Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 23, 1993, Image 60

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    820-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 23. 1993
model #mta2lo vac- -
uum pump $l5O, also wood
■■H93839H1 lathe $125, alto 2 btm.
Ford rollover plow $4OO.
Lane. Co. 717-354-9368.
Off 90 Chevy 8' bed 34’/»”
h, reading space cap & 8"
w/ladder rack.
2- 20' stake bodies wood
floors 1 good $550, 1 poor
$175, both floors solid.
Berks Co. 215-286-5311.
Snow blade 42' & tire
chains for riding lawnmow
er used 1 time. Schuyl. Co
20 guineas 3 mo old,
$3 75, steel pipes 5-3" 20'
$BO per ft., 15 IV4x 15x20’
$4O per ft., angle irons
$.40-$.BO ft Lane Co. 356
Liberty Ln, Kirkwood, Pa.
Jeep 1982 V 4 ton pickup 4
wheel drive $l5OO 080
York Co. 717-266-3546
before 8 p.m.
1 pair 1929 Pa license
plaifes number C 46288
very good cond., $22 post
paid, other years also.
Wayne Co. 717-785-3353
Miniature donkey 6 mth. old
gray jack, dam, 33“ gray,
sire, 34'/$" spotted $450
Centre Co. Stephen Esh,
SRI Box 10, Aaronsburg,
Pa. 16820.
All stainless steel commer
cial slicer, stainless steel
cooler panels & doors.
Franklin Co.
NH 622 corn head, NH
wide pickup head, both
rebuilt good cond., $5OO
ea.. Nl 305 mounted 2 row
picker, good.
MFl2’ transport disc $BOO,
1 row com picker $2OO.
leave message will call
back after dark,
34 bu. Woaverline cart,
$850,3 grade holstein heif
ers, due .Nov. Mifflin Co.
200 Reichs white pullets 19
wks old, really to lay, also
some red sexlinks. Lane
Co 215-445-6423
Oliver 77 runs good sheet
metal, v.g. good rubber,
$2500. Franklin Co.
For Stealing Feedlot Profits
'Shifty Starling’ ‘Bladde Blackbird'
Avftrol ttaatad grain bain htva baan prevan»ueo«M(ul yaar
attar yaar in ramming paat bWa (torn taaaota. —-r-r"
«*«gs?E G mm
ttariMU, PA 17M7
(717) 426-3138 OQBPOwnoN
fm/rfnn In
Rebuilt And Exchange 3208
Caterpillar Engines
Horse black standard bred
buggy horse trotter very
good driver class $lO5O.
Utility cap for Chevy or
Ford pickup antique, Ml
manure spreader 4 wheels
good cond. Lane. Co.
Turkey scalder two stain
less tables, can be used to
dress turkeys or chickens.
York Co. 717-993-2919.
1972 GMC covered box
truck gross weight 21,000
lbs. runs ok needs battery.
$lOOO A/C. Adams Co
Old barn boards some oak
make offer on lot. Leb. Co
717-274-8899, Lyndon.
2 Woods Bros, com picker
use or for parts $125, Int.
646 rollbar $lOO, 3 ph.
seed spreader. Bucks Co.
GE elect, stove 2 ovens,
self-cleaning 40”, citzens
electronic cash reg., Sears
automatic washer heavy
duty $5O ea. Lehigh Co.
Stockdog puppies great w/
kids loyal companions,
good watch dogs, parents
& siblings, working on
farms $75. New Castle.
Continental rad star engine
for parts, also single &
pumps shotgun. Dau. Co.
Jointer 16” SCM (Italy) new
cond. B/O General Indust
rial Service, 341 Ardena
Rd., Farmingdale, N.J.
07727. 908-938-3342 after
Norway spruce you dig for
Christmas trees 4‘ to 6’ $lO
ea. Bucks Co.
MF 43 com head, excel
cond., $2500. Berks Co.
AC Model B 1938 $lOOO,
Maytag copper tub washer
$3OO, Oelco light plant
$3OO. Lane. Co.
Ml 324 com picker 12 roll
nice shape $4,000. Warren
Co. N.J. 908-459-4771.
JD 227 mounted 2 row com
picker, mounting brackets
for JD 50 or 60, good cond.
make offer. Carroll Co. Md.
Sauder snow plow $l2O,
e-11 combine w/cab, 4 row
corn head, $5OO 080.
Berks Co. 215-683-7902.
AKC Chinese Shar.-Pei
fawn female, 4 yrs. healthy,
friendly housebroken,
proven breeder, owner has
always must sell, $4OO
080. Somerset Co.
814-445-2476. ‘
1977 Ford pickup 4x4
F-150 lock-out hubs gold &
brown w/oab has rust
89,000, $11)00 080. Leb
Co. 717-867-1201.
