Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 29
jve Snyder hooks up equipment to milk his and his brother Tracy’s high producing Schuylkill County herd. (CondniMd tram Pag* A2t) tinue to merchandise, the two are The future for Steve and Tracy ing to concentrate on getting the back to twice a day milking and looks good, they Mid. herd back to strength and to con- rotating every other weekend off. The sod type isn’t the best, but Meyer Snow Plowe Plow Like They’re HOT! Operate Like They’re COOL! And Get The Job Done FAST! Get One Now. You’ll Be On EASY STREET! For the name of your nearest dealer, contact; HAMILTON EQUIPMENT, INC. 567 S. READING 80., PO. BOX 478 EPHRATA. PA 17522 mSraONB: 1-717’735-7SSI SNOWPLOWS fnpptnf ftnxgfl, aaturdty.MovamNf iviffrAai they usually get a good hay crop and com. The area isn’t getting the over whelming pressure from residen tial and commercial development as compared to other areas of the slate, although it is picking up three homes went in over the sum mer onafum property immediate ly to the north that was subdivided by a speculator. The brothers have made an attempt to buy aparcel that adjoins their property, but taw residential property is being sold to commu ters, who benefit from cheap fuel, at prices twice than can be justified by Cuming. And although commissioned real estate agents are quick to pitch a communty’s “rural aspects and quiet living” in pushing a sale, the Snyders never heard of an agent who would suggest selling a prop erty at a lower price to a fanner to maintain those rural aspects and quiet living. HSa.,,-0 PH 717-866-7565 At president of the Schuylkill County DHIA bond of directors for the put six years, “I’ve teen a lot of big changes in that time. “Lancaster (County DHIA) forced a lot of changes when they changed to a different processing center,” he said. The Lancastrians had forced to die front the issue of mandatory state association alle gianoe. when another sale’s asso ciation could offer a wider assort ment of services. Within the put three yean, in response to a number of Lancaster County dairymen abandoning the Pa.DHIA and going to Raliegh for service with the support of Nation al DHIA, the Pa.DHIA has upgraded its services in order to compete, and, according to Steve, has allowed its members a better chance at competition. The even bigger change was centralization, which more or less precipitated the whole Lancaster County issue. “Centralization has gone through,” Steve said, “and for the most part, it hu been smooth, except for Lancaster. It all worked out in the end and I think it’s better than it wu before. There’s leu red ape to run through to make a change in service.” Furthermore, the county DHIA hu only lost one herd over the put year and he said it wu recently reported to him at a PaDHIA reg ional meeting that the sate mem bership is still strong. J & R LOGGING BUYER OP STANDING TIMBER 17 yrs. experience. Insured. Buying In Berks, York, Lancaster, Chester, Dauphin and Lebanon Counties 717/367-7831 • Augers • Bins • PVC • Fill Pipe Tubing • Fill • Boots Elbows • Hopper Switches W» Ship UPS Swine A Poultry System* Specie Hl* FARMER BOY AG. 410 E. LINCOLN AVE. MYERSTOWN. PA 17067 MOTORS Direct Drive Belt Drive Chock Our Warekouee Prices 24 Hoar Service