Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 13, 1993, Image 10
AlfrUDCMtef Firming, Saturday. Novambar 13,1983 OPINION Dramatic Change Late last week the Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) approved recombinant bovine somatotropin (BST) to be used on dairy cows to increase milk production. (See story Page Al). After nine years of testing and on-faim trials with a lot of dis cussion from farmers, milk handlers, and consumer advocacy groups, now you can use it. And FDA officials considered it so safe they declined to require identification labels for milk and meat from treated cows even though consumer groups urged them to do so. What really makes this newsworthy is the fact-that this is the first agricultural biogenetic product to go on the commercial market. After the 90 day waiting period, Monsanto will begin to take orders for their trademarked “Posilac” product. Just how many orders they will get remains to be seen. Many farmers have said they will not use it on principle. To inject a cow for medical reasons is one thing. To give the needle to a cow to increase production may not be acceptable to many fanners. In addition, many milk handlers have said theywill not accept milk from herds with treated cows because of their fear of con sumer reaction even though there is no present test to prove cows have been treated. For all practical purposes, milk and meat from treated cows is identical to production from untreated cows. In the end, we think the on-farm use of BST will be based on economics. The cow that is milking 90 to ISO pounds of milk per day is already milking her heart out. To try to get additional milk out of her would be counter-productive. But the cow that in mid lactation drops production below acceptable levels will probably be treated with BST to economic advantage on many farms. The real story in the advent of the commercial availability of BST is the opening of a trail of new biogenetic products that will change the way we farm. Even now we have com test plots with genetically engineered plants that kill com bore when the little pests eat the leaves. Dairy cow embryos have been cloned so that we soon should be able to grow a whole herd of heifers from a 50,000 m dam that are genetically identical. It takes our breath away to think about the rapid change in agri culture we look for over the next 10 years. In fact the change may be so dramatic that today’s problems will be replaced with needs we haven’t even thought about yet. Through it all, we believe the dedication of the farmers and agri-business to produce safe food in an environmentally con scious world will continue to make Americans the best fed people in the world. 7 Farm Calendar Organic Greenhouse Management Seminar, Ag Extension Confer ence Center, New Brunswick, N.J., 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pa. State Beekeeper’s Association annual meeting. Country Cup board, Lewisburg. Crawford County Holstein Asso ciation annual meeting, Saeger town United Methodist Church, Adams County Farm-City Week Open House, Harold King Farm, York Springs, noon-4 p.m. Penn-Jersey Farm and Power Equipment Dealers Association annual meeting. Mountain Laurel Resort Hotel. White Chester County DHIA annual meeting and banquet. West Fal lowfield Christian School, 7 p.m. Pa. Farm Bureau annual meeting. Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, thru Nov. 17. Pa. Association of Dairy Sanita rians and Dairy Laboratory Analysts annual meeting and conference, Penn State, State College, thru Nov. 17. Agronomy Ag-Service School, Holiday Inn, Dußois, 9 Erie County Holstein Association annual meeting, Moose Club, Union City, 7:30 p.m. Pa. Association of Extension Home Economists fall meeting, State College, thru Nov. 17. Pa. Turgrass Council In Penn State Golf Turf Conference, Nittany Lion Inn, University Paik, thru Nov. 18. Bradford County Groundwater Conference. Sheshequin-Ulster Elementary School, Ulster, 7:30 p.m. S.W. Pa. Hay Auction, Westmore land Fairgrounds. 11 a.m. Agronomy Ag-Service Schools. Days Inn, Meadville, 3 p.m.-9 p.m. Bradford-Sullivan Forest Land owners’ Association annual meeting, Wysox Fire Hall, Wysox, 7:30 p.m, Ephrata Area Young Farmer meet ing on countywide property * reassessment, Ephrata High rise Hill Inn, Canandaigua, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. Adams County Farm-City Week business open house, 10 a.m.-2 NOW IS THE TIME By John Schwartz Lancaster County Agricultural Agqit To Provide Foot Baths For Dairy Cattle Foot problems may be debilitat ing to cattle. When their feet hurt, cows stay off their feet They are reluctant to walk to feed bunks and pastures and their feed intake declines. Also, milk production and concep tion rates decline while the inci dence of ketosis and twisted sto machs may increase. Foot problems may be caused by physical injuries, nutritional deficiencies, diseases, and infec tious organisms. To help prevent foot infections, farmers are encouraged to have cattle walk through foot baths periodically. This should start in the fail of the year before foot problems become severe. Foot bath solutions of copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, or tetracycline have been fairly successful. Con sult your veterinarian for specific recommendations. The success rate may be improved by switching back and forth from one solution to another. Also, keep the foot bath clean. It should be changed every 100 to 200 cows or when it becomes dir ty. Walking cows through water, spraying cows’ hooves in the par lor, and having the cows walk through the bath as they exit from the stable or parlor helps clean cows’ feet before they walk through the bath. This helps to extend the useful life of the foot bath solution. To Evaluate Tunnel Ventilation Many farmers are reading and hearing a lot about tunnel ventila tion. It is a very effective way of keeping animals cool during heat spells. However, there are several questions you need to ask yourself before investing in a tunnel venti lation system: • Arc you building new or are you able to do sufficient remodel- p.m. Dairy Herd Reproductive Work shop, Somerset Vo-Tech, 9:30 Brian and Brenda Moyer Farm, Franconia, 9:30 a.m.