Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 60

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    820-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 30, 1993
Sale Reports
A Public Auction of
antiques was held Octo
ber 22 for the estates of
Edward 1. Livingston,
Marion Livingston and
G. Martin Livingston, 6
miles north of East Ber
lin on Rt. 194, York
Co., Pa. There were 350
registered bidders.
Some prices were;
oak chest of drawers
$2OO, cedar chest $9O,
Empire chest of drawers
$llO, oak high-back
bed $250, dresser w/
mirror $3OO, washstand
$l7O, 3 pc. oak bed
room suite s46o’ horse
picture with stallions
$175, Huber tractor
$3900, McCormick-
Dccnng W3O tractor
$lO5O, McCormick-
Dccnng 10-20 tractors
$3OO & $350, Farmall
F-20 tractor $425,
Farmall H tractor $BOO,
B N tractor $5OO, J.D. R
tractor $3650 and J.D.
AR tractor $2500.
Rcnl/cl’s Auction
Service conducted the
A Public Auction of
farm machinery was
held October 23 for the
estate of Ernest G.
Weller, I mile north of
Bcchtclsvillc, Washing
ton Twp., Berks Co.,
Some prices received
were: spring wagon
5460, McCormick 1
horse grass mower
5250, Ini. manure
spreader SI3OO, Farm
all C tractor $950, Sup
er M tractor $2700, N.l.
#323 corn husker
$1750, McCormick
com binder $675, 1991
Chev. Cheyenne 1500
pickup truck $11,250
and Chicago Cottage
ornate pump organ
Frey Auctioneers
conducted the sale.
A Public Auction of
real estate and antiques
was held October 23 for
the estates of Kay J. and
Frank S. Lucas, 211
Oaklawana St., Milcs
burg, Centre Co., Pa.
The house and two
outbuildings on I acre
of land was sold for
Other prices were:
copper kettle $6OO, old
oak wall telephone
$250, old tin punch lan
tern $BO, 3 old Bcllc
fontc baskets $2OO
each, old com cracker
$2OO, 1986 blue Ford
F-150 pickup $5500
and Winchester model
12 16 gauge shotgun
Ronald J. and Ronald
S. Gilligan were the
A Public Sale of farm
machinery was held
October 23 by Mast and
Anna Z. Stolt/.fus, 3
miles south of Gap
along Zook Road,
Chester Co., Pa.
Some prices includ
ed: I.H. D 1066 tractor
$6600, Krouse 24 ft.
disc $6400, Krouse 13
ft. disc $lBOO, J.D.
7000 rorn planter
$5OOO, hay wagon
$llOO, 5-bottom plow
$lBOO, N.H. 450 sickle
bar mower $550, N.H.
489 haybinc $2600,
Dion chuck wagon
$2500, N.H. 256 hay
rake $lO5O and .genera
tor $l6OO.
Leon D. Kurtz and J.
Omar Stoltzfus were the
A Public Auction of
real estate and house
hold goods was held
October 23 for the
estate of Margaret Page,
71 E. Houston Ave.,
Montgomery, Lycom
ing Co., Pa.
The half of a double
house in town was sold
for $27,000.
Other prices received
were: 1986 Plymouth
Reliant 2-door car
$2700, round top trunk
$230, quill $l6O, 2 gal.
blue decorated crock
$470 and 7 piece high
back oak bedroom suite
Fraley Auction Co.
conducted the sale.
A Registered Ayr
shire Dairy Herd Dis
persal was held October
23 by Roy W. Kline, 3
miles south of New
Berlin along Erdley
Church Rd., Srtyder
Co., Pa.
The 30 registered
Ayrshircs averaged
$lOOO with the top cow
selling for $1475. The
second high was $1450
and the third high was
Bryan D. Imes was
the auctioneer.
A Public Auction of a
Holstein Herd was held
October 23 by David
and Sara Martin, 775
Forrest Avenue, Bclle
fonte, Pa.
The top three pripcs
of the 45 mature cows
were $l6OO, $1525 and
Barry Kerstetter
Auction conducted the
A Public Auction of
antiques and Winross
trucks was held October
23 for the estates of Ti
tus B. and Anna S. Kel
ler, 1376 Masterson
villc Road, Manheim,
Some prices received
were: dough tray $l2O,
German Bible $6O,
hand-painted saw $42,
1 gal. milk kettle $3O,
quills $l6O & $175,
Centennial coverlet
$3OO, Longaberger
basket $lOO, 1949 Ford
promotional car $llO,
antique sewing bird
$lOO, Ziegler 'A pint
milk bottle $35, Gray
bill 'A pint milk bottle
$3O and a collection of
dolls $lO to $3OO.
