Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 31
Farm Calendar (Continued (ram Page A 10) Berks County-Farm-City banquet. Sheraton Berkshire, social hour 6 p.m„ dinner 7 p.m. Huntingdon County Cooperative Extension Association annual meeting, Shade Gap Ladies Auxiliary, Shade Gap. 6:45 p.m. Warren County Water Quality Mi Tidii High School. dinner. Country Table, Mount Joy, 6:30 p.m. Lebanon County 4-H Dairy ban quet, Myerstown Church of the IJrethrenJjS^Jjin^^^^^ North American International Livestock Expo, Kentucky Fair and Expostion Center, Louis ville, Ky., thru Nov. 19. Pa. Community Supported Ag Workshop, Dauphin County Ag and Natural Resources Cen ter, Dauphin, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Pa. Bison Association Buffalo Auction, Mercer Livestock Market, 1 p.m. Berks County Holstein Associa tion annual meeting, Virginvil le Grange, Virginville, 7:30 Msnheim, noon. Dauphin County Extension annual meeting, Ag and Natural Resources Center, Dauphin. 7 p.m. Champion Sheep East Penn Manufacturing Albright’s Feed Mill Denise Anna belle Miles Angstadt Livestock Hauling Agway Feed* Gettysburg Division Barnett’s Garage Berks Co. Sheep & Wool Growers Bernviile Quality Fuels F.M. Brown’s Sons, Inc. Columbian Cutlery Diesel Service Inc. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Fogelsville Auction Center Friend of Sheep Club First National Bank of Fredericksburg First National Bank of Leesport Geho Architect Good's Receiving Station' Giorgio Foods Happy Trails Western Wear Hartman's Roofing Hershey Chocolate USA/Ludens Lebanon County Extension ban quet, Myerstown Church of the Brethren, 7 p.m. Warren County Cooperative Extension water quality meet ing. Sheffield High School, 7 shop, Edinboro Community Center, Edinboro. 7 p.m.-9:15 p.m., thru November 10. Centre County Farm-City Ban quet, Penns Valley Area High School, Spring Mills, 7 p.m. Intensive grazing management systems meeting, Lehigh Coun ty Ag Center, Allentown, 7:30 City, Mo., thru November 14. Westmoreland County Farm-City Night, Mount View Inn, Greensburg, 7 p.m. ADADC District 8 meeting. Hid den Inn, South Kortright, N.Y., 8 p.m. Chester County Extension annual meeting. Government Services Center, West Chester, 7 p.m. Pa. Veterinary Nutrition Forum, Days Inn, Lancaster. Maryland’s 49th annual Dairy Technology Conference at Col AglssuMForurnTTrola Family Restaurant, 7:30 a.m.-9 a.m. Berks County 4-H Recognition Night, 4-H Center, 6:45 p.m. Susquehanna County Forest Land owner: Association annual THANK YOU TO 1993 BERKS COUNTY 4-H LIVESTOCK BUYERS meeting, Courthouse. Mon- tro«e. 7:30 n.m. fmnmksaam Bucks County Holstem/DHIA annual meeting and banquet, St Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Kellers Church, 6:30 p.m. ♦ Warren County Holstein Associa tion annual meeting, Sugar Grove Fire Hall, Sugar Grove, 8 NJ., 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pa. State Beekeeper’s Association annual meeting, Country Cup Open House. Harold .King' Farm, York Springs, noon-4 p.m. Penn-Jersey Farm and Power Equipment Deaims Association annual meeting. Mountain Laurel Resort Hotel, White lowfield Christian School, 7 p.m. Pa. Farm Burtau annual meeting, Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, thru Nov. 17. Pa. Association of Dairy Sanita rians and Dairy Laboratory Analysts annual meeting and conference, Penn State. State annual meeting. Moose Club, Union City, 7:30 p.m. Pa. Association of Extension Home Economists fall meeting. State College, thru Nov. 17. Pa. Turgrass Council In Penn State Golf Turf Conference, Nittany Champion Beef Core States/Hamiiton Bank Reserve Champion Sheep - Pennsylvania National Bank Reserve Champion Beef- Keystone Farm Credit, A.C.A. Reserve Champion Hog ■ Wayne Feeds Hydro-Agri Service Inc. - Richland K & K Feeds Kutztown Grange Richard Kerper Jr. Norman Kurtz & Son Tom McKinney Leesport Farmers Market Lebanon Valley Implement Leesport Farmers Market Carlos R. Leffler Kenneth Leiby Licht Embroidery Ludwick Funeral Homes Mente Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Inc. Meridian Bank Mid-Atlantic Fitness Center National Bank of Boyertown Nestor's Sanitation New Holland Ford Oley Valley Feeds ence Center. New Brunswick, BUYERS Lion Inn, University Park, thru Nov. 18. Bradford County Groundwater Conference, Sheshequin-Ulster Elementary School. Ulster. N.Y., 7:30 p.m. Adams County Farm-City Week business open house, 10 a.m.-2 o.m. obstructing international bureau crats immediately while promis ing tariff reductions which won’t be fully realized until the year 2009, and maybe not even then. Among the nearly 2,000 pages of rules and controls in the NAF TA treaty and the Clinton Admi nistration side agreements, are a half dozen escape clauses to the tariff reduction schedule listed elsewhere in the treaty. (For example, chapter 8 allows for emergency measures, chapter 3B allows for import quotas, and the side agreements on environment and labor contain provisions for trade sanctions.) NAFTA isn’t about free trade versus protection ism, it is about whether American trade policy will be decided by the elected U.S. Congress or a collec tion of appointed international commissions not responsible to the electorate of any nation. We should not forget that eco nomic union precedes political union. Just like that which hap pened to the European Economic Community. Many of NAFTA’s globalist-minded promoters have A •JR iijfiLd U \ 4 x%kXdSL*M J : Peters Bros. Meats Perry Acres Pioneer Grange-Topton Reading Bone-Agway Red Fever Farm Reifsnyder Landscaping & Lawn Samuel Rohrer Rolling Shade Polled Heretords Dr. Steven Seger Shartlesville Farm Service Paul Stoudt Strausser Insurance/Century 21 Sweet Street Desserts Triple T Simmentals Twin Crib Farm John Weist Wayne Wessndr Grains Zepco Auto Body Zettlemoyer Auction Co. £k Auctioneers: John Fry, George Frey, Ken Leiby Bucks County Holstein Club fall bam meeting, 7:30 p.m. Centre County Holstein Associa tion annual meeting, Logan Grange Hall, Pleasant Gap, 7 p.m. igua. Farm Forum (Continued from Page AID) called the trade agreement the fruition of their goal of regional economic interdependence, which entails American dependency upon Mexico and Canada for cer tain industries and goods, and vice versa. Henry Kissinger had an article in the July 18, 1993 Los Angeles Times which carried a revealing title, “with NAFTA, U.S. finally creates a new world order.” NAFTA is a giant step toward the new world order, which is economic and political control of mankind by a powerful elite. As you can see, theose who support NAFTA as a free trade agreement do not understand the principles of free trade. Legiti mate free trade is accomplished in the virtual absence of government Sincere free traders, like the Lud wig Von Mises Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, both free trade organizations, oppose NAFTA. I encourage you to contact your Congressman and insist that NAF TA be rejected. Nathan Walizer Loganton Champion Hog Hatfield Quality Meats 1! Franconia, 9:30 a.m.-ll;30 a.m. I9s£i