Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 34
*34-UnctHf Fanning, Saturday, Novambar 13,1993 LEBANON (Lebanon Co.) Outstanding 4-H dairy members were honored recently at the Leba non County 4-H Dairy Banquet at the Myerstown Church of the Bre thren. This banquet climaxed the 1993 project year and was hosted by the ELCO 4-H Dairy Club. Emcee Darin Nolt welcomed the 173 4-H members, leaders, families and guests. Chris Wagner and Jeremy Troutman led the Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge respectively, while Brett Lentz gave the invocation. Leba non County Dairy Princess Jennif er Bashore, Alternate Karen Hcil inger, and Little Miss Jennie Maulfair teamed up to provide a skit on making the right choice in beverages MILK! All 4-H club members in atten dance received a special Dairy Queen Treat coupon, sponsored by Lebanon’s Dairy Queen East, for the 1993 club year from their respective club secretaries: Kathy Habecker. Kevin Bomgardner, and Ryan Lentz. John Bomgardner and Alan Hostetler, Lebanon 4-H Dairy Judging Team coaches, repre sented awards to the judging team members. Kraig Sellers, Annville, was presented with a plaque for being Lebanon County’s 1993 Outstanding Dairy Judge while Jeff Zimmerman, Lebanon, received honors for Top Hoard’s Dairyman Judging. Lebanon County Dairy Bowl Team mem bers were honored by coaches Duane Nolt and Nelson Bomgard ner. They presented the Outstand ing Dairy Bowl member award to Melissa Bicksier, Myerstown. Kenneth Winebark, Extension Dairy and Livestock Agent, then recognized the following award winners. Winners in the County Dairy blue form category were announced to be Amy Habecker, non County’s top Hoard’s Dairy Judge champion get* ting 454 points out of a poss ible 500. Craig Sellers is Lebanon County's top 4-H dairy Judge. Ayrshire Breeders Get Experienced Office Manager BRATTLEBORO. Vt. The Board of Directors of the Ayrshire Breeders’ Association is pleased to announce that Martha Clark, former administrative assistant to the CEO of the Holstein Associa tion of America, has assumed the position of office manager for the Ayrshire Association in Brattle boro, Vermont. She replaces Lori Daniels who resigned to accept another posi- tion. Mrs. Clark was employed 17 years with the Holstein Associa tion and coordinated the workflow of the CEO’s office for nearly 13 years. Art Gaddis, Ayrshire presi dent, expressed the board’s excite ment over having someone with Martha’s background in livestock association work and knowledge of the registered livestock indus try. Lebanon Honors Outstanding 4-H Dairy Members Michelle Ungemach, Amanda Martin, and Kathy Habecker. Alli son Martin, Lebanon, was honored for receiving the Susan Heilinger Werner Memorial Award. Receiving the top County and Club Rookie awards are as fol lows: Lebanon County Outstand ing “Rookie" and Norlebco Club Rookie was Daryl Maulfair. Fre dericksburg; the NoSoAnn Rookie Award went to Greg Brunner, Cleona, while Jessica Bennetch, Myerstown, received the ELCO Rookie Award. Also honored were members with excellent project record books. 1993’s Lebanon County Outstanding Record Book Level I was submitted by Amy Moyer of the ELCO Dairy Club. Named as the other club record book winners for Level I were Ryan Miller, Nor lebco Dairy, and Amanda Martin, NoSoAnn Dairy Club. The 1993 Lebanon County 4-H Outstanding Record Book for Level II was presented to Allison Martin of the NoSoAnn Club. Kevin Bomgardner won the Nor lebco Level Record Book award while Melissa Bicksier won the ELCO Club’s honors. Also honored for their outstand ing achievements were the reci pients of the Agway Best Bred and Owned 4-H project awards. The winners of this award were pre sented a $lOO Savings Bond for their combined achievements with their record books, showmanship, fitting, and animal type. This year’s Lebanon County winners were brothers Jesse and Kevin Bomgardner of Ono and Stephanie Wagner of Myerstown. For more information on the 4-H program write or call the Lebanon County Extension Office, 