Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1993, Image 110
C26-Uncaatcr Farming, Saturday, October 30. 1993 H HORSES A MULES S’ (2) 16 Hands Standardbred Carriage Horses. Traffic Safe and Sound. (717)768-3788. 2 BEAUTIFUL DAPPLE GRAY REG. PERCHE RON MARES, in foal, $2450/aach. Saddle, har ness & gentleman's cart. 301/473-5985. 2 Horse TB Aluminum Trailer, Good Condition, New Floor, Electric Brakes. $l4OO. Call Alter 9PM (215)932-8966. 4 year old Standardised, good on short runs; har ness, good shape; Amish carriage, 8 years old, on rubber, good condition. 717/966-9400. 4 year old Standardbred $1,600. 3 year old Sad dlebred,sl,4oo. Both big and strong, ready for road. (717)664-3729. 5 Year Old Black Stan dardised Trotter, Carriage or Buggy Horse, Good Driver. (717)656-6712. 5 year old Standardised trotter, traffic safe, needs a lot of miles, ready to go, not for women, $1,150. 100 Haiti Rd„ Quarryville, PA 17566. AMHA miniature horses, 1. Red and white, weanling pinto colt, very friendly, $995. 2. Black and white Pinto stallion, 31-3/4 in ches, broke to drive, $4,000. 3. Black and white Pinto yearling filly, $3,500. (717)656-7635. Amish Carriage for sale, 4'/i years old, still in good shape. 215/273-7538. Amish carriage for sale in good condition. Call for pr icing. (215)286-5793. Beautiful Haftlinger Show Wagon, 2 fancy antique sleighs, Hafflinger stallion (814)445-6358. Carriage horse, 2V4 year old Chestnut gelding, 16H, traffic safe, sound, has been driven in carriage last 6 months, $l5OO. Franklin Co. 717-532-4748. Specializing in spotted and solid colored walking horses. SPOTTED FEVER FARM. 717-582-7831. Three Registered TWH Mares. Beautiful, Sweet, Smooth. Priced $l7OO to $2200. (717)949-2616. - ->e HORSE MANURE mftiM w HY-TECH Mushroom Compost, Inc. | West Grove. PA 19390 * 215-869-0202 1 DRAFT iBUH HORSE BOOKS! “WORK HORSE HANDBOOK" ; v || Covers raising, working, harnessing, hitching, feeding, the stable, cost of ’ using horses, many photos & illustra tions, 224 pages $15.95 “HORSES IN HARNESS" features over 400 photos, Horses, Vehicles, stables, trappings 252 pages $12.95 NEW! “THE HORSE IN HUSBANDRY" Heyday horses on the farm, breeds, managing, working, harness ing, much more 105 photos, 128 pages. Quality Hardcover $29.95 “HORSE POWER” 260 pages, 300 photos $12.95 SPECIAL! Com plete above draft Horse Library, all above 4-Books, regularly $71.80 for $65.95. Shipping & Handling $3.50 MC/VISA/CHECK/C.O.D. DIAMOND FARM BOOK PUBLISHERS Dept LFH, BOX 537 Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 PHOEjE; (613) 475-1771 Six year old Standardbred mare, traffic safe & sound, needs work, $950. Levi Jay Stoitzfus, 457 Mt. Pleasant Road, Quarryville. Small Donkey, Jenny, white & gray spatted, 39" tall, out of 30* Jack, IVi years old, very very tame, $1850; gray donkeys avail able. York Co. 717/225-6279. 7 Year Old Black Trotter, Family Broke; Also 6 Year old Hackney Pony. (717) 768-8909 Young Broke Mules • 16 to 18 Hands CALL PAUL BMUCKER (717) 299-3721 WOOD SHAVINGS/J J SAWDUST y I for bedding « J 3'A Ton Truck Loads $125.00 J 717-299-6288 » J Free Delivery In % Lancaster County WINDING CREEKS FARM Lebanon, PA All our animals are healthy and beautiful! Will hold till Christmas. African Pygmy Hedgehogs Newest exotic pet, palm-sized $175-$4OO. Miniature Donkeys Females, spotted weanling and a dark chocolate weanling; Males: 2-1 /2 year white, 3 year dark black, gray weanling, spotted weanling, $5OO and up 3 Llamas dark male weanling $5OO Scotch Highland Cattle Heifers, bred cows, bulls, $BOO and up (717) 865-4473 CLIP AND SAVE Straw Only. 15 Horse Minimum Two donkeys, both Jennys, five and six months old, $2OO for each. Juniata County. (717)527-4028. WANTED; Calm Belgian Molly mule, 10-15 years, 15-1514 hands, 1150-1350 pounds. 717/334-5320. MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 717) 949-3246 Pick-up BROKE MULES FOR SALE HENRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Ml Road Christiana, PA 17509 (Mur 9 Points) 717-529-2614 Frank WaMman • Lasva Maoaaga fell] SHEEP & ■■ GOATS 1993 American' Alpine Bucks. Both out of GCH dams with excellent pro duction records. Price re duced 40%. Call for more information. Stumphollow Alpines, 215/723-5415 Montg. Co. 30 cross bred Dorset and Polyplay Ewes starting to lamb now, 1 Ram. (717)324-2841. 35 Spring born ewe lambs, X Rambouillet, 7* Finn, 7. Suffolk, from 200+% lambing flock. 