Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 23, 1993, Image 51
Lancaster Farm Women’s Society #l9 entertained Society #2 at the Hempfield Church of the Brethren on October 9. Devotions were led by Opal Ruhl who read from “Going Strong in the Seasons of Life” and Phillippians 1, followed by prayer. A delicious luncheon was served after which each member introduced their guest and told something about them. Jay Irwin showed slides of his volunteer work in Albania and told of the poor conditions in that Warm to our cool weather specials! [sgj L r Kimii* 9mm Q-> gjJ «B« S Shenandoah specials: SPACE HEATERS 4 -'! iu Installation kit with gas cock, regulator and hose GBUV Aqa BROODERS yOO ea. OTHER SPECIALS: • Fan* & Shutters • Thermostats & Controls • Kane Heat Mats • Damaged 4 Odd Size Shutters - $25 •«* is • Get rid of pit gases -10” 48” pit manure Ventilation systems on special • Woven Wire • Kraft Paper ■38”x1500 , 1 3 rolls for $69 All Prices F. 0.8. Lltltz, Limited Quantities Society 19 country and their hunger for knowledge to improve those conditions. President Betty Saylor con ducted the bsiness meeting. Mem bers will attend the Lancaster County Convention Nov. 6th at the Farm and Home Center. The group will have their annu al salted nut sale and are asked to bring their orders in by Nov. 13. Orders will be packed on Nov. 30. The next meeting willbe held at the Birch Knoll Restaurant for breakfast at 9 A.M. up 170,000-200,000 or 228,000 BTU’s with deflector: Galvanized Cabinet-Pilot ignition $329 Galvanized Cabinet-Electronic Ignition $359 Stainless Steel Cabinet-Pilot ignition $379 Stainless Steel Cabinet-Electronic Ignition $409 Ag Space Heaters 40.000/60.000 BTU’s: Stainless Steel Cabinet-Pilot Ignition.... Stainless Steel Cabinet-Electronic Ignition..... Portable thermostat Save electricity with screw-in FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 5-7-8 Watt $5.49 each 13 Watt $5.79 each New Sealed Center Mount! Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc. Byway Business Park store hours: Moajt wo*•** Alrport Road * Hr. 7 UtltZ, PA l/OQo Ph: <717) 569-2702 MICRO-ZONE SPECIAL Control 1 Floor with 2 Zones Or 2 Floors With 1 Zone Each. Price Includes Micro-Zone Model 2 with 300’ extended sensor and 16 power modules. Install It yourself because it uses your existing AC wiring. SHENANDOAH INCINERATORS: Round $999 Oval $1,359 The BRUTE $1,999 Lancaster Society J The Lancaster County Society of Farm Women No. 1 met in the home of Edna Shearer with Julia Zahn co-hostess for their October meeting. Amy Brubaker led devotions by reading “Joy,” with Scriptural references from the books of John, PhQUpians, and Nehemia. Roll call by Harriet Fasnacht consisted of each member giving some advice on how to savg, money. Fifteen members and two gave suggestions. During committee reports. Mar garet Bucher announced that she made reservations for a bus trip to see “The Spirit of America” on June 11, 1994. Sarah Weber visited Mary Clark, who resides in The Zion Home. For the State Farm Women’s convention, members of the social committee will be making table favors. The county convention will be held on Nov, 6 at the Farm & $999 1-800-673-2580 Home Center. The next meeting for Society No. 1 will be held on November 13 in the home of Barbara Becker. Margaret Bucher will be co hostess. For this meeting members will be sharing a poem or para graph of their own choosing. For roll call members will name their favorite childhood author. President Carman introduced speaker, Gil Weliver. His topic was entitled “Dollars and Sense.” His discussion reference was from a book of the same name written by Merion E. Thompson, which is a Christian guide to financial plan ning. His discussion focused on the importance of finance plan ning and if needed on the impor tance of a good financial adviser. He discussed some of the many factors which need to be consid ered when making plans. For starters he suggested a 10-10-80 formula, 10% of income for savings, 10% for giving, and an 80% for living. -REDI-DOCK— ★ NEW Lease Program Available Redi-Dock System economically expands and diversifies loading and access capabilities • Cost less than conventional construction • Modular configuration maximizes versatility • Allows expansion of warehouse space • Installed without alterations to existing structure • Quick and easy placement and relocation • Offers tenants more flexibility • No permits required (800) 724-4881 CR«*dmg Pf«ca>t) Uc (215) 926-5000 Bth Edition 3rd Edition LSLKUIia l 3nlEdition Agway Dime Bank • 1932 Ford panel vintage vehicle =» LIMITED QUANTITIES - NO RAIN CHECKS! OS IHENRY B. HOOVER, INC. ™** p I I 1731 W. Main St., Ephrata - 733-6593 ~i I I STORE HOURS: MON.-THURS. 7:30-7:00 t I ■ FRI. 7:30-8:00; SAT. 7:30-4:00 r-JBp GorSI ■ (AGWAYCMBO^ItoeSMHHMB LancMtif Farming, Agway Bank • 1923 Chevy panel bank • die-cast metal • W 5 scale (753-522) 2nd EDITION BUCKBOARD WAGON . $14.99 COMPLETE SET OF AGWAY ERTL PENNY BANKS 1-8 $675.00 Previous Models Available - Call For Pricing Lancaster Society 8 Lancaster Society of Farm Women No. 8 met on October 14 at the home of Mary Anne Spang ler in Marietta. Kathryn Hess gave devotions. Julie Hetricks, Legislative Assistant to Tom Armstrong, Slate Representative, was guest speaker. She told of various services handled by them. The November 10 meeting is scheduled to be at the home of Margaret Heisey in Mountville. Members are to bring items for the Food Bank. Lancaster Society 15 Thirty members of Farm Women #l5 attended their SSth anniversary dinner on Sept 30. at Bards. Following the dinner a time of memories were led by president Jean Barnes. Committee chairman Nancy Shoemaker led with devo tions. Nancy also read the minutes of the first Farm Women Meeting of #l5 in 1938. The group was organized by Anna Schreiber at Kirkwood Store where the Schreibers lived. $11.99 .White SuppW** 2nd IN A SERIES SPEC CAST PENNY BANK $16.99 (753-653)