4-H Agent, 2120 Cornwall Road Suite 1, Lebanon PA 17042. Phone (717) 270-4391. Concurrently, the board con tracted with Zane Akins and Asso ciates to provide oversight man agement and to assist the board with policy development. While Clark is to coordinate the day to day business, Zane Akins is to focus on organizational rela tionships and planning on a part time basis. The Ayrshire Association of fice is located in Brattleboro, Ver- mont, and shares facilities and processing services witih the Hol stein Association of America. It maintains a separate publication and is independently controlled by its members and board of direc tors. Inquiries may be sent to Mrs. Martha Clark, Office Manager, P.O. Box 1608, Brattleboro, VT 05302-1608 or telephone 802-254-7460. From the left, Lebanon County 4-H Dairy Club recognizee Its top Level II record book champions, Melissa Bicksler, ELCO, who also is the county’s outstanding dairy bowl member; Allison Martin, NoSoAnn, with the top record book In the county; and Kevin ' irdner, NorLebco. Lebanon ty 4-H Dairy Chib Level 1 recognition for keeping outatanding records booka goes to, from the left, Ryan Miller, NorLebco; Amy Moyer, Elco, who also waa beat In the county for Level 1; and Amanda Martin, NoSoAnn. Cow Family Sets Record BELOIT, Wis, Brown Swiss breeders from all over the world recently joined together at the annual World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis. It is there that history repeated itself during the Central National Brown Swiss Show, held in con junction with the Expo. The first place winner in the 4-year-old class, Kruse’s GK Jade Fantasy Vix ET was named grand champion of the Brown Swiss Show. She also went on to be named reserve supreme champion of the World Dairy Expo, compet ing against all six breed champions. Vix ET’s dam, Kruse’s Beauti cian Vixie, also won grand champion at the Centennial Swiss Show held in 1980. Vixie repeated the honor in 1981 and won her class for five consecutive years at the World Dairy Expo. Vixic and Vix ET are the first mother-daughter team of any breed to both be named grand champion in the World Dairy Expo’s 27-year history. Lany Kruse, Earlville, lowa, is the breeder and owner of the two cows. “The Great Vixie Cow”, as Vixie has been named by breeders all over the world, is still alive and approaching 16 years of age. She has produced more than 200 viable embryos since 1984, and produced three more transferrable embryos in the last few weeks. Vix ET, this year’s grand champion, has 10 Excellent sisters and through embryo transfer, already has six daughters of her own. Through embryo transfer technology, the Kruse family plans to continue expanding their herd with this powerful mother daughter duo. Reserve grand champion of the Central National Brown Swiss Show went to Top Acres EJ Whizzbang, a 3-year-old cow owned by Wayne Sliker, St. Paris, Ohio. Judging the Brown Swiss show was Steve Tuman, a Brown Swiss breeder from Watkins, Minn. During the Brown Swiss show, a well-deserved honor was pre sented to Palmer Hoffman, of Mingo, Ohio. Hoffman is a Brown Swiss breeder who has been asso ciated with the show herd for Top Acres Farm, St. Paris, Ohio for more than 30 years. Hoffman was chosen as the third winner of the Klussendorf- Mackenzie Award, presented to a person who exemplifies all the basic principles of a potential Klussendorf recipient as to char acter, sportsmanship, ability and endeavor. In other World Dairy Expo hap penings, the Brown Swiss Premier Showcase Sale was again a very successful event. The sale, man aged by Brown Swiss Enterprises, was outstanding in both produc tion and type, with 28 lots averag ing $3,211.00. The top selling animal, (also high selling open heifer), going for $6,000 was Sun-Made Simon Tiara. Tiara is sired by Top Acres Elegant Simon and is a daughter of Mort Matt Tammy, a “2E Certi fied’* edw with lifetime totals of 105,650 m and 4,879 f. Tiara’s new owner is Rex Mort, Pierceton, Indiana. She was con signed by Sunshine Genetics, Whitewater, Wisconsin.