Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 69

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A private collection of 500 milk bot
tles, milk related items as baby bottles,
advertising Items, crates, milk boxes,
juice bottles, cottage cheese Jars.
Sat., Nov. 6,
9:00 A.M.
Sale to be held at Brlckervllle Fire
Hall just off of Rt. 322 West of Ephrata
in the Village of Brlckervllle, PA. Lan
caster County.
Catalogs $2.00
Bottles of Interest: Art Wenger qt - Strasburg,
Rohrers med-o-farms qt-Lanc., Westwood qt.-MD.,
Pensupreme qt pt-Lanc., Penn Dairies qt. pt. -
Lane., Wilclasin farms qt.-Hanover, Philips qt. -
Lebanon, R.M. Seaks & Son qt - Red Lion, Simp
son Bros, qt -Wakefield, I.H. Herr qt.-Willow St.,
Willow Farms qt. -Md., Dairylee baby face
qt.-N.Y., O’Dowds qt.-NJ, H.S. Landis
qt.-Parksburg, Broomead qt-Strasburg, Spicklers
qt.-Elizabethtown, Lostens qt.-Md., Hunters
qt.-Ashland, belle Alta-Laurel Locks
pt.-Wernersville, F.M, Stauffer pt.-Blue Ball,
Spruce Villa qt-Lititz, Old Forage pt- Springroxe,
M.E. Hoar pt, cream Top pt-Lanc., N.S. Stoltzfus
A pt.-Parkesburg, Aaron B. Stoltzfoos 'A
pt.-Ronks, Martins gal. metal handle-Lanc., CR
Neff pt-Lanc.. Lauxmont Farms-Wrighlsville Bot
tles From: PA, NJ, NY, MD, Washington DC. Sm.
Creamers: Martins, Freemans, West Shore,
Wengerts, Fraims, Also Including: Milk Can,
Cream Top Spoon. Cream Extractor, Milk Stools,
Centrifuge, Cut Iron Horse Drawn Milk Wagon,
Cream Bucket, Milking Carrying Pail, Delivery
Pail, Lg. & Sm. Milk Strainers, Milk Caps, Some
Baby Bottles With Nursery Rhymes’ & Dairy
Name. Pius Other Milk Related Items.
This is a Ig. collection of milk bottles and
related items, don’t mbs thb sate if you arc a
Terms by
Snyder's Auction Service
524 N. Maple St., Ephrata, Pa. 17522
Paul (717) 733-7052 AU-873L
Michael (717) 872-1884
Out of state buyers need current bank letter iof
credit or Cash. Refreshments.
SAT., NOVEMBER 6, 1993
10:00 A.M.
LOCATION: From Shippensburg take
Rt. 696 North 4/10 mile, turn left onto
Middle Spring Ave., proceed 2/10 mile,
turn left onto Hot Point Ave., go to sale
on left. Watch for yellow sale signs.
Southampton Twp., Franklin Co., PA.
1979 G.M.C. 7000 SERVICE TRUCK -
Gas, G.V.W. 38,000.
5-18'x20’ I Beams; 8-6*x27’ Channel; 5-40’
R. Rails; Lots Of Misc. I Beams; 4", 5", 6"
Heavy Pipe; Lot Of VA " And 2* Black Pipe;
2-14’x34’ Cat Walks; 2-3’x22’ Metal Chutes;
8-10’ Columns; Misc. Culvert; Conduit; Plate
Steel; Valves And Spigots; B’xB' Loading Plat
form; Several Alum. Dock Plates; Aluminum
Doors And Windows; Garage Doors; Lights
And Electrical Supplies; Misc. Cables; Pulleys;
S. Sinks And Countertops; NEW B’x2o’
STEEL TRUCK BED With 14’ Sides; 500 Lb.
Swing Boom; Hand Pallet Jack; Jack Stands;
Lot Of Dolly Carts; Roller Conveyors; Gas Hot
Air Heaters; Misc. Chain Link Fence; Old Cast
Radiators; Dumpster; Torch Tanks; Plus More.
NOTE: This Is Only A Part Listing.
Farmall H With Loader, For Parts; N.H. 3 Pt.
Pitmanless Mower; N.H. 256 Rake; J.D. 24T
Baler; Oliver 3 Bot. Trailer Plow; Case 96
Ground Drive Manure Spreader; N.H. Running
Gear; 4-Farm Trailers; 6’xlo' Utility Trailer; 20’
Semi-Fiat Trailer; Valk 9* Snow Blade; V-Plow;
7 Snow Blower; Int. 54 Cub Blade; Pallet Forks
For Loader Or 3 Pt.; Several Loader Buckets;
Grain-Hay Feeder; Water Troughs; Cattle
Gates; Barn Fan; Bag Carts; Fencing And
Posts; 300 Gal. Fuel Tank With Pump; 25 Gal.
