Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 150
Dio-Lancaatar Fanning, Saturday, Novtmbar 13,1993 Pull type bale wrappers Reasonable Prices 410/658-6319 evenings 215/593-1199 leave message Pgz TRACTORS JO 4630 Tractor w/Cab, Reconditioned JD 4020 Tractor w/WF JO 3020 Tractor JD 2340 Tractor JD 2640 Tractor w/Loadar JD 2440 Tractor JD 2040 Tractor w/Loadar . JO 1060 Tractor MFWD JD 060 Tractor 2WD w/onty 210 hr*. JD ISO Tractor 2WO JD 850 Tractor, MFWD Cm# 505 tractor w/loader, neoL eond. Ford 3000 Tractor IH 504 Tractor H 404 Tractor IH 214 Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT JO 340 Baler w/Ejector JO 337 Baler w/Ejector JD 336 Baler w/E)eelor JD 336 Baler w/Ejector Nl 456 Round Baler JD 640 Rake JD 660 Rake Nl Hay Rake JD 1209 Mower Conditioner NH 469 Mower Conditioner Nl 279 Cutdilloner, 540 PTO NH 600 Forage Harveeter w/5'4 ' Pickup 6 2 Row Wide PLANTERS AC 333 4 Row, Air Champ., Dry Fertilizer JD 315 Dice, Like New Used JD 6250 Grain Drill Krauaa No-Till Drill, 13' | COMBINES JO M2O Sid* Hill Combln* , Than II JD 6800 Sid* Hill Combln*, R*condKion*d JD 220 Ft*x Platform JD 3300, Gaa Combln* w/10' Platform JD (43 Corn H*ad MF 8(0 Combln*, 4WD, w/1183 Corn Head, 9115 Fl*x Platform MISCELLANEOUS JD 1508 Rotary Mow*r Rhine 20* Bat Wing Mow*r Wood* 14' Rotary Mow*r Cat* Mod«l 14, 9 Shank V Rlpp*r Ua*d JD 27 Ran Shnddw JD 2500 5 Bottom Plow, Spring R***l JD 230 Dlm Wingfold If 9' Pull Typ* CMmI Plow Zetor 121 HP. 4 wd. c«b, ac, aiufm ff Starao, Waatandort Ldr. - 600 Hr*., Excellent jl Tractor $29,000 Trada* ConaMarad (703) 337-1090 j| Detroit Diei Truck, Industrial & Power Units Sales. Service ft Parts Rebuilt ft Used 50-500 HP - 53-71-92-8.2 Series • 371 N -85 HP Powor Un)t Rebuilt $6,000 • 471 N -125 HP Powor Unit Rebuilt... $6,800 • 290 HP Cummins Powerunit Rebuilt.... • 253 - 45 HP Powerunit, Gd. Used..... $3,800 • 353 N - 70 HP Eng., Gd. Used $l,BBO • 6V53N -195 HP, Eng. Gd., Used $3,800 , • 353 - 453 - 671 - 871, Exchange RebulH..C«]l • D 2900 Allis Chalmers Eng. Rebuilt... $B,BOO Diesel Engine Service Ephrata, PA Phone 717-733-3800 Fax 717-738-3146 slo,ooo n KKTPTOJW TARPB* Sales & Service (717) 435-0752 We accept Visa 4 Mastercard WERE OPEN AND READY TO SERVE YOU I KEYSTONE TAKPS is a manufacturer of custom tarps We are able to custom make tarps of any size or shape. We also cany a lull line of nylon cargo straps and work gloves. KEYSTONE TARPS HAVE MANY USEBI TRUCK CARGO TARPS • HAY WAGONS • POOLS • GREEN HOUSES STORAGE COVERS • ANYTHING YOU NEED TO COVER Coll Us At (71 7) 435-0752 To Get A Price On All Your Torp Needs J & L hay-saver feeds 20 cattle. New, improved, round hay-bale feeder feeds large or small hay bales along with square bales. It proves to save hay. This feeder Is built of heavy I V* ” pipe and V*" steel for ring. Available with % ", steel or treated V* ” plywood floors. This 1,200 lb. feeder is built to last. Call for more information. J & L Equipment St. Thomas, PA (717) 369-2637 HARVESTING SPECIALS JD 4400 Combine w/Heads....s 11.900 NEW BRS 4402 4R Cultivator $1,900 MLS 1483 12’ 4” Pulvl-Mulchers7,42s SS 10,10* Grass Seeder.- $8,150 BRS 6302 6R Cultivator $2,828 SSLP Grass Seeder $1,775 ED JO 3020 $6,900 JD 4250 $34,900 USED EQUIPMENT JD 670 hay raka $1,850 Kasten 250 spreader $B9B JD 8350 drill $3,998 JD 244 comhead $998 Brllllon 12’ chisel plow $1,298 JO 3R head $2,978 Gehl 1200 harvester, 2 heads.s4,99B JD 2800 6B Plow $8,200 IH 720 5B Plow $4,200 Badger BNIO4O Blower $298 Gutshalls, Inc. Carlisle Loysvllle (717) (717) 249-2313 789-4343 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 _ ■ Phona; 717-263-0705 Salat • Parta - Sarvlea NEW FORD w TRACTORS M^°± to *^ rap Ford 3930, 2WD, (*) 650 Auto Bx2w/Cab - .... v 5 u- Ford 6640, 4WD, NH 411 Discbme 24x24 w/Cab NH 492 Haybine Ford 6640, 16x8' NH 499 Haybine Ford 7840, 2WD, NH 185 Manure Spdr. 24x24 , NH 190 Manure Spdr. Ford 8240, 4WD, NN M*™"® sPdr 16x1 g NH 824 Com Head NH 28 Blower NH 900 Chopper NH 785 Skid Loader FORD LAWN fc GABDHI GT 65 w/48* Dock GT 95 w/60' Deck GT 85 w/60“ Deck LI 12A Located: 1 Mila Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Houra: 1:50-5:00 Monday thru Friday 5:30-12:00 Saturdays ■ We Accept NMfi Wa Ship Parta I VISA A Master Card UPS Dally ✓ A 6-inch hydraulic operated brass valve lor unloading ✓ Has 3 different manure spreading patterns ✓ Tank has a float level indicator and sight glass ✓ A 20-inch rear manhole for easy access to tank ✓ Tanks are mads of 5/16 thick metal ✓ Large air-oooled vacuum pump ES t WOODS) USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS JD 2510 P.S. diesel Case 730 gas Case 830 diesel Farmall H w/blade Cub Lo-boy w/Mott Mower Cub w/slckle bar mower JD 2555 w/cab, 4 WD, coming In MISC EQUIPMENT Brllllon PD-12 packer, like new NH 3pt 450 mower JD 672 rake, like new JD 885 no-till 4R cultivator AC 600 4R no-til planter JD 346 Baler w/th rower JD 337 Baler w/thrower JD 348 Baler Gehl 710 forage wagon, no roof JD 7000 4R conservation planter JD 350 mower Tye no-till drill Jenny steam cleaner [ENT Pikeville Equip. Inc. R.D. #2, Oley, PA (215) 987-6277 Check Our Stock Of 2 Cylinder Parts We Ship UPS £6675