Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 121
MOTORS New & Rebuilt 350, 366, 427. 454 6.2 Diesels Rebuilt & Used Will Install Roll Back Service (at cost) 717-762-6415 USED TRUCKS 87 Chevy Heavy Duty V. Ton 4*4 Soot- 92 Chev C-30 Panel Van 5.7 FI, AT, tdale, 350 FI. Aulo, PS, PB, AM & FM W/O, PS, PB, AC, AM & FM Stereo. Tape, Dual Tanks, Utility Bed, 57,000 Side Swing Out Doors. Miles $10,900.00 $8,900.00 & MARTIN’S AUTO SALES 1025 w - Main St, New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 656-6621 g I 8 |B F 350 1983 Ford PU Diesel w/Myers Plow and Box Cinder Spreader $3600; F6OO Ford Dump 23.000GVW with 9‘ Myers Plow $3750. (717)757-1960. York County. _ . _ _ Diesel Engines: Detroit, Ford Super Duty, 1991, 318 i 16 V71, 12V71, $7l, cab and chassis, white, v-653, 6V92, 8.2 - Chev. 4so, 5 speed, 60’ cab to diesel 6.2. Other engines axle, 78,000 miles, asking and truck parts. Reason- Si 1,500. (908)236-6034. able prices. Call after 6PM, (215)944-6871a /M&BEsrmass?mas *92 CHEV % CARGO VAN VB, AT, AC, Factory Vehicle, 3 To'Chooie From #7433 SALE $12,400 Each *92 CHEV XCAB 4x4 Silverado, Spantide, 3SO, AT. AC #7745 Wat $18,995 SALE $17,750 *9O CHEV SUBURBAN* SUverido. 350, AT. AC. Trader Pack #7690 Wat $18,900 SALE $16,300 Chevy C3O, 1885, w/lV steel flatbed, 454, AT. PS, PB, AC, good condition, $5900; 'B7 Ford F 350 w/1 2' steel flatbed, 460, AT, PS, PB, AC, good condition, $10)500. 717-345-4882. •88 JEEP WRANGLER LAREDO V 6, 5 Spd, Hard Top #7BlO Waa $10,900 SALE $8,750 SILVERADO 350, AT, AC, Black #7790 Waa $8,995 SALE $7, 100 Prices based on straight sals, Tax t Tags extra. Trades accepted at actual cash valua Must present this ad at lime of purchase for sale price. rann* e * Hem™ 2-Hc. Traiter *"»*«■ Octobif 30, 1993-C37 TOAii paa $1500; 8* Utility Trailer. Hi iHMiLcno Bed, Tandem Axle, $500; Can John (215)383-9947, Gooseneck Trailer, 9-ton, beavertail, tri-axle, new tires & brakes, axle 6 months old, good paint & lights. Presently pulled by Ford F2SO, $3600. 301/963-8833. ’92 CHEV % 4x4 Silverado, 350, AT, AC #7766 Waa $19,900 SALE $lB,lOO BLAZER Dietel, AT, 6.2 Liter, 39,000 MOea #7809 Waa $7,995 SALE $5,700 Heavy duty wrecker body with two hydraulic winchee and hydraulic outriggers, s2,oooiirm. Possible trade lor equipment trailer or air compressor. Phono (717)437-3668 evenings. T ’B9 JEEP GRAND WAGONEER 4x4, AT. AC. Pwr. Seat, VB, 26,000 MUea #7779 Was $15,900 SALE $12,970 *B7 DODGE CARAVAN LE AT. AC. V 6 #7814 Waa $6,995 SALE $5,275 FOR SALE 36” Air sliding sth wheels Call 1-800-732-0004 WANTED 9 1/2’ Omaha standard live stock and grain body. • 40” steel sides • 26” wood fold down upper racks • Hoist (304) 289-3080 zzzzzzzzxzzzzz: Ford Super Cab Rear Seat Lift Kit Raises Mat 4” for mora comfort. Include* all hardware a Inatructlona. $79.95 Free Shipping! PA RMldaMa AM S4JO T» Wearer Distributing 1-800-WBAVBR-D RD 2 Bax 470 Fiadarickaburg, PA 17020 TRAILER HITCHES Quality 4 Price 29 Special Fall Pricaa On Brake Controller* Breakaway Kite And Trana. Coolers! Call For Delalla, Mention This Ad Free Catalog MC/Vlsa/Oiso UPS Shipping Weaver Distributing 1-800-Weaver-D I*Boo-932-8373