717/957-2540 Perry Co. 4 year old Reg. Sulfolk Ram, throws large, hardy lambs. Lebanon Co. 717-838-8219. (6) registered Dorset ewes bred to Nix Besser ram. (2) registered Dorset ram lambs, service age. (717)568-3451 evenings. Southdown Sheep ' |,*) Moving Sale "f J 30 Bred Ewes V tamales, young, productive, recant State Fair champions 30 Fancy Ewe Lamhs Our Best Group Of Ewe Lambs Ever Raised. Sams breading as our undefeated pair of ewa lambs at the 1993 MD State Fair, Big E, VA State Fair, and GA National. Top show prospect* Top Stud Rams Including th*l99l PA Farm Show Supreme Champion ram ’romlar breeder - '93 Eastern regional Southdown Show Prom lor exhibitor 'B5, 'B6, ’B7, ’BB, 'B9, ’9l, '92, '93 PA Farm Show Promlor broodor 'B7, 'BB, 'B9, '9O, '9l, ‘92, '93 PA Farm Show Champion Ewa ‘B5, 'B6, 'B7, 'BB, 'B9, '9O, '9l, '92, '93 PA Farm Show Champion Ram ‘B6, 'B7, 'BB, *B9, *9O, '9l, '93 PA Farm Show Thia flock haa ralaod Stato Fair Champlona In IL, Wl, IN, OH, MO, WV. VA Big E-MA, NJ, NC, GA. SC. PA A raal opportunlty/ahaap prlcad to aalll Shaap ara being aoM aa Gary la moving out atato. Scenic View Farm Southdowns Rt 1 Box-995 After Nov. 1 Clarkaburg, PA 15725 Gary Kwlanak Stova A Gary Kwlanak Unlveralty Motora (412) 459-5254 Cfwvralat/Toyota, Cadillac, Maroadaa Benz Morgantown, WV Olflea 304/296-4401 Registered Suffolk Ram 48 Montha, Good ’ Haalth, $125. Montgomery Co. (215) 723-8629 FOR SALE Registered Romanov sheep. 14 young rams ready for work, 11 young ewes, half being bred., half open. From Canadian stock, avg. 5 to 6 plus lambs per ewe per year. Lambing naturally twice a year. Ewes can care for 4 lambs, rams go to 220 lbs.. Ewes go 165 lbs. Contact Jeff GINTHER FARMS RD 2. Box 85A Reynoldsville, PA 15851 814-371-3081 Fainting Goats. Selling en tire herd. All very high de gree, super fainters, ATFQA Registered, $75, two pr more, price negoti able. 412-286-9401. Miniature registered Baby doll pet sheep, unique, very tiny and friendly, start ing at $5OO. 215-297-0767. Montadala Sheep: entire flock (21 ewes, 2 rams) for sale, $2,500. Registered white, purebred black. Closed flock. Excellent health. Call Greg before 7PM, (215)294-9135. Oberhasli Alpine cross goats. 2 males, 1% years old, 2 born January 1993. Both males. 215-692-9297 or 215-692-5077 Chester Co. Organically Raised Lamb, Ready for Butcher; Also Ram Lambs Ready for Breeding. (717)696-1323. Purebred Nubian Yearling Milker; Show Quality; Good Udder; Excellent Blood lines; CAE Negative. (717)292-3294. RAMS; Triplet and twin Columbias, $175; Triplet and twin Romanovs $2OO, $250 Cross, $l5O Ram lambs, $l5O. 412-593-6385. WANTED: Reg. Romnay Ram or Ram lamb. Must be reasonable. Montgomery Co.. MD. (301)972-1195. Well bred Hamp ram lamb, $ll5. Lane. Co. 717/859-1094. SWINE SWINE (2) large comfort stall w/ wire flooring; (1) Smidley farrowing house. 717-776-7259 after SPM. Bennecoff Hogs. Hamp shires, Poland China, Berkshires, Boars and Gilts. Service Age. 215-285-6581 or 215-285-6582. Chester White, Duroc and Spotted, boars and gills for sale. James Parlett, (717)862-3610. Chester white and spotted service age boars. 717-624-8421 after SPM. FOR SALE-Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-272-5796 or 273-2921. Registered Hampshire Boars and Open Gilts. Todd Cauffman (717)444-3232. Tho «| Of Tomorrow At Oar Haw Today! beM 40 yum el Tasted Oanatles s'a Ft, jvt s BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Cwtlttod Brucellosis and Pssudorablss Free Herd Bmo Thomas Park Thoms Mirk SMir (717> HHttl (717) SSS-0544 (717) HS 7007 TO #l, Box 2441 Baavoilown, PA 17413 Wilson’s Hampshires - Yorkshires Boars for Sale Real-Time Scanned by M . Cherchuck 3-12 .72 24S York Hamp\ These Httermates started Hamp/and arc heavy muscled York York York Hamp York York Also 20 FI York-Hamp Cross Gilts Rsat-Tlmo Scanned RD 2 Box 210, New Freedom, PA 17349 717-235-3478 Flatbrooks Farm Inc., NJ For your purchase of the Grand Champion Boar at the September 10 Penna. State Show & Sale Llttermate boars available off the farm or custom selected and delivered to your door, satisfaction guaranteed Dave 717-235-6966 Purebred Yorkshire boars from March and April lit ters, $175. Also, purebred Duroc boars and gilts from June litters, $lOO. Papers available for all litters. Berks Co. 215-944-8790. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall. RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County. (814)355-1647. Purebred Hampshire and Yorkshire Boars and Gilts Guaranteed to work, free delivery, Clark Farm* P.O. Box 362, Houstontown, PA 17229 717-987-3273 (3272) Landraet Dime Veitehlm Largo Whites FI Ciossbrads HOLLOWAY DUROCS Thank You -