Roof Pitch; S.S. Butcher Kettle; Old Traffic
Lights; Plus More Items Not Listed.
Andrew Martin - AU-2826-L
Nevin Martin - AU-1078-L
Lunch Served -
No Out Of State Checks
Not Responsible For Accidents
County, MD.
SAT., NOV. 13 At 11:00 A.M.
Previews: Mon., Nov. 1 from 5:30-7:00 Pty
Sun., Nov. 7 from 2-4 PM
FEATURING Executive-Style Brick Home w/
Six Bedrooms, Three baths. Three fireplaces. For
mal living & dining rooms. Second floor balcony.
Possible in-law quarters. Two+ car garge. First
floor laundry & mud room. All the amenities for
gracious living PLUS BANK BARN & POLE
DIRECTIONS; From PA Us. Rt. 1 South to
Hickory to Isft on MD 543 South to left on
Prospset Mill Road to second Isft on Tho
mas Run Rd. approx. 4 miles to property on
TERMS: $20,000 in cash or guaranteed hinds
at time of sale. Deposit to be Increased to 10% of
bid price by Friday, Nov. 20, 1993. Sixty day
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week's publication
3200+ ft. ALL BRICK
For Brochure or Additional Info. Call:
Ses 177 « osffcagieti, «o mis (410) 879*5568
Carriages- Sleighs - Wagons
SAT. t NOV. 6, 1993
9:00 AM
Located at our Auction Center 3
Miles SE of Carrollton, Ohio on SR 43
Turn South on Canyon Road.
Approximately 500 Lots
Antiques - Primitives -
Oak Wall Cupboard, Comer Cupboard, Cherry Secret
ary Desk, Cherry Comer Cupboard, Wash Stand, China
Cupboard, Rocker, Spindle Back Rocker, Stack Cherry
Lumber, Folding Wood Crate, Chicken Crates, 19S0's
Barbie Car, Oak Child’s Trank, Child’s Car, Nellie The
Cow, Brenda Bunny, Kelsey Doll, Faith Eton, Caitlyn
Doll, Teddy Tree, (2) Drummer Boy Thimbles, Cloe The
Christmas Bear, Christmas Musical Moving Clown, Old
Wood Child's Wagon, Old Wood Child’s Sleighs, 1913
Kodak Camera, Cathedral Clock, Old Wheelbarrow, Pic
tures, Crocks, Glassware, Sleigh Bells, Wood Water
Pump (Very Good Cond), Kitchen St Yard Water Pumps,
Old Hand Tools, Large Wood Lathe w/20” Swing, Old
Metal Ad Signs, Weathervane, Ox Yokes, Bam Lanterns,
Tie Weights, Old Wood Lap Robes, (2) Cash Registers,
Campbell Kid St Maty Poppins Spoons, Chestnut Wash
Stand w/Towel Bar, Oak Stands, Wicker Rocker, Needle
point Rocker, Ash Three Drawer Dresser, School Desk,
Iron Pots, Beer Sign, Child's School Desk, Oil Lamps,
Buggy Lamps, Hobby Horse, Horse Tricycle, Wood Coin
Shelter, Wood Pickle Barrel, Very Old Folding Top Doll
Baby Carriage, Bronze Hone Catting, Goat & Dog
Wagons, (2) Pole Street Lamps Dated 1942 & '46.
SCALE MINIATURES: All Wood Hand Made Working
1/12 Scale 4 Wheel Manure Spreader, 4 Sizes of Minia
ture Sleight, Scale Dr's Buggy, Othen.
VEHICLES: 30-3 S Buggy Wheels. Old Two Wheel Milk
Cart, (2) Miniature Hone Size Wagon Gean, Miniature
Horse Hitch Wagon, Miniature Horse Sleighs, White Vis-
A-Vis (New), Restored Albany Sleigh, Restored Portland
Cutter Sleight, 2 Seated Sleigh (Beautiful), Approximate
ly 25 Other Sleight From Original Condition To Restored;
Several Single Seat Buggies, Restored Fringe Top Cut
Under Surrey, Amish Buggy, Market Wagon, Sulky, Mea
dowbrook St Jogging Carts, Original Cut Under Fringe
Top Surrey, Pony Fifth Wheel Hitch Wagon on Rubber
(New), Many Others Still Being Consigned.
Auctioneer’s Note: Big Dayl Come early and plan to
tuy all day. Lott of good quality items will be told in our
heated building with good seats St eats.
