C26-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Novamber 13, 1993 barter hprte.-i year Registered Thoroughbred M 18.1 and aWI brood mare in fold to 17 3H Brow<"98 r ow<"9- Asking $2500. Thoroughbred Hortea Percheron. $B5O Call Melinda Groat VALUES: (717)66M263 717-361-g722. ‘l5OO-$3900 (15.2-16 Child* English Saddle, Forward Feet w/Knee Rods 15*", $100; Also Nylon Pony Harness, $75; Leather Horse Harness $75. (717)665-6263. FOR SALE: AQHA sorrel mare, 5 years, sire's sire impressive 15.3 hands, $l5OO. 717-673-4657. HAFLINGER COLT Con signed to MEL's Stable Auction November 20. Beautiful, Disposition, Cor rectness; Aspen Breeding. (717)677-4706. MIU RUN BUGGY SHOP Restoring and manufactur ing carts, carriages, coaches to your specifica tions. (215)273-9665, RD«2, Box 7J, Mill Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344. Palamino quarter horse, 12 years old, 16H, very classy, quiet w/lots of snap, $1,250. (717)456-5586 (717)456-5020. Very correct registered 17+ hands black Percheron broodmare, due early April to real nice black Perche ron stallion, $2500. 215-486-6800. You've got to see this horse. Young tall pinto, willing, sound, athletic trained, gaited co ordinated, no vices, loads trailers. 410-838-5976. Saddlebred Chestnut Horse, 4'4 yr. old, used to trips, women can drive. John L.Stoltzfus, RD4, Boxll4, Homestead Rd., Honeyßrook, PA. Specializing in spotted and solid colored walking horses. SPOTTED FEVER FARM. 717-582-7831. MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 • Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 [717) 949-3246 PENNSYLVANIA MULeTdAY DECEMBER 10. 1993 Parting At 9 AM - All Kinds lltchss • 20 Muls Tssm i By Jack Strods 12 Noon NRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Bolt Road, Christiana, PA 17509 (Naar 9 Points) 717-529-2614 Woldman-Laava Massaga Absolute Liquidation Auction Tack, Saddles & Horse Supplies Saturday, November 20 1:00 PM New Danville Fire Hall, Route 324, 3 mile South of Lancaster Red Carpet Horse Sale RYI3L 814/886-4864 Hines AU2549L, Rowe AU2SSIL BLACKSMITH Scientific, Pathological, Therapeutic, and Corrective Horseshoeing. Hand-made Horeaahoaa, Corrective Lemanasa and Equina Dentistry Services Available 1-302-475-8228 By Appt., leave Message • hands), ages 2and up. Call Ben 215-584-9963 until 6PM; 215-393-1311 after 6PM. Pennsylvania Draft Horse and Mule Sale February 17, 1994 Blizzard Date • February 18,1994 Pennsylvania State Farm Show Building Corner of Cameron and McClay Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Tack • 8:00 A.M. Horses -12:00 Noon Terms - Tack and Draft Horse related items - 15% - with maximum commission $75.00 Horses - $30.00 to accompany consignment Commission - 6% Maximum commission $lBO.OO No Sale Fee $60.00 $30.00 entry fee to be deducted from Commission. Deadline for catalog • December IS, 1993 Cataloged Horses to sell first. Horses will be sold in order of consignment. Negative Coggins test and health papers within 6 months must accompany each horse, please have foal papers in order. Note - Non catalog consigners - you must give us one week notice so proper number of stalls are available - otherwisel you will have to sell off your truck. Elmer D. Lapp 5080 Martin Rd. Kinzers, Pa. 17535 717-768-8177 Young Broke Mules • 16 to 18 Hands CALL PAUL SMUCKBR (717) 299-3721 W. David Keller 115 Stone Mill Rd. Hummelstown, Pa. 17036 717-566-0529 .GIVING WEEK IMBER 27 ISSUE MAILBOX KET DEADLINE DAY-NOV. 19 5 PM flSl SHEEPS 16 Exposed Commercial Ewes, some to lamb soon, $600; 8 ewes w/small lambs, $600; 2 rams, $150; whole flock, $l5OO. 717/374-1959. 