Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 40
fiWlßhfr; Srtfrd# NcffliftMrWMM MMMMttr Survey Indicates (Continuad from Pag* Al 9) Hm yw eqr iwplwewl low ie U» Iw yw? t NO, I RAISE ALL OP MY REPLACEMENT BOARS 2 NO. I BORROW OR RINT BOARS FOR BRXRDINO PURPOSES 3 NO. BUT I DO ACQUIRE REPLACEMENT BOARS 4 YES 5 OTHER Am (motlbmS or kanwM hmn wmi for pamMaUMT 1 I DO NOT PURCNASS OR BORROW BOARS 2 NO BOARS TESTED 3 AiX BOARS TESTED 4 SOME BOARS TESTED 5 NOT SURE 4 OTHER Hm |* hM eyr Sweßei Sew ie Mhw swAw* «r ■•••< sey ie eSw fMMiM M SM 1m N« IMMktT 1 NO 2 YES Am nplaaaawM te pMuteaMM viM m Miival? OILTS- ALWAYS USUALLY SOM EH MIS NEVER NO OILTS ACQUIRED BOARS- ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES NEVER NO BOARS ACQUIRED If wpla f MII «w varinaml on arrival. ia a Irww in- of pna daialiia vaccina given la 2 • 4 «mW GILTS- NOT VACCINATED ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES NEVER NO GILTS ACQUIRED •OAM- NOT VACCINATED ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES NEVER NO SOARS ACQUIRED Do yon obtain ynot papiaaaoMmi tom pMadaaabiea vaadnMcd bardat GICIS- ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES NEVER NOT SURE NO GILTS ACQUIRED BOARS- ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES NEVER NOT SURE NO BOARS ACQUIRED From which typaof betd do you obtain your wplacamtma? GILTS- QUAUFIEO PRV NEGATIVE HEED MONITORED FRV NERD NOT MONITORED UNKNOWN NO GILTS ACQUIRED BOARS- QUALIFIED FRY NEGATIVE HERD MONITORED PRV HERD NOT MONITORED UNKNOWN NO BOARS ACQUIRED Do you WW acquired itpiacamare gilts? 1 I DO NOT ACQUIRE REPLACEMENT OILTS 2 NO 3 YES If YES, how are thty isolated? 1 SEPARATE BUILDING, COMPLETE ISOLATION 2 SHARED ROOM, NO DIRECT (NOSE-TO-NOSE) CONTACT 3 SEPARATE PEH 4 OTHER Do you Mm —tillml wpiao—ani hears? 1 IDO NOT ACQUIRE REPLACEMENT BOARS 2 NO 3 YES IfYES.howandMy Wared? 1 SEPARATE BUILDING, COMPLETE ISOLATION 2 SHARED ROOM, NO DIRECT (NOSE-TO-NOSE) CONTACT 3 SEPARATE PEN 4 OTHER Have you acquired leader pip In lha last sis months? 1 HO 2 YES During ihs last six months, have you acquired faadsr pip from pseudoraUcs vaednaad hards? 1 NO FEEDER PIGS ACQUIRED 2 ALWAYS 3 USUALLY 4 SOMETIMES 3 NEVER < NOT SURE 14 During il» lm tit Month*. from wtot iyp*» of herd* did you Mquin your feeder (dpi 1 NO FEEDER PIOS PURCHASED 2 QUALIFIED PRV NEGATIVE HERO 3 MONITORED PRV HERO 4 PRV INFECTED HERD 5 UNKNOWN PRV STATUS « NOTSURE IS ia ihe latt ill nooita, did you vacduu the foilcwrinf group for puudontHes? SOWS- NO SOWS ON PREMISES YES, ALL SOWS MOST SOWS SOME SOWS NO SOWS NO BOARS ON PREMISES YES, ALL BOARS MOST BOARS SOME BOARS NO BOARS GILTS NO GILTS ON PREMISES YES, ALL GILTS MOST GILTS SOME GILTS NO GILTS NURSERY PIGS - NO NURSERY PIOS ON PREMISES YES, ALL NURSERY PIOS MOST NURSERY PIOS SOME NURSERY PIOS NO NURSERY PIOS Biosecurity In Question When Fighting Pseudotabies 3.4* itafc (MW 144* Q-1C Ym»m—MuMmimi-I—mwEnMllMidlM ISM 114* 4 BY CALENDAR, EVERY J MONTHS 5 BY CALENDAR, EVERY 4 MONTHS 104* 4 BY CALENDAR, EVERY S MONTHS 49* 7 BY CALENDAR, EVERY 4 MONTHS »-7» I OTHER 44* lak 74* Q-17 YwtPifMMU—syhuMHN^^lii’urlsnWyM pwr/IMrt pipit 1 IDONOTOWNOROW/PINtSHPiaS 2 OROWffINISHFKEI NOT VACCINATED S E 4 WEEKS OP AGE I2j* 4 t(MI WEEKS OP AOI 4* 5 WEEKS OP AOR 14.7* O>U HaM4»yMCMNRSyimas»i*MwyMfMHhMBMpMg«MMMMIMI 1 IDO NOT OWN MARKET HOOB 2 iooniractahaulbrtDmovbmyhoos s iownatrucktomovbmyhoostomarket 4A * 4 OTHER 2.1* n-fc 194* 14.7* 0.19 !