Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 111
ATTENTION HOG FARMERS Packers Want Lean Hogs Improve Your Herd Genetics By Colling THfIM€S B€ND P€NN JAY ft CIAUDETTE HORSF 410 Vallay View Rd., P.O. Box S 3 Schaefferatown, PA 17088 717-949-3381 * YORKSHIRE, HAMPSHIRE, DUROC, LANDRACE & HYBRID BREEDING STOCK CANADA'S LARGEST PUREBRED ROP TESTING HERD ijClHoaeuoHiaur WM& SUPPLIES V I, E ' 9* i E E E E E Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 lEJ POULTRY & SUPPLIES (2) Beacon adult turkey feeder lines 4007 ea, in cludes motors and hop pers, $5OO for alt.& 71 7-562-4431 ; 717-582-2352. 6 month old pairs of Emu chicks and one breeder pair. Hammercreek Exo tics. (717)626-5460. 7 month old Emu chicks, (2) unrelated pair, perfect, $1 4,000/per pair. 215-754-6298. Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 718-386-1117 6am-3pm. Ducklings: French selected hybrid musoovy ducklings available year 'round. Call Doug Weinhold for pricing. Days (717)354-4424; evenings (215)445-7303. Egg packer, mobile, 85 cases/hour, 5 years old, $14,500. (717)866-6167. Emptied Emu and Rhea eggs, blown out, SIS/ea. 215-754-6298. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks, 301-833-1840. FOR SALE: Male 6 month Emu. $5OOO. 717-664-3175. FOR SALE: Two poultry trailers. 132 coops each. 215-756-3359. READY-TO-LAY BROWN DEKALB SEX SAL PULLETS Nov. 17 - 10 wk. old 2500 pullets Contact. '■'A-r Moyer Chicks Quakertown, PA 215-536-3155 IMhog eoupuent SUPPLIES Concrete hog slats, in sin gles, gangs and custom. K V CONCRETE. RD2. Box 1000, Mifflintown, PA 17059. Stainless steel hog feeders and misc. hog equipment (717)285-2685. Mature pheasant and quail lor sale. For more informa tion, call (717)486-7419. Sex Sal Pullets, ready to lay. 215/754-7073. SWANS: White Mutes and Black Australians, adults and babies. Call JR .717/639-3001 nights or days leave message. RR2, Box 296, Harveys Lake, PA 18618 Taking Orders for '94 Emu Chicks. $4OOO/Each or $BOOO/An Unrelated Pair. Send Deposit to Guarantee Your Chick. (215)754-6298. ft EMU INFO. Hid Atlantic L V. Etna Firm PA (218) 255-5191 HP (410)398-2482 ill direct to u: for cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chukare * Turkeys * Lambs •* Goats JACK MINTZ POULTRY 215-267-4784 [try luy Po Weekly For Cash! • Leghorn Fowl • Spent Fowl • White Plgeone • Bantams • Bantam Roosters • Broilers • Rabbits • Guinea Hens • Muscovy Ducks We Pick Up At The Farm Watkin’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 ' bet. 7AM& 8 PM 718-843-9302 After 7 PM we 3300 DEKALB BROWN PULLETS FOR SALE 18 Weeks • Oct. 26,1993 Please call tor further Information & price MBLHORN’S Mt. Joy - 717-653-1102 Now Booking Chukar Chicks For Fall And Winter Delivery Chukar 690 each 1000/up 100 Miles Free Delivery Per 1000 Chicks - Call For Details fa DOUBLE R FARMS RO #2 Box 92 ) Templeton, PA 16259 L < 412*868*2173 \ CdU iSfc'Th' Chicks Shipped Anywhere In USA. Guaranteed Live Delivery. Chukara Available Year-Round EMU’S FOR SALE 2 pair 8 month old Emus $13,000/pr 1 pair 6 month old Emus $11,750/pr 1 pair of broader Emus $33,000/pr. 1 breeder pair Emus, 4 years old, ' laid 12 eggs last year $35,000/pr. ELITE GENETIC INC. 3333 Harvest Dr. Gordonvllle, PA 17529 1-800-333-3548 717-768-7135 Northeast Agri r2J Systems MS Your Authorized “JFjl MASTER 4&@W DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk (Md bhia hi a wide variety of ctpadUaa, lor any application. i • Qanulna Chora-Tlma FLEX-AUGER'* il lead dallvary flenWa auger