Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 86
STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.)—The Pennsylvania Dairy Herd Improve- men this week, with three different herds listed for highest averages, ment Association (DHIA) released the year-end reports for the state’s dairy- Rob and Donna Vanblacom, Columbia Crossroads, had the high herd for WAUPUN JAG EDWINA, GP*tl Photo by Mary Lippert 2-1 I7ld 14,211 m 4.0% 571 f 3.2% 456 p One) Pro). 305 d 22,871 m 910 T 752 p Waupun State Farm, Waupun, WI FINEVIEW ARES GRACE, GP-M, VG-MS 2-0 IOId 6,773 m 4.1% 281 f Pro). 305 d 25,031 m 970 f Sharon Becker, Dekalb Junction, NY PENCOR G MANAGER EDLYN, VG-47 2-11 9Sd f,442m 3.0% 25H Pro). 305 d 21,175 m 577 f 7Up PTAT +1.49 Rel. 86% Carlß & Carla L. Gates, Wamon Mark, PA HA AND USD A, JULY 1993 Ask your Representative about the line-up of protein breed sires Sire Power also offers. Sire Power, Inc., RR 2, Box 20, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Phone:7l7-836-3168 FAX: 717-836-1490 * VANIA Central PA North Central, PA Southeastern PA &NJ MARYLAND J Hershev Mver Rod Pru,sman E,don Ford Ted Ridgoly Phone: 717-523-3090 Phone: 607-525-6274 Phone; 717-933-5961 Phone: 410-635-6544 Direct Herd Rep. Western PA Direct Herd Rep. Earl Kepner Russ Jacques Nelson James Phone:7l7-935-2485 Phone:Bl4-425-2562 Phone:2ls-562-7117 Direct Herd Reps; Peter Bohscok Northeastern PA Southcentral PA WEST VIRGINIA Phone:3ol-371-6834 Don Hibbard Ed Gulnac Steve Cronin Dave Elston Phone:7l7-836-3168 Phone:Bl4-847-2520 Phone:3o4-884-8172 Phone:3ol-898-9125 33* 221 p One.) 798 p 33* 275 p One.) IpM “Tftow lade for More Lactations! 9H1475 JAG *BL *BL is an impressive foot angle improver at HI also improve udders with a +153 udder This indudes udder depth at +2.36 and teat it +1.53. He definitely sires the kind that will Milk +1652111 53 daughters, 42 herds Protein +5246 +.06% +64p Rel. 76% Fat +5232 +.17% f94f Rel. 76% PTAT +1.89 Rel. 74% 29d/24h TPI+II79 HA AND USD A, JULY 1993 9H1057 ARES ARES is a high reliability sire with an impressive udder composite of +2.45. He sires extremely shallow udders (+3.63) with a strong cleft and nearly ideal teat placement. He also improves foot angle—+l.2o. Milk >2184m Protein +s£62 Fat +s2Bs PTAT +1.87 Rel. 98% HA AND USD A, JULY 1993 9H1385 MANAGER MANAGER comes from a cow family that worked hard for many lactations. He improves foot angle (+2.09 steep) and straightens the rear leg. He has a +1.64 U.C. and sires shallow udders with a strong udder cleft and close teat placement. Milk Protein Fat 1822 daughters, 1075 herds -.06% +s4p Rel. 99% +.09% +97f Rel. 99% 563d/391h TPl+ll63 +1719m 83 daughters, +s2o3 +.00% +s2p +s2o7 -.03% +ssf 68d/57h Toll Free Technician Service 1-800-227-6417 fi DAIRYMAN’S SPECIAL [] BADGER 330 BU. BOX SPREADER w/Llquid Endgate (List $10,280) RENTAL UNIT CASH PRICE $3,825 FOR SALE OR RENT BADGER 3,350 gal. liquid manure lank 2,300 gal. vacuum tank 332 Bushel Manure Spreader Ear Com Roller Mill w/Blower Pit Pump 6*. B’. 10’, 12’ Weaverlinc Cart Lagoon Pump Lagoon Super Mixer Forage Wagons Forage Blowers Bedding Chopper Handy High Pressure Washers Oswalt Mix Wagons - Sale Only Post Hole Digger or Driver Silo Unloadcrs'- Pack or Ring Drive . “The Paper Shredder!” WnDuAluminum Welding Jodqer;..- AcvWUj w« ship UN DAILY (mi SHOW-USE STAU CO / 573 Willow Rd., Lancaster, Pa. HI . Ph: 717-299-2536 imW&Jt Eves. 299-4432 Zimmerman’s Farm Service We Can Supply You With Gates, Head Locks, Free Stalls, Comfort Stalls, etc... MFC. By « " • and..., , 70 herds Re 1.86% Re 1.86% TPI +976 ZIMMERMAN’S I HMBIII i FARM SERVICE 4 ■ bmm.pi. I WI IWl| 717-033-4114 (Turn to Pago C 3)