TERMS: Cash, Traveler* Check* or Caihler
Checks. All check* unknown to til MUST have bank
letter to Garner Auctioneer*.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM, Mov"
ing Sale- Woodworking
Equip., Decoys, Quns,
Piano, Tools, Farm Equip.,
Antiques. Located Weed
Lane, Elkton, Md. Owner,
Raymond & Mildred Weed.
United Auctions- W D. Far
mer, Auct.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM Cars,
trucks & construction
equip. 563 Walther Rd.,
Newark, De. Interstate 93
to Rt. 1 south to Route 40
west approx. 1 mi le to
Walther Rd. John J.
McGrellis, 111, auct.
SAT. IjiOV. 6 -10 AM, Lots
Of Hand Tools, Machinist,
Carpentry & Plumber's
Tools, Machine Shop
“Rain or Shine To Be Held Indoors”
WED., NOV. 10th
5:00 P.M.
Formerly Bob’s Weld Shop
Phone 292-3640
At 640 Alpine Road, Lewlsbeny, Pa.
at Plnchot Park, off Route 74 or Exit 13
or 15 off 83.
16 HP Twin cyl. Ford/ 48”, 16 HP Twin
Cyl. Wheel Horse/37” w/Blade, Cub Cadet
1000 w/44”, 12 HP Sears 6-Speed/42” w/
Snowblower, 10 HP Wheel Horse Auto/42”,
ST 10 Bolens w/Bagger, 853 Bolens 6-Speed
w/42”, 810 Allis Chalmers 42” w/
Snowblower, 16 HP Twin Cyl. Lowes w/46”,
6 HP Wheel Horse 32” w/Snowblade, 102 Cub
Cadet 42” w/Snow Blade.
BHP Gilson 30”. 7HP Toro 25,8 HP Hahan
30”, 8 HP Snapper.
Gravely Pro 40 11 HP w/Honda Engine,
Toro/Whecl Horse 16 HP Twin Zero Turn
w/42”, Toro Pro 44” Deck w/Catcher, 18 HP
White Turf Boss Zero Turn 52” w/Mounted
Catcher, 7 HP Kohler Engine Giant Vac Leaf
Blower. 5 HP Kubota 21” Rear Bagger, 414
HP Wisconsin 2-Cycle Push Snapper w/
Gravely 5660 w/40” Mower and Dual
Wheels (like New), Gravely Model 2-Wheel
30”, 6 HP Troy Rear Tiller, Frazier Rear Till
er, 3 HP Wards Front Tiller.
Aliens 5 HP 2-Stage, 4 HP Snowbird
2-Stage, Toro-S-200, Sears 18” w/Chains, 8
HP Yardman 26” 2-Stage.
Gravely 2-Stage Tractor w/Drive Kit,
Wheel Horse Snowblower, 38” Ford Snowb
lower, Simplicity Snowblower, John Deere
Snowblower, Wheel Horse Snow Blade,
Wheel Horse Sno-Cab, Sears Snowblade, Cub
Cadet Blade, Mitsubishi Sno-Cab
Wipers, Mitsubishi Snow Blade, Misc. Rear
Wheel Weights and Front Wheel Weights,
Snow Blade F/Gravely 2-Wheel Tractor Like
New! New! Snow-Cab F/Economy Tractor,
Snowblade F/Troy Tiller.
15 - ROTARIES - 15
Toro, Lawn Boy, Sears, Mtd, Push, and
Echo, Stihl, Homelite, McCulloch,
5 HP WAV Grinder Chipper/Shredder, 5 HP
Mighty Mac Chipper Shredder, 5 HP Troy
Tuff-Cut High Wheel Mower, Yardman
Sweeper, New! 10 Cu. Ft. Jackson Trailer,
Demo-Lawn Boy M-Series Elect Start w/Rear
Bagger, New! Wheel Horse Sweeper, 30” Rot
ary for 2-Wheel Gravely, Gravely 3-Can Hop
per Mounted Vac, 5 HP Homelite Fresh Air
Pump, 450 Trac-Vac, and Many More Items
To Be Added From Our Daily Sales.
440 Alouette Super Brute, Arctic Cqt 440
Lyns As Is, Polaris 295 Tx.
Terms: -Cash, Check, Visa, Discover, or
Master Card.
Refreshments: New Bethel Church
Rentzpl's Auction Service
«RH 000026-L
LincMttr Fanning, Saturday, October 30, 1993-829
Equipment, Automotive
Tools, Hardware & Sup
plies, Saw Blades, Sand
Paper, Drill Bits, Yamaha
Motor Scooter. Located
Along Rt. 272 South Of
Lancaster. Lancaster Co.
