Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 23, 1993, Image 32
.("’oir r * i, r> jfiwsaar ( A32-Unc*sttr Fanning, Saturday, October 23,1993 Dairymen, Inc. HAGERSTOWN, Md. Six member-producers of the Middle Atlantic Division, Dairymen, Inc., have been honored for achieving the Excellence Award, the dairy cooperative’s highest level of quality milk production. Excellence Award producers for 1992 from Maryland were Thomas Sr. and Thomas L. Keach, Lonely Acres Farm, Rocky Ridge; Charles and Mary Ann Seraydian, Taneytown; and Albert and Tra cey Hurline, Walberth Farm, Baldwin. Pennsylvanians receiv ing the cooperative’s highest achievement level were Robert and Keith Grove, Antrim Way Farm, Greencastle; Harold and Joyce Raubenstine, Hanover; and Joseph and Nancy Yoder, Salisbury. A total of ihore than SO member-farms were recognized during the cooperative’s division meeting held October IS at the Sheraton Inn, for continuous pro duction of high quality milk through 1992. All made Dairy men’s Honor Roll for at least 11 out of 12 months of the year. Honor Roll requirements include a monthly standard plate Quarter-century Dairymen membewrs honored at the division meeting were, from left, Carl and Grace Weant and Ivan and Hilda Maust. men -er qui „ award winners Included, lc , Clement and Donna Haldeman, John and Wanda Stone, Carl and Grace Weant, and Ed and Joanne Lipscomb. -.*mg_ . Jtn si jr quality awards were. from left, Elaine and Sterling Cla baugh, Harold and Karen Wlldasln, Eugene and Yvonne Yaughn, and Gary and Martha Braunlng. county of under 5,000 and somatic cell under 500,000 no antibiotics or suspensions, excellent or good sediment level, and freeze pont at .530 or better. Excellence Award winners met Honor Roll standards all 12 months of 1992 and scored inspection scores of 99 or 100. Gold award levels members met Honor Roll standards all 12 months and scored inspections of 92 points or better. Maryland members at the gold level were Harold and Sharon Carbaugh, Clear Spring; Daniel and Peggy Jackson, Chislon Farm, Westmin ster, Wilbur Craps ter, Woodsbor o; John Henry Garst, Woodsboro; C.G. and A.P. Knill, L. Meadow Farm Partnership, Woodbine; and Michael and Anita Haines, Locust Ayr Farm, Taneytown. Dairymen’s Pennsylvania pro ducers at the gold level were Kevin and Harold Martin, Bethel Hill Dairy, Oxford; Claude and Kevin Cooper, New Freedom; Chistian and Deloris Elliott, McConnellsburg; Leonard Queitzsch, Rivervales Landmark Farm, Mifflintown; Joel and Lydi- Honors Quality Producers Gold quality award winners from Dairymen included, from left, Joel and jrls Elliott, Claude Cooper, Harold Martin, Harold and Sharon Carbaugh, and Helen Seller. jlrymeh A quality achlvement, the Excellence Award, went to, from left, Charles and Mary Ann Seraydlan, Tracey Hurline for Walberth Farm, Harold and Joy ce Raubenstinr and Robert Grove. a Yoder, Salisbury; and David and Sarah Zook, Lltitz. Silver level honorees met Hon or Roll standards for 11 of the 12 months, had a SPC of less than 50,000 on the non-qualifying month, and scored inspections of 92 or more points. Maryland members receiving silver awards were Sterling Alban, Manchester; Eletus and Austin Armacost, Armacost Farms, Upperco; Marjory and Fay Bar row, Bel Air, the Gary Brauning family, Finksburg; Brian and Elaine Clabaugh, Keymar, Wil mer and Loretta Mae Martin, Hagewrstown; Chales and Marie Nevius, Wesstminster; Douglas and Rose Smith, Street; John, Jr. and Wanda Kaye Stone, Freder ick; W. Kenneth, Jr. and Darlene Vansant, White Hall; M. Eugene, E. Yvonne Vaughn, Taneytown; Carl and Grace Weant, Taney town; and Katherine and Tal madge Wilson Jr., ML Airy. Silver awards went to the fol lowing Pennsylvania producers; Russel Baer 111, Newville; David and Katie Beiler, Ronks; David and Amanda Beiler, New Hol land; Laveme, Norma, Brian and Mark Bupp, Brogue; Harold and Karen Wildeson and John Ocker, Creekwood Farm, Chambersbuig; J. Michael and Brenda Cunning ham, Aspers; Mark and Donna Garber, Waynesboro; and Marvin and Sally Garber, Fayetteville. Also, Melvin Glatfelter, Airville; Isaiah and Ariana Click, Lancas ter; Clement and Donna Halde man, Greene as tic; Paul and Elaine Keeney, York; Abner and Fannie King, paradise; Amos and Hannah King, Paradise; Levi and Lydia Kinsinger, Myersdale; Jacob and Annie Lapp, Kinzer; Elmer and Norma Miller, Chambersburg; Rodney Sebright, East Berlin; and John and Sarah Yoder, Myersdale. West Virginia members achiev ing the Silver quality level were Larry Lamp. Shcphardstown; Edward and Joan Lipscomb, Eglon; and Glenville Shade, Inwood. Five producers were honored for 75 years of continuous mem bership with Dairymen, Inc., and the division’s predecessor organi zation, Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers. Seventy-five year awards went to Daniel Sr., and Daniel M, Bosley, Jr., Sparks; Wilfred and Annie Hoff, West minster; Ben and Dorothy Mark line, White Hall; James and David Patrick, Woodbine; and Charles and Odessa Trout, Street. Recognition of 2S years of con tinuous membership was extended to eight producers. Quarter century members are E. Allen, Paul and Marguerite Clas, Sykes ville; C. Trenton and Deborah Jones, Emmittsburg; George and Elizabeth Jordan, New Park, Pa.; Michael and Anita Haines, Locust Ayr Farm, Taneytown; Ivan and Hilda Maust, Taneytown; Carrol Miller, Boonsboro; Wilmer and Daisy Rexroth, Airville; Pa.; and CArl and Grace Weant, Taneytown. (Turn to Pago A 34)