Winross trucks sold
as follows: Rough &
Tumble $75, Krcidcr
Farms $42, Manhcim
Fire Co. truck $B4,
Bombcrgcrs of Elm
$52, Rutters Dairy $B4
and While Oak Feed
truck $195. The average
of the 66 Winross
trucks sold was $42.
John D. Stauffer
Auctioneers conducted
the sale.
A Public Sale of real
estate was held October
20 by Betty Jane Good.
1 mile north of May
town, Lancaster Co.,
The 70 acres with a
214 story brick house,
bank bam with stan
chions, loafing barn
with bunk feeder and
silos was sold for
Harold “Abe” Shaff
ncr and Mark Diffen
derfer were the auction
A Public Sale of real
estate was held October
23 by Margaret “Feg"
Ross, 6 miles from
Wyalusing, Pa.
The two 14 acre plots
of land were sold for
$23,000 each.
Shamrock Auction
Service conducted the
A Public Auction of
real estate was held
October 20 by Levi E.
Jr. and Linda J. Stoltz
fus, off Route 340 in
Bird-in-Hand, Lane.
Co., Pa.
The 1 acre zoned in
dustrial contained a
large manufacturing
shop, house, horse bam,
and carriage shed and it
was sold for $192,000.
Steve, Steve Jr.
Pelersheim were the
A Public Auction of
tools was held October
16 at 1653 Sleepy Hol
low Road, York, Pa. A
large crowd attended
the auction for Donald
H. Sterner.
Some items sold
were: Rockwell model
8 planer $l2OO, South
bend metal lathe $7OO,
Della table saw $B5O,
Delta planer $l2OO,
Delta shaper $625,
Rockwell band saw
$460, Rockwell wood
lathe duplicator $l3OO,
DcWall radial arm saw
$4OO, Spindle sandcr
$5OO, Rockwell drill
press $5OO, Delta joint
er $525, Leigh dove-tail
jig $2OO and Delta
scroll saw $275.
Other prices were:
Della disc sandcr $225,
Delta tool grinder $2OO,
compressor $290, rout
er creator $lOO, Dial
cutler & heads $3lO,
transom $220, metal ca
binct $230, work
benches $145 & $2BO,
set of Lufkin outside
mics $350,2-whccl cart
$ll6, wood & metal
clamps $l2 to $l6 each,
router bits $45, surface
gauges $55, shrink rules
$55 to $B5 each, metal
rules $4O each, Starrcl 4
ft. rule $45, Swiss carv
ing tools $2lO to $425,
glue pot S4O, and as
sorted grinding bits
$135. Lots of carving
and antique books all
sold very well. Hand
and electrical tools also
sold very good.
Brian L. Gilbert and
Jacob A. Gilbert were
the auctioneers.
A Public Auction of
two pieces of real estate
was held October 23 by
S.B. Click, along Route
340 in White Horse,
Lane. Co., Pa.
The Vi acre with a
house, 2 story block
bam with a shop was
sold for $160,000. The
second parcel consisted
of 18,000 square feel
and it was sold for
Steve Petersheim and
Steve Jr. Petersheim
were the auctioneers.
A Public Sale of
hunting, fishing and
sporting equipment was
held October 23 for the
William W. Gerhart
Estate and others. There
were 275 bidders at the
Some items sold
were: mounted moose
head $775, group of
hunting licenses $420,
bear trap $260, 32-gau
gc Winchester model 94
$290, 16 gauge Win
chester model 1912
$225, .308 Winchester
model 88 rifle $440,
7mm Remington rifle
$5OO, 30-06 Remington
Game Master Rifle
$420, and .308 Reming
ton model 1788 rifle
Other gun prices
were: 20 gauge Ilhaca
over-and-utidcr shotgun
$5OO, 12 gauge Ilhaca
over-and-under shotgun
$4OO, .23 Soko rifle
$390,20 gauge T Beret
ta over-and-under shot
gun $560, 9mm Ger
man lugar pistol $575,
16 gauge Baker double
barrel shotgun $295,
.22-250 Stcycr Damillcr
rifle $450, 20 gauge
Zoli over-and-under
shotgun $3lO and 20
gauge Ithaca shotgun
Auctioneers were T.
