Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 95
ROLLING OW..XK THE OO'a _ _______ _ P-SERIES & X-FOLD PULVERIZERS MEETS THE CHALLENGE crush clods and firm the soil for better contact between seeds and soil. Brillion has manufactured Pulverizers since 1895 and dominates the market today. Part of that success is be cause the roller wheels are made in Brillion’s own modern foundry. That gives Brfiiion a big advantage in quality and price. There’s lots more reasons to buy Brillion...stop in and we’ll talk. P-SBRIES SINGLE GANG PULVERIZERS 10* TO 16’ WIDTHS Pull Type Pulverizers Brillion Pulverizers crush clods and firm the soil for better con tact between seeds and soil. PDT-14’ Pulverizer In Transport Position This concept of transport is new to the Industry. Machine weight is rotated over the tires for transport which considerably reduces the drawbar hitch weight. • Both model pulverizers offer choice of 20" ductile iron wheel (which carries a 5-year limited warranty), 20” notched rollers, 20" crowfoot, 18" smooth, 16” notched or 15" smooth wheels with sprockets. X-FOLD PULVERIZERS Available With 20” Ductile Iron Wheels And 5 Year Limited Warranty For Mow Information Contact Your BrilUon Dealer) Tamaqua CHARLES SNYDER, INC. I PENNSYLVANuTI ElUMMown MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT CO. AduiMcwn ADAUSTCWN tolwtotw. r/uan m* EQUP. INC. C.B. HOOBER A SON omammmm MILLER Unewtw EQUIP. CO. LANDIS BROTHERS, INC. B*n»k* Lebanon CH '. R 2SI MER UMBERQER'S & SONS OF FONTANA MM. (JSSStK. OUTSHAiTS, INC. KISTLER, MC. Oovtr Mmrtwny GEORGE N. N.H FLICKER A GROSS. INC. «»S. WO. EMton . POLE TAVERN CALDWELL GEORGE V. OLUGSTON EQUIP. TRACTOR A **** farJSient **** v™ equipment Naw Hoi land A.&C. GROFF, INC. Oakland Mb PEOPLES SALES « SERVICE ffwwwmn DEERFIELD AG A TURF CENTER, INC Qliy PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT, INC. Quanyvlto Wml Grpv» GRUMELLI FARM S.G. LEWIS A SERVICE SON, INC. I MARYLAND Fmtortek CERESVILLE FORD NEW HOLLAND 1 NEW JERSEY 1 BrMmton Columbu* LESLIE FOGG REED BROTHERS EQUIPMENT Elmar Available wtth optional alactronlc control and digital temperature display, Century Series coolers offer 14 models for every size farm wtth capacities now ranging from 600 to 8,000 gallons. Century Silo Tanks are also available up to 15,000-gallon sizes for commercial operations. Milk Cooler Maximizes Energy Efficiency • Agricultural • Commercial • Residential Sizes And layouts To Your Specifications We Work Hens For, Customer Scttsfectfoni FalrfMd KANSAS CITY, Mo. Alfa Laval Agri introduces the new 8,000-gallon Century™ Milk Cooler to their full line of energy efficient Century Series coolers. Alfa Laval Agri’s experience in milk cooling has been combined with the latest heat transfer, in sulation, and high-efficiency re frigeration technology to create an energy efficient milk cooler with a wide range of sizes. Available with optional elec tronic control and digital tempera ture display. Century Series cool ers offer 14 models for every size farm with capacities now ranging Partial In-Ground Tank Featuring Commercial Chain Link Fence (5’ High - SCS Approved) • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos • Manure Storage, Etc. m otiimci wobk rat Yov-mmmm mm im WE OKIGINATED THE CONCRETE SYSTEM Unmttr Farming, Saturday. Octobar 30, 1993-Cll INC. 430 Concrete Ave., Leola, PA 717-656-2016 from 600 to 8,000 gallons. Cen tury Silo Tanks are also available up to 15,000-gallon sizes for com mercial operations. The 8,000-gallon Century Cooler holds up to 69,000 pounds of milk and has an in-tank cooling rate of 650 gallons per hour (GPH). All coolers cany a five year warranty. Century Milk Coolers, includ ing the 8,000-gallon model, are available through Alfa Laval Agri’s network of more than 300 independent Alfa Laval Agri deal ers. Authorized Dealer For KEYSTONE CONCRETE PRODUCTS • H-Bunks • J-Bunk* • Trtnch 8))o Walls •Hog a . Csttla Slats