Nl model I 4 spreader to
restore or fer parts call after
7 p.m. Cerroll Co. Md
Cut off saw w-2 cyl. Wise,
eng. starter & generator on
trailer $5OO. Westmd. Co.
1966 Buick sport wagon
$4OO, 1 owner, garaged,
excel, cond., loaded- air,
cruise, excel, tires,
inspected. Berks Co. 8-5
weekdays. 215-683-7383.
Gentle 2V4 yr. Welsh mare
pony, rides & drives,
saddle, harness & cart
included $’ 35. Lane. Co.
717-354-9579 no Sunday
Riteway model 27 wood &
coal heater, new cond.
Lane. Co. 717-426-3135.
JD operation, care, repair
of farm machinery, 2nd,
12th, 14th editions, com
plete. Hunt. Co.
908-782-4737 anytime for
71 F-600 Ford 16* grain
bed, dump. 717-259-7346.
Int. 234 com picker, Far
mall 460 parts tractor, JD
boom trailer sprayer, JD 3
sect, harrow. York Co.
Hardee 5* mowdsW/hyd. lift
good rubber $450-, cyclone
seeder PTO drive 3 pL,
$75. Berks Co. Morgan
town. 215-286-5441.
from fall
lime application
1842 JOB $l2OO, NH 307 —u.„. l.
spraadar $5200 both excel. wS? hv* teade?
Lana Co. 717-354-0176.
350 cab, chauie. York Co.
NH 355 grinder mixer w/
extension auger, fair oond.
Lane. Co. 717-354-6829.
Holstein feeder steers 20,
approx. 400 lbs., $.95/lb.,
Int 620 grain drill, JD 105
combine for pans. Lehigh
Co. 215-667-5231.
Pontoon boat crest 111 24'
110 HP new full canvas top
docked at Raystown Lake
Resorts. Chester Co.
Modine 250,000 BTU hea
ter Seibering 200,000 BTU
greenhouse heater 3 btm.
Oliver trailer plow. Lane.
Co. 717-354-8126.
6 yr. old carriage horse,
good broke, also guernsey
bull. Lane. Co.
Ontario 9 disk horse grain
drill $B5, field ready can
truck. York Co.
David Bradley rake excel,
cond., $250, baler NH 66
good shape $3OO, baler
Oliver 60 $l5O. York Co.
Noll's heavy duty tomatoes
cages 650 total $1.20 ea.,
greenhouse 30x100 easily
dismantled $2500. Lane.
Co. Jacob Lapp, 1598
Noble Rd., Kirkwood, Pa.
Litter carrier & track iron
kettle, flagstone walks
good storm window &
doors. Christ Miller, 2868
Miller Lane, Bird-in-Hand,
Pa. 17505.
Wagon tires 2-14", 4-15“,
5-16* 4 ply board H thick.
York Co. 717-244-8900.
15 feeder steers 700-750
lbs. grass fed. Leb. Co.,
Schaefferstown Area.
Steers 47 black cross bred,
about 700 lbs. on grass,
farm direct. Central. Va.
Red sandstone, Sam L.
Stoltzfus, Jr„ 1140 Brun
nerville Rd., Litltz, PA
AKC Sheltie pups, one
female, two male, ready
after Oct. 23.
717-664-2609 after S p.m.
“ /
New 1500 PSI washer 5
HP Kawasaki $520, new
homelite 330 chainsaw 20*
bar, $220. 2254 Little Hill
Rd.. Narvon, Pa. 17555.
Large saddlebred man’s
horse wed mannered, rides
or drives, sound, takes trips
7 yr. old, $l4OO. Lane. Co.
A. Stoltzfus, 2457 Stump
town Rd., Bird-in-Hand.
Os. 17505.
1986 Ford PU F-150 4x4
68,000 blue V-8 auto.,
$4900. Lane. Co.
20 Charolais steers 20
Charolais cows rebred to
Limousin 12 w/new calves,
also mulch hay 85p.
Emmitsburg, Md.
Surdiac coal stove, model
•Gctha 713, 60.000 BTU
asking $350. Myerstown
area. 717-866-4778.
Closed carriage like new.
David E. Beiler, 5773 Bue
na Vista Rd., Gap, Pa.
8 Angus-holstein cross
steers, 500 lb. average
.80$ per lb., also IH 360
dropper 3 heads, $350.
Barks Co. 215-670-2439.
Reg. black Percheron colt,
6 mths. old, tall, quiet dis
position, leads, hauls 6
dtps. Cecil Co.
Nl 729 A unisheller, good
oond., shed kept, also IH
650 harvester w/2RN com
& pick-up head. wiH sepa
rale. Centre Co.