1993 American Alpine Bucks. Both out of GCH dams with excellent pro duction records. Price re duced 40%. Call for more information. Stumphollow Alpines, 215/723-5415 Montg. Co. 200 Ewm, mostly while facsd, 4 yssrs and youn ger. 717/437-2700. 24 Polypay Sheep: All under 4 years old. Lebanon CO. 717-865-6220. 35 Spring bom ewe lambs, Vi Rambouillet, Vi Finn, Vi Suffolk, from 200+% lambing flock. 717/957-2540 Perry Co. * 3 year old registered Hampshire RAM, produces fast maturing lambs. Market lambs ready for butchering. York County. (717)292-2587 evenings/ weekends. 50 Dorset crossbred ewe lambs; 100 Dorset crossbred ewes. Some rset 814-796-3881. WMM SWINE EXCEPTIONAL BOARS FOR SALE LANDRACE 260 235 240 84-11 95-5 102-10 * Omar 33-1 Slrad tha 1992 Hog Collaga Gilt * PRV, Brucelloaia Validated Hard * Delivery Available * Sound, Tall, Long Bodlad * Excellent Maternal Tralta Arnold's Hog Farm Private Sale: Open Gilts for Sale and Bred Gilts Due December & January. Feeder Pigs. Arnold's 87th Hog Sale Saturday Afternoon 1:00 PM December 11, 1993 Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Auctioneer: Harry Bachman 717*867-1809 Crossbred - Yorkshire - Landrace - Hampshire m-Mimm Handmated due December thru February. Carrying service to top test station boars. Also gilts bred to produce high quality project show pigs. 130 TESTED POAKSI Growth, Backfat & Loin Information Available. Reed Time Ultrasonic Scanning by Mike Cherchuck 717-258-1056. Averages on 1,059 boars scanned July '9O thru Oct. '93 250 lbs, .768 F, 5.52 loin, (All figures actual). Attention Commercial Prodncerm. “Awesome 50-2” Ranked 7th in the nation for decreasing backfat in his offspring. 239 sons sold to date aver aged 258 lbs, .728 F, 6.03 loin, $468. 27 daughters averaged 285 lbs, .86BF, 6.31 loin. 150 OPEN GILTSI Registered & Crossbred. All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated bru cellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-223-4064 PA Only • 717-733-0813 Others 88th Hog Sale. Saturday, February S. 1994 Yorkshire - Crossbred - Landrsce Leon L. Arnold, 35S Schaeffer Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 Catalogs available for hog sale call or write Donat spring owes and rams, Southdown spring rams & yearling ram. Re gistered. Will deliver. 215/459-0408 after 6pm M-F, anytime weekends. Horned Dome! Ram, 2 yean old, beautiful horns, gentle. $50.215-262-1825. Oberhasli Alpine cross goats, 2 males, IK yean old, 2 bom January 1993. Both males. 215-692-9297 or 215-692-5077 Chester Co. Registered Mature Tog genburg Buck, excellent bloodlines, good dairy type, gentle, $175. Snyder Co. 717/639-2727. Sheep Shearing, Foot Trimming Etc. Call Early to Schedule Your Flock. (410)476-3621 David Delamater. NF/NW Uwar Wt./Aaa SIRE 12/12 162/24 day* Canada 441 A 13/10 202/32 Omar 57-9 11/11 12/12 .59 .59 .67 6.80 6.16 5.84 13/10 10/7 10/9 FOR SALE Registered Romanov sheep, 12 young rams ready for work, 7 young ewes, half being bred., half open. From Canadian stock, avg. 5 to 6 plus lambs per ewe per year. Lambing naturally twice a year. Ewes can care for 4 lambs, rams go to 220 lbs.. Ewes go 165 lbs. Contact Jeff GINTHER FARMS RD 2, Box 85A Reynoldsvllle, PA 15851 814-371-3081 168/24 203/32 Omar 33-1 Omar 33-1 Canada 441 A Canada 441 A Canada 441 A 175/30 91/22 147/22 Scan Data By Mike Cherchuck 10/13/93