Glenn, Timothy G. and
Thomas A. Horst.
A Public Sale of farm
equipment was held
October 23 by Ray
mond Schrum, near
York New Salem on
Stoverstown Road,
York Co., Pa. There
were 286 registered bid
ders attending the sale.
Some prices were:
Farmall 460 G fast hitch
tractor $lBOO, Massey
Harris 33 with power
steering $1350, Farmall
300 with fast hitch trac
tor $2OOO, VAC Case
(needed grill) $525,
A.C. G tractor $2OOO,
Whcclhorsc 18 h.p. rid
ing mower $l3OO, Int
13 disc grain drill $720,
Ontario disc grain drill
13 disc $l4O, bin wa
gon with Knowles gear
$6OO, 3 pi. harrow
$260, Int. 2 pi. com
planter $2OO, Oliver
PTO 1-row potato dig
ger $3OO, Farquhar
transplanter SI 10, J.D.
potato planter $lBO,
Eureka potato planter
$l2O, J.D. 1-row porato
digger (ground drive)
S4SS, satisagc stuffer
$l5O, porcelain dipper
$5O, wooden bucket
$25 and H & G straw
culler made in York, Pa.
$4O, ‘
The auctioneers were
Melvin Haines and
Ralph Brenneman.
A Public Sale of real
estate, vehicles, farm
machinery and house
hold goods was held
October 23 for the
estate of J. Melvin
Stauffer, 161 Park View
Drive, Landisvillc,
Lane. Co., Pa. There
were 328 registered bid
ders at the sale.
The real estate con
sisted of 7 acres with a
2Vi story brick farm
house with an attached
garage which was sold
for $196,000 to Steven
Huber of Lancaster.
Some prices were:
J.D. model 318 riding
tractor $3900, J.D.
model A tractor $l2OO,
J.D. MT tractor $9OO,
Oliver bulldozer $675
and horse-drawn sleigh
Vehicles sold includ
ed: 1936 Ford stake
body truck, in parts
$lO5O, 1965 Lincoln
Continental $l4OO, 2
SkiDoo snowmobiles
$lBOO & $l9OO, snow
mobile trailer $6OO,
1977 Lincoln town car
$2900, 1978 Lincoln
Sedan $4lOO and 1986 ’
Jeep Grand Wagonccr
Other items were:
Hublcy cast-iron toy
dump truck $3lOO, 3
piece oak bedroom suite
$775, two 2-piccc oak
bedroom suites $3lO &
$475, 6 pc. bedroom
suite $675, Empire
chest $250, oak drop
leaf table $2BO, jelly
cupboard $2OO, 10
piece mahogany dining
room suite $750, refrig
erator $3lO, milk bottle
from former Good’s
Dairy $lBO, fire engine
strip puzzle $2lO, and
.32-caliber long rifle
The sale was con
ducted by J. Omar Lan
dis Auction Service.
A Public Sale of real
estate was held October
18 by Alva S. Wcin
hold, 1315 West Main
St., (Lincoln) Ephrata,
Lane. Co., Pa.
The 2Vi -story house
was sold for $49,200.
Horsl Auclioneers
conducted the sale.
A Public Auction of
farm machinery was
held October 23 by Jim
McNeill, corner of
Richards Road and
Martin Hill, Corning,
New York.
Some prices received
were: J.D. 2010 wide
front end D tractor
$3550, Farmall Cub
$1025, J.D. 530 nar
row-front end tractor
$2700, Cub 154 Low
Boy $3700. Int. 1066 D
tractor $B3OO, J.D. 450
C dozer $14,060, Ku
bota B 5200 4-whcel
drive $5250, J.D. 720
wide-front end tractor
$4400, 2 Farmall M’s
$l4OO & $1450, J.D.
4010, wide-front end
tractor $6300, gravity
wagon $1025, Gehl
2170 mower-condition
er $6050, N.H. round
baler $2600 and Case
Randy Jelliff Auction
Service managed the
A Public Auction of
vehicles and office
equipment was held
October 23 by Elder C.
