Dll IMjnciHr Firming, smutty, Nowmbr 13.19 M PORTABLE ELEVATORS Rubber Tire Scrapers Well Balanced, Ruggedly Built For Many Years Of Trouble Free Service \ From 24 Ft - AvalfaWe SAVE CONCRETE/ A auabe. SAVE TIME BIG YEAR END REBATES If Your Fields Are Rocky, You Need To Own A Heavy Duty Rock Rake With Replace Wear Paddies. Note, They Work Well Enough To Prepare Large Landscaping Projects. ROCK RAKE Tht Oegeknan Reck Rake la designed to windrow small to medium sized rocks and olhor ground do brio lor ooty picking Rock-In# fields moon Ism down-dmo. grootor pro (In ROCK PIC The Hi-Llft makes field piling and the removal of rocks by truck simple and , , effort less 'BINKLEYtHVRST IM“?rSrßd "t-BROSJNC.-r 1-800-IT PAYS U BtSSS&SS- 91 Sffl If It's Snow Removal Or Heavy Duty Excavating, You Need A Rhino Blade From Binkley & Hurst Bros. Now! rv, unnt-n* 133 Rothsvlll* Station Rd. Aft* mamtmtf rriT) ohm mn nJ rIKLE* HURST L,tllZt PA 17543 «b 121 -ovnc! TAjr _y (717) 626-4705 HW w l-800-IT-PAYS-U •«.-u,rf-. Dv action. iham 111 convanianty and aaaUy 4P* ERS Prong Type Man handles to 36 TIME IS MONEY and when your equipment is down, it costs you plenty. That’s why Dengelman engineered farm implements are a wise investment. Call 717-626-4705 OR 1 -800-IT PAYS U W^txms Host Huy 1 , In list'd hquipmtMit Don’t Miss This One! Diesel New Holland 1496 Seif Propelled 12 Foot Mower Conditioner Haybine Cab With Air Condition. Call And Ask For Landis Today And Get A Good Year End Discount Price! 2 USED 18.4x38 Tires Approx. 30% Tread Pickup the Pair For Only *85.00 JD 2640 * Diesel 1 Loader Tractor, Hi-Lo 2 Hyd. Outlets, 18.4x30- 90% And 9.5Lx15 4 Rib-90% w/#4B Loader Ask For Landis j*r - *• m* V m . S' Forever SO yeara, Rhino hat boon manufacturing tha hail ing Una of roar-mounted bhdoa. Throughout thh tlmo, our expert!** hi design and manufacturing toehnlquoa haa onablod ua to oatlaty over3oo,oooblado ownora aeroaa tho country. Over tha yeara, wa have expanded our manufac turing technology In order to continue building RHINO blade* with auparier erattamanahlp and Innovative dealgna. Thh dedication for quality aaaurea you of the boat when you buy a RHINO blade. Today, ovr Investment h paying off ter you. Moldboard*. An important factor In tho porformanco of RHINO blado* I* tho precision-formed moldboard with tho oxaet curva ture necessary to aehlavo maximum panetradon. This added precision allow* RHINO blado* to cut and roll tha toll rather than dragging, which save* time, horeopowor, and fuel. The 1540 with S' moldboard I* available for tractor* rated to ISO PTO HP and with 10’ moldboard tor tractor* rated to ISO PTO HP. The Rhino 800 and 950 blade* are both available to bo equipped with *ev*tal *ize* of moldboard* tor your (pacific Job requirement*. For tractor* rated to 126 PTO HP, the 800 and 950 are available with a 7' or S' moldboard. For those with trac tors rated to 95 PTO HP, a 7', S', or 9' moldboard Is mailable. Tha cutting edge* of all RHINO blades are 'A "xS* high-carbon steel, grader cutting edges. The cutting edges have off-center countersunk bolt hole* which give you toll life of the blade with out wearing Into the moldboard, and you don't have to reverse the cutting edge In order to gain maximum llto. Unlike soma canter-punched blade*, the off-center punch enables the cut ting edge to assume the same curvature a* the moldboard, m_ Mi •Hawing ■ free upward flow of dirt. This unrestricted flow pro duces Ims drag, with batter fuel economy. That it, tha dirt slides upward and breaks at tha top of tha moldboard. Tha Rhino cutting edge is tha same as used on many motor graders. RHINO blades are designed with tha strength, rug gadness, and movements to do many jobs of a motor grader quickly and easily. You will ba proud of the volume of material that you can move with your tractor and a RHINO blade. Binkley & Hurst Bros. Inc. Has A Gehl Spreader Ready For Your Farm And Here Are The Reasons Why Your Next arKKisa© ROCK FLEX DOUBLE OFFSET DESIGN MODEL 76 DOUBLE OFFSET DISK HARROWS In Stock 11’8” Cutting Width The 76 has been designed for faster and more unifoim incorporation, better seedbeds, and less time in the field. The advanced double offset design allows you to disk at faster speeds. The 76 follows the contour of the field leaving a uniform level seedbed behind. With Hydraulics ready to work, Buy a New Athens Model 76 Disk Harrow with all the features of a modem disk harrow *4,890.00 890 Coulter-Chisel Great itren|th and durability from tniii-braced, welded tubular Fiame. RIGID A-Frame Tongue with Revenible Oevii allows short turns and easy hitching. A Weight Bar (different weights for different sizes) is available as Extra Equipment for improved performance in extremely hard soil and heavy stalks. New 7 Shank Athena Coulter Chisel In Stock With 4“ Shovels And Hyd. Lift Coulters Special *5,975.00 bi n » s J mm 133 Rothavllla Station Rd. CQ Farm PIBTV LltitZ, PA 17543 (717) «2<-4705 03 After Hours Emergency Parts Call: (717) *26-0885 (717) *a*-»188 (717) *BB-*7 for only
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