Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 30
Farmtafl, Saturday, Novawhif 13,1993 Boyer Named (ConthMMd from Pago A 1) ran a small milk route through the town, raised Shetland ponies, and dealt in horses. Ira and the former Cass Anthony, a neighbor, were married in 1941. They dairied for a few years on a farm near their homes, then operated a rented farm near Hanover for a decade. In 1956, the couple moved their two dozen-head dairy herd to a farm they had purchased near ThomasvUle, today the home of Sunnybend Holsteins. Through the yean, Boyer was active in leadenhip roles with the county Holstein club. Dairy Herd Improvement Association, and the York County Farmers’ Association. The Boyer’s herd was consis tently near the top of DHIA pro duction lists over the yean and one of the fint in York County to break the 600-pound butterfat bar rier. Their fint herd-test year, beginning in 1947, average 7,888 pounds of milk and 309 pounds of butterfat on 23 head. Larry Amspacher, secretary-treasurer of the York Coun ty Holstein Association, presents a $5OO check from the organization to York extension director Roxanne Price for the county’s ,4-H center expansion program. OPEN: Mon. thru Frl. 9-9, Sat 9-5, Cloaad Sunday HUNTING SPECIALS • Rocky Comstalker Gore-Tex Thinsulate 800t5... $109.95 • Men’s Green Heavy Weight Wool Pants $ 30.95 • Men’s Walls Insulated Brown Camouflage Coveralls Reg. $89.95 $ 49.95 • New Browning insulated Fleece Waterproof Camouflage Parka... • We Stock Lady’s Reversible Insulated Hunting Parkas &Bibs • All-Weather Orange Cover-Up Vests • Chippewa -40' Hunting Bools • Ace Orange Camouflage Sweatshirts $ 24.95 • Close-Out On All Remington Gore-Tex Thinsulate Boots! • Orange-Insulated-Waterproof Hunting Gloves.... $ 18.95 Shyda’s Stock: Rocky - Danner - Red Ball - LaCross Rockport - Sorel - Browning - Pro-Line - Shoe & Boots By 1975, when the Boyen dis persed their 44-head herd, that average was 16,390 pounds milk and 604 pounds of butterfat, with the fat average having passed the 600-pound level a decade before. Their sale average was the third high in Pennsylvania that year. Animals from the Boyer’s breeding were a significant part of the foundation stock for two of York County’s top milk production herds today, operated by their children. Daughter Gerry, her husband Lynn Wolf, and their three children maintain their dairy farm just east of Abbottstown. Son Tom, his wife June, and their two daughters continue the family dairying tradition on die Boyer home farm. Following his retirement from milking cows, Ira Boyer became a sales representative for American Breeders Service, a second career he and Cassie continue today as a team. They handle semen sales and tank servicing for more than 80 farms in northern York and Ad*ms counties. Holstein breeders marked the annual meeting with a $3OO con tribution to die York County 4-H Center Exhibition Area fund raising drive. The expansion prog ram, now in its first phase, will add a show and sale ring, expanded parking, outtotytarana, gardening, archery, fitness trail and playground facilities to the existing 4-H Center near die town of Bair. Hie fund-raising to date has generated more than $33,000 toward the $200,000 project goal. Junior Holstein milk, fat, and protein awards were presented to winners at the county level Coun ty winner records have been for warded for competition in the state Junior Holstein production awards recognition program in February 1994. In the 2-year-old category, awards were split between three contenders. Winning 303-day milk record went to Dar-Dale Leader Drissle-Red, owned by Shannon Doll, Glen Rock, with a production of 23,198 pounds. Brad Walker, New Freedom, won the fiat production category with Warns Sexy Lady’s production of 837 pounds of butterfat. Protein winner, with 738 pounds, was Coredale Symbol Tootsie, owned by Chad Trimmer, East Berlin. Three-year old honors for both milk and protein were won by Brad Walker with Walk-Le Marvel Skip, with 29,573 milk and 916 protein in 303-days. Win ner for butterfat was Dar-Dale Ryan Rita, owned by Shannon Doll, with a 837-pound record. Brad Walker took all honors in the four-year-old category with Coldsprings Levi Taffy, produc ing a 305-day record of 29,676 milk, 826 fat, and 1,009 protein. Three directors were named to the county board following an election during the annual busi ness meeting. Elected for three year terms were Darla Doll, Glen Rock, Phillip Laughman, York, and Leroy Walker, New Freedom. With the AQUA COW RISE SYSTEM you can float a down cow back onto its legs harmlessly without using clamps, belts or chains. The AQUA COW is a natural way to get a cow back on its legs using only warm water. — Distributed By: ———— Cedar Crest Equipment 608 Evergreen Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 270-6600 800-646-6601 5189.95 ....$ 5.95 ....$112.95 MMMJMMK Rise System - [y*Sh Farm Calendar /^/ (Continued from Pag* AID) (Conttnuad (ram Pag* A 10) caster, thru Nov. 19. Vegetable Growers’ annual meet ing. Arena Restatnnt, Bed ford. 9:30 aro. ElMCameron Counties Farmers Breakfast Ag Advisory Group meeting, Anthony’s Restaur ant, Ridgway, 9 aro. 'Northampton County DHIA- Holstcin Assoc, annual meeting and banquet, Stockertown Memorial Hall, 7 pro. PenqOersey Director Marketing Beef-Sheep-Swine for produc ers tour, arrive Hatfield Pack ing, 9:30 aro., sponsored by Rutgers Extension, Somerville, NJ. Clarion/Venango Holstein Associ ation annual * meeting. Salem Community Building, Lamar tine. 7 pro. Bradford County Quality Assur ance Meeting For Dairymen, Towanda Rod and Gun Club, quet, Bonneauvillc Fire HaU, 6:30 p.m. York County Extension annual meeting, Shrewsbury Fire HaU, 7 p.m. Farm-City Week, thru Nov. 25. Agronomy Ag-Servicc School. Arena Restaurant, Bedford, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Wayne County Holstein Associa tion annual meeting. BeUmont Comers Fire Hall, BeUmont Mahantongo Fire Company, Pitman, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Mercer County Holstein Associa tion annual meeting, Mercer Extension Office, 7:30 p.m. Huntingdon County DHIA annual meeting, Shaver’s Creek Com munity Building, 7:30 p.m. Lancaster County Cum tours, 1 \l' 1 I Ul. l \ . \\ \ 111 Jll I ’ ' ence, Ramada Inn, West Middlesex. Lancaster County 17th annual Agriculture Industry Banquet, Lancaster Host Resort, 7 pjn. Swine Health, Profitability, and Pseudorabies, Bergstrasse School, Ephrata, 7:30 p.m. Susquehanna River Basin Com mission meeting. Woodlands Inn and Resort, Wilkes-Barre, 9 n^ 1 1. Sum min i Ml | USDA’s 70ih Ag Outlook Confer ence. USDA Headquarters, I hui sd.n . Ihi cmhci ? I i id.n . Ilit,cm tu i ' National 4-H Congress. 111., thru Dec. 10. Estate Planning Seminar, Carroll Co. Extension Office, West- Inn, Hagerstown, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Maryland Pleasure Horse Semi nar, South Carroll High School. Winfield. Md., 8:30 a.m. NEW DEVELOPMENT FOR RAISING DOWN COWS! Dealerships Available