Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 57
Air compressor Ingersoll Rand„ TDIB inter diesel motor unit is trailer mounted 650. After 5 PM. Bucks Co. 215-536-5877. WC Allis Chalmers com plete engine fast $350. Also 3 pt. hitch for Allis Class tow $4OO. Allis plow 3 bottom $l5O. 717-866-6485. Pocono building 10-t surveyed, passed perc. Bucks Co. 215-536-6076. Stereo Kenwood receiver 40W teac tape deck, techn ics speakers, turntable, cabinet $2OO or offer. York Co. 717-993-3775. JO 2010 diesel dozer track, undercarriage all excel, shape, best offer. Lane. Co. 215-445-6674. Farmall Cub w/eqpt. MF TO-30 w/snow plow, Ford 841, Ford 871 w/loader; AC B md. w/sweeper, Oliver 70 WF, Ford 2000. Bucks Co 215-847-5907. AKC English springer spa niel, female, liver and white. Ideal hunter or pet. Adorable! Shots, wormed $225. Schuylkill Co. 717-648-4484. Seasoned oak and locust fire wood 12 to 18 inch cut. can deliver. Berks Co. 215-589-4818. '79 Ford dump 27,000 pounds, good strong truck Lowboy trailer included. Call with offer. Berks Co. 215-856-1738. Mobile home 10x40 good cond, well maintained, must move $5OO Berks Co 717-933-8357. Craftsman 16" gas chain saw, carrying case, new extra chain, still under -■■PARTSm For Chain Saws, Lawnmowers, Small Engines Tillers, Trimmers, Snowblowers Semi-Chisel Chain Loop Special 16" Chain - $9.00 Each 20" Chai- sl3.6sEach Call for Free Catalog maintenance agreement $lOO. York Co. 717-938-9878. 1970 Ford LBOOO ten wheel dump Cat motor, heated steel bed, need work $5,000 080. York Co. 717-755-8229. Danuser post hole digger, with cylinders, fits Farmall H&M $450. York Co 717-259-0553. 1978 CIO 4x4 Chevy pick up, good truck $2295.1988 Chevy ext. cab 4x4 2500 86,000 miles $9999. York Co. 717-225-5219. Oliver Cletrac crawler trac tors, 1936 AG, 1938 EHQ, 1946 AG-6, 1941 OC-3 with loader, all run well. Lane. Co. 717-738-2573. Concrete lawn ornaments, Walt and Verna's 215-799-3283 I 960 Honda Motorcycle black, very nice $BOO. 7300 White combine 704 N corn head, 13 it. gram head, floating cutterbar, ready to go. York Co 717-637-4249. 1958 JD 720 diesel NF pony start no 3 pth. $3750. 1962 JD G $2750. JO 620 NF $2BOO. Lyc. Co. 717-546-8784. 150 gal. gasoline tank with gasboy hand pump $B5. Chester Co 215-932-3577. Papec silo blower 24' pipe belt drive, good $l5O 2 loader tires 15-5-25 used $lOO. Cambria Co. 814-322-1295. Oliver 73H 2 row wide corn picker, ex. cond. $l5OO or best offer. Cumb. Co. 717-776-6427. 86 Ford truck F-350 flat bed 6.9 liter diesel, dual wheel, call 717-749-7425 after 4 pm $7,000 Neg Cat D6B dozer, 10 foot blade, good cond, tracks 95%, ex. running cond. $12,000. Cumb. Co. 717-776-6612 Old standard twin walk behind tractor spicked iron wheels, trade for 6 burner cook stove or $4OO 80. 