Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 118
C34-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, October 30, 1993 ESI pets 1$ 4 \ 10’x20’ Storage Bam Dog Kennel, { I (10) 3’x3’ Boxes Inside, (10) 3’x4’ *f I I Runs Outside w/plastic Coat of $ {$ Wire, s’xlO’ Office and Food J |) Storage In Building. Office Desk, ( {i SOOlbs. Dog Food, 7 AKC Female } f I Beagles, 2 AKC Male Beagles, 1 (I AKC Female Basset Hound, 2 <i I £ AKC Female Shih Tcu, Electric ► ► and Heat in Building. j \\ (717)532-4327 \ B|i NOTICE T The Fulton Conservation District Is supplying notice to all Interested contractors that an agri cultural waste storage system Is to be Installed In Bethel Township, Fulton County, this Fall with the financial and technical assistance of the Che sapeake Bay Program. Construction Is expected to begin In November or December. Prospective contractors will receive a bid pack age which contains Instructions, a sample con tract form, the plans and specifications for the project and a bid sheet. Small and minority bus)- ness and women's business enterprises are en couraged to respond to this Invitation for bids. A site showing will be held on Thursday, Novem ber 4,10:00 AM and sealed bids will be accepted until the public bid opening at the Fulton Conser vation District at 2:00 PM on November 24,1993 To obtain a bid package contact Fulton Conservation District 216 N. Second Street McConnellsburg, PA 17233-1157 717/485-3547 I&MMSCELLANEOUS 12x24 mini office or living quarters on skids with insu lation, electric and carpet, like new. Call 717-738-1259. 48* dozer blade w/pivot, needs fitted to your tractor, $75.00. 717-393-1460. 7Vi Horse power 3 phase compressor, condensor shot, used in slaughter house after 6PM (814)743-9006. Amish Frock (Mutza) Suits. R. 2, Box 5916, Oakland, MD. 21550. BAHAMA CRUISE! 5 days/4 nights, Under bookedl Must Selll $299/Couple. Limited Tick ets. 407/767-0208 ext. 5886, Mon-Sat 9am to 10pm. Chinchilla Herd. Quality Breeding Stock. (27) 8 Mo. and Under. 21 Older Ani mals. Make Offer. So. York Co. (717)993-6159. Conestoga wagon, Ger mantown style, good wheels, tongue & spring, bed needs work. $750. (215)353-8384. Deer, whitetail, young herd, starter does, $2OO, bucks $250. Winterstown, (717)244-1124. Farm Toys-Collector Se nes. Show Tractors, Pedal Tractors, Trucks-for sale at all times. Visit our large dis play during business hours Wengers Farm Ma chinery, Inc., 251 S. Race St., Myerstown, PA 717/866-2130. FOR SALE; B'xl6’ truck body, $5OO. Ressler feed conveyor 40'+, $5OO. Berks County. (215)987-3830. LIVE GAME FISH Fingertlng* and Adult*, Larga and Small Mouth Bat*, Spotted and Rock Bat*, „ Biaam Crapplo*. Trout, Channal Cat*, Bullhead*, • Walleyes, Parch, Minnow*, Nottharni, Pickerel. * 1 Muikla*. Rad Gill*, Mullets, Carp, Eels, Turlies, F rog*. Israeli Carp. Abo Aquatic Plant* and Water mmTjf . Lilia*. COLORFUL CATALOG 52.00. Truck, Air and Parcel Po»t Delivery. ZETTS RSH HATCHERIES ISK#’ DRIFTING, PENNA. 1U34 - Thane: 014-345-5357 Goodnature Cider Press PB2O, Scrubber/Grinder, New Condition. $2600. (609)965-4092. Large Antique Dinner Bell, Cast Iron, Mint Condition. (717)949-3439. Lowrey Organ w/Magic Genie, like new, $3OO/ofter. Adams Co. 717/642-9199. Meat Grinders, Band Saws, Slicers, Tenderiz ers. Splitting saws $269. Gerry, Doylesburg, PA., on RT 75. 200 yards North of RT 274. Sat-Sun, 10AM-4PM. 717-349-7654 or evenings 215-549-7584. PAYING TOP DOLLAR FOR ORIGINAL WIPE AT TIC FLOORS. WE RE MOVE. 717/229-2806. Pump Organ, New Haven, reconditioned, walnut, over 100 yrs. old, asking $B5O. 717/838-4812. SAVE MONEY ON WOODWORKING MACHINES) Band saws, jointers, plan ers, routers, scroll saws, drill presses, table saws, Sanders, lathes, shapers, dust collectors & more in stock. 30 Day Free Trial! 1 Year Warranty. Call For 1-800-445-4669. Terre HHlj Pa. Used Englander cast iron wood stove, very good con dition. 717-367-2732. Varmint Outfit, M 77 Ruger 25-06, heavy barrel rifle w/ Simmons 3-9 power scope; Tasco 25x50 mm spotting scope, like new. 717/966-1109. |yS|M9CELL4MEOUS Heat With Waste Oil Turbo Z Series Free Air Applications >|» 90,000 - 260,000 BTU Units 10 years combustion warranty. A safe way to dispose your waste Over 13 years experience. Electronic air, Fuel control modules give dependable performance. IB■ Prices starting at $2,195.00 Power Systems Electric, Inc. (717) 933-5617 “Sun-Mar” B ™%%t The Work) Leader in w/Teflon I #w « ,LCWd COMPOSTING TOILETS . " 1 i== •no s«ptic System •no Chemicals Better Than 1963 Jeep deuce '/•, cab & Save the Environment! Slick 50 chassis, 10- WD army Recycle Back to Nature' At Onlv truck, soft top, mVie _ 26.000GVW, good manure ®59.95 Per Quart truck or well driller, h.d., Plus U.P.S. Rate $ 1 5 0 0 O B O . 