Champion Fleece Belongs To Sheepbeny Farms HALIFAX (Dauphin Co.) After yean of raising sheep and exhibiting wool at fain, John and Lynn Zerphey, Halifax, finally achieved the pinnacle, when one of the white fleeces grown from their sheep received the Grand Champion Fleece Award at the 1993 Yoric Interstate Fair. John and Lynn Zerphey own and operate Sheepberry Farms, an 84-acre farm in the Dauphin County area. The farm is home to 100+ sheep of a variety of breeds as White and Natural Border Leicester, Suffolk, Rambouillet, and commercial crosses, eight lla mas, a border collie dog for herd ing, and several cats. The winning fleece was grown by a 4-year-old Lincoln/Border Calcium Calcium may protect against kidney stones High calcium diets may actual ly protect against kidney stones, according to a study of over 45,000 men recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Middle-aged men who consume more than their Recoin- PIG SAVER “DUTCH CRATE" Developed through tasting In sur iMMicb farms thn gnal tmn to davatap ■ crtt* that noorty allml nates • rushing, dun W toy one, unmntehsd durobWly and bn easy to woik around. All this haa bssn •chlswd by a unlgus gravity lll prall that forces sows tails dawn ■lowly and using stainlsss stssl lor roar dnon and lags, gravsn horizontal and asIM stssl rod con struction. All thla at a raasanaUs cost Grata alsa can bs InstalM on an angls. NURSERY PENNING Nonary panning haa baan Imprevsd by lha uaa el an optional aolld ttalnlaaa alaal pans! on lha Irani gataa which kaapa waNmaya claan. Stalntaaa a lasi vartioala on panning admlnalaa oorroalon whara panning attaches to tha floor. Stainlaaa alaal drlnkar plpaa A mounting braekala also Inoraaaa , durability. Leicester cross ewe. with beauti ful shiny luster. It measures 5” which represents one year’s wool growth. The Zerpheys entered 13 fleeces into various wool catego ries of competition and received awards on each fleece. A fleece entered into Fine Wool Class received Reserve Champion White fleece, and a natural color fleece received a Ist Place Award plus Champion Natural Color Fleece. The sheep that produced that winning wool is a natural brown color Border Leicester ewe, the Zerpheys named. Miss Ewe-S-A! The balance of the awards ranged three first place ribbons, two second place, two third place. mended Dietary Allowance of 800 milligrams for calcium have a lower risk of kidney stones than men with lower calcium intakes. Dairy products provide the cal cium that protects against kidney stones; calcium supplements did not protect against this condition. The researchers recommend a re examination of restricting calcium in the diets of people with kidney stones. CONFINEMENT STALL Oavalapad rosandy In our RAD larm. Our goals wan canvanlanaa, aataty and durabktty. Tha low hack and flat top rolls an saay Is roach aver with no sharp sdgaa. fltalntaas alaal roar lags and front tool along with aolld alaal horizontal rods through punched uprights provide die strongest, moat durable ataN aver produced by Tri-County (21"-24" O.C. z M") FINISHING PENNING Optional alalnlaaa altal varticala and laalanara oHar Improved durability ovar olhar almllar typaa of penning. Loop and (tapper latch arrangement allmlnelee the uee of drop pine. Stain laea alaal (anaa Nna fee dare pravtda axoaNanl durability and a minimum of mate. and three fourth place awards. Zeiphey said, “We felt our wool crop was especially good this year, but we were really surprised and very happy.” The Zerpheys take extra steps in their farming practices and ani mal management practices to maintain a healthy sheep and to grow quality wool. Bam isles and bedding is kept clean daily, and the sheep are maintained in good nutritional slate, with regular vet erinary care. Lynn Zerphey had trained in wool grading and classification through a National Sheep and Wool Growers Educational Semi nar and currently holds a level I Wool Grading Certificate. The Zerpheys are also active in the fiber arts field, John weaves and Lynn hand spins yam from their own sheep and llamas. The Zerpheys will be showing these and others wool fleeces at the Farm Show in January where they hope to repeat their success. When not working about the farm, John and Lynn work at Y/Z Printing Company, Elizabeth town, which John co-owns with his nephew. Woodworking Bandsaws >ssT»st, 3 SpeerUMtorWßS-14CS only Allows Nad* speed* o( 735 - I*7o ■ 2350 SFPM lor culling non hrtoustype fwjjajs applicalionilnclude* < step motor puftty, nlermedial* pulley assembly. V belts, hardware and mounting instructors Slock No 7Mll*. 9bs ■ jftF-14 Rip Fence Assembly lor all models Includes guide bars, np lent* assembly, hydwye and SJJ.'JL 9 ** ■ JRB-14 Rser Block Ktt for all models. Includes 6" cast block, long frame boll. Iron) and beck blade guards and mounting instructions Slock No ■ JMG 14 kWteGauge Assembly lor *« models Includes guide bar, pivoting support body and editable slops Stock No 708716.2 bs ■ JBB-14 Replacement 'JET Blocks'®loi all models Includes upper and lower graphne impregnated polymer blade blocks Slock No 70*719,1/2 ns Blue Ball Machine Co., Inc* 1116 Division. Highway, Bits* Ball, PA 17SOS (717) 35*4478 Stor* Hours: Mon!- Thurs 7:30 - 3:00 Sat. 3:00-12:00 Frl. 7:30 - 0:00 John Zerphey shows off the’champlon fleeces recently shown at the York Fair. Jet X* EQUIPMENT & TOOLS • Wide selection includes an open stand single speed model a closed stand single speed model and a closed stand three speed model. • The open stand model features a widestance 16 gauge steel Stand. Both closed stand models feature a rigid one piece welded stand which requires no assembly. • The open stand model comes with a 3/4 HP, 1 Phase motor. The closed stand models feature a 1 HP, 1 Phase motor. All motors are totally enclosed and fan cooled for long life. • All three models are completely prewired and feature a unique quick connect motor to switch plug for easy set-up. All model* feeture... • Upper blade guide micro-adjustments for quick, accurate set-up. • "V-gioove blade guide bar for consistent and positive alignment. • Graphite impregnated polymer ’JET Blocks"* in trie blade guides for quicker set-up and a cooler running blade. • Extra large 15"x15* cast iron work table which is offset to provide more work area in front of the blade. 13-112 - lot) Shorn Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Octobar 30, 1993-B7 need I leiphi (approx,), 103 lbs I97ftf_ . .2 *h I Hi k LU