Gmntsyille Livestock Gtialrfßi, Mar; had Report hpflad by Aactiao Sat, Nowabar 6, 1993 STOCK BULLS AND STEERS 200-500 LBS. 7000-90.00. STOCK HEIFERS: SS.OO-IS.OO. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 65.75; MEDIUM TO GOOD. NONE AVAILABLE. FEEDER STEERS GOOD 70.00-84.00; LIGHT 84.00-96.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE, NONE AVAILABLE; MEDIUM TO GOOD 57.00-63J0. BULLS HEAVY 50.00-56.00, LIGHT 45.00-49.00. COWS FEW HIGH DRESSING 42.50- UTILITY HOLSTEIN 42.50- CANNBRS 36.00-43.50, CULLS 36.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 85.00- MEDIUM TO GOOD 60.00- 808 CALVES: 50.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. 100.00-120.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVFBS RETURN TO FARM 100-120 LBS., NONE AVAILABLE. BEEP CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 125.00. HOGS TOP QUALITY 42.50-45.00, FEW TO 46,50; HEAVY 42.50-44.50. LIGHT 38.00-42.00, FEEDER PIGS BY J T/ / SALT/SAND TT&UL SPRE Trailer Model When speed in getting started is important, this is the sand/salt spreader for you! Just hook one pin, start up the gasoline driven hydraulic pump, put the width control cable in the cab, and you are ready to go. Trailer has tongue-jack for easy hooking. * One of 3 model HERD seeders, known for rugged strength, ease of operation and ability to center spread all materials. Model 1200 C (shown). Other models available; 750 and 2440. * Lid on seeder to protect material from snow, sleet or rain. j FAR!,' THE HEAD 3aoo-39.0a SOWS 30.003640 MALE HOGS 25.00-32.50. LAMBS 55.00-64,00, LIGHT 65.007000, SHEEP 20.003100. New Holland Dairy New Hoßaad Saha Stable* Wedaeaday, Noraaber 10; 1993 Report auppHad b; aactha DAIRY COWS 189; HEIFERS 103 AND 11 BULLS. MARKET ACTIVE, HIGHER. LOCAL FRESH COWS 900001200.00. FRESH HEIFERS 850.001150.00, COUPLE 125000 LOCAL SPRINGERS 850001150.00 UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 1100.001600.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1450.00-1650.00, SEVERAL REG. 1500.001750.00. 2 HERD DISPERSALS BETTER FRESH AND SPRINING 1200.00-1500.00. COWS IN ALL STAGES 850.001150.00. LOAD OP CANADIAN COWS 1150.001500.00. SPRINGING HEIFERS LARGE 1050.00-1250.00, SMALL ssaoo-iooo.oa S HORTBRBD HEIFERS 800.00-900.00. SMALL 550.0a800.0a Standard Features Include For the name of your nearest Healer, contact: HAMILTON EQUIPMENT, INC. 567 S. READING RD.. P.O. BOX 478 EPHRATA, PA 17522 TELEPHONE; 1-717-733-7951 OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS eoaooTsaoo. REGISTERED HEIFERS PEW WRIN GERS 130000-1600.00. OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 60000-70000. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 300.00-50000. BULLS 650.00-UO.OO. 2 REG AT MS.OO AND 915.00. 2 SMALL BULLS SlO.OO-520.00 Valley Stockyards Athene, h, Monday, Nor ember 8, IMS Report euppßed by udta HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES TO 19000. VEAL CALVES, NO GOOD ONES. VEALER BULL CALVES TO 165.00 SLAUGHTER CALVES 65.00 AND DOWN. GRASSBRS A FEEDERS 45.00-75.00 LAMBS 45.0066.00 SHEEP IS.OO-24.00. HOGS, 200250, TO 43.00 SOWS TO 3250 BOARS 25.00-35.00. PIGS TO 24.00 HEIFERS TO 54.00. STEERS 520062.50. FEEDER STEERS 50.0088.00. BULLS 44.0055.D0 GOOD COWS 41.0047.73. Can be pulled with an assortment of vehicles • Hydraulic orbit motor with diversion valve on seeder, to drive fan and agitator. Diversion valve to control flow of oil, which in turn, controls fan speed and width of spread. • Control cable from diversion valve to driver, for ease in controll ing width of spread. • Gasoline motor driven hydraulic pump for constant speed and power. Shipped with Dextron