Moss berg M-SOO 20 gauge,
new, never fired. $l7O,
assorted Thompson Center
contender barrels
$llO-$l3O ea. York Co.
MH corn head 44 wide
rows, ben wagon, truck cyl.
& pump. York Co.
717-927-6570 call after 6
p.m. '
Ml 727 hlisking bed, Ml 710
Nl uni husking bed. IH 4B {ft?
hillside hitch plow, round & K
sawed locust posts. Centre 302 73 ** S04 -
Co. 814-364-9926 eves.
\ %
1972 Snyder hi/lo travel
trailer sleep* tlx $6OO, new
Agro hot water baseboard
heaters, low trim, 110*.
Berks Co. 215-678-0863.
Carriage trailer 6V4 xlB
7000 lb. 4-brakes $1375,
2.15x15 snow tires Q.M.
P.U. wheels $5O. Lane. Co.
717-687-7336 nights.
6 yr. old mull $9OO, needs
work wanted use pit eleva
tor, fair cond. Samuel K.
King, 3568 Scenic Rd.,
Gordonville, Pa. 17529.
Timothy hay $1.25/bale,
1969 Chrysler 300, 440
eng. (restorable), JD mod.
33 rototiller, tits 300, 120,
140 tractors. Adams Co.
717-528-4068 call after 5
New parts (or IH 40706
spring suspension cab,
mate air cab also 318
Detroit $l5OO, Case 800
tractor $1 000.
Rollback, 1963 Ford 24'
bed. diesel, 30,000 GVW,
new tires, brakes, drums,
springs, needs oil cooler
$4OOO. Franklin Co.
IH 1 row compicker $7OO.
JD T pulltype disc $350,
both in very good cond.
Cumb. Co. 717-249-3186.
JOA manure spreader,
175, else. f»gg grader
$7.00. Wanted Nl usable
hayloader a pine framed
barn to be removed. 499
W. Maple Grove Rd., Den
ver. Pa. 17517.
Tablesaw w/Wfsc. motor &
wheels $lOO, pony harness
w/bridle $lOO, pony cart
like new, $350. Dau. Co.
RRI Box 273, Lykens, Pa.‘
White horse machine 2 way
plow excel, cond. Elmer
Stoltzfus Jr., 282 Cat Rd.,
Gap, Pa. 17527. off Mill
wood Rd. Lane. Co.
1972 Ford FlOO sport cus
tom, camper cap, shiny,
orig., easy miles, 6 cyl.,
runs, looks great, garaged,
$1750. Chester Co.
t *
» $
Improve your soil by applying
, Martin’s quality Hi-magnesium or
Hi-calcium agricultural limestone.
Call your local Martin limestone
dealer or call Blue Ball, Pa.
(800) 233-0205
(717) 354-1370
Fumaoe bum* wood of
coal brlok lined hat 2
grates heats whole hous*
comes w/blower/coal bin
$5OO. Harford Co'
Books 18-vol. gardening
encyclopedia $35, 16-voi,
hunting, fishing, $35,
20-vol. animal kingdom
$3O, excel, cond., full color.
Lane. Co. 717-336-5695
Nl WR compicker make
offer, MF 22 comhead off
300 MF. Schuyl. Co
JD 7000 4 row wide com
planter dry fort. ex. cond.
York CO. 717-244-7527,
1975 QMC 6500 truck cab
& chassie, Little Giant grav
ity box. Harford Co. Md
410-838-0065 after 6pm
JD B cult, plow, $l6OO,
Dynco snow plow 6' for
pickup trucks $2OO. Lane
Co. 717-484-1281 eves
Plasson waterers $4 ea ,or
30 for $lOO, 10 spd. mens
bike $25, chicken nests
$lO. Lane. Co.
Purebred holstein built
(10-20 mos.), from dams vy/
records to 30,000 m. and
1 IOOf. priced to sell, deliv
ery avail. Franklin Co.
717-507-3770 or 328-5487
or 328-3530.
Pygmy goats reg. & unreg.
bucks, does. wethers,
black, grety. caramel,
babies to adults. Leb. Co.
Wine, conveyor 16* w/
motor. $lOO, approx. 160Q’
inew read guard cable on
wooden spools make offer.
Union Co. 717-568-0153,>
10” “Coventry" endurance
saddle, synthetic brownf
black, like new. Lab. Co.
717-867-1760 Of
717-867-4389 leavl
Polled herefords. reg. brJ
cow w/crossbred calf,
$9OO, purebred open yeaft
ling heifer., $5OO. 6chu|
Co 717-345-6278 ho Su|
day Calls.
Wood saw 3 plh w/belt $6O.
Hershey. 717-469-1007./
v I i «