ayatama. - TL. • Broiler S brallar braiding laad log WW , aystama. Including tha naw Chora-Thno \\ ModalßOOD and tha Modal Claadaia. Xl* 3M , s JUy|^^| ■ Fana S compMa vanllatlon ayatama, • Including tha naw tan oadMor. • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH watar- —— Ing for any kind at poultry «pp*eatkxi. • Chora-Tbnab aaduahra MEAL-TIME* pig and hog loading A watering ayatama. • Chora-Tlma'a produdlon-boaatlng oow loading ayatam for daby cparatlona. H|f ■ Shenandoah space DISTRIBUTOR heaters JUi N E R ATO^s_ : J - IS Sfj TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 jMorHi—etl NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC. * HHHHV Flyway Mnw Portt STORE HOURS Moo Fii PTH WA WMT Alport Rood _ J 3& 430 KSS lira.PA 17543 Sat MOjoNoon ||ji 24 Hr -7 Poy ffopofc SttvfcO ■■■■■■■ , (g BS^l E Lancaster Farming, Saturday I 19; EH FEED i SEED 1000 ton round bale silage, forage analysis available. 550 dry round bales, good quality, net wrapped, 600#/ bale, 350 bales stored in side, $6O/ton. (315)629-4143. 1992 Ear Corn. No Mold. Barley, Oats, Alfalfa and Brome Grass Hay, Good Quality. (717)532-4423. Cumberland County. 1992 ear corn (717)547-6348. AMUNDSON HAY COM PANY: Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares. David Amundson, Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56183 1-800/398-5931. Baled shavings, baled shredded paper- Storage Problems? Use our vans, 30 day free use. Shredded paper, $2O/ton and up. SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA. 717/528-4505 Buck wheat WANTED! (814)736-8266. Certified Organic Grain and Hay, 300 bushels oats, 500 bushels wheat, alfalfa hay. 215/445-6209. CORN SILAGE FOR SALE, DELIVERY AVAIL ABLE . 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. Corn, High Moisture Shelled or Shelled Cob Mixed; Also Soybean Out of the Field. (717)436-5454 or (717)527-4785 Evenings. Ear Corn; clean, dry, easy loading from cribs, 1992 crop. (717)432-4865. Feed by-products, sweet corn silage $l3/ton. Also silage mixture 10% protein $22/ton. Clyde H. Kreider, Lancaster. PA 717-898-8927. FOR SALE: C/T Wheat from certified $5.40 bu. Seed Barley. Timothy, Clover. Phone 717-444-3968. FOR SALE; Hay and Straw. 215-488-7027. Forage Brand Rye and Wheat Seed, Clean and Bagged. Lancaster Co. (717)733-4516. FREEDOM certified wheat, $lO, first in Penn State's 2 year average. Many other varieties available. Green land distributor, Rodney Rice, Cumberland County, (717)532-9501. HAY- Orchard grass & clover mix, 401 b. bales, $1.25. Fork area of Balti more Co. You pick up. 410/583-1975 9-5, M-F, 410/592-6909 eves & weekends. HAY AND STRAW (or horses and dairy. Over 35 years of business. Refer ence in your area upon re- Suest We deliver. No or ers too large. L. J. Hay, Inc. 1-800-622-9902. Hay; Mixed Hay; 2nd Cut ting Alfalfa. All good qual ity. Several thousand bales. 410-877-9889. Hay for Salel 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 High Mbisture Corn Opt of the Reid, Delivery Avail able. (814)472-7097. High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered; also straw & mixed hay. Martin Brothers, Olivet, Ml, 517/543-1642. Rye for sale, field run or cleaned, Lancaster area. (717)898-8927. Rye Seed, $3.50/bushel. 717/436-2561. Rye Seed, small grain, combine run, good quality, $4/bushel bagged, $3.50/bushel bulk. 215/756-6756, 215/285-2309. Rye seed for sale. Lancas ter County. (717)665-4985. SEED CLEANING on your farm- soybeans & small grain. Newcomer Seed Cleaning. 717/653-4123. 127