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
SAT. OCT. 30 -10 AM
Country Auction at Lahti
nen Farm, 400 South Hill
Rd., Spencer. NY, From
blinker light in Spencer,
head southwest past
Agway to South Hill Rd to
farm or take S. Hill Rd. off
Halsey Valley Rd., approx.
IV4 miles N. of Halsey Val
ley. Carol Lahtinen, owner.
Howard W. Visscher, auct.
SAT. OCT. 30 -10 AM
Tractors, Misc. equip., for
age harvesters, combines,
round balers, square bal
ers, plows, misc. equip.
Conducted by Anderson
Auction Service, Rt. 2 Box
70, Rocky Mount, Va,
SAT. OCT. 30 -10 AM
Tractors & equip, auto &
trucks, household items,
furniture, appliances, tools,
power equip. Take Rt. 13to
Harrington, Del. Then fol
low Rt. 14 W. to road 299
4.5 miles W. of Harrington
red light. Diamond State
Auction Inc.
SAT. OCT. 30 -10 AM
Dairy cattle and machinery
auction, from New Milford,
Pa., Rt 11 S. to 706 W.
approx. 4 mi. Turn Rt and
follow auction arrows.
James L. Richards &
James O. Richards. Bill
Mead, aucts.
FRI. OCT. 29 & SAT. OCT.
30 • Annual Western Mary
land Fall Equip. Auction,
held at the Cochran Auc
tion Complex, Bob ns boro,
Md. J.Q. Cochran, auct
Antiques, Household Goods
Sat, Nov. 6, 1 m
Real Estate: 1 pm
258 Hawthorn Drive, Lancaster, Man
or Twp., PA. Dir: Just west of Lane, on
Columbia Ave. turn left on Hawthorn
Or. at Travelodge Motel. Go 3 blocks,
pass Bethel Menno. Church. Sale on
2 Bedroom Brick & Vinyl Siding Rancher
w/Carport situated on a nice level Lot
6S’xl4o’ m/1. Mature Shade. Nice Clean
I Call auctioneer for appointment 687-68571
TERMS: 10% down, balance on or
before December 17, 1993.
Sfll® Oy*
Executrixes of Emma G. Kapner
Attorney: Alepaeh S Ryder
(717) 617-6357 . AU-1723L
Ewing. Sftimsgrove. Pa.
There were 232 regis
tered bidders at the sale.
Some prices includ
ed: Case 580 D Limited
Edition Backhoc
$14,250, 1987 Chcv.
Van $4lOO, 1986
Econoline 6 cyl van
$4200, 1974 F-700
dump truck $3500,
Cannon copy machine
$5OO, alumipum pump
jack poles $450 each,
aluminum scaffolding
plant $550, Yamaha
generator $825, Mueller
power trowel $650,
fireproof Tiling cabinet
$225 and 8 ft. alum
inum brake $560.
Kenneth E. Massing
er and Neil A. Courtney
were the auctioneers.
30 - Sheet metal, plumbing
and heating, tools equip.,
inventory and trucks
Eshenhaur's Inc. Mechani
cal Contractors. From Har
risburg, Pa., take 1-81 north
to Progress Ave. At second
traffic light turn right onto
Walnut SL (Jonestown Rd.)
after 3rd light look for signs
on left. Corner of Boas and
Baker St., Penbrook, Pa.
Richard & Rick McNeal,
SAT. OCT. 30 - Indiana
Classic, Goshen, Ind.
Brown Swiss Enterprises,
SAT. OCT. 30 - Nittany
Lion Fall Classic - State
College, Pa. Harry H.
Bachman, auct.
SAT. OCT. 30 - Farm
Equipment Auction. 14
Miles south of Dover Har
rington Delaware. Con
ducted by Diamond State
Auction Inc., Jim Sluter,
Auct. For particulars call
SAT. OCT. 30 - B:3OAM
Estate Auction, Mahanton
go Valley Farm & Wood
lots, 2 miles E. of Pillow &
Rt. 225; 4 miles W. of Kling
erstown; turn N. at Green
house Fid. to Ist Lane East
to 2nd Farm in Jordan
Twp., Lower Northumber
land Co., Pa. 20 miles S. of
Sunbury; 40 miles NE of
Harrisburg. Farm Equip,
Antiques, collectibles,
guns, coins, household
items. Estate of Allen H
Troutman. Delbert, aucts.