412/758-5706. * Smokeless 2-eycle r^da^Aide^Ga -sea— tSSS*" A(tw 6PM. * Manual Transmission 1966 Chevy 3/4 pickup, fair Treatment shape. York County. * 4-Cycle Small Engine (717)259-0300. ....j Treatment 1972 F7OO Ford. HD twin Several moOM avadaWi Me the nen eiecthc "ME | telescope hoist w/ " ' grainbed, 5+2, power New Pain Relief Product iTsoo' v |?ehu# S (410)756-6992. 1974 Ford LN600,5+2, PS, 16' flatbed dump, needs 1500 ’ 908/359-5934. comfort. Other lotions, creams and rubs do not 19 74 International, 1700 contain aspirin. Send $22.45 postage included or m d 1 write for more information. $l2OO. (717)256-3233. - 1974 single axle Transtar 2007 INDUSTRIAL HWY "• O o* ▲ VADif da iTAfio van, T/A, trailer, looks MMHauL YORK, PA 17402 good, runs good, $5,000 KOBMii (717) 840-4177 for the outfit. Call Roger (7i7) 751-0446 Fax i^ 84 ’ 0250 - WANTED! Model A-Ford horn, generator, side bowl carburetor. What have you? 201-948-4565. Box-40, Port Jervis. NY 12771. WANTED: Old firecracker packs, boxes, catalogs, etc. for historical exhibit. Brian Zompanti (Pyrotech nidan). Box 3193, New Bri tain, CT 06050. 203/223-8872. WANTED: Small working condition, apple grinder lor making cider. 215-593-5306. WANTED: Snow Fencing. Lititz. (717)626-6095. WANTED; Used tools and machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder, B.J. TOOL & SUPPLY. R 1 422 W, Myerstown, PA 1-800-772-9845. PAINTED STEEL ROOFING A SIDING • Galvanlzad/Galvalutna • 29/26 Gauge • 3 Major Brandt Available • Large Stack Trim • Sheet • SV Crimp Metal AS LOW AS s32°°p«/.q. Conestoga Building Supply New Hollend, PA 17557 717-354-2613 or 1-800-544-9464 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Honda 750, gdod condi tion, 5000 miles. 410/398-5658 Elkton, MD. Woodstove with 25 gallon water jacket and 4 cord of seasoned firewood. (717)285-2685. AUTOS 1946 Mercury Eight, 4dr, excellent to restore, $4500; 1975 Buick LeSabre conv. 1-owner, always garaged, $6500; David Bradley Tri- Track w/cult., very rare $3000; (3) 1954 Ford Vic toria's $1500; 1923 Peer less chassis, good wheels, $500; Allis Chalmers “B" ind. w/sweeper, $1500; Oliver 70's. 215-847-5907. TRUCKS & TRAILERS -■> : _ 1979 IH ( 18* Bulk Blower Truck 3208 Cat, New Clutch & Ejectors, 10 Speed, 50,000 GVW Lebanon Co. 717-866-6015 7:30-5 Weekdays 1976 Brockway twin screw, long wheel base, 220 Cum mins, 13 speed, new tires, new batteries, 100 many new parts to list, in excel lent condition, road ready, $lO,OOO. (717)862-3164, after SPM (717)927-6342. 1977 Kenworth, 1100x22 rubber, KT4SO Cummins, 191,000 original miles, IS speed, $17,000 excellent condition. 609-859-2440. 1977 Parker. 28' aluminum dump, 1100x22 rubber, heated body, 60" sides, ex cellent condition, $B5OO. 609-859-2440. 1978 CMC pickup truck, 4WO, Sierra classic 25, small block 400 engine, 400 bans. (215)869-2952 days. evenings, (717)529-2139. 1978 Kenworth C.0.E., S/A 290 Cummins. 10 speed, $2,800. (908)938-2660 or leave message (906)938-3323. 1982 Mack Value Liner 350 HP, 9 Sp, 3:70 Run, 683,000 Total Milaa, 50,000 On Out Of Frama Major, Oaluxa Int, 60" Slaapar, 230 W. 8., Watllna, Now Tlraa, Lining 11x24.5 Budda, Now Reyco Sup. Lola of Chroma a Btalnlaaa Raady To Go, Extra Cloan $20,000 080. 1985 Great Dane 96x42, Flxod Tandom, Alum. Floor, Alum. Haadboard, 11x22.5 Budda 0.8. Druma, Quarter Pandora, Hub Capa, Extra Llghta, 50% Tlraa A Brakaa, Lika New $B,BOO 080 717-627-0208 Utltz, PA Legal Notice 1978 International Binder Truck 12,409 original miles, with snow plow, Valk Mfg. Co. and Central Eng. salt spreader model #330, VB, 345 Int. Engine GVWR 16,000 lbs. 4 speed transmission with 2 speed axle. Power steering, power brakes. Truck is in fair condition. Sealed bids will be opened at the monthly meeting of the Highland Town ship Board of Supervisors Municipal Build ing, Gum Tree, PA on Tuesday. November 0. 1993 7:30 p.m. Truck is available for your inspection by calling Roadmaster Tom Scott at 215-857-5897. Bids may be mailed to the township at this address: Highland Township RD 3 Gum Traa Coatesvllle, PA 19320 The township reserves the right to reject any and all bids.