Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 116
C32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Octobar 30, 1993 ■*■ Roller Mill Rental For Rent: 2 Peerless 30” - Automatic Roller n*m« RoUerMill and 1 Roakamp Marlin Becker juBK Elizabethtown, PA 1 • w (717) 367-0874 German’s Custom MiiUtt/r (717)367-3086 j 717-664-4777 iTrinmlntfl BIG^BAGGER©^ I ( I ™“f n S| AUKER’S V^l ♦ Mickdsen I - CUSTOM BAGGING I I (717) 744 i Rfio i 2 Kelly Ryan Centerline I ! [fii\ 733-15881 Strictly Power Take Off I I l f, n f a ®* er and I " A tlflMer pack lor a better fennent n | j Neighboring JOHN S. AUKER, PROP. 11l PA 717-933-5224j|| Custom Liquid Manure Hauling Liquid Manure Pump Rental Welsh. Hill Dairy Farms 215/286-0168 215/286-0706 HAROLD M. BARLEY 111 CUSTOM FARMING TILLAGE, PLANTING.TRACTORRENTAL 1,000 and 540 P.T.O. Shafts Available 728 Walnut Hill Road Millarsville, PA 17551 (717) 872-5554 (717) 872-4638 evening HELP WANTED HORSEMAN, Exper ienced. For broodmare farm Balt. Co. Mainte nance, riding. New house. Reference required. Box 68, Butler, 21023 or 410-771-4580 Jersey Herd (145 Cows), needs experience ambi tious herdsperson to be re sponsible for herd health Al and herd management. Parlor, TMR, housing, non smoker, state salary re- quir e m e n (412)667-0452. Needed Farm Manager, Central Pennsylvania Livestock Farm. Know ledge of Livestock and Crop Management Neces sary. Housing Available. Please Send Resume Lan caster Farming c/o S2B, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Responsible Christian Man Experienced in Working w/ Dairy Cattle and Operating Machinery. Lancaster County. Lancaster Farm ing c/0527, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata. PA 17522. R.W.Sauder, Inc. has part time positions available at our MLJoy and Utitz facili ties. Apply in person: R.W.Sauder, Inc., Rt. SOI, 1 mile north of Lititz square. Temporary Job Opportun ity on Lancaster Co. Dairy Farm. Prefer Christian single person. We are look ing for help November- April possibly longer. Milk ing, herdcare, etc. Call 656-1071. Assist Owner with General Dairy Farming, must be ex perienced with milking, de pendable, self-motivated, non-smoker, non-drinker. Good salary, housing. 410/472-2623. FULL TIME POSITION Available on an 800 sow farrow to finish operation. No experience necessary. Must be career oriented and like working with animals. Benefit package. CIU (717)336-3710 If no answer leave message PART-TIME permanent employment, 24 hours/ week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 7:00-3:30PM. Working in small animal husbandry facility, hand ling of animals and some moderate lifting required. Apply Nolt's Ponds, Quarry Road. Silver Springs, PA. TRUCK DRIVER FULL TIME Must have COL, current medical certifi cate, clean driving record, 3 years experience with livestock and must be at least 25 years of age. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. 717/768-8204 L. Robert Frame 21S/4SB-BSIB Evenings Strites Warehouse is looking for salesmen in PA and MD area. Need to have experience in sales and agriculture. 1/800/659-3325 ask for Lany Strite FARM EQUIPMENT SALES Put your farm background and experience to work selling John Deere farm equip ment. Local territory available with Num- jjber 1 dealership. Related sales experi- Q ence preferred. Excellent pay plan, bene- Ifits, and training provided. Send Resume: Sales Manager LEHIGH AG EQUIPMENT. INC. u 6670 Ruppsville Road Allentown, PA 18106 MECHANIC WANTED! Farm machinery dealer needs full-time experienced Farm Machinery Mechanic Call Or Apply In Person ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE School Rd.. Off Rt. 501 Bethel. PA 717-933-4114 Experienced couple for herdsmen responsibilities. 60-oow Holstein herd. Lim ited field work. Housing and health insurance pro vided. Salary and incentive plan. Berks Co. <-215/678-7629. Person, Couple or Family to work on 70 cow dairy farm. Stall barn. Must be good with cows, (merest in registered Holsteins a plus. Barn and field work. References required. Housing available. 717/367-3667 GENERAL MANAGER Large Virginia Ag and Consumer Business. Send Resume w/Salary History Lancaster Farming do R-28 P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Build Your Herd Here, Free Stall, Double 6, Take-Off. Your cows and ours. (215)681-4134 After 9PM. Dairy farm help wanted, must have experience milking cows. House and usual privileges. York Co. 717-456-7285; 717-456-5854. jFMjj Job Opportunities Available Due to the Expansion of our Manufacturing Division We need MIG Welders & Production Workers Immediate Part-Time Positions Available For Welders, Etc. In Our Manufactur ing Plant. Experience Helpful Or We Will Train Must Be Reliable Worker. Competitive Pay. Come In For Application To Join A Solid Growing Company FARMER BOY AG Rt. 422 East, Myerstown, Pa 17067 (717) 866-7565 S2,SOOfWEEK Why would anyone pay you Herds person for 200 cow $2,500/Week? Farm or Ag dairy in Central Pennsylva related background re- nia, housing plus benefits quir e d. Call provided. (814)632-6380. 1-800-488-7570, Herdspereon Position; re- Fulltime help: 60 cow dairy gistered beef cattle, exper farm in Oxford. Milking/ ienced in calving, herd field work experience health, At, and general necessary. Housing avail- farm maintenance. Refer able. References required. ences required (215)932-8852. (717)608-7271. Farm Crest Feeds We are looking for someone to work in all areas of a 500 sow, farrow to feeder pig operation in Lebanon County. Must be dependable and highly motivated. Our company offers excellent benefits including health insurance, paid vacation, ■holidays and 401 K plan. Call Bill at 717-865-3338 Full-time position available Job entails part-time maintenance/mechanic work and part-time truck driver, fill-in person. Good wages to right person Send resume to: Farm Employee ROB 257 Shartlesville, PA 19554