609-561-7623 Atlantic. Ford tractor model 1910 4 WD diesel, 30 HP 180 hrs. like new $11,500. Fulton Co. 717-485-4440. Adult ringneck and mutant pheasant hens and cocks, Gorgeous 609-728-7515 Monroe Co NJ NH TRBS combine 4 wheel drive, 800 orig. hrs 972 and 974 heads, bought new 1982. Fred Co 301-662-8697 1963 Pontiac Catalina con vertible, 369 auto, bucket seats, 8 lugs, new interior, tires, brakes, needs trans. $3500. York Co. 717-993-3413 after 6 p.m. JDFBBI3 disk drill $275,7 ft. 3 pt. scraper blade $125. NH corn elevator chute $25. NH haler chute $25. Lane Co. 717-653-5926. HDS loader $lB5O 61 Jeep 4WD'pkup tor parts $250 617 unit crane needs eng. $950 61 Ford van for parts $2OO. 350 Chev eng $2OO, 6 cyl. Fotd eng. $l5O. Cedi Co. 410-378-2785. 58 Ford 1 ton truck stake body, farm use, runs well $3OO. Leb. Co. 717-274-1413. Boston gear box 23 RPM gear ratio 150-1 $lBO. Lehigh Co. 215-967-6452. New oak desk, walnut stain. 2714 Creek Hill Rd., Leola, PA 17540. Shelled black walnuts and pecans coming in Nov. Mail order OK. Cumberland Co. 717-776-4523 evenings. Colts 1851 Navy revolver 36 caliber, nearly new in box. Centre Co. 814-364-1119. Nice Beag'e pups out of good gun dogs. Schuylkill Co. 717-345-4812. * Pair started Hereford cross heifer calves, nice $475 takes both. AKC fawn box er pup champion bloodlines male $325. York Co. 717-428-3124. 1966 Dodge Comet, 2 dr. HI, one owner, ex. cond. $2800.1982 Dodge pickup 6 cyl. PB & PS, ex. cond. $2OOO. Frederick Co. 301-371-7446. Two pairs front spoke wheels for JD A Kohler eng. JD B AC-B JD grilles, JD unstyle B hood. Mont. Co. 215-233-4088 Bill. Old motorcycles, parts, hel mets, pins, watch fobs, lit erature, etc. wanted, any condition, any make, please call Steve. Lane. Co. 717-338-5822. Tiny pygmy goat kids, all colors, registered, great pets, nice Christmas gifts. Reasonable prices. Hart ford Co. Md. 410-836-1622. 625 Girton milk tank com pressor, recently replaced $lBOO. Chore Boy pipeline system $l5OO. JD 4430 cab, synchro range $lO,OOO. Dauphin Co. 717-896-3504. Large cement mixer 16 cubic ft. with Hercules motor. John F. Esh, Jr. 3615 Thompsons Corner Rd., Mechanicsville, Md. 20659. Muller mortar mixer small 1 bag with 3 HP Briggs Strat ton eng. $3OO. Small Jack hammer $l5O. Bucks Co 215-968-2649. 14" SS pipeline for 30 head $1200; Jamesway Volume ter SHo unloader 20'd $BOO w/m $5OO w/o Susq. Co. 717-965-2008. McCormick 16 hole grain drill, JD 494 com planter, NH model 33 crop chopper, 61 Chevy Corvair A-title $350. each. Mont. Co. 215-631-1890. 165 & 200 bushel gravity bin wagons w/8 ton gears, w/adjustable tongues, new cond. $l2OO & $l5OO. Chester Co. 215-696-1491 Nights, Brian. Old ear corn, 6 to 8 tons, good quality $75. per ton Bucks Co. 215-249-9136. JD 45 square back com bine with heads, very good $2500. Also JO F 145 4x16 semi plows $5OO. Col. Co. Pa. 1717-437-3603. Hydraulic system off Mas sey Harris 33, pump, lines, valve, and cylinder. Best offer. Snyder Co. 717-374-8051. Nl 323 one row corn picker $2300. Little Giant 36' grain elevator with drag feeder $lOOO. Charles Harley, Berks Co. 215-689-5465. DRASTIC FUEL COST REDUCTIONS WITH THE ATTRACTIVE OUTSIDE WOOD & COAL HEATING SYSTEM dahl woodstove No Dirt or smoke Inside vt ■) Huge Savings On Fuel Cost Safe C Pressure System Heats Domestic Hot Water |WHg| Hot