Pa. (Dir.: Near Buck Trac
tor Pulls, Next To Rosy's
Restaurant). Sale By Agent
For Owner. Howard Shaub,
Inc. Auct.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM Pon
nOog Surplus Equip. &
Drug Seized Assets for Pa
Attorney General. Located
at Penn Dog Maintenance
Bldg, at Rt 22 bypass &
17th St. Harrisburg, Pa
Kerry Pae, auct.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM Farm
equipment, household
goods & antiques. Located
on the Larry Glessner Farm
between Rockwood and
Garrett along Rt. 653
known as Bakers Flat. Turn
off Water Level Rd. or 219
at Garrett. Mr. & Mrs. Larry
Glessner, owner. Luce
Luce - Svonavec, aucts.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM Valu
able real estate, antiques,
household goods. 258
Hawthorn Drive, Lane.,
Manor Twp., Pa. Just west
of Lane, on Columbia Ave.,
turn left on Hawthorn Dr. at
Travelodge Motel, go 3
blocks, past Bethel Menno.
Church. By Patricia M.
Hansen & Eleanor Hender
son. Miller & Siegrist,
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM Con
struction equip. & related
items. At the Auction Bam
in American Comer, Md. on
Auction Rd. between (Rt.
16 & Rt. 313) Denton and
Federalsburg, Md. A. Curtis
Andrew Auction, Inc.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM Real
estate. At rear of 119 S.
Franklin St., at 25 Pleasant
Avo., Red Lion, Pa. A
Scott Thompson, owner
Jacob A. Gilbert, Brian L.
Gilbert, auct
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM, Farm
Machinery, 2 Tractors & 2
Gas Engines. Located 258
Elephant Road, '/> Mile
North Of Dublin, Bucks
County. Col. William Hol
land, Auct.
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM,
Home In The Mahantango
Valley With Breathtaking
View, Situated On 9.29
Acres. Located 5 Mi. East
Of Klingorstown Along The
Klingerstown To Pitman
Road. Lower Mahantango
Twp., Schuylkill County. 25
Mi. S.E. Of Sunbury, Pa.
Estate Of Helen M. Miller.
Mark J. Jones Auctioneer
ing Service
SAT. NOV. 6 -10 AM,
Structural Steel, Service
Truck & Farm Equipment.
Located Fiom Shippens
burg Take Rt. 696 North
4/10 Mile, Turn Left Onto
Middle Spring Ave., Pro
ceed 2/10 Mile, Turn Left
Onto Hot Point Ave., Go To
Sale On Left. Watch For
Yellow Sale Signs. South
ampton Twp., Franklin Co..
Pa. Sale For, Janet L. Gor
such. Andrew & Nevin Mar
tin, Aucts.
SAT. NOV 6 - 10;30AM
Estate of James E. Forbes,
late of Balto. Co. 9709
Sherwood Road, Owings
Mills. Md. 21117. From 695
to 795 to Exit 4B follow
signs to Newtown, Owings
Mill Blvd. to right on Lake
side to end and right on
Dolefield to immediate left
on Upper Mill Ct. Frank B.
Russo, Jr.. Auct
SAT. NOV. 6 - 10:30AM
Real estate, Big Valley, Mif
flin County. North of Belle
ville, Pa., 2 miles E. off of
Route 309, along the Back
Mountain Road. By Valley
View Haven, Inc. Mark
Click, auct
SAT. NOV. 6 -12 Noon.
New York Beef Cattlemens
Assoc., Fingerlakas Lives
tock Exchange, 3 miles
east of Canandaigua on
Rts. 5 & 20, Canandaigua,
SAT. NOV. 6 -12 Noon,
Phillips Grocery Store Sell
ing SHcers, Walk-In Cooler,
Retail Shelving & Refriger
ation. Located 231 Tunnel
St, Williamatown, Pa. Mark
Baranowski, Auct.
SAT. NOV. 6 - 12:30PM,
Maryland Fall Classif
Angus Sale & Steer Futuri
ty. Located Dawn Acres
Angus, West Friendship,
Md. For Information Con
tact Doug Full Sale Chm.
SAT. NOV. 6 - IPM 3rd
Annual Pa. Bison Associa
tion Consignment Auction,
Mercer Livestock Market
US Rt. 19, 4 miles N. of
1-30,20 miles from the Ohio
Line in Mercer, Pa.
SUN. NOV. 7 - 10:30AM,
Antiques & Collectibles.
Located 1003 HHIsMe Dr..
Lansdale, Pa. Kenneth A.
Geysr Auction Company