oil for immediate use in cold weather. • Two different systems to fit your needs... one for truck bed and one trailer model. • All hydraulic components shipped assembled. Just connect hydraulic motor to seeder of your choice, and connect seeder to trailer or flatbed frame and you are ready to go. Uincaiw Fni>g. Sabcdsy, NMwdtr «MMir COWS MEDIUM 32.00-4000 COWS POOR OR SMALL 3000 AND DOWN. CATTLE MARKET EASIER. CALF MARKET STEADY. HORSES SMALL 283.00420.00 PONIES TO 410.00. GOATS TO 85.00. REMARKS: 810 NUMBERS. Front Royal, Virginia . Horse Sale Repot Supplied by Auction, November 6, IM3 161 HEAD. RIDING HORSES, SERVICEABLE AGE: AVERAGE TO GOOD QUALITY 925-1175 LBS. 505.0074000; 800900 LBS. 405.00500.00; BETTER QUALITY 10001250 LBS. 770.00960.00; 800900 Ux. 500.00620.00. RIDING PONIES: SMALL 165.00310.00, LARGE 275.00465.00. LOOSE HORSES: AVERAGE TO GOOD FLESH 925-1200 LBS. 465.006U.00, 2 AT 72S.00780.00; 800900 LBS. 3U.00430.00. i RD 4, Box 4153-A, Fleetwood, PA 19522 1 1 215-683-7161 C AH-00073-L 8 CHRISTMAS TREE & I GREENS AUCTION 1 TUESDAYS. NOV. 23. 30 & 8 I I DEC. 7. 14 AT 11:00 AM. 1 CHRISTMAS TREES: Douglas Fir, Blue S Spruce, White Pine, Scotch Pine, White B Spruce & More. Trees will be potted & cut. 8 WREATHS & DECORATIVE LOGS: 5 Plain or Decorated, Bunches of Greens, 8 Swags, Holly & More. S MISCELLANEOUS: Wicker Baskets, S Colored Twigs, Bows. Pine Cones, Etc. 8 We have a good supply of product for these V auctions, and all consignors are welcome. B Please call for more information. S Directions: from Reading 222 N. to k Kutztown Exit bear right, then right 1 onto Oakhaven Road to stop, then left. S From Allentown 222 S. to Virglnville 5 exit, turn left to stop, then right, then 8 m second left onto Oakhaven Road, to $ 5 stop then left. B | CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS jf 3 FARM EQUIPMENT & V § MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS B 1 TUESDAY, NOV. 16th at 10:00 AM || 3 Accepting Consignments Until 4:00 PM « 8 Monday, Nov. 15th 8 K SURPLUS SUPPLY AUCTION S * TUESDAY, DEC. 14th At 11:00 AM S 8 Suprlus Hardware Items. Lumber, and Other 8 V New Surplus Items from area stores. Watch S B later for partial listing. Please call to register S S your consignments. 8 g WINTER CRAFT AUCTION 1 * SATURDAY, DEC. 4th at 11:00 AM S 6 Wooden Toys, Paintings, Quilts, Baby Blank- 8 9 ets. Wreaths, Christmas Items & Mote. Con- S S signors Needed. s Indiana Livestock Homer City, PA Thunday, Nor. 11, 1993 Report euppliod by Aucthm BEEF; HEIFERS GOOD 71.00, MEDIUM 69.00-75.00; COMMON 68.00 DOWN. STEERS: GOOD 73.00, MEDIUM 70.00-72.30, COMMON 69.00- DOWN. COWS; GOOD 46J0, MEDIUM 41.00-4S.SO, COMMON 39.00- DOWN. BULLS: BUTCHER 60.00-61.00, BOLOGNA SB.OO DOWN. FEEDERS: GOOD SSO LBS. ST. HEIF ERS 88.00, MEDIUM 75.00-80.00, COM MON 7250-DOWN. CALVES: BS-11S LBS. (BULLS) 120.00- SS-11S LBS. (HFRS.) 150.00- SO LBS. UNDER 65.00 DOWN. 120 LBS. OVER VEAL 90.00- LAMBS; GOOD 68.00-70.00, MEDIUM 65.00-67.50, SHEEP IS.OO-28.00. HOGS: NO. 1 240 LBS. 43.00-43.75, NO. 2 140-195 LBS. 35.00-38.00, 24S LBS. UP 42.00. SOWS: 35.50-39.75. BOARS: 26.00-30.00. LITTLE PIGS: 17.50-29.00. GOATS; 15.00-35.00 PER HEAD. HERNIA? No hernia is unrepairable, even after sev eral previous failed attempts. We special ize in outpatient.hernla repairs, and most patients are able to return to full work with in several days. PLEASE CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION MID ATLANTIC SURGICAL SERVICES 217 Harrisburg Ave., Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 295-5454 MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED
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