Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 29
Committee Asks Chester Holstein Members To Help Support 4-H Center (Continued from Pago Al) Wurster said if the members don’t support the youth of the county, ‘ ‘we’re not going to have a dairy industry in the future.” Also at the meeting, the activi ties and plans of the association were presented in the coming months. In the treasurer’s report by Dick Hostetler, as of October 20,1992, there was a balance of $1,471.79. Expenses for the year included $7,358.41 with an income of $7,192.14. Pending balance is $1,619.33. The profit of the 1992 cheese sale was $l,OlO. Other business reviewed at the, meeting includes the Saudi Arabia shipments, plans for the upcoming cheese sale, membership over view, and the election of directors to a three-year term. Those elected to the board of directors include Duane Hershey, Arden Landis, Jim Miller, and John St. John. Also, the association awarded the following: • Mature cov», high protein, awarded to Duane and Marilyn Hershey, Cochranville, for AR- Joy Secret Avis. 4-02, 305 d, 35,742 pounds, 3.3%, 1,193 p. • First lactation, high protein, to Arden Landis. Christiana, for Rothrock Secret Gillen-ET, 2-09, 305 d, 26,727 pounds, 3.5%, 934 p. • High BAA, to Galen C. Mar tin, Honey Brook. BAA was 107.9. • High lifetime production to Herman and Victor Stoltzfus, Cochranville, for Herbelh Emily Marvex Wayne, 265,869 pounds of milk. Youth awards included: • Outstanding Dairy Student, Owen J. Roberts FFA, to Theresa /Zinriers-vou’we earned SjUJ our support RYDER Supply went Brian Nolan, Cochran villa. He is vice president of the Octorara FFA. Inhof, Spring City. She serves as chapter president • Outstanding FFA, Brian Nolan, Cochranville. He is vice president of the Octorara FFA. • Outstanding FFA, Jeff Rey bum, Oxford, vice president of Oxford FFA. • First-year 4-H, Kasey A. St. John, Lincoln University. • 4-H Holstein Project, Krystal St. John, Lincoln University. About 100 members were pre sent at the meeting. Chester County Holstein Association members were honored at a banquet Tues day night. In photo, from left, Herman and Victor Stoltzfus, Cochranville, for high life time production for Herbeth Emily Marvex Wayne, 265,869 pounds of milk; Duane Her shey, Cochranville, mature cow, high protein, for AR-Joy Secret Avis, 4-02,305 d, 35,742 pounds, 3.3%, 1,193 p; and Arden Landis, Christiana, first lactation, high pro tein, for Rothrock Secret Glllen-ET, 2-09, 305 d, 26,727 pounds, 3.5%, 934 p. Those sleeted to the Chester County Holstein Association board of directors Include, from left, James Miller, Duane Hershey, John St. John, and Arden Landis. ffiuhiv ffitohie VMER THAT #W% WOHT QUIT. V THE CHEAPEST THING TO GIVE TOUR COWS... WATER fftpunattimjcm Otoe your cows I lots qf water from Ritchie Energy free units Water I* Cheaper Than Feed! Recapping Tfour Ritchie Fountains Makes Sense~ AndSavesMoney! * 3CMkFouMUn IMpmS far m MM In «Mi pm VlfeammiolOOlMHl An No U 299 ■nrtc (SMK CSA appMwaO w Cm AIM AVAILABLE J UCUntt-Piopotß 9 Fountain \mm rNiw.NiMpM<iwN.HMfco ferhKNli«Mllg>«feMinK Wtars*»4oe«i*lOO«Ma An Ml 12M KTairairM* ■HMe mm c» **•«*}