Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 23
Egg Quality Assurance Program (Continued from Pag* A2l) The benefits of participating in this program are many. Participat ing producers are: • Reducing the risk of market ing contaminated eggs. • Helping to maintain consumer confidence in table eggs. ■ Reducing liability exposure for human outbreaks of SE. • Improving quality of eggs being marketed. • Being responsible farmers and business people. The PEQAP is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation. The program is being supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Penn State Universi ty, University of Pennsylvania, Maryland Brown Swiss Meeting FREDERICK. Md. Although it is late notice, the Matyland-Delawate Browns Swiss Association this week I WOMB Intercourse, ■BMMHHHMHHMHHHHiii (717) 768-8231 ■ m TWO LOCATIONS WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. HQVTOt ■■■■■■!■ Mon.-FH. 7 AM-5 PM; Sat 7 AM-Noon ■■■ /m// //c »¥«■■■ unit U 0... Authorized tfCmUßiWiHmlf ups station Pennsylvania Animal Health Commission, Salmonella Enteriti dis Pilot Project, and United States Department of Agriculture. The program is an excellent model on how farmers, industry leaders, uni versity faculty, and government can work together to solve a major problem. The PEQAP is an excellent program all egg producers should be participating in. By participat ing in the program, you are helping to insure the future of your industry. Many exciting things are hap pening in the egg industry. The new American Egg Board promo tion program, the combining of efforts of the Northeast states in announced it is holding its annual fall canton meeting 10 a.m. today at Donald and Debbie Culler’s home in Feagerville, near Freder ick, Md. For more information, call Denise Valentine, secretary, at (301) 898-7168, or Scott Hood, president (301) 473-5052. The Saving Place. egg promotion, and the PEQAP should help improve consumer use of eggs. As one industry leader said recently. “It is good to be in an organization that spends more time increasing demand for eggs than trying to cut back chicken numbers." *Dahl Outside Wood Furnaces Hot Air and Hot Water. Domestic Hot Water Woodchuck Sales and Service 717*532-5820 HOOBER EQUIPMENT Middletown, DE (302) 378-0555 mm put ' ;k Up Your 'hone And lace Your Parts Order With Us By supporting these programs, we should be increasing the demand for eggs, which means everyone benefits. For more information on the PEQAP, contact the Pennsylvania Plant them for the Performance You’ll save $330 when you buy 24 units of each in our 48-unit Performance Pak®. Or save $5O when you buy six units of each in our 12-unit Trial Pak®. Either way, you’ll get two of our best hybrids for yield, standability, drydown and all-around performance. Find out how you can get big hybrid performance at big savings. Ask your local Hoffman sales represen tative today. Or call; 1-800-776-7929 4624 Relative Maturity: 118 days ♦ Consistent performance. Produced 203 Bu/A in Sussex County, Del. m a 1992 field check. ♦ Outstanding silage quality for superior milk production. ♦ Solid performer even under drought and in increasing populations. ♦ Resistant to Southern Com Leaf Blight. 4671 Relative Maturity: 120 days ♦ Unmatched silage yields and quality in a 120-day hybnd ♦ Consistently tops independent competitive plots for Group 6 hybrids. ♦ Good test weights and grain quality. ♦ Excellent response to high yield environments »Bmm r~l H i Seeds Ciba Seeds Hoffman Seeds, Inc. Landisville, PA 17538 Call toll free: 1-800-776-7929 Adding Value To Your Seed Investment knotty *«"*» arturfcy, NMpNr I*, **2l Poultry Federation Office, 500 North Progfesi Avenue, Htiris burg PA 17109. (717) 652-7530. Feather Prof s Footnote: "An industry is either growing or dying." Buy them for the eevktge If you’re looking for big performance from a late maturity hybrid, it’s tough to beat Funk’s G® brand 4624 or 4671. And now there’s a way to get that performance at substantial savings. © 1993 Hoffman Seeds. Inc