-11:30 aan. Bucks County Holstein Club fall bam meeting, 7:30 pm. Centre County Holstein Associa tion annual meeting, Logan Grange Hall, Pleasant Gap, 7 p.m. Expansion Strategies for Dairy Farms Regional Conference, Mercer, thru Nov. 19. Atlantic Dairy Cooperative annual meeting, Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center, Lan (Tum to Pago A3o} ing to fit the engineering require ments into a relatively long and narrow building? A low and flat ceiling is required. Also, facilities that are square or too wide are gen erally not cost effective to tunnel ventilate. • Are you able to implement an all-in, all-out production unit or use it in a breeding or gestation building? If not, then tunnel venti lation probably is not right for you. Ask your veterinarian what the maximum age spread may be in a single building without comprom ising herd health. • Are you willing to improve your management drills to make sure the building is being properly ventilated? Tunnel ventilation requires more manual control and equipment must work all the time. You must be prepared for electri cal or equipment failures. • Do your pens lend themselves to tunnel ventilation? Open gating type pens maximize tunnel ventila tion’s effect Solid partitions in your building may lock you into another ventilation system. • Will you be able to effectively combine fans and other equipment fh’rfrfrjf, ',' j in LAWKtNU W ALI HOU jI massLS sn SOMETHING MORE November 14,1993 Background Scripture: Genesis 29: 1-30 Devotional Reading: Psalms 130 When we first meet Jacob, we are not favorably impressed by him. Esau, his brother, might have been rash and stupid, but nothing can excuse Jacob for the sneaky opportunism and sheer deception he practiced in order to get from Esau his birthright and his father’s final blessing. If Jacob’s escape off into the wilderness of Paddanaram had been the end of the story, his name would not be worth preserving. But that was not the end of the story and, fortunately for every one concerned, there was some thing more to Jacob than what was evident in his neighborhood. There are lots of times when we write-off people like Jacob. Some thing about them rubs us the wrong way. Perhaps they have acted in a sneaky way and not straight-forwardly. Or let’s sup pose that they have been tempera mental, jealous or selfish to us. We are likely to limit our contact with people like that as best we can, an understandable response. DIFFERENT VIEWS But we ought not to be too quick to think that we have adequ ately judged the essential charac ter of another person. The other day someone indicated that they saw me as “a patient and gentle person.” But I have to admit that there are almost certainly people not necessarily a small group who see me as anything but “patient” and “gentle”. So which of these views is the right one? Probably both and neither. In different situations and with diffe rent people I am likely to be a dif ferent person. And if that is true of me, it is true of others, too. So, Jacob was a scoundrel, but there was something more to him than that This “something more” becomes evident in a new situa tion and, as often it is in life, of tunnel ventilation with your winter time ventilation system? To Feed For Rumen Development One of the goals of feeding calves is to encourage rumen development. Grain, not forage, is the most important feed for proper rumen development of young calves and for meeting their nutrient needs. As calves grow older and are con suming a few pounds of grain per day, they may be induced to small amounts of good quality, palatable forage. Young grass or grass/legume hays are generally preferred. Dry hay is preferred over silage because it is difficult to keep silage' fresh when it is fed in small quanti ties. Dry hay is also preferred over pasture because young rapidly growing heifers may not consume enough dry matter when feeding on succulent feeds. Yearlings, on the other hand, may rely more heavily on pasture and com silage. Feather Profs Footnote: "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." that it is away from home! Meet ing some shepherds at a well, he wants to know why they are wait ing idly there. The answer the stone covering the well is pur posely too large and heavy for just one or two persons to move. So they have to wait until all the she pherds together can move it But when Rachel, his cousin, comes, “Jacob went up and rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and watered the flock of Laban his mother’s brother” (29:10). Self ish, scheming Jacob performing a spontaneous, benevolent act! (How different Rachel’s view of Jacob than the one held by his brother, Esau.) A DIFFERENT JACOB But the most notable difference is evident to us when he deals with his uncle Laban. Offering to woik for him for seven years so that he might have Rachel’s hand, Jacob meets a man who, like himself, is not above deceit in order to get what he wants. Promising Rachel. Laban gives him instead the older and unattractive Leah. In fact, as Jacob had tricked Isaac with his disguise, so Laban tricks Jacob, letting Jacob think that the veiled Leah is Rachel. The Jacob we knew back in the home of Isaac would not have let anyone get away with pulling such a switch on him. Knowing him as we do or think we do we expect him to vow vengeance upon Laban and set his clever mind to retaliation. But, that is where we’re in for a big surprise. Instead of revenge, Jacob accepts the situation and strikes a new bar gain: to work seven more years for the hand of Rachel. For all of his schehung nature. Jacob was able to accept a disappointment and was flexible enough so that he could do something positive to make the best of the situation. Jacob, as his name implies, began life as a devious supplanler. But there was something more to him than that—as there is to each of us. Lancaster Farming Established 19SS • Published Every Saturday Ephrata Review Building 1 E. Main St Ephrata, PA 17522 by Lancaster Farming, Inc. A Sfktrnan EnMpriM Hobart G. Campbell General Manager Everett R. Newewenger Utnegng Edtor CepyrlgM IN2 by Leneeeler Fermi ng