Air or Hot Water Compatible Good Looking Oil or Gas Backup (Optional) SALES & SERVICE Air &12 Volt operati ° n (op,k)na * r & K SERVICES CaM For Free Llterature RD #480X4262A 215-856-1386 Mohnton, PA 19540 Rod or Kathy BUY THIS FALL AND SAVE FLAT BED MODEL 560 RAISED BED MODEL 2500 PLASTIC LAYER PLASTIC LAYER Jm MODEL 1400 WATER WHEEL TRANSPLANTER STOCKING: Full line of vegetable growing supplies and equipment. NOTE: Raln-Flo Irrigation is updating their equipment pricing effective Jan. 1, 1994. All equipment bought before this date will be honored at the old price. Our new 1994 catalogs will be mailed in Nov. this year, along with Year End Sale flyer. “Get your order in early and stive”. © 884 Center Church Rd[. East Earl, PA 17519 Ph. (218) 448-6976 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 30, 1993-817 5 Holstein steers, Eves 717-336-1306 Lane. Co. Must sell to make room, pull type JD com planter and grain drill $225 ea. both for $4OO. N. Berks Co. 215-562-4729. AC W 045 $1250, WD $650, (2) WC for parts or restore $3OO each, W 045 WD WC parts & equip. Lane. Co. 717-264-2640. JD 105 combine, 4 row 435 W com, 15' grain head, good cond. $lBOO 080. Will trade. Cecil Co. Md. 410-658-5712. 22 acre horse/beef farm, borders state land, ex. pas ture, new 2-bed/2-bath mobile home, asking S7SK, owner financing. Adams Co. 717-259-9696. Good old ear corn 75 00 a ton at farm, ten hole chick en nests 3.00 ea. Lane. Co 717-464-2408. FI2, FI4, Intematinal VLO 190,1969,88 Ford Ranger, hood, new, 301-271-4899. 1 ton dump body 8 ft. V.G. iCond off 86 GM truck, anti que 50 gal. square fuel tank with hand pump, Perfect cond. $75. Schuylkil. Co. 717-386-3143. Lathe 6’ atlas, 3 and 4 jaw chuck, many tools and accessories $4OO. Balto. Co. 410-823-5596. 3S'-18" truss conv. w/motor $lOOO. Little Ford 1000 gal. dist. $7OO. 72 Chev. PU for parts, V 8,4 sp. $3OO. Cecil Co. Md. 410-378-2785. 4020 JD with cab 4600 hrs. 9,000. Also Hesston 4600 RAIN-FLO IRRIGATION baler with thrower $6900. Lane. Co. 717-529-2712. Speedy 1200 bu. round wire corn crib, ex. cond. $3OO. Diesel step tank for truck 50 gal. w/brackets $3O. Lane. Co. 717-872-8572. Barbadoes sheep, goats, rabbits, doves, mandarin ducks, East India ducks, banties, parkeets, Pekin ducks ana mixed. York Co. 717-741-0553. Simmental show heifer. Jan. 93 has been shown, class winner, res. calf champ, also donkeys and cattle groomer. York Co 717-225-6279. AKC West Highland White terrier male 4 month old $75. Lane. Co. 215-445-6067. King four horse gooseneck trailer, eight foot dressing room, nice shape $5500 080. Lane. Co. evenings 717-687-7336 or 717-786-2275 Compound bow, gameget ter with arrows and razor tips $llO. If interested call eve. Levi Zook, 717-768-7470 Lane. Co. MAILBOX MARKK f WANTED Farm wanted to rent/leaae w/housing in N. Lane. Co. or So. Leb. Co. suitable to convert for horses. 609-758-7930. Tobacco rails - various lengths, send quantity/ price. Ralph Cramer, 116 Trail Rd. North, Elizabeth town, PA 17022. Lane. Co. CHALLENGER MODEL 1800 PLASTIC LIFTER