. - $2.25 ca.
40 qty. - $2.50 ea,
Call (717) 866-5388
742 E. Lincoln Ave.
Myerstown, PA 17067