■ Aa UM d—a —Ml* Mw hillag mrtm wMrh i—iiayw» *n>(topkfcap UA% —MVBlMsO,S—fiNlyliiii<Miih9lstf 27J* SB* 24* 24.1* 104* 304* 040 34% 110% 40% 3.7% 114% 154% 40.7% Q-21 How do you aurally ananga to hove oul aow« or baara awrad to market? 3n I I DO NOT SILL CULL ANIMALS 4M 2 I CONTRACT A HAULIR TO MOVI MY GULLS UM 2 I OWN TRUCK AND MOVIMY CULLS TO MARKET «* 4 OTHER 359% Sink 0*22 la the paatthna»oollß,bBvt hauling tncka arriving at your brm (to pick HpcwM jJJ aowa aod bom), bwn partially landed with pip? 1 I DO NOT SELLL CULL ANIMALS JJ** 2 I TRUCK MY OWN CULL ANIMALS “'l* 3 ALWAYS PARTIALLY LOADED *'•'* 4 SOMETIMES PARTIALLY LOADED , 9 NEVER PARTIALLY LOADED 124% 21% Q-23 Howlikaly is It Umi, during loading, a pig aautdamar a track and then return lo 14% yourfbdilty? 261% 144% 1 UNLIKELY 104% 2 SOMEWHAT LIKELY 324% 3 VERY LIKELY 4 NOT SURE 344% Q-24 Cunantly. do truck drives eater tba twine fccUkiea in radar to load thaaaiauli? 44% 4% 1 NO <9% 2 YES 114% Blank 344% Q-2S An Mi deliver'd (• ym hml 454% 1.1% 2 YES 9.0% 104% 29.7% Q-24 How oAw are bads dsttvnred? 254% 30.2% 114% 29.7% Q-27 Cuninily, do land delivery p rreannil enter tha awina bdUOsa far dslhrerise? 9 3% 3 7% 54% 24% 79.1% Q*2t Qiiwtly, m vititow (i>Ui wpwwiitvn, ■dgfctoi. me.) Hbwd to cow ihcvwiM bciti(i«7 124% 34.1% 274% 24 7% 0*29 Whas is currently wydrednf pin wail (visimn, —ploys, and fareily) wire 13i% an—your swine (hdlldaa? 1?? SHOWERS - ALWAYS sometimes Blank CHANGE FOOTWEAR - ALWAYS 594% 344% NIVER . 61% 513% 9 5% 2 9% 2.9% 79% 14.3% 111% Sl4ft IS 1% 7.lft 3.4 ft 7.4* 9J« ISJft 33 3ft I.lft 3ft 272 ft 224 ft ISJft 32Jft Jft 11ft 27.0 ft 23 Oft 144 ft 312 ft 4ft 242 ft 24.7 ft 144« 49ft 4ft 1 Ift 50.0 ft 247 ft OROW/PtNBH* NO OIOW/PWIIH ON PREMISES YES, ALLOROW/PUOSH MOEmow/nwsH BOMROROW4WOH QROW/PMSH 1 I DO NOT OWN ANY BREBDINO ANIMALS 2 BRBIDINO HERD NOT VACCmATVO 1 IDONOTMARKRTHOQi 2 ITBUOCMYOWNHOOiTOMAMXSr 9 ALWAYS PARTIALLY LOAOID 4 SOMITMH PARTIALLY LOAOID 5 NIVBR PARTIALLY LOAOID RMt 1 IDO NOT MARKET PAT HOGS 2 ALWAYS CLEAN 3 ALWAYS CLEAN AND DMNPBCTSD 4 BOMEnMMDonnr 5 USUALLY DIRTY d NOT CURB ■tank 1 NO 1 NO FEEDS ARB DELIVERED 2 DAILY 3 WEEKLY 4 MONTHLY 5 OTHER 1 NO FEEDS ARE DELIVERED 2 NO 3 YES 1 NO 2 YES 3 SOMETIMES COVERALLS • ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Blank FOOTBATHS • ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Blank Survey Indicates Biosecurity In Question When Fighting Pseudorabies (Continued from Pag* Al 9) iblc as we’d like." Fisher said the goal of the National Pork Producers Council is to eradicate the disease by the turn of the century. "So, if we’re still in the pseudorabies business in 1999, and the other 48 slates have cleaned it up. what are they going to do with us? They’re going to clean it up the rest of die states are going to force us. We’re not going to be able to ship market hogs out of the states if we have pseudorabies and the rest of the 1U« (M 0 «ww«w*Mi. arm ,2% MU*** S*2% WVM 21A% «-k UVESrOCK MARKETS. OPTEN NEVER 34.7* 224* 14* SJ* 174* 34* S4* 44* 134* BUYING STATIONS. SLAUGHTER HOUBM* OPTEN nuxu NEVER 14.7* 041 DaywfliyiM iMr 57.1* 43 214 34 IS 9 SWINE FARMS* OPTEN SELDOM NEVER tM* LIVESTOCK MARKETS* OPTEN 41 217 77 3t 12 S74* 204* S4* 34* BUYING STATIONS- OPTEN SELDOM NEVER NJ* 194* SLAUGHTERHOUSES* OPTEN SELDOM NEVER J* 25A* 29J% 4 *• Q 42 Wl«iypee(io*«MUiliß>ww7 ■AHI- NO PIAODWIKLY RACK) MONTHLY rUCSDTMaimYEAK OTHU ■u NO wESKLYvnrr MONTHLY VISIT rwicsruYiAKvisrr OTHU 124 ft 224 ft U4ft 194 ft 29ft 74% 74% EXTERMINATOR 19.1 ft 40.7 ft 2jjJ TKAOONO POWDER. NO •1 154 91 19 4f SM 124 ft 17.7 ft CATS ‘ NO 254 ft l.lft 114 ft 234 ft n^. IJJ* 0001 Q-33 OedpffceaH.OTwlMlUiihmMGHßiO' 43.4 ft 214 ft 7.9 ft 4ft 4Jft 241 •0 30 2 1« FEED STORAGE AREAS PIG FAOUTIES • YES NO 77Jft 174 ft nos 4Jft CARCASSES- YES HO Hmk 17.2* «Uft 14ft 0-34 Howira4udMbuk4b9M4on 1 STREADONPIELD 2 fIOSD UR BY RENDERING TRUCK UM I.lft 9 BURIED 4 IURNBD 44.0 ft 24.7 ft S OTHER I.7ft 3.7 ft 0-33 Hwrpfofttyiw 4m4 a^nnioft i immediately 2 wmON 24 HOURS 3 WHIN m CONVENIENT 114 ft •01ft 4 OTHER 4Jft 14ft 0*34 Hui ym tw M pimbnhlii innuiilliywrbKT 1 NO 2 YES 4tJO% o*37 Haw was yw»4araM« ShawanO iaywrlME? I I’VE NIVBR HAD PSRUDORAKES DIAGNOSED IN MY KERO a naswßßivßnLYnac 3 TESTING AT SLAUGHTER 4 AREAA3RCL* TESTING 5 OTHER 7.4* g| lt^ 4.9 ft •JJJJ 0*34 b your Med carnally quanadwd? ail 1 NO 2SJ» j yg 24.1 ft 2SJ« “* 0-3. WlHlrp.ot<>r«*fa>.4.pakMT ***• i nMuuwibnNm i ruDiit no mooucii J* ** j raum no rooms* 4 uusrocxnoouczit 13J% JOW « 114 ft MJft (M 1 WUckaTilwMowfagbMdMedbHyHrhHr 1 INDIPtNDtNTtY OWNED 2 OWNED BY AN INTEGRATOR J UTHUL area is clean. The rules will get tougher and tougher.’’ Fisher remembers well what it was like when herds were depopu lated in the early 1980 s. “It was such a traumatic thing to deal with ... when the only outlook you had if you got it was that you were going to depopulate in two years, it was a traumatic issue and people are still scared of it They’re scared of anybody that has to do with the state, and there are some people who just don’t want to hear about it They’ve been depopulated. lost SELDOM NEVER m EM SELDOM NEVER PLACED WEEKLY PLACED MONTHLY PLACED TWICE PEE YEAR OTHER $BO,OOO-$lOO,OOO tost it come back in, and now they’re (thinking) just leave me alone, I’m OK, I don’t want it. leave me alone.” Editor’s Note: What can pro ducers do to improve biosecnri ty? Details ofa special meeting to address the topics of biosecuritj and PRV control will be pro vided, in addition to a new pro ject to examine the economics of a PRV vaccine, in part 2 of the series in the next issue of Lamcas ttr Faming. un 914 ft 394 ft 74ft 7.7» KMft 25.1 ft 7.lft 54ft 324* 54 4ft 74ft 24ft 244 ft 434 ft 94ft Uft 234 ft 574» 124 ft 04ft 214 ft Sl4ft 194 ft 04ft 10.1 ft 034 ft 194 ft 04ft 124 ft 07.7 ft 194 ft 10411 143 ft 32J« 10.1 ft 173 ft •3ft 003 ft 3ft 54ft Jft 34ft 204 ft 903 ft 13ft 7.lft 4,oft 7.7* 214 ft 204 ft 004 ft 11.1 ft 47Jft 333 ft 104 ft 44.7 ft 904 ft 43ft 474 ft 47Jft 44ft 393 ft 53.7 ft 7.lft 24 7ft 43.0 ft 103« 24 I*3 144 as •i 43ft 403 ft 433 ft 93ft 14.1 ft 233 ft 540 ft 203 ft 42% 41.9 ft 341 ft 33ft 503 ft 114 ft 90ft S 4ft 90ft 143 ft 75 4ft 17.7 ft 43ft 393 ft 14.1 ft 313 ft 13ft 43« 23